1945-09-22 262
Duly adopted the do
Y ted p y h followi 'J n g vote..
yes: Mr Walkup, fir. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 'ir. Sleight and
r Fowler.
,Noes : None.
The Board audited Claims as foil aus:
Ampunt Amount
No Name of Claimant Nat re of Claim Claimed Allowed
86 Chas Perkins Printing lames $20.50 $20.50
87 2Nd Reg't Band Music 100.00 100.00
88 W ,Bingham Sound Equipment 25.00 25.00
89 Metzner Awning Decorations 10.00 10.00
On motion meeting adjourned.
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Regular meeting September 22nd,1945
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queens-
bury, held on the above date at the Town Clerk 's Office the
following members were present;
D.E'lmer Fowler Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of thePeace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also
m inute s of Meetings hel d August 25th,and September 1st
were read and approved.
J. Seward Thomson called on the board in reference to
laying out a street. The board generally discussed the matter
with him.
Resolution No. 30 Introduced by Councilman walkup, seconded by
Justice Sleight.
It was resolved that Louis G.B.Stebbins be and is hereby
appointed Superintendent of the Ridge Road Water District to
serve at thepleasure of the Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Aves Mr Ralkup, Mr Benhey, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr
Noes : None.
vUHEREAS THE Whitehall Autobus Co.., Inc. , has filed with the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury a petition for consent
under and pursuant to section 66 of the Transportation
Corporations Law of the State of New York, to establish and
operate omnibus or motor vehicle routes upon and along certain
streets , avenues and public places in the Town of Queensbury,
�Narren County, New York, and
WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing was dyly given that said
Town Board of the Town' of Queensbury on the 8th day of September
1945 at 7:30 o' clock P2M* for hearing and consideration of said
application, and
WHEREAS, said Board did convene in its rooms , in accordance
with said notice , and did hear all ,persons desiring to be
heard thereon, and due consideration being given thereto ,
NOUN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Whitehall Autobus Co . ,
Inc. , be and it hereby is permitted to maintain and operate
omnibus or motor vehicle routes for the purpose of carrying
persons and property for compensation upon, along and over
the streets ,avenues and public places in the Town of -Queensbury
Warren,, New York, in connection with the operation -of its
bus line between the village of Whitehall, New York -and
the City of Glens Falls, New York, in both directions, and
more particularly over the following routes ;
Beginng at the County line between Warren County and Washington
County on River Street so called- Running thence in a westerly
direction along River Street to Lower Warren Street , thence
in a westerly direction along lower Warren Street to the
Boundary line between the City of Glens Falls and the Town of
Queensbury and in both directions ;
and upon the following conditions :
1st. That the said Whitehall Autobus Co. , Inc. , is to operate
only ve
o y o r the streets or highways heretofore designated, and
is not to transport passengers or freight for hire between
the City of Glens Falls and the Village of Hudson Falls or any
points intermediate thereto.
2nd. That said Whitehall Autobus Co. , Inc.m shall not sell,
assign or in any manner dispose of the privilege hereby granted
without the written permission of the Town Board of the TOWii of
3rd. A violation of any consideration herein set forth shall
operate to cancel and terminate this privelege.
4th. That said White Autobus Co. , Inc. , shall operate its busses
in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York, the rules
of the j9ublic Service Commis ion and all ordinances of the
Town of Queensbury.
This consent heretofore granted to the petitioner shall continue
uhtil September 22nd, 1965,
Resolution No 31 Moved by Mr Bentley
Resolution seconded by Mr Sleight
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr Walkup. Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight an d fir
Noes : None.
Resolution No 32 Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by
Councilman Walkup
It was resolved thet the supervisor be and is hereby authorized
' and directed to transfer from the Bridge fund the sum of $350,
to the miscellaneous Fund of the Highway Funs.
Duly adopted by thefollowing vote :
Ayes: Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mt
Noes : None.
Monthly statement of the moneys received and disbursed by, the
supervisor for the month of August,1945 was read and placedon
f ile..
The Board audited claims as follows :
Amount amount
No . Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
80 Arthur Hillis Moving voting machines $8.00 - $ 8.00
91 Dennis & Co Supplies 10,78 10.78
92Charles Houghtaling Supplies 3.11 3.11
93 N.Y.P.& Light Corp Street Lights 38.16 38016
94 G.F.Post Co/ Pub Notices 10003 10.03
95. G.F.Post Co . Advertising 3.60 3.60
96 Charles Houahtaling Supplies 1.29 1.29
�} m t on Meeting Adjourned to the 5th day of October,
1945,7Q Or�C ive estimates.
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Adnuriaed: � .ting ; , October 5th, 1945
At an adjourned meeting .of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury, held on the bbove date at 7 :30 P.M. at the
Clerk's Office the following members were present.
D.Elmer Fowk&r Supervisor
Menry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Cutis Lampson Councilman
H. Russell Harris also present.
Raymond Walkup Councilman absent.
The clerk presented estimates as follows :
Annual Estimate submitted by Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
for Fiscal year beginning Januaru 1, 1946
Town Hall and Town offices
a. Rentals ( Board Rooms , Offices , elections etc) $ 75.00
.,.. b. Compensation of emploees
c. Purchase of Furniture and equipment 50.00
a. Compensation of Election officials ( Including TTileage950.00
b. Compensation of Custodians of voting machines 100.00
c. Voting machines , purchase and repair 25.00
D. Rent of polling place 160.00
e Moving & Setting up equipment L 25.00
a. Compensation Insurance 75.00
..,4 _Off icial _.Bons.....and_undertaking �R• 300.1,10
c. Fire nd liability 1200.00
PRINTING AND -ADVERTISING ( All Departments) 150.00
Seruise of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 _
a. Salary of Supervisor $1800.00
b. Compensation of Employees
c. Postage 18.100
e. Telephone
F. Office expense 40.00
POLICE, CONSTABLES and Deputv Sherrifs
Compensation $ 300.00
T, ileage & Other expenses 100.00
Total $400.00