Town of Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 / Time 7 PM / Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road
1.0 Old Business
Applicant(s) Application Type Subdiv. 13-2007
Preliminary Stage
Owner (s) John & Laura A. Fedorowicz SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) B P S R Lot size 10.14 +/- acres
Location 1433 Bay Road Zoning Classification RR-3A
Tax ID No. 265-1-19.11 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference SUB 1-00 Warren Co. Planning N/A
Public Hearing 2/19/08, 4/22/08, 6/17/08,
Tabled to 7/22/08
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 10.14 acre parcel into 2 residential lots of 3.7 and 6.44 acres. Subdivision of
land requires review and approval by the Planning Board.
Applicant(s) & Application Type Site Plan 27-2008
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size 1.01 acres
Location 21 Wild Turkey Lane Zoning Classification WR-3A
Tax ID No. 239.15-1-7 Ordinance Section 179-9-030; Chapter 147B
Cross Reference AV 36-08 Warren Co. Planning 6/11/08
Public Hearing 6/24/08 Tabled to 7/22/08 APA / DEC / CEA APA, Lake George CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes addition of 450 sq. ft. of living space, new 2 car garage & new wastewater system. Planning
Board review is required for any hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline and for the expansion of a non-conforming structure in a
CEA. Also, review is required as the project has been classified as a Major Stormwater project.
2.0 New Business
Applicant(s) Application Type Subdivision 11-2007
Preliminary Stage
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type I
Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 7.81 +/- acres
Location Between Geneva Dr. & Zoning Classification SR-20
Howard St.
Tax ID No. 301.20-1-11, 28, 29 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference AV 52-07 Warren Co. Planning N/A
Public Hearing 7/22/08 APA / DEC / CEA / NYS DOH NYS DOH
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 7.81 +/- acres into 18 residential lots ranging in size from 0.34 to 0.54 +/-
acres. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance 52-2007 referred to PB for recommendations
relative to traffic impact; lot sizes; density vs. the Comprehensive Plan; stormwater; development of open space, whether it would be
positive or negative; 175 feet centerline vs. 300 feet curve. Planning Board will Acknowledge Lead Agency status; commence SEQR
review and upon completion forward their recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 29-2008
Owner(s) Latham Road, LLC SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size 51.21 +/- acres
Location Off Pickle Hill Rd., 0.5 miles Zoning Classification RR-5A
west of Ridge Rd.
Tax ID No. 266.3-1-38 Ordinance Section Chapter 147
Cross Reference SUB 7-86 Warren Co. Planning 7/9/08
Public Hearing 7/22/08 APA / DEC / CEA L G CEA, APA Wetlands
Project Description: Applicant proposes development of a vacant single family residential lot in an existing subdivision. This project
has been classified as a Major Stormwater Project and, as such, Planning Board review is required.
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 28-2008
Owner(s) Julia Bruno, Judith Ainis, SEQR Type Unlisted
Joseph Fazio, Hugo Storage
Agent(s) Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Lot size 16.66 +/- acres
Rhodes; Bohler Engineering
Location NW corner Corinth Rd. & I-87 Zoning Classification HC-MOD
Tax ID No. 309.13-1-73 Ordinance Section 179-9-020
Cross Reference AV Warren Co. Planning 7/9/08
Public Hearing 7/22/08
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 53,700 +/- sq. ft. three-story 106+ room hotel with associated access road
and parking located on an existing 16+ acre vacant lot. Hotels in the HC zone require Planning Board review and approval.
3.0 Request motion to adjourn
- Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board –
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Public Hearing Information
This handout is provided by the Queensbury Community Development Office to help members of the public participate in
meetings of the Planning Board. We recognize that members of our community may rarely, if ever, attend meetings of
the Planning Board until they realize issues coming up for review may affect their neighborhood or the Town as a whole.
When that occurs, citizens are provided a forum to communicate their concerns to the Town, either for or against an
issue before the board. We welcome this input. In the language used to organize meetings of the Planning Board, this
forum is called a Public Hearing.
How does the Planning Board Prepare?
In preparation for hearing an application, the Town Planning office and the Planning Board review a great deal of
information. The application is checked to ensure it’s complete before the item gets on the agenda for review. Before the
meeting members of the Planning Board typically drive to the project site to ascertain for themselves the context and
impact of the project. Information from professionals is also reviewed on all aspects of the application including traffic
studies, environmental reports, engineering comments and peer reviews on the technical designs, etc. These additional
reports vary according to the nature of the project, however, as much of this advance study as possible is completed prior
to the night of the meeting.
One aspect of a proposed project which is difficult to obtain in advance is the impact of the project upon the residents of
the Town. This is the reason for the Public Hearing.
What it is:
The public hearing provides a means for Town residents to present information to the Planning Board about how they feel
the project impacts them. This is very valuable, though subjective, information for members of the Planning Board.
What it is NOT:
The public hearing is not an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions of the applicant, or to be critical of
the applicant for making the application.
Tips for Presenting Comments:
1) Remember that members of the Planning Board may not live in your neighborhood. Try to explain your
comments in a way that can be understood by someone unfamiliar with the area.
2) Be specific, accurate and concise. There may be many who wish to speak so the Planning Board Chairman will
advise everyone of the time limit for participation.
3) Avoid repeating comments made by others. Due to time limitations, you may prevent someone else from
speaking who has something new and important to say.
4) Avoid personal attacks and impolite language. You might unintentionally discredit the important information you
are presenting.
5) Please turn off your cell phone so you will not disturb others.