1945-11-24 2 8 f
ANNUAL BUDGET-1946-Ridge Road water District
cost of improvement
Construction of improvement
Bond Principal
Bond Interest
Office and other expenses
Glens Falls Post Co. Printing $ 36.28
Ernest E H Meyer Engineeri7dg 175.00
Beecher Clother-Attornev 100.00
Rebairs 64076
TOTAL expenditures 376.04
Amount to be raised by tax- $376.04
On motion meeting adjourned
Bert D, Turner Town Clerk
Regular meetinr7 November 24ht ,1945
At a regular meeting of the Town.- Board of the- Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at 7 :30 P.I . at the Clerks office , the
following members were present :
D. Eimer Fowler Supervisor
Hnery Sleight Justice of t hePeace
Ivieredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Hicrhwa.vs also present.
Minutes of meetin&s held on October 27th,1945 and November
7th, 1945 read and approved.
Mrs Nolan and Mrs Walker called on theBoard in reference to
draimaae along the Meadow brrok road. The board generally discussed
the matter with them and no other action takem.
Resolution No 38 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by
Justice Sleight
It was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to transfer the sum of $300, from the Bridge Hind
to the Miscellaneous Fiand of the Highway Fund.
Dulv adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr Walkup, I.It, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Ivlr
Noes : None
Resolution No . 39 Introduced by Justice Sleiaht ,aseconded by
Councilman Walkup.
It was resolved that the Town Board hereby fixes the amounts
of the undertakings or official Bonds for Officers and funds
for the year 1946 as follows :
Supervisor General Town Fund °.x, 10,000.
Su.r)ervisor Highway Fund 10,000
Tax Collector 10,000.
Superintendent of Highways 4 ,000.
Justices of the peace 1 ,000.ea
Town Clerk $1 ,000:
Constables 19000;
Doi; Warden 11 000.
Collector North Glens Falls 'eater Zistrict 1 ,000 `
Collector Direst Glens Falls Water District 1,000.
It is further resolved that said Undertakings or bonds shall
be executed by a sur�ty Companv authorized to transact Busines
in the State of New ork.
Dulv adopted. b,y the following vote :
Aves; Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler.
Noes : None
Resolution No . 40 Introduced bv. Justice Sleight , Seconded by
Justice Bentley
WHEREAS the 141ohican Grange has offered to store ktar ' voting
machines for One ve&r at an annual rental of : 30.00
Thereofre be it resolved that this Board accepts the offer
of the said Mohican Grange to store voting machines at an
annual rental of $ 30.00 and ' that said machines be stored in
said Mohican Grange Building.
Dulv adopted by the following vote :
Aves : Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and
Mr Fowler:
Noes : None.
Resolution No 41 Introduced by Councilman 'r'Jalkup, seconded by
Justice Sleight
It was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to transfer from the Contingent fund tothe General
Town Hind the sum of $9 .00 for the purpose of paying additional cost
of moving and setting up election Equipment.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes: Mr "dalkup, irjr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and
Iv1r Fowler
Noes : None .
The cleric read monthly statement of the supervisor for the month
ofOctober 1945 of moneys received and disbursed by him. The same
placed on file.
The board audited claims as follows :
Amount Amount
No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
114 Bert D. Turner Vital Statistics $ 64 - 00 64.00--
115 James J Sullivan- Inspector.of elections 53:08 42:08
116 Timothy Sullivan Inspector of elections 12:00 10:OJ
117 Ann E Kelly Inspector of elections 52:00 41.00
118 Clara F Taylor Inspector of elections 52:00 .41 :00
119 William J Surprenantlnspector of elections 52.00 41:00 —
1�0'''T.J.&J.J.Sullivan Stor=age and rental 80.00 60.00
121 Elva McDermott Inspector of elections 51.00 51 .00
122 Lydia M1 `-1arris Inspector of elections 51:00 51:00
123 Theresa Dimick Inspector of 6Itiections 11:00 11.00
124 Ethel E Stevens Inspector of elections 16:00 16:00
125 Hazel Smith Inspector of elections 11.00 11 .00
12$ Sabel Sawn Inspector of elections 11.00 11.00
128 Laura Lord Inspector of elections 41 :00 4100
12T Fred Fisher Inspector of electtions 51.00 51 .00
129 Victoria Hubert Inspector of elections 41.00 41.00
2 83
130 Nettie LaPoint Inspector of elections 410:00 41.00
131 Chas Burt- .D, Births and deaths 075 .75
132 N.Y.P.&L Corp Street Liwhting 3 16 38.16
133 Bessie Cronkhite Inspector of elections 41:00 41.00
134 Donald J Sullivan Custodian 65.00 50.00
135 Marion lelartindale Inspector of elections 41.00 41.00
137 Julia Gooch Inspector of elections 11.00 11.00
138 Ruel Hopkins Custodian 65.97 50.97
139 K Locksmith 11ulaking keys 1 .85 1.85
140 Arthur J Hillis Moving booths etc 1 8.00 18.00
141 City of Glens Falls- taater Fund- N.G.W.D.
175.38 175.38
142 City of Glens Falls Water Fund W.G.F.`a.D. 159.17 159.17
136 %iinnie E Bidwell Inspector of elections 41.00 41.00
143 Association of Towns
of the State of New York Dues 27.00 27.00
144 Ralph B Turner Services-Legal 50.00 50.00
145 Louis Hartman Services-N.G.F.W.D. 25.00 25.00
146 William Jones, Prem. Insurance 20.96 20.96
147 Edward Sleight Mileage _ 14.64 14.64
�1485.96:'�1389 .96
On motin 1,1eeting adjourned
Bert D. Turner Tovrn Clerk
Regular Meeting December 22nd,1945
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above ,date at 7 :30 P.M. at the clerk's office , the
following members were present;
D.Elmer Fowler, Supervisor ,
Henry Sleight, Justice of the Peace
Meredith S Bentley Justcce of the Peace
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H.Russell Harris , Town Superintendent of Highways also present.
.''..inutes of meeting held on the 24th day of December read and
ar 711allace, Supt of the North Glens Falls Water District called
on the Board in reference to buried shutoffs of water consumers
in the 1ateir District. The Board Generally discussed the matter
and no action taken,
I-& Oudekirk called on the Board in reference to drainage along
the meadow Brook Road. The Board generally discussed the matter
with him. it Harris stated. thht .County surveyor had made- a
survey to showw the fall of the groutidto the half way brook.
No action taken.
The Novembe',r Statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received
and disbursed by him was read by the clerk and placed on file.
The Board approved the Bonds of the following and end executed
their approval of said, Bonds- Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of
- Highways , Arthur Hills, Collectorlp Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk af.d
Henry Sleight , Justice of the Peace.
An applicat}on was read to the Board submitted by Joseph Ricketts
requesting appointment as dog enumerator.
Resolution No 41 ; Introduce by Councilman Lampson, Seconded by
Justice Sleight .
It was resolved that Jospeh S Ricketts be and is hereby appointed
dog enumerator for the year 1946.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr Nalkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 11r. Sleight and Tarr.