Manual JatAROND Ac,J1 Form -Worksheet A tee oa pon%*x Entire House By: %Adirondack P&M 0 Box 562,Glons Fal,NY 12 Pane:518-782-2883 Ema if o.com Web:www adrendackp com Supporting Detail Project Name:Taflan Date:Nov 18,2019 Address:NY Phone’Job 1D:Taflan Worksheet A Location and Design Conditions ‘Weather Location:Glens Falls AP,NY,US Elevation=335 Latitude=43 Indoor Conditions,Heating: DB=70°F RH=30%Indoor Conditions,Cooling:|DB=75°F RH=50% Table 1 Conditions 99%DB=-4 °F 1%DB=85°F Grains Difference=28 gr/lb DailyRange=—M Design Temperature Differences HTID=74 °F |CTD=10 °F Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2019-Now18 10:25:17 PageARight-Sute®Universal 2019 19.008 RSU21843 stimste71S1Documerisivghisot HVACATefan up Cale=MJB FrontDoor faces:N ROND AG,Manual S Compliance Report Se eeaeravAEntireHousecy 3 =Adirondack P&M Project Information For.Taflan,MH Imperial NY Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:85.0°F Sensible gain:15248 Btuh Entering coil DB:75.0°F Outdoor design WB:71.0°F Latent gain:1051 Btuh Entering coil WB:62.5°F Indoor design DB:75.0°F Total gain:16299 Btuh Indoor RH’50%Estimated airflow:1027 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Split AC Manufacturer:©Amana Model:ASXC160361C"+C(A,C,D,E)36A34+A*VM970803BNA“+TDR. Actual airflow:1027 cfm Sensible capacity:21560 Btuh 141%of load Latent capacity:9240 Btuh 879%of load Total capacity:30800 Btuh 189%ofload SHR:70% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:-4.0°F Heat loss’46276 Btuh Entering coil DB:70.0°F Indoor design DB:70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Gas furnace Manufacturer:Amana Model:AMVC960603BNB, Actual airflow:1027 cfm Output capacity:$8000 Btuh 125%of load Temp.rise:50 °F Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. A wrightsor=oestmata7S.DocumersWightsoR HVACATan up.Cale =MU FrontDoor faces:N National HVAC Design Report ENERGY STAR Certified Homes,Version 3 /3.1 (Rev.09) HVAC Designer Responsibilities:7 *Complete one National HVAC Design Report for each sy stem design for a house plan,created for either the specific plan configuration (ie. elevation,option,orientation,&county)of the home to be certified or fora plan that is intended to be bu with different configurations (ie. different elevations,options,and/or orientations).Visit www.energystar govinewhomeshvacdesign and see Footnote 2 for more information. +Obtain efficiency features (eg.window performance,insulation levels,rate)from the builder or Home Energy Rater. +Provide the completed National HVA C Des ign Report to the buider or credentialed HVAC contractor and to the Home Eneray Rater.|4,Desian Overview 4.4 Designer name:Designer company:Adirondack P&M Date:Nov 18,2018 41.2 Select which party you are providing these design services to:‘mm Builder or CCredentialed HVAC contractor 113 Name of company you are providing these design services to (if different than item 1.1):MH Imperial 114 Area that system serves:Ml Whole-house Ci Upper-level Cl Lower-level other 15 Is cooling system for a temporary occupant load?ces maNo 1168 House plan:Check box to indicate whether the system design is site-specific or pat of a group: Wi Site-specific design.Option(s)&elevation(s)modeled:Group design Group #9 auto 0__total groups for this house plan__Configuration modeled: Designer|_2.Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation Desian Verified ‘Alrflow: 2.1 Ventilation airflow design rate &run-time meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62.2-2010,2013 or 2016.a 2.2 Ventilation airflow rate required by 62.2 fora continuous system __0_CFM 5 2.3 Design for this system:Vent.airflow rate:‘CFM__Run-time per cycle:‘O minutes Cycle time:T minutes]= ‘System Type &Controls: 2.4 Specified system type:C1 Supply ClExhaust Wl Balanced : 2.5 Specified control location (@.,Master bath,utility room) 2.6 Specified controls allow the system to operate automaticaly,without occupant intervention ‘obvious (e.g..a labels required for a standalone w all sw itch,but not for a sw itch that's on the ventiation equipment) 2.8 No outdoor air intakes designed to connect to the return side of the HVAC system,unless specified controls operate o 2:7 Specified controls include a readily-accessible ventilation override and a label has also been specified ifs function is not = aintermittentlyandautomaticallybasedonatimerandrestrictintakewhennotinuse(¢.g.,motorized damper)o(SGund!]2.9 The fan of the specified systemis rated-s 3 sones i intermittent and s 1 sone if continuous,or exempted Efficien - 2.10 If system ullizes the HVAC fan,then the specified fan type in Item 4.7 is ECM /ICM,or the specified controls will reduce the standalone ventilation run-time by accounting for hours when the HVAC system is heating or cooling 2.11 If bathroom fans are specified as par ofthe system,then they are ENERGY STAR certified 2.12 Inlet pulls ventilation air drectly from outdoors and not from alti,crawlspace,garage,of adjacent dwelling unit aa ‘Airiniet Location:(Complete this section i system has a specified air inlet cation;otherw ise check "NA")oNa a2.13 het is =2ft.above grade or roof deck;2 10 ft.of stretched-string distance from know n contamination sources (@.9. stack,vent,exhaust,vehicles)not exiting the roof,and =3 ft.from know n sources exiting the roof 3,Room-by-Room Heating &Cooling Loads 3.1 Room-bv-taom loads calculated using:‘™l Unabridaed ACCA Manual J v8"2013 ASHRAE Fundamentals Other ner AH z 3.2 Indoor desian temperatures used in loads are 70°F for heating and 75°F for cooling a 5.3 Outdoor design temperatures used in loads:(See Footnote 12 and energystar govhvacdesigniemps) ‘County &State,or US Territory,selected:Washington,NY Cooling season:85°F Heating season:Ar 3a Number of eccupanis used in loads z 35 Condlloned floor area used in loads is SF zi 3.6 Window area used in loads:213_Sq.Ft.- 3,7 Predominant window SHGC used in loads 0.56 5 38 Inflation rate used in loads Summer 024 Winter 053 : 3.9 Mechanical ventilation rate used in load oom 5 ‘Loads At Design Conditions (Btuh)Nowe Je se [ssw]w_ow 5 Big conble hestaein (By onenaion)[7 15|14|tes|43]150]a]149 : '3.11 Latent heat gain (Not by orientation)[1-7 -contin |S Latent eat aan ey ean ges ea eee ee3:13 Mexinum=minmumiotal heat gan temd.1)across orenialons=28 Sth Variations 26 5th Teatng [3.14 Total heat oss (Not by orientation)[85 5 +wrightsore-2019Nowt8 1025.17 Right-Sute®Universal 2019 10.008 RSU21843 raat stimateT1S\DocumentsWightso HVACKTafianrup Cale =KUB.Front Dooe faces:N National HVAC Design Report ENERGY STAR Certified Homes,Version 3 /3.1 (Rev.09) =Designer|4,Heatina&Coolina Equipment Selection Verified 4.1 Equipment selected per ACCA Manual S (see Footnote 18 &19)a ‘Air Conditioner /Heat Pump (Complete if air conditioner or heatoump will be installed:otherwise check *N/A’)NA 4.2 Equipment type '™.Coolng-ony ar conditioner or 3 Cooling &heating heat pump - 43 Condenser manufacture &model eiania ASXC 160361"5 464 Evaporator /fan coll manufacturer &mode Amana CA C D.E)S6AS4#A'VMGTOB03BNA'+TOR zi 4.5 AHRI reference #10582207 zi “46 AHR Isted efficiency 125)16 EER/SEER Airsource heat pump SPF Ground-source heat pump:COP zs “47 Evaporator fan type.PSC ECMIICM mm Other 5 “4.8 Compressor ype:Singlespeed Wl Two-speed Cl Variable-speed zi “4.9 Latent capacity at design Conditons,fom OEM expanded performance data rem = 4.10 Sensible capacity at design conditons,fom OEM expanded performance data 7 kBtuh = 4.11 Tolal capac at design conaitons,fom OEM expanded performance data kph Fs “4.12 Aicsource heat pump capaci:ALIFE:©kBiuh ALTO KBiuh NA - 4.13 Cooling sizing %=Total capaciy (Nem 4,11)divided by maximum total heat gain tem3.12).0%5 4.14 Complete ths tem Condon B Cimate willbe used to select sizing imtn fem 4.15.Otherw ie,check "NA"mA = 4.14.1 Load sensible heat ratio =Max.sensible heat gain (item 3.10)/Max.total heat gain (tem 3.12)34%: “4.142 HDD /CDD ratio (Vist energystar govihvaodesigntemps to determine this valu forthe design location)33 e 715 Check box of applicable cooling sizing limit from chart below.rs Equipment Type (Per ilem 42)&‘Compressor Type (Per lem 48) Climate Condtion Per tem 4.14)Single Speed “Two Speed Variable SpeedLliilgaRecommended:90 ~115%Recommended!$0 -120%Recommended:90 -130% For Cooing Mode ctHeat Pumpin|2 SETS oc |Atoweu's0 140%|Alowed'90 —160% ForGooing Mode otHest Pure”|ca gow.100%,pte 18xBun |90%.100%plu tsKEnn |90%100%,pus 15 KUN 4.16 Cooling sizing (4.13)i within cooling sizing Kit (4.16)Teaco Furnace (Complete iffurnace wil be installed:otherwise check NIA)CNA 4,17 Fumace manufacturer &model wana AMVCBEDSOSENE B 4.15 Listed efcen 35T_AFUE,= 4.19 Toll capaci 38 kBuh - “4.20 Heating sizing%=Total capacily (lem 419)divided by total heat loss (em 3.14):128%- “4.21 Check box of applicable heating sizing limit fom chart below:. ‘When Used for Heating Only When Paired Wih Cooling1_100=140%‘EE Reconmended:100-140%Alowed:100 =400% “4.22 Healing slzing %(6.20)is within heating sizing it (421)[=.Duct Desian_(Complete ifheating or cooling equiom ent willbe installed with ducis otherwise check "N/A"SNA 5.1 Duct system designed forthe equipment selected in Section 4,per ACCA Manual D 7 5.2 Design HVAC fan airflow.Cooling mode 1027 CFM Heating mode|1027 CFM - 5.3 Design HVAC fan speed setting e.g,low,medium high):Cooling mode Medium Heating mode Medium = 54 Design total external static pressure (corresponding tothe mode withthe higher airfow in em 5.2):Swe z 5.5 Room-by-ro0m desi aiffows documented below (which must sum tothe mode withthe higher allow in item 5.2),= Room Name Design Ailow|Room Name Design Airfiow|Room Name Design Arow (ceMy (CEM (CEM |Room 72 [ia|Room EE 2|Roomto 705 [43-_|Rooms [4 3|Roomit 702 [4_|Rooms ES[Room [5 26 5|Rooms Te 2 @|Roomta war 28|Roome [18 2 &|Rooms 3 [19 30 9|Room 4 [20 3t 70|Room [21 2 +|Room TT Tx Total for alreoms 102 te wertorteote an ute Urea 2019 1.008 RSU2I08 eestmata7SDacumertiWghtsoRHVACATARanupCale=NUS FrontDoor faces:N DIVISION OF BUILDING STANDARDS AND CODES STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ONE Commerce PLaza 99 WASHINGTON AVENUE Aupany,NY 12231-0001 TELEPHONE:(518)474-4073 wrn.008.nv.G0v September 27,2018 Mr.Steven Dame Champion Home Builders,Inc. 755 West Big Beaver Road -Suite 1000 Troy,Mi 48084 RE:SYSTEM APPROVAL for M017-2016-013 (replaces previous System approval M013-2010-123) New Era 270 ~Sttrattanville and Excel 041 -Liverpool Dear Mr.Dame’ ‘ys OBp UeD “YS BBOT dd SeB/M G4S Sek2Bgee ano)ae ros BE z2 TOWN OF QUEENSAL BUILDING &CODE: 6TOZ-VELO-ON In reference to your written application for approval received May 2,2016,to construct Factory Manufactured Detached ‘One-and-Two-Family Dwellings and Multiple Single-Family Dwellings (Townhouses)System of Models designated MO017-2016-013 is hereby approved to al &2016 UCS-NYS).This approval is authorized under Title 19 NYCRR Part 1209 and will remain in effect unt low such construction in compliance with the NYS 2016 Uniform Code (2015 IRC September 27,2020 unless sooner revoked,and is subject to renewal at that time.The conditions of this Systems Approval also include the following Construction Classification: Maximum Ground Snow Load: Seismic Design Category Basic Wind Speed: Exposure Category: Climate Zone: Additional Conditions: 4.The manufacturer will submit thei Type VB 115 PSF A,BorC Townhouses shall be designed to Seismic C or DO (Per 2015 IRC Section R301.2(2) 115 mph to <1139 mph Vult squire engineered design. nd sf ind Exp BorC(standard) 4,5,and 6 ‘See the System Cover Sheet for Wind Design Methodologies used in;“Hurricane Prone Regions”and “Non-Hurricane Prone Regions.” ir Monthly Permit Report summarizing (listing)all permit sets with information about project location,dwelling type,production serial number,and approval number. 2.The Division will periodically request permit pian sets be submitted for ind fal review.Any deficiencies that are found will be reported to the Manufacturer and corrective actions shall be immediately undertaken.Every sheet of each permit plan set submitted shall be signed and sealed by a licensed design professional registered to practice in New York State.The design professional must also provide a statement on the cover sheet of the permit plan set that certifies the plans have Additionally,the certifying design third party quality assurance ager “The plans and specifications fe been developed from the original systems set of plans and specifications. professional shall not be in any way affliated or associated with the manufacturer's ncy.The following statement may be used to provide this certification; of this permit plan set are derived from and consistent with the systems set of plans and specifications approved and on file with the Department of State,which were approved on September 27,2018 under Systems number M017-2016-013.” REWORK.|Department |of State Page 1 of 3 ‘The approval identified above is limited to all construction that takes place in the factory.Site related work including installation and connection of the building and/or components,foundations,mechanical connections,stairs,decks, etc.is the responsibilty of the Code Enforcement Official.The presence of the insignia of approval shall be presumptive evidence that the factory manufactured home or component complies with the provisions of the 2015 IRC and the NYS 2017 UCS.If the code enforcement official believes that any factory manufactured component is in violation of one or more provisions of the above referenced code,he/she should contact the DOS for further review andlor determination. All trusses designed for use in Modular Buildings shall meet the requirements of the 2015 IRC and the NYS 2017 UCS and the design methodology associated with the ASCE 7-10 design standard. Individual permit plan sets shall provide as a minimum the following information Cover Sheet which provides information on: +The homeowner/project name,project address including Zip Code and County location +Structural design criteria listing applicable design loads such as ground snow load,seismic design category, wind speed,live loads,dead loads,flood hazard,etc. Applicable building codes and design specifications *Energy code information including method of compliance,the climate zone used for thermal design parameters,and a statement by a design professional certifying that the plans are in compliance with Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency ofthe 2015 International Residential Code and the 2016 Energy Conservation Construction Code Supplement of New York State ‘The Occupancy Classification,Type of Construction and square footage Applicable general notes Index of drawings Manufacturer's title block List of items NOT being provided by the modular manufacturer Verify the intended foundation type and show height above grade,and if the AHJ has determined whether the home is three stories above grade and required to be equipped with an NFPA 13D Sprinkler System. =Additionally,you must verify the location of the building on the lot according to the 2016 IRC Section R302 “Fire-Resistant Construction’.Identify the lines used to determine fire separation distance and provide protection complying with Table R302.1(1)“Exterior Walls”and Table R302.1(2)“Exterior Walls —Dwellings with Fire Sprinklers®and Table R302.6 “Dwelling-Garage Separation”. Foundation Plan (informational only)showing +Identify all uniform and concentrated gravity loads in addition to all sliding,uplift,and overturning loads imposed on the foundation by this specific model,all of which need to be used by a design professional in developing the final foundation design +Anchor bolt/hold down locations and spacing,specialty anchor locations and types ‘©Stairwell location and framing enclosure if required to complete the conditioned space enclosure Floor Plans showing: ‘*Location of the “insignia of approval” *Square footage area of rooms +Amounts of required/provided light and ventilation and emergency egress window locations *Location and amounts of wall bracing based on Table R602.10.1 and length requirements based on Table R602.10.5,including the requirements specified in Section R602,11 for Seismic Design Categories "D0,D1 &D2" Locationltype of fire rated wall assemblies Header and beam sizes Attic access locations Locations of cathedral or vaulted ceilings Applicable project specific notes ing Cross Sections showing Identification of structural members and roof system Materials used in roof and wall assemblies Insulation locations and types,sizes and *R’values Field completed insulation assemblies Building integration details (module connections) Page 2 of 3 Location/type of horizontal fire separation and required fire blocking Roof truss bracing and structural connections (uplift,lateral,etc.) Attic ventilation Applicable project specific notes Bullding Elevations showing Floor to floor wall heights *Finished grade line with distance to 1*finished floor to show need for compliance with R313.5 for automatic sprinkler system.Show building mean roof height (MRH) Siding materials Window types,ventilation and egress area,U values Statement concerning code required field completed items (stairs,landings,decks,handrail,lighting,etc.) Label emergency egress windows Applicable project specific notes Electrical Plans showing: +Smoke and carbon monoxide detector locations GFC!outlet locations and arc fault protection provided Junction box locations for field connections and miscellaneous future installations Ventilation fan capacity and outlet locations Electrical load calculations Electric panel,Lighting and outlet locations Applicable project specific notes Mechanical/Plumbing Plans showing: ‘+Drain,waste and venting layout including all pipe sizes (specific to permit set) Potable water supply piping (specific to permit set) ‘Type and location of domestic hot water heating system ‘Type and location of HVAC equipment and duct sizing information Heat loss calculations (if HVAC is provided by manufacturer) Miscellaneous Plane and Detats showing Manufacturers truss drawings including special requirements addressed such as sliding,drifting or unbalanced snow load conditions Completed "Notice of Utilization of Truss Type Construction”form.(Title 19 NYCRR Part 1265) ‘Summary of references to system for selection of structural members REScheck energy compliance reports (specific to permit set) Window and Door Schedules providing manufacturers’information It should be noted that each page of drawings and calculations shall be signed,sealed,and dated by a New York State registered design professional.This approval is subject to the condition that all construction is to be in conformance with the New York State 2016 Uniform Code (2015 IRC &2017 UCS-NYS).A copy of this letter shall accompany all plans and specifications submitted as part of a permit application to the local jurisdiction. Prior to shipment from the factory each manufactured home,model and component shall have securely attached thereto a NYS Insignia as stipulated in Part 1209 of Title 19 NYCRR,paragraph 1208.5.The Insignia of Approval Order form is available at:http://www.dos.ny.qoviOCEA/pdf/insigniaofApprovalOrderFormDOS_1962.pdf Please Note:Use the System Approval Number (at the top of this letter)when ordering insignia Sincerely,fe hllun John R.Addario,PE -Director Division of Code Enforcement and Administration Enclosures:One (1)stamped set of pdf plans cc:Harold Raup -PFS Corp. Page 3 of 3