blower door resultsTesting Company: Name:LoCascio Energy Solutions Address:20 Ogden Rd. Queensbury , NEW YORK 12804 Phone: 5188573144 Technician: Name:Anthony LoCascio Credentials:HERS Rater#4242961 Email:tony@locascioenergysolutions.com Building Information: Project ID:DM Address:3 Breighton Ct Queensbury, NY 12804 Geo-Tag Data:Latitude: 43.359519 Longitude: -73.645939 Timestamp: 2019-11-29 11:16:18 Customer Information: Name:Dave Michaels Address: Measured Leakage:1,783.7 CFM50 Test ID:DM Purpose of Test:RESNET Multi-Pt Env. Leakage Measured ACH50:1.85 (+/- 6.7%)Effective Leakage Area: 80.2 in² Building Volume:57,740.0 ft³Enclosure Surface Area: 6,517.0 ft² Flow Coefficient (C):102.8 (+/- 25.9%)Exponent (n): 0.729 (+/- 0.076) Correlation Coefficient:0.99841 Test Standard:RESNET 380 Multi-Point Test Mode: Depressurize Test Characteristics:Indoor Temp: 61 °F Altitude: 358.0 ft Outdoor Temp: 31 °F Time Average Period: 10 seconds Test Date and Time:2019-11-29 11:23:55 Envelope Leakage Test Test Readings: Target (Pa)Bldg (Pa)Adj Bldg (Pa)Fan (Pa)Flow (cfm)Config Baseline 0.7 -60.0 -60.1 -60.8 -144.5 2,148.2 Ring A -48.0 -46.9 -47.6 -103.0 1,821.2 Ring A -35.0 -34.0 -34.7 -68.6 1,493.7 Ring A -23.0 -22.4 -23.1 -39.3 1,138.6 Ring A -10.0 -7.9 -8.5 -74.2 512.6 Ring B Test Equipment: Flow Device:Model 3 110V Fan Serial #: 3172 Pressure Gauge:DG1000 Serial #: 3172 Calibration Date: 2019-02-18 Deviations from Standard: None Comments: Envelope Leakage Test (Page 2) Report generated by TEC Auto Test version 1.6.3 (2), © 2019 by The Energy Conservatory, Inc.