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1942-10-03 SP
_ - 37 the best possible service with the sums so provided. Respectfully submitted, B.K. Clifford Deputy D6unt-jFobiredtor Civilian Protection. The board audited Claims as follows : Amount amount No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 199 N.Y.Power & Light Corp. Street Lighting $38.16 $38.16 `'- 200 Ethel Stevens Inspector 10.00 10.00 201 Mabel Sawn Inspector 10.00 10.00 20Q' Empire Gas Co .Motor oil 38.10 Disallowed 203 'Ernbst Hillis per diem and Exp. 135.08 135.08 204 Edward Sleightper diem and Exp. 127.52 127.52 . 205TFred E. Ricketts " " 135052 135.52 206 Arthur Hillis Expenses 32,50 32.50 207 Glens Falls Post Co. printing 8.60 8060 208 Albert Ransom Truck Driver 111.65 111.65 209 Raymond Walkup Per diem 16.00 16.00 210 Charles Nobles per diem 30.40 30.40 211 Charles Nobles Fees 10.00 10000 212 Bert D. Turner Per diem 80.00 80:00 213 Theodore Turner rent 310' 25 310'25 214 Henry Sleight per diem 120'00 12.00 215 D.Elmer Fowler Per diem 12.00 12.00 216- Alice Hovey Chairmand Red Cross Jenkins Cemetery 50.00 50.00 217. EM.Moore Peace Officer Destr6ying dog 7.75 7.75 On Motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Special Meeting September 26th 1942 At -a special meeting of the Town Board of the Tovw n of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the following menbers were present : D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman absent H Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways and B.K. Clifford Deputy Count Director of Civilian Protection also present. The board generally discussed the budget system and on motion MM* meetind adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk `— Special Meeting October 3rd 1942 At, a special meetin g of the Town Board of the Town of Queenbury celled pursuant to the following notice. A OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO THE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN BOARD IN THE COUNTY OF 'MARREN AND, STATE OF NEW YORK: Notice is hereby given that a spec1111 meeting of the Town Board of- the Town of Queensbury in the County of Warren and state of ; Npw Mork will be Aeld at the Town Clerk's Office on the 3rd day of October 1942 at 7 :30 P.M. . , and that at such meeting the Town Clerk will present the estimates filed in his office pursuant to section 111 of the Town Law. 138 Dated September 1942 D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor The bo&td met at the time and place specified in said notice the following menbers were present D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis La.mpson Coincilman Absent Raymond Walkup Councilman Also present H.• Russell Harris Town Superinten dent of Highways and B. K . Clifford Deputy County Director of Civilian Defense, The Town clerk presented the following estimates which haved been- f iled in the Clerk's Off ice. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERVISOR Tow:, of Queensbury For fiscal ear beginning January 1,9943 Expenditures- General Fund Town Board Town Hall and+ Town Offices Rentals ( Town room, offices , elections, etc.) $510.00 -Compensation of employees ---•- Purchase of furniture and equipment 400.00 Repairs, light, heat and telephone ------ Other Expense ( Itemize) ____-- Elections Compensation of election officials { (Including mile-age) 900000 Compensation of unbta iarLs*',i6f,,voting machines 100.00 Other expense ( itemize) voting machines , purchase and repair 50.00 Insurance Compensation insurance ------ Official Bonds and undertakings 550.00 Fire and libbility 1490.00 other ( Itemize ------ Printing and advertising ( All Departments) 400.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of Litigation 500.00 Total $4900.00 Supervisor Salary $ 1500.00 Office and other Expense(Itemize) Mileage , Stationary Stamps, Repairrs & 125.00 purchase of Equip, Cash Book, ledger _ 25.©0 receipt book etc. Total $1650,00 Police, Constables and deputy Sheriffs ( Where police departments has not been established) Compensation $ 300.00 Mileage and other expense ( Itemize) 100000 Total $400.00 Lockup ( Where police department has not been established) Other expense. ( Itemize) Meals & Lodging 100.00 Total 19100.00 Traffic i 139 Sign$ ,. signals and Highway Lighting $500.00 ForWW Tres Payment to Conservation Commission $250.00 Total $250.00 War Emergency Purposes $500.00 Attendance Officer Compensation $200.00 Total $200.00 Town Library Mtside "Library Payment to other libraries $100.00 $100.00 Patriotic Observances 20:00 Cemeteries 250.00 Total expenditures $8870.00 REVENUES- General Fund Mortgage Taxes 400.00 Income Taxes 4000.00 Franchise Taxes on Business Corporations 14000000 Alcoholoic Beverages Taxes ( Town Share) 7400.00 Dog Licenses( From County) 550.00 Unexpended balances ( Sec.1150 Town Law) 25983.95 Tonal Revenues $52333.95 Dated September 28th1942 D. Elmer Fowler Supervispr ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF PEACE TOWN OF .QUEENBBURY For Fiscal year beginning January 1 1943 .Expendi.tures ------$1000.00 Office and other expense ( Itemize) 50.00 Total Expenditures $1050.00 Revenues Fines, penalties and forfeitures $ 60.00 Motor Vehicles fees ( Received From State 100.00 Criminal Fees- Indictable Cases ( Received from County) - 25.00 Criminal Fees- Conservation Law ( Received from State) 20.00 C T11 fees 30.00 Civil Fees- Dog ( Received from County) 10.00 Civil Fees- Conservation Law ( Received from Defendants) 25.00 Other'Aevenues ( Itemize) Administering oaths 3.00 Total Revenges $273.00 Dated September 26th 1942 (Signed) Chas J. Nobles • Justice of Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF PEACE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY for fiscal year beginning. January 1,1943 140 Salary 1000;►00 Postage and money orders 50.00 Total expenditures $ 90,00 Fines, Penalties and forfeitures $ 50:00 Motor vehicle fees( Received From State 75.00 Criminal Fees- Indictable cases ( Received ----- from C unty) Civil Fees ;25.00 Civil Fees- Dog ( received From County) 10.00 Civil Fees- Conservation Law( Received From defendantn� 20.00 Total Revenues $180.00 Dated: September 26th 1942 (Signed) Henry J. Sleight Justice of Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN Town of Queensbury For fiscal Year beginning January 1,1943 Salaries ( Two Councilman- $400.06) Each $ 800.00 Office and other expense ( Itemize) Mileage & other Misc. Expenses 200.00 Total expenditures X1000.00 Revenues None Dated September 26th 1942 (Signed) Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Annual estimate submitted by Town Clerk Town of Queensbury For fiscal Year Beginning January 1943 Expenditures Salary $?000.00 `. Office and other expense Postage 35.00 Mileage & other misc. expense 50.00 Total Expenditures REVENUES Fees of Town Clerk Dog tags $111.00 Delinquent dpg list 4.00 Marriage licenses 63.00 Hunting and fishing licenses 375.00 filing( Conditional sales Contracts and .chattel mortgages) 50.00 Transcripts of records, serches etc 3.00 Total revenues $ 606.00 Dated September 28th 1942 ( Sagned) Bert D. Turner Town Clerk- 1 ANNUAL ESTIMATE BY H. RUSSELL HARRIS , Town Superintendent of highways TOWN OF QUEENSBURY For fiscal year beginning January 1 1943, Pursuant to section 141 of the Highway Law and section 111 of the Town Law. HIGHWAY FUND ( Item 1) Expenditures General repairs $17,014.17 special improvements 90000.00 r 1411 Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to section 273,highway Law ------ Total Expenditures $26014.17 ` Revenues State Aid 3014.17 Miscellaneous Revenues 3014___ Unexpended Balance- -------- Totml Revenues 3014.17 -- AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND( Item 1) $239000.00 Bridge fund ( Item 2) Expenditures. Labor and team work $5000-00 Materials for repair andmaintainance 500.00 Construction of*new Bridges __-_- Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to section 273 Highway law Total expenditures $1000.00 Revenues Miscellaneous revenues - ---------- Unexpended Balance ------ Total revenues a Amount to be raised bu tax for bridge fund ( Item 2) $1000900 Machinery Fund ( item 3) Purchase of machinery, tools and implements $ 3000.00 Repair of Mach p inery, tools and implements 4000.00 Storage of machinery, tools and implements -----_ - Repairs or pay of operator on machinery rented to county or village ------- Gasoline or oil for machinery rented to County or village -------- Redemption of machinery certificates 3451:25 Interest on machinery certificates 450,00 Total expenditures Revenues Rental of Machinery ______ Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance ___„__ Total revenues Amount`'f6 be raised by tax for machinery fund( Item 3) $10,000.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (item 4) Expenditures Salary of Town Superintendent $2400.00 expenses of Town Superintendenk 100000 Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent -------- Removing obstructions caused by snow 4000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 4000.00 Other miscellaneous 2000.00 Redemption od debt contracted pursuant to section 273 Highway Law --------- Total expenditures $12,500000 Revenues 142 Miscellaneous Revenues ------- Unexpended balance 1500.00 Total revenures $1500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR°SNO`1V REMOVAL AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND ( ITEM ) $110000,00 Dated,: .September 26 1942 Signed H. Russell Harris Superintendent of Highways. .ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TAX COLLECTOR J TOWN OF QUEENSBURY for fiscal year beginning January 1 1943 EXPENDITURES ' salary I $1800Q00 office and other expense ( Itemize) office rent 30:00 stamps and stationary 72,00 advertising 20,00 • Ce�t�e�ea#�e�-e�-es�w3rows:.,-,i�s�ny 4~-e�,3e�r�e 6DG.G0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1910000 Revenues Interest and penalties on taxes ------- Fees of tax collector $1894.53 Total Revenues $1894.53 Dated September 26th 1942 (Signed) Arthur J. Hillis Tax Collector. i ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY For Fiscal Year beginning January 1 2942 EXPENDITURES ITURES Salary . !4$**a Office and other expense ( Itemize if A r Compensation of Employees if any TOTAL EXPENDITURES $105770 REVENUES Fees Dog damag cases ( Received From County)$16.00 Fence Viewer Case( Received from Disputants)---- TOTAL REVENUES $I.6. �A Dated: September 8th 1942 (Signed)Edward Sleight, Chairman Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR KIRRIM.HRM TOWN OF- QUEENSBURY FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,1943 EXPENDITURES salary 4`1945-00 Office and other expense(Itemize) N-72,70 Compensation of employees if any -------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES ) $1017.70 143 REVENUES Fee s Dog damage Cases( Received from County) $13.10 Fence Viewer Zases(Received from Disputants]----- TOTAL REVENUES $ t $13.10 Dated: September 8th1942 (Signed) Fred E. Ricketts Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY For fiscal year beginning January 1,1943 EXPENDITURES Salary 94 Office and other expense Miles Compensation of employees if any ------ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1017.70 REVENUES Fees dog daVage cases( Received from County) g 6A Fence iewer Cases( Received from Disputants)--6040 TOTAL REVENUES $24.40 Dated September 8 1942 ;(Signed) Ernest Hillis Assessor. ANNUAL Estimate for Board of Health Town of- Queensbury For fiscal year beginning Januaryll943 Expenditures Salary of "Health Officer $881.79 Other health expense Clinics and Conference 109:50 Traveling expeaises 90;00 Postage and ''statioriary 23.50 Total expenditures $1104.79 Revenues None Dated September 9 1942 (signed) G.A. Chapman , Health Officer Annual Estimate Submitted by Registrar of Vital Statistics Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year beginning January 1,1942 Expenditures Compensation $50.00 Other expense-Postage 40.00 Total expenditures $90.00 Dated September 28th,1942 ( Signed ) Bert D. Turner Registrar of Vital Statistic Annual Estimate Submitted by Town Welfare Officer Town of Queensbury Salary $360.00 Office and other expense Telephone 31.80 144 Stamps and envelopes 5.00 Mileage for car 60.00 Expenses attending Welfare School 45.00 Home relief 509.00 Total expenditures $1001.80 Revenues None Dated September 25 1942 (signed) Mrs Anna McCaghey Town Welfare Officer Annual Estimate North Glens Falls mater District Appropiations Cost of. Improvement Bond principal $500:00 Bond Interest 208.00 - Total $708.00 Maintainanco Personal Services $ 50:00 Office and other expense 90:00 repairs 25.00 Purchase of water 500:00 Purchase of Equipment 25,00 Total$690:00 Total appropiations $1398.00 Estimated revenues - Water rents $ 1100:00 Penalties 10:00 Unexpended Balance 13.85 Total revenues $1123.85 Amount to be raised for North Glens Falls Water District $764.19 Dated September 28th 1942 (Signed) D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE For West Glens Falls Water District Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond Principal $1000.00 Bond Interest 330,00 Total $1330.00 Ma intednance pers6nal service, 50.00 Office and other expense Printing of Bill heads 30.00 Collectors fees 83.52 Stamped envelopes & ]Making out bills 25.00 Repairs 50:00 Purchase of V�ater 500 00 Purchase of equipment. 25.00 Total 763.62 Total expenditures $2093.52 Revenues Water rents 1670.50 Penalties 7.50 Sale of Water 7,00 Unexpended balance 3499.71 Total revenues $5184.71. Dated September 28th 1942 I Signed D.Elmer Fowler Supervisot