utility disconnect letters / imi-
MAR 01 2018
300 Elie Boulevard Nest
Syracuse, New York 13202 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY
January 25, 2018
RE: Service Removal for Building Demolition.
To: Kara Conniff(kcunniffOoreillvauto.com)
This letter is to confirm that, per your request, National Grid has confirmed electrical
service and meters have been removed from 682 UPPER GLEN ST QUEENSBURYNY
12804. The work was processed on work request number 25566936 meter number
33960880. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact
me at 315-460-7665
Christine Marson
Customer Fulfillment
302.7-1-28 DEMO-0083-2018
O'Reilly's Auto Parts
682 Glen Street
Demolition (asbestos report recv'd)
Date: 02/14/2018
From: Jacqueline Butler
Upstate Customer Driven Construction
National Grid
Re: Confirmation Memo: GSR 25566937 682 Upper,Gtens st, Queensbury NY,12804
Our Gas Ops Department has retired the service. The crew left a live stub.
New York State law requires anyone planning underground excavation work to notify local
utilities by calling"Dig Safe"at least two, but no more than ten, working days in advance of
starting work. This does not include the day the call was made. The number to call is
nationally sponsored"811"or 1-866-322-5594.
This confirmation letter of a gas retirement does not relieve the excavator of making the
J L Morrissey
National Grid
Gas Design Representative
1 Apollo Dr
Phone: (518)761-5909
Fax: (518)793-2357
N.~..._-_.,. .