building permit am- BUILDING I lG PERMIT VALUE 25eleloeTOWN OF QUEENSBURY 95120 TAX HAP NO. 110�-1-3. 32 No. _. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK MCDONALD 'S CORPORATION PERMISSION is hereby granted to OIX AVENUE OWNER of property located at _ __ _ Street. fioad or Ave. RESTAURANT in the Town of Oueonsbury,To Construct or place a - _ _ at the above Ipoation in aoc-ordance to application together with plot plans and otter information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ 1. 4 WNE R'S Address is 15 BRITISH AHERICAN BLVD. LATHAH. NY 12110 2- 0014TRACTC[S oa 8 U I LOER'S Naene HUNT CONSTRUCTION I COINTRACTOR or SUILdER S Addfcas 4_ ARCHITECT'S Name - 5, ARCHIT5-CT'S AddrpSS 6. TYPE of Constructlon - IFIease indicate by XI RESTAURANTS , STORES. — ETC . i t Wood Frame 1 l Mesnnry { SWI I ) 7_ PLANS and Specifications 288eN-SQ FT RESTAURANT AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS a_ Proposed Use ---- RESTAURANT 435 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT E}CPIRES #gt31 1 19 J7 $ flf a longer period is required an appIic�)tian for an extensiors anus#he made to the 13uildImg arKd Zoning wnspectof of the town of QuuensbwrV More the expication date_) I)ated at the Town of 0ueertsbury this 12 April 19 95 Y 7�T5 fOr the Town of 0ueensburY RulIding and SIGNED B ing i ;iwctor _ — _