1943-05-22 172 Audit and Control that the sum of $109000 had been transferred from from surplus money by virtue of section 107 of the Town Law to Highway Item No. 1, pursuant to Chapter 685 of the Laws of 1943. Adopted May 19th 01943. Ayes Mr, Walkup, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Sleight and Mr, Fowler. No- None Absent- Mr. Lampoon. i On motion Meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clark , Regular Meeting May 22nd 19430 At a regular meeting of the Town Board, of the Town of. Queensbury held M the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the' Clerk's Office, the following menberes were present: D. Elmer Powler Supervisor RCharles Nobles Justice of Peace enry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampoon Councilman ' R tared:Xalkup . c brouttiflmaii. 'ea.ce ` H.Russell Harris Taxm Superintendent of Highways also present, Minutes of M"tingcheld 'on the 27th day of April 1943 were read and approved. In the matter, of an increase of pay for the employees. f! , of the Highway Department, Raymond Walkup a member of of the Highway Committee of the Board br-)ulght up the* Matter and suggested that an increase should be granted. Mr. Nobles offered the following resolution N,18; seconded . by Mr. Sle iglit. Whereas, because of the labor situation the employees of the Highway Department of said Town have theeatened to quit their jobs which would leave the Town without sufficient help to care for and maintain the Highways in said Town, RESOLVed, that the price per hour for the employees in the Highway department in said Town'U"rand hereby are fixed as follows: Truck Zrivera, $.60 per Hour; ' Laborers, $.50 per hour; effective from May 15,1943. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes- Mr. Walkup,: Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, bar. Sleight and Mr. Sleight and Mr.. Fowler. Noes :- None. Councilman Lampson offered the following Resolution#19 which was seconded by Justice Sleight. TNhereas , BerAie Lanf ear has made application to this Board for permisssion to connect 'with the water main in the West Glens Falls Water District to property owned by said Bernie Lanf ear located on the northerly side of Dine Streettand within a short distance of the line of said West Glens Falls WatOr District and the owner has offered and is willing that said property be placed C 1731- upon the assessment roll in said district and to pay taxed levied thereon if permission is granted to make connection with said Mater main, Resolved, that said Bernieā€¢ Lanfear or the owner of said property be and hereby is authorized to make connection with said water main under the same rules and conditions of property located within the said District and to pay the same rate for use of said water as is paid by property owners within said district upon the condidtion._that , and for . such length of time, as property is pde.ced upon the . assessment roll within said district and the tastes levied . and GaUssed for water district purposes are paid. Duly adopted by the following vote :- - Ayes- Mr.Walkup, Mr, Nobles, Per, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and bar. Fowler Noes c None, A Communication was read from the Coubty Attorney which advi-se the Board in substance that the Town would- receive State aid Taney under the Highway Law. - The Board &edited accounts as follows : Amount Amount - Sla imed AIto*ad,A u.'o,:,V;a . 62 Doty Lumber Company Lumber f!--.6 .':. 6 0?d. . 63 N.Y.P.& -Light -Corp. Street Lights 38:16 38:16 - 64 Williams Law Book Supplies 1:48 1.48 65 Edward Thompson VCo Law Supp. 5:00 5:00 66 Wm PoweEs Servicess 21:00 21:00 67 Anna Me a ghey 'ems ec r x-v e s e s 5:50 5 ' 50 68 N.Y.Tel. Company Expenses C.D. 23:15 23:15 68 N.Y.P.&Light Corp Expenses C.D. .75 :75 'r 70 Clayton Woodbury & Son Supplies C.D. 26.17 26:17 71 Alice Woodbury Expenses C.D. 8:97 8:97 72 Cushman's Home Fur. als C.D. 2.69 2-:69 73 Ft Edward Fire Works Supplies C.D. 141:00 141:00 74.B.K.Clifford Expenses C.D. 120:00 120:00 75 Fred Fisher Refund 6:00 6:00 .76 City of Glens Falls 'eater- Meter Rent 52:51 52:54 77 H a if It 79,77 79.77 On motion Meeting Adjourned* Bert D, Turner. Regular meeting June 26th,1943 At the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Quodnsbury, held on the above date at the Clerk's Office s' at 7 :30 P.M. , the following members were present; D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Pharles J. Nobles Justice of Peace #teary Sleight, Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Meetings of Meeting held on the 22nd day of May 1943 Were read and approved. A communication from William Francis in reference to to the highway department taken eight to ten feet off the the rear and north side of his land in widening the road. The C$erk was instructed to kxxx request Mr. Francis to be present at the next meeting to discuss the matter with him,