1944-04-22 2 0 1) The Board genonbW ?m WSA 14th the Town Superintendent of higkmyst',,1tha4,appr6piat1ons of Highway money for item h and the following resolution was introduce&& Resolution No.16 Introduced by Justice Sleight , seconded Councilman Lampoon, It was resolved that bhe following. .amounts be expended for Highway work,:•for the year of 1944-general repairs upon 95.84 miles of highway an,average of $166 per mile-to l $115909.44; that the sum of $5377.83 shall be placed in thereserve fund. Further resolved that the Board sign an agreement with the Town Superintendent to the above effect* Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. - Noes: None: The Board audited claimes as follows: Amount Amount No Name of Claimant nature of CIAA& Claimed Allowed 52-New York P.&L.Corp-Street Lighting $ 38.16 $ 38.16 53 Arthur Hillis Expenses 15.72 15.72 54. Bert D. Turner? Expenses 15.60 15.60 55 N.Y.P?L,Corp Lights OX, .75 .75 56 N.Y.L.&.L.Corp Lights C.S. .75 .75 57 N.YL.P.&L.Corp Lights C.D. .75 .75 58 N.Y..Tel Co. Tel Service-0,D. 13025 13.25 59 Russell & Waites- Sup-plies 4.75 4.75 60 Dusts & Cc Supplies 18981 18.81 61 Fred E. Ricketts Mileage 6972 6.72 62 Edward Sleight Mileage- 10.86 10.86 63 .Warron T Varney Mileage 34.80 34.80 64 John Lennox Seizing dogs etc 8.00 Not Audited ,65 Howard Wal-lase Services N#G,W.D, 30.50 30.50 .On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Regular meeting April 221944 !' sx regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensavy -hold on the above "te, at the clerk's Office at 7:80 P.M. the following members were present: D. ELmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justie of the Peace Curtis Lampson, Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Minutes -of Meeting held on the 25th day of March , 1944 were read and approved. Resolution #179 Introduced by Coulaitlman Lampsou, seconded byJustice Bentley, It was resolved that Dr. G.A.Chapman be and is hereby appdinted Health -Off icer for the Town of Queensbury for a term of Fou rs beginning on the 22nd day of April, 1944 and ending on the 21st day of April 1948. Duly adopted by the following v6te : Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoon , Mr Sleight and Mr Fowler. Noes: Wne. X10 r The clerk read a communication from the Gl-o: La .Grange requesting permlesion. to. clean the Scotch Cemetery. Resolution No. 18 Introduced. by Ju81iQe Sleight, seconded by Councilman Walkup. It Was resolved that the MotuAain .sido GRanga., be and is hereby aVthorized to remove grass, weeds , brush and dare for and conserve the Scotch Cemetery on Bay Road. Further resolved that.. bras . and weeds md..grass Is-removed at least three times a year by said Mountainside Grange* Further resolved that the sum of $509 be and is. hereby appropiated for said Cemetery. -- Further resolved that the work be completed by Oct. lst,1944 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr• Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sampson ,, Mr, sleight And Mr Fowler. Noes-None. - Resoluti-on No 19 Introduced by Mr Sleight, S.ecooded by Mr Walkup, Whereas no ,applieations have been rdeeiiftd to care for and maintain the Jenkins Cemetery. Lake Sunnyside .Cemetaay and the West Qjens Falls. Cemetery { Old Par,* all in,the .TQWN Of Queensbury. Therefore Pursuant to soot ion 291 of the Town .Law, ,the . Town Superintendent of ,Highways be and ia. hereby authorized and directed tp care for and conserve theabove mentioned cemeteries,by removing .grass , weeds and brush at least three, times a year, Further resolved that verified *alias, for labor. or other servises shall be itemized and presented 7b the town board. for audit. , 4 Further resolved that .all .expenditures in carrying the provisions of. thia resolution shalln not exceed $150* nor more than $50* be upended on any one cemeterty Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr• Bentley# Mr. LampsonjArSleight: and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None. The Board audited claims as followd• 66 N.Y. Power &- Light Corp. St. Lighting,. _ $ 3,8•16 $ 38.16 67 Ethel Stevens Insp. of Elec. . 10*00, 1000 68 Elsie W61fe " " 1.5.00 15.00 69 Mabel Sawn Rq " 10000 10,00 70 Julia Gooch " " 10000 10.00 71 Alva McDermott " " 15.00 15000 72 Thersa Dimick . " a 10.00 l0j3D 73 W.F.Gubitz & Sons Rebinding . Fi.eld Book. . 5.50 5.50 74 Mrs Anna MCCaghey .Tel.Serv.Feb.& Mar.-44. 5.50 5.50 75 Edwgrd_ Sleight Miles Tray. ,Assess Wk. 3.96 3.96 76- Fred E. Ricketts " " " " 8.16-Disallowed 77 Fred ,E. .Ricket.ts " " " " 14.04-Disallowed 78 Fred E. Ricketts " " " , " 5.40 5.40 79 Marren T. Varney " " " " 10.92 10.92 80 N.Y.Telephpme . ,Co Civilian Defence 13.25 13.25 81 N.Y.P. & Light. Corp. " " .75 .75 82 " " It " " " a " ..75 .75 83. Remm.ington, Rand Inc Suppl ies. . 1.12 1.12 84 Wm. R. Jones Prem. On Ins. 1100.00 1100.00 85 Wm. R. Jones Ins. Prem. 32.04 32.04 86 Fred . E. Ricketts Mileage 13.92 13.92