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PC181286 Canopy support columns
Wood Column BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING & DESIGN LLCLic. # : KW-06012386 DESCRIPTION:Canopy support columns 0 0 0 0 0 0 Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2019, Build: . .Code References Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : IBC 2018 General Information Wood Section Name 2-2x6Analysis Method : 16.6Overall Column Height ft Allowable Stress Design ( Used for non-slender calculations )Allow Stress Modification Factors End Fixities Top & Bottom Pinned Wood Species Spruce - Pine - Fir Wood Grade Stud Fb +675.0 675.0 psi 725.0 425.0 135.0 350.0 26.220 psi Fv psi Fb - Ft psi Fc - Prll psi psi Density pcf Fc - Perp E : Modulus of Elasticity . . . 1,200.0 440.0 1,200.0 440.0 Cfu : Flat Use Factor 1.0 Cf or Cv for Tension 1.0 Use Cr : Repetitive ? Kf : Built-up columns 1.0 NDS 15.3.2 Exact Width 3.0 in Exact Depth 5.50 in Area 16.50 in^2 Ix 41.594 in^4 Iy 12.375 in^4 Wood Grading/Manuf.Graded Lumber Wood Member Type Sawn Ct : Temperature Factor 1.0 Cf or Cv for Compression 1.0 1,200.0 Axial Cm : Wet Use Factor 1.0 Cf or Cv for Bending 1.0 x-x Bending y-y Bending ksi No Minimum Basic Y-Y (depth) axis : X-X (width) axis : Fully braced against buckling ABOUT X-X Axis Lu for buckling ABOUT Y-Y Axis : 8 ft, K = 1.0 Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : .Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations.Applied Loads Column self weight included : 49.873 lbs * Dead Load Factor AXIAL LOADS . . . Axial Load at 16.60 ft, D = 0.150, Lr = 0.20, L = 0.20, S = 0.250 k BENDING LOADS . . . Lat. Uniform Load creating Mx-x, W = 0.030 k/ft .DESIGN SUMMARY PASS PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio =0.4642 Location of max.above base 8.244 ft Applied Axial 0.1999 k Applied Mx 0.620 k-ft Load Combination +D+0.60W Load Combination +D+0.60W Bending & Shear Check Results Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = Applied Design Shear 13.582 psi 216.0Allowable Shear psi 0.06288 : 1 Bending Compression Tension Location of max.above base 16.60 ft : 1 At maximum location values are . . . Applied My 0.0 k-ft Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions . . Top along Y-Y 0.2490 k Bottom along Y-Y 0.2490 k Top along X-X 0.0 k Bottom along X-X 0.0 kGoverning NDS Forumla111Comp + Mxx, NDS Eq. 3.9-3 Maximum SERVICE Load Lateral Deflections . . . Along Y-Y 1.038 in at 8.356 ft above base for load combination :W Only Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0 ft above base Fc : Allowable 286.799 psi Other Factors used to calculate allowable stresses . . . for load combination :n/a . Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear RatiosCDCLoad Combination Stress Ratio Location Stress Ratio Status LocationPStatus Load Combination Results D Only 0.900 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.411 ft0.04517 +D+L 1.000 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.376 ft0.08886 +D+Lr 1.250 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.310 ft0.08640 +D+S 1.150 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.333 ft0.09813 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L 1.250 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.310 ft0.1080 +D+0.750L+0.750S 1.150 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.333 ft0.1172 +D+0.60W 1.600 PASS PASS8.244 0.06288 16.60 ft0.247 ft0.4642 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W 1.600 PASS PASS8.356 0.04716 16.60 ft0.247 ft0.3580 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W 1.600 PASS PASS8.356 0.04716 16.60 ft0.247 ft0.3597 Wood Column BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING & DESIGN LLCLic. # : KW-06012386 DESCRIPTION:Canopy support columns 0 0 0 0 0 0 Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2019, Build: . Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios CDCLoad Combination Stress Ratio Location Stress Ratio Status LocationPStatus Load Combination Results +0.60D+0.60W 1.600 PASS PASS8.244 0.06288 16.60 ft0.247 ft0.4630 +0.60D 1.600 PASS PASS8.133 0.0 16.60 ft0.247 ft0.02534 . k k-ft Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed. Load Combination X-X Axis Reaction Y-Y Axis Reaction Axial Reaction @ Base @ Top @ Base@ Base @ Top Maximum Reactions @ Base @ Base@ Top @ Top My - End Moments Mx - End Moments D Only 0.200 +D+L 0.400 +D+Lr 0.400 +D+S 0.450 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L 0.500 +D+0.750L+0.750S 0.537 +D+0.60W 0.149 0.2000.149 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W 0.112 0.5000.112 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W 0.112 0.5370.112 +0.60D+0.60W 0.149 0.1200.149 +0.60D 0.120 Lr Only 0.200 L Only 0.200 S Only 0.250 W Only 0.2490.249 .Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Max. X-X Deflection Max. Y-Y Deflection DistanceLoad Combination Distance D Only 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+L 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+Lr 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+S 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+0.750L+0.750S 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 +D+0.60W 0.0000 0.623 8.356ftft inin 0.000 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W 0.0000 0.467 8.356ftft inin 0.000 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W 0.0000 0.467 8.356ftft inin 0.000 +0.60D+0.60W 0.0000 0.623 8.356ftft inin 0.000 +0.60D 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 Lr Only 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 L Only 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 S Only 0.0000 0.000 0.000ftft inin 0.000 W Only 0.0000 1.038 8.356ftft inin 0.000 . Wood Column BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING & DESIGN LLCLic. # : KW-06012386 DESCRIPTION:Canopy support columns 0 0 0 0 0 0 Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2019, Build: . Sketches