ResCheck240.5-1-5 RC-0734-2019’
REScheck Software Version 4,
Taflan,Heidi(4 Compliance Certit 50 Russet Harris Ra
Energy Code:2015 ECC
Location:Lake George,New Y:
Construction Type:Single-family
Project Type:New Construction
Conditioned Floor Area:1,535 t2
Glazing Area 15%
Climate Zone:6 (7377 HDD)
Permit Date
Permit Number:
Construction Site:Owner/Agent:Designer/Contractor:
nee eeeCompliance:0.0%Better Than Code Maximum UA:324 Your UA:324
“The %Better or Worse Than Cad Index elects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-of res.
TF 60ES How provide an estimate of energy use or cos elatve to 8 minimum-code home.
En)Asse.eerAssemblySeri rt es
Ceiling 1:Flat Celling or Scissor Truss 925 38.0 0.0 0.03028
Cling 2:Cathedral Ceiling 753 38.0 00 0.02720
‘Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"0.c.1333 210 0.0 005753
Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 256 0290 74
Door 1:Solid 2 o1co 4
Door 2:Glass 45 025011
Door 3:Glass 54 0200 15
Door 4:Solid 2 03007
Wall 2:Wood Frame,16"0.987210 00 0.05756
Basement Wall 1:Solid Concrete or Masonry 1334 «00170004256
Wall height:8.0"
Depth below grade:7.0°
Insulation depth:8.0"
Compliance Statement:The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other
Calculations submitted with the permit application,The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IEC requirements in
REScheck Version 4.6.5 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist.
Doug Cramer Soug Cramen 10/24/19
Tame=TWe sqraure Date
Project Notes:10.1
Project Title:41990 MH IMPERIAL HOMES/TAFLAN Report date:10/24/19
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REScheck Software Version 4.6.5
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code:2015 IECC
Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software
‘Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided.
Sea ;[SPS pre-inspactionreian Review|PisneVerified|Field verted|compiingr|Commentsiassumptionsoe:-ae ate :
103.1,Construction drawings and complies
103.2 documentation demonstrate Oboes Not
Woah SEereycodecomplance forthe
\@ building envelope.Thermal Not Observable
|envelope represented on OiNot Applicable
_Sirsticioy secures ce ;|
103.1,Construction drawings and complies
4103.2,documentation demonstrate es Oboes Not
ia37)energy coae complancs fr(PRI lighting and mechanical systems.‘iNet Observable
le Systems serving multiple Not Applicable
dwelling units must demonstrate
compliance with the IECC
Heating and cooling equipment is Heating:Heating:complies
‘approved by the code official.Dot Applicable
jonal Comments/Assumptions:
[ilHish impact ier [aw pater)10.3
Project Title:41990 MH IMPERIAL HOMES/TAFLAN Report date:10/24/19
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Plans Verified|Field VerifiedFoundationInspectionagvaurion|Flats Vert
1 ;ot Genomesia
Conditioned basement wall R Cicomplies See the Envelope Assemblies
insulation R-value.Where interior,Toes Not table for values.
Insulation is used,verification See‘may need to occur during
Insulation Inspection.Not DNot Applicable
required in warm-humid locations
in Climate Zone 3.
303.2 Conditioned basement wall
[FOS}!insulation installed per
e ‘manufacturer's instructions,Not ObservableOctApplicable
'402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall ft ‘complies See the Envelope Assemblies
(FOS)insulation depth of burial or Oboes Not cele fa wa,
‘e___istance from top of Not Applicable -03.2.1 A protective covering is installed complies
[FO11 to protect exposed exterior Oboes Not
‘e insulation and extends 3
?minimum of 6 in.below grade.Not ObservableNotApplicable
‘403.9 Snow-and ice-melting system Gicompties
(FOZ?controls installed.does Not
*:Not Observable
CINot Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
10.4|{ighpacter [Slowmpeatersy
Project Title:41990 MH IMPERIAL HOMES/TAFLAN Report date:10/24/19
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[402.43 Fenestration that is not site built[Section
Framing Roughvin Inspetion,PNG Neced|FISK Yee |compiee |commentsiassumptions
ee sash 2 sa ss ce}402.1.1,Door U-factor.Cicomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies
e023 oa Nee fable foevates
‘a.[Not observable
2 _a -Cot Applicable
}402.1.1,Glazing U-factor (area-weighted u complies See the Envelope Assemblies:
foa3d,average).Ficomplies Eneleraaed
49233,Chor observable
trap Oot Applicable
actors of fenestration products x "Clcomaties -
are determined in accordance Oboes Not
withthe NFRC test procedure or
taken from the default table.eae oe[i02.4.1.Airbarier and thermal barier complies -
(FR23)installed per manufacturer's Oboes Notane(CiNot Observable
3 inches in diameter and >=
R-6 where <3 inches.Supply and
retuen ducts in other portions of
ulated >=R-6 for
inches and R-4.2,
@ Not Observable
OiNot Applicable
{FR20}'is listed and labeled as meeting
e ‘NAMA MIDMAICSA 101/1.S.2/A440 eneorhasinfiltrationratesperNFRC
400 that do not exceed code ‘ONot Applicable
MAS ICrated recessed lighting fixtures Cicompiies
[FRI6?sealed at housingfinterior finish Toes Not
and abled to ndeate £20 cm Saerceaenla
Dot Applicable -
'403.3.1 Supply and return ducts in attics complies
[FRI2}!insulated >=R-8 where ducts does Not
ies are not used as,Bcompties
[FRIS}?ducts oF plenum,Coes not
e Not Observable
__BiNot Applicable _403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R.complies
[FRI7?above 105 °F or chilled fluids Coes Notbelow55Fareinsulatedto=~oe7_oe Not Applicable -
'403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC Ticomplies
(FR24}¢piping.Coes Not
e Not Observable
-not Applicable |4035.3 Hot water pipes a complies
(FRI8==R-3.Oboes Not
e Not Observable
L __Dot Applicable 7
‘4036 Automatic or gravity dampers are icomplies
[FRI9P installed on all outdoor air Codoes Not
intakes and exhausts.oeLGinotApplicat
[Highimpact (Tier 1)[2 [Mediumimpact [3[Lowimpact (rier3)__]10.5
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Additional Comments/Assumptions:
(i]Righimpact tr 10.6
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‘Section Ty i ae =2 Detter poten re Nerife |lets veres |conpinat |conmentsissumpions |Regu gue ’ee ae1303.1 All installed insulation is labeled complies
[inns Srahe nstated Revates Boees Nat
ee pecoae (Not Observable
:Not Applicable
/402.:‘Wall insulation R-value.If this is a R-R.Ucomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies
2022.5,mass wall with atleast ofthe |Wood Prwocs—Ibeed gt tabetor votes
02.2.6 wallinsulation onthe wall]ase Fimsss Deer oeerable
CIN3}}exterior,the exterior insulation 1 Steel D Steet Not Applicablerequirementapie(F810)or
303.Wallnsulation isnstalled per Cicompiies -—
[iva Imanufacturer’s instruction.Fiooes Nat
|(Not Observable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
w itapact (ier 2)[3 [Low impact(er3)10.7
Project Title:41990 MH IMPERIAL HOMES/TAFLAN Report date:10/24/19
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Pion voricd |Pla vans |
|Final inspection Provisions |Pls Meri i vere Complies?|Comments/Assumptions
|402.1,Ceiling insulation R-value.a R.
~—Cicomplies See the Envelope Assemblies
\ppeces (Wood Wood Coes Not table for valves:
eet C1 Steel Ci steet (Not Observable
lent Not Applicable
303..1.1,Celling insulation installed per Ticomplies -
1303.2"manufacturers instructions Cipoes Not[Tr Blown insulation marked every Se3001
CiNot Applicable __
|402.2.3 Vented attics with air permeable Ucomplies
[Fl22))insulation include battle adjacent Ciboes Not
to soffit and eave vents that
extends over insulation.(Not ObservableNotApplicable
[Not Observable
'402.2.4 Attic access hatch and door
[FB insulation =R-value of the
adjacent assembly.
'402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50Pa.<=5 ACHSO=
H{FI7P ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and
ach in Climate Zones 3-8.[Not Observable
L -_____Binot Applicable :
403.34—Duct tightness test result of <=:fm/i00 efm/i00—CIComplies
[Fia}”—cfm/100 ft2 across the system or 7 e does Not
‘fm/100 fe2 without air
handler @ 25 Pa.For rough-in fEINGR nee vabee
tests,verification may need to ‘ONot Applicable
‘occur during Framing Inspection --Z pe403.33 Ducts are pressure tested to cfim/100 tmm/i00—Cicomplies
(FI27))determine air leakage with ze ®Cboes Not
either:Rough-in test:Total erent)leakage measured with a
|pressure diferential of 0.1 inch Cot Applicable
Ww.g,across the system including
the manufacturer's air handler
enclosure if installed at time of
fest,Postconstruction test:Total
leakage measured with a
pressure differential of 0.1 inch
Wg.across the entire system
luding the manufacturer's alr
'403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated complies
F128)”by manufacturer at <=2%of :Goes NotaceNotObservable
Ont Applicable
4031.1 Programmable thermostats complies
[Fig installed for control of primary Oboes Not.
heating and cooling systems and BreastIhitalysetbymanufacturerto,
code specications Einot applicable
Heat pump thermostat installed Gicompties
{FILOF on heat pumps.Cboes Not
Not ObservableNotapplicable
1403.5.Circulating service hot water Gcomplies
[FILA systems have automatic or Coes ot‘accessible manual controls.Errsehesre
CiNnot Applicable -
[3 [eeuimpactti10.8
Project Title:41990 MH IMPERIAL HOMES/TAFLAN Report date:10/24/19
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Section z <ainFinalInspectionProvisions|Plans Verified|Field Verified
fepeciol value,Value
|403.6.1 All mechanical ventilation system aS comptes |
F125}fans not part of tested and listed does Not |
HVAC equipment meet efficacy Not Observable |‘and aie flow limits.(Not Applicable
403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat Ccompties:
FI26P through one-or two-pipe heating does Not
|systems have outdoor setback
|control to lower boiler water (Not Observable
temperature based on outdoor Oot Applicabletemperature,a'403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems Dicompiiesrihaveacirculationpump.Thepagspeer Oboes Not
system return pipe is a dedicate
return pipe or a cold water supply aia ousereanle
pipe.Gravity and thermos-Bot Applicable
syphon circulation systems are
not present,Controls for
Circulating hot water system
pumps start the pump with signal
for hot water demand within the
‘automatically turn off the pump
when water is in circulation loop
is at setpoint temperature and
no demand for hot water exists.
403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems Ocomplies
{61297 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL Coes Not
515.Controls automatically
‘adjust the energy input to the ICINot Observable
heat tracing to maintain the Cinot Applicable
|desired water temperature in thefopiping.ih
|403.5.2 Water distribution systems that Cicompiies
[F130]!have recirculation pumps that Coes Not
ump water from a heated water
Supply pipe back to the heated E
HelNot Observatte
water source through a cold not Applicable
water supply pipe have a
demand recirculation water
system,Pumps have controls
that manage operation of the
pump and limit the temperature
ofthe water entering the cold
403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units Cicompiies|
[FIS1P tested in accordance with CSA Oboes Not
855.1,Potable water-side eepressurelossofdrainwaterheat
Fecovery units <3 psi for ‘Oot Applicable
individual units connected to one
or two showers,Potable water-
Side pressure loss of dain water
heat recovery units <2 psi for
individual units connected toormoreshowe
75%of amps in permanent ‘Tcamplies
fixtures or 75%of permanent Ciboes Not
fixtures Rave high efficacy lamps.
Does not apply to low-voltage Not Observableioheng,"Not Applicable
“Fuelgaslighting ystems have Ticomplies
no continuous pilot light does Not
[Not observable
[|Fish impact (i pact (ier2)[3 [Low impact(Tier3)—]10.9
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Plans Verified |Field VerifiedFinalinspectionProvisions"#5 Net!ae ‘Comments/Assumptions
Compliance certificate posted.5
‘oes Not
CINot Observable
_ie CiNot Applicable -
Manufacturer manuals for 2
mechanical and water heating Ciboes Not
systems have been provided,eeeESCiNotApplicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
(a [ighimpact
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2015 IECC Energy
Efficiency Certificate
fuer wr
‘Above-Grade Wi 22.00
Below-Grade Wall 17.00
Floor 0.00
Ceiling /Roof 38.00
Ductwork (unconditioned spaces):aca oe cs
Window 0.29
Door 0.28PentaBeen
Heating System:
Cooling System:__Water Heater —i.‘Comments