1945-08-25 258
Special eeting August 16th, 1945
At- a• special meeting of the Town Board of the Town
of Queensbury, held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. At the
Clerk's Office, the following memebers were present.
D. Elemr Fowler Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Resolution no 23 Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded
by Justice Bentley
It was resolved that the following places be and are hereby
designated polling places for the elections districts , in
the Town of Queensbury.
Election Dist rcit No. 1 P.A Sullivan Store-Boulevard ,
Election District No 2 Mohican Grange Hall- Oneida Corners
Election District No 3 School House, Dist 21- Pine View Roard
Election Distrcit No 4- Town of Queensbury Store House-
Aviation Road,
Election District No.S Seward Lampson Ga rager-West GlensFalls
for a term of One year beginning Oct 1st 1945 at a yearly rasxitAl
rental of $40. per year. said rental price to include lights
and &eat and storage of Election Equipment of each of said
districts except voting machines.
D my adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr Sleight and
Mr Fowler.
Noes : None
On motion meeting adjourned
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
REGYLAR MEETING August 25th,1945
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury held on the above date at the Town Clerk's
Of#ice ito7t3D.P M. , thefollowing members were present.
D.Elmer Fowler Suaentisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
h Meredith, Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Minutes of meeting held on the 28th day of July,1945 and
August 16th,1945 were read and approved.
Mr E. Vandenburgh called on the Board in reference to
a water taps for two houses which are to be built
in the Ridge Road Water district.
Resolution No.24 Introduced by Seconded by
Councilman Walkup.
It- was resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
hereby recnmends Ruel E Hockins , Renublican, and Donald
Sullivan, Democrate for appointment as voting machine
custodians, for theTown op Queensbury for the year 1945.
It is further resolved that the sum of $50, be and is hereby
fixed as compensation for each of said Custodians.
duly adopted by the following vote
Aves : Mr Walkup, Mr Bentlev, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr
Noes :None.
Resolution No 25 Introduced by Councilman Lampson, Seconded
by Councilman Walkup
It was resolved that seal - bids will be received bor the sale
of the following equipment
1-4CVc-1932 Dodge a ton pickup truck
-- 1-6Cvc-1930 A5 International Dump truck with or with out body
1-28 Foot Ace belt convevor with motor
1 Will6t underbodv hone with pump and control
1-Rome grader without power unit.
Said equipment may be inspected at the Town of Queensbury
Store house-Aviation Road in said Town.
It is further resolved that 4hd TdOn Board of the Town �#
Queensbury will meet on the 1st day of September, 1945 at the
office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road in said Town at 7 :30
O'clock in the evening to consider said bids .
It is further resolved that all bids shall be filed with the
Town Clerk of said Town on or before the 1st day of September
It is further resolved that the said Town Board reserves the
right to relect any or all of said Bids.
It is further resolved that 10 percent of the amount bid shall
be enclosed in each of said proposals.
It is further resolved that the Town Clerk give notice by xxk1,tx1
publishing once in the Glens Falls Times a notice of receiveing
seal proposals as aforesaid.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Aves : Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentlev, Mr. Lampson, Mr, -Sleight and
Mr Fowler
Noes None
k,I-P it1dki -of the Whithall Bus Corp to operate over certain streets
was presented and re=fered to the County Attorney.
Resolution No, 26 Introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by
Councilman Walkup.
It was resolved that Resolution No 6 adopted Februarv- 24th,1945
be and 1 hers:pame is hereby recinded.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr. Lampson Mr. Sleight and Mr
Noes. None.
The monthly Statement of the Supervisor for the month of July
of moneys received and disbursed was read and placed on file..
-- The Board audited claims as follows:
Amount amount
No Nameof Claimant nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
69 N.Y.P.& Light Corp Street Lighting $ 38.16 38.16
70 U.S.Casualty Co. Prem 4.00 4.00
71 U.S.Casualt.y Co Prem 5.00 5.00
72 K Locksmith Kevs-Election 1:50 1.50
73 Hub Supply 10 Padlocks 1.70 1.70
74 Ethel Stevens Insp of Elections 15.00 15.00
•75 Hazel M Smith " " 10.00 10.00
76 Julia Gooch Insn of Elections 10.00: x,0:00
77 Mabel Sawn it it 10:00 10.00
78 Mary Kane " to 100,00 10.00
79 Theresa Dimick " 10:00. 10.00
80 Dennis & Co Suppliments 2.00 2:00
81 Warren T . Varney mileage 2.16 2:16
82 Paul E Killion Supplies 13.67 13.67
83 City of Glens Falls
Water Fund Water W.G.F.W.D 122:97122:97
84 City of Glens Falls Water N.G.F.W.D. 119:94119.94
85 Learande Seaver Services N.G.F.W.D. 8.00 8.00
On motion meeting adjourned.
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Special eeting September lst ,1945
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above ,date at 7 :30 P.M. at the clerk' s office, the
foll6wing members were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace ✓
Curtis lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H. Russell Harris Town Superindendent of Highways also present.
Bids were recived as follows;
Ralph Elmore for 28 ft Ace belt conveyor with motor$Q0.00
$9 .00 or 10 % of bid enclosed.
Harold Harris submitted bids -as follows :
Roem grader $16.50
A5 International Cab and Chassis $65.50
A5 International Dumn box and hoist $76.50
1 Willitt Underbody scraper JK5.00
1 Ace belt conveyor $69.50
$23.30 was enclosed with Harris bid.
Wemer Corp.
$170. for three pieces of equipment ; namely International truck
Dodge pickup and gravel loader- No deposit made in Wemer Bid.
pesolution No 27 Introduced by Councilman Lampson, Seconded
by Justice Sleight.
Wherewas the Town Board did advertise for bids for the sale of certain
road machinery and bids were received as follows :
From Harold Harris
Rome greader $16.50-
Ace belt conveyor $69.50
Willitt Underbodv scraper $5.00
A5 Int. Cab & Chassis $65.50
Dump box and hoist to go with A5 Int truck $76 .50 ,
A deposit of $23.30 received .
From 1NtWeeks-$170. for egipment- No deposit
From Ralph Elmore
1 28 ft Ace belt conveyor $90.00 . Deposit received of $9 .00
Therefore be it resolved that the bid of Ralph Elmore for the