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20 Hesolutlon #10 Introduc & by Cpuaollman Walkup, Seeouded by Cmunallman Lampoon. It waa resolved that Anna MaCaghey be and is hereby appointed Welfare Officer for the Town of Queensbury to serve at the pleasure of the Board+ Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: fir Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampoon* Mr* Sleight and Xr, g�swler. No*** None. The Clerk read a communication froa- the association of Towns of the StategiF New York,, advis ing the Board and- off that the Association would hold its annual Meeting in Albany, M.Y. February 16th and 17th, 1944, Resolution #11 Introduced by Justice Sleights Seconded by Justice Bentley. It was resolved that Supervisor, Town Couloilmaan, Justice of Peace# Town Clerk, Superintandent of Highways, Welfare ff icer and Assessors be and are authorised to attend the Meetings of the Association of Towns to be held in the City of Albany, February 16th and 17th, 1944• Further resolved that D, Eimer Fowler is designated to oast the vote .of Town of Queensbury pursuant to. Section 6 of Article 111 of the Constitution and-by laws of said Association and -in the event of th6 absence of the Supervisor,- Henry Sleight, Justice of the Peace, is designated alternate to cast said Vote Duly adopted by the following vote: - Ayes- fir Walkup, Mr. Neatley, Mr. laspaon# Yr Sleight and x firs Fowler* goes- None. On Motion Meeting adjourned art D, turner, Town Clerk/ 4eguTar Meeting . January 22nd-,1944 IF M At areguUr..L meet i4&1 of. thsTows Board of the Town. of Queenabury, held on.-tteabo.ve date atthe .Clarkla_offJoe at 7:SQ P.M0 EZW.T, the Lollaasing..n mbsrs were present, JDa b ov:-rowlar Supervisor _ Henry Sletght, Just-ice of the Peace x Meredith Bentley Juatia* of. the Peace Curtis = Councilman M .Raymond,, Councilman f(lxWtea..oi meetfngE held on the January 3rd. 1944 were reed and approved. The clerk Tread the monthly statement Of this received and expended by the supervisor and same placed on file. Wbt�b� d` generally discussed with fir B.K.Clifford. f ire-f ight lag t' v which would be made.. available from U.S.Govem abut, with t,he. view of obtaining .sore equipment for the Town of Queeftsbury• Resolution No. 12 Introduced by Just ice Sleight Se Co man uncil : eonde6 by Lavps©nb 206 It was resolved that the supervisor be and1s.-hereby- authoriiaed to transfer from the surplus fund to the Genereal fund the sum of $1600* for the purpose of paying tMn Audits and salaries* Duly adapted by the following vote. Ayes: Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler. Noes : None. Resolution No. 12 Introduced by Justice Sleight seconded by Justice Bentley , Whereas the T)wn Clerk has advised this board that he .has designated Franees L. Tugger and Ralph B. Turner, Deputy Town. Clark's. Therefore be it resolved that the sg1d depput,*eMorks shall perform such duties as the Town Clerk shall prescribed, not inconsistent with law. Further resolved that said deputies are to . serve-without compensation from the Town. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes- Mr. Walkup& Mr. Bentley, Yr. Lampe®n, ,:. Sleight and Nr. Fowler. Noes-None, Resolution No. 14 Introduced by Justice Sleight, S000nded by Councilman walkup. It was resolved that Dr. .Anne Hull bo and is. hereby appointed Town Physician for the Town of Queensbury f o-r the term beginning January, lst,19.44stnd ending December 31st,1945. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr.Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Noest-Nons The board audit*- claim* as follows. Amount Amount No. Noame of Claimant. Nature of Claim Cla ed Allowed 1. Dennts & Cc Supplies $ •59 .59 2, Glens ,Falls Post Co. Printing 2024 2924 3. Chas Houghtaling.., Supplies 11.16 11018 4. N.Y.P. &Light Corp Street Lighting— *8116 38.16 S. William R. Jones Bond Prom. 20.00 20.00 6 II.-S.Casualty " 138.66.-- 138866 7. W& Jones of " 5.00 5.00 8. Wm. R. Jones " '' " 5000 5.00 9o, B.K.Clifford Civilian-Def ease 9060 9060 10•B.K.Clifford " 12.80 16.80 110 N.Y-.tel Coo " " 13025 13.25 12 N.Y.pow. &L.ight Corp. " " •75 175 13 N.Y. Tel co. " " 13.25 13825 14 N.Y.tel Co.- " " 13.25 .13.25 15. N.Y.tel Co. " 13*W jjjM .. 16 N.Y.Tel. Cp. " " 1496 34o 17 N.Y.tel Co. N N 1.02 1002 18 Anna ,MaCaghey welfare officer 3.59'' 3..59 19 John Lennox. Dogs 19050 19050 209 Chas Baldwin Mileage .64 •64 21. _Chas. Baldwin Dogs 13.400- 13.00 ' 2 . Millard -Coon Salary 10 00. &00000 ._......� 38• ' 438,230 On motion Meeting Ad3ourned. Bert -- - : Turner _