1944-01-03 SP 202 Resolution No. 44 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, Seconded by Councilman Lampoon. It was resolved that the .supervisor _ is hereby authorised and directed to transfer the balance of the Highway Fund to surplus Fund. Duly adopted by the Follwoing vote; Ayes- Mr. Walkup, Mr. Npbles,. Nr. Lampoon,_ Mr. Lampoon and Mr, Sleight and Mr Fowler* Noes-Nme. r Resolution No. 45 Introduced by Mr Nobles, Seconded by - Mr. Lampoon. It was resolved ghat the supervisor is hereby -authorized and directed to transfer from the Surplus Fund all Highway balances transt ered, back to the high way fun do* Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Mr. Walkup# Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lanpson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Noes None* On Motion meeting adjourned. Bert D, Turner Town Clerk. Meeting January 3rd,1944 At. a Special Meeting of the Town Board o-f the Town-of �usenebury, held on the- above date, at the Clerk's Office at 7:34 P.M.E.W.T., the following members were present. D* Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight, Justice of the Peace teredith S Bentley Justice- .at the Paaee. Curtis Lampoon Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman H. Russell Harris Town-, Superintendent of Highway& also-Present Edward Sleight and Warren T. Varney shoot Assessor also present , The Clerk rend .appl-ications from John. Lennox,- William Powers, Charles. Baldwin and -Donald F Lockhart !or appointment as Constables. Resolution #1 Introduced by Councilman Walkup-sS*eonded by Councilman Lampoon. It was resolved that Charles Baldwin, William Powers and John Lennox be and are hereby appointed Constables to serve at the pleasure.. of the Board. r Duly adopted by the Following vote. Ayes- Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, qtr. Lampso n, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None, Resolution #2 Introduced by Justice Slaight, Seconded by Councilman Walkup. '"esolved that the Board does hereby fix the salaries of the following Town Officers and esployees fer:the fear. beginning January, lst,1944, at the amounts respectively stated and that 2073 such salaries shall be palible at the time s respectively specif fed. annual Payable Name Offfoo Salary monthly. D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor $1800.-- $150.00 Bert D. Turmr Town Clerk 20000 164.67 Hoary Sleight. Justice of the Peacel004. 83.34 Meredith BentleyJustice of the Peaae1000.-_ 83.34 Curtis_ Lampoon Councilman- - 600. 50.00 Raymond Walkup . Councilman 600, 50.40 H,Russ.ell Harris Superintendent of Highways. . 2400. 804.00 Arthur a Hillis flollector 18000 150*00 DK G.A.Cbapvam ealth Officer 881.97 73.49 Edward Sleight Assessor 1200. 100000 Fred Ricketts Assessor 1200.- 100000 Warren'�T Varney -Assessor 1200. 100000 Anna M.cCaghsy Welfare Officer 360-.- 30.00 Charles Baldwin Constable 100. 8.34 William Powers Constable 100. 8.34 Jahn Lennox Constable 100. 8.34 Purthet resolved that in addition to the salaries fixed for constables as above, the constables. shall retain all civil fees allowed under the &awe Duly adopted by the follwo4ng vote. "- Ur Walkaps Its'. Bentley , Mr Lampson, Mr. Sleight and r. Fowler. Noes, line. a Resolatioa # 3 Introduced by Councilman Lampoon, Seconded by justlee Bentley. Y -- It was resolved that the regular meetings of the Town Board of the .Town of Quteasbury shall be held on the Fourth BaturdV each Month hareafter at 7134 P.M.E.W.To at the Clerk's. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoon, Mrs Sleight and Mr. Fowler• - No•s-11®IIe• Resolution No 4 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, Seconded by Councilman Lampoon. It was resolved that the Glens Fall-s, Na.aml-Bank andTrust Compaq- be and is hereby designated as dopes itory..ib all fund& and moneys of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted- by the following votes Ayes Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr Lampsoa, -MrSlelght and Mr Fowler. Noes- None. Resolution # 5 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice Sleight. It was resolved that the Glens Falls Tines be and hereby is designated as official newspaper for the Town of Queensbury for the purpose-of publishing legal notices. Duly adopted by the following vite• Ayes- Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mrs, Lampoon Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Woes- None* 204 Resolution #6 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Sleight, It was resolved that all town fd�loyees and officers, elective or appointive, - in addition to those now covered, shrill come within the workman's Compensation Law. . Further resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary steps . to. 00ver all suoh.employses. and officers under -Compensation Iusuraoce Polley., Duly adopted by the following v©.te. Ayes- Mr. Walkup, ,]fir. Bentley, Mr. Lampson,. Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler. Nees= None. Resolution 7 Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by Councilman Walkup, h was resolved that all Town Officials in the use of their Automobiles on official Business shall be allowed 6"vents per wile for each mile necessarily traveled in performance of .said officer's duties unless said mileage is , otherw6sod fixed by law, Duly adopted. by the following vote; ayes, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoons Mr. Sleight and r. howler. Noes. None, In the matter of appointing Chairman of the Board of Assessor's the foard generally discussed the matter with Mr.. Sleight and r. amey, Assessors.Mr Varney stated that he thought that Mr Sleight should be Chairman and so recommended him. aesolutim B 'Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by. Councilman falkups , It was resolved that the .Off ice of Cbalrman of Town Board of Assessors be and, hereby is established. It is further resolved that Edward a5leight,Assessor, be and hereby is appointed to the Office of Chairman of the Of Town Assessors for a term. beginning January 1st, .1944wand end- ing december 31st,1945. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes 1'r Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr• .Lampsen,. Mr...Slsight and Br. Fowler. Noe&. None. Resolution #9 Introduced by Councilman Lampsmn, Seconded by Councilman Walkup. . . It was. resolved that Bert D. Turner be and is hereby appointed registrar of Vital statistics, for a term beginning January, lot, 1944 and ending.on, December 318t, 1945. Duly adopted by the f ollowinf vote. Ayes, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Xr.. Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Folwere Noes-None. 20 Aesolutiun #10 Introduce& by Cpunc-ilman Walkup, Seconded by Councilman Lampson. It was resolved that Anna UcCaghey be and is hereby appointed Welfare Officer for the Town of Queensbury to serve at the pleasure of the. Board. Duly adopted by the following vote t Ayest qtr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr* Lampsoa, lire Sleight and Mr. ewlor. Noes. Noao. The Clerk. read a communication from, the association of Towns of the State4g. New York, advis ing the Board and_ officers that the Association would hold its annual Meeting in Albany, N.Y. February 16th and 17th, 1944• Resolution #11 Introduced by Justice Sleights seconded by Jfastice Bentley. It was resolved that Supervisory Town Couaollgan, Justus of Peace, Town Clerk, Superintandent of Highway&, Welfare Officer and Assessors be and are authorised to atte#d the Meetings of the Assoolatton of Towns to be held in the City of Albany, February 16th and 17th, 1944. Further resolved that D. Elmer Fowler is designated to cast the vote .of Town of Que.ensbury pursuant to Section 6 of Article 111 of the Constitution and-by, laws of said Association and in the event of th6 absence of the Superviap.r,. Henry Sleight, Justice of the- Peacae# is designated'alternate to cast said Vote Duly adopted by the. fallowing vote: - Ayes- Mr Walkup, sir. Bentley# gr.. IAVsm# Ur Sleight and Mr. Fowler. loss. None. QA Motion Meeting adjourned v - �ert D. turner-, Town Clerk/ 49guTar Yest.ing . January 22nd,2944 » µ qt aregulur.. meetiUg of-. thsTows Board of the. Town.-of Queenabury, held .mn__theabov s date atthe ..C1erVs_off Lee at 7:30 P.M. E,(W.T, the foUnwing-cambers were present, Z1tYowler supervisor _ w Henry Sleight, Justice of the Peace x » Meredith Bentley Justice- of the Peace Curtis. awpsson. . Councilman .Raymond W . Councilman liitsa..vt-.mesting held on the January 3rd. 1944 were read and approve44 The clerk Tread the monthly statement Of tab ftif ressive& and sxpended. by the supervisor and. same placed on file. .ba - geerally discussed with Mr B.K.Cl.if e ford: firfighting 4 . x7t- n which- would be made., available from U..S.Caveie wbut, with the. view of obtaining .s-oms equipment for the Town of Queshebury. Resolution No. 12 Introduced by Justice Sleight, S Counoll Seconded by � Lampson.