inspection 05222019INSPECTION WORKSHEET (BINS-002896-2019)
Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal
Case Number:RC-0188-2019 Case Module:Permit
Inspection Date:Wed May 22, 2019 Inspection Status:Partial Pass
Inspector:John O'Brien Inspection Type:Building Foundation
Job Address:Parcel Number:16 KNOLLS RD NORTH
Queensbury, NY 12804
Contact Type Company Name Name
Electrical Contractor GPS Contracting LLC
Contractor JMR Irish Drywall Inc
Applicant Prime Construction Services, LLC
Granted Permission Bye, Victor
Engineer Saratoga Engineering & Design
Plumbing Contractor B & B Plumbing & Heating
Contractor Denno Contracting LLC
Contractor Prime Construction Services, LLC
Primary Owner Bye, Victor
Checklist Item Passed Comments
Building Inspector Notes NO 5/22/19 Foundation Walls and Deck Footings Partial
- Provide documentation from engineer stating the placement
of the deck footing next to and 12" below the septic tank is
ok. Provide detail w/ engineer's stamp.
Locations: Front Porch foundation walls, covered deck
Footings and East elevation foundation walls.
May 22, 2019 Page (1)
Checklist Item Passed Comments
Footings YES 5/22/19 Foundation Walls and Deck Footings Partial
- Provide documentation from engineer stating the placement
of the deck footing next to and 12" below the septic tank is
ok. Provide detail w/ engineer's stamp.
Locations: Front Porch foundation walls, covered deck
Footings and East elevation foundation walls.
Piers NO
Monolithic Slab NO
Foundation / Wallpour YES 5/22/19 Foundation Walls and Deck Footings Partial
- Provide documentation from engineer stating the placement
of the deck footing next to and 12" below the septic tank is
ok. Provide detail w/ engineer's stamp.
Locations: Front Porch foundation walls, covered deck
Footings and East elevation foundation walls.
Reinforcement in Place YES 5/22/19 Foundation Walls and Deck Footings Partial
- Provide documentation from engineer stating the placement
of the deck footing next to and 12" below the septic tank is
ok. Provide detail w/ engineer's stamp.
Locations: Front Porch foundation walls, covered deck
Footings and East elevation foundation walls.
Foundation Dampproofing NO
Foundation Waterproofing NO
Footing Drain Daylight or Sump NO
Footing Drain Stone - 12 inch width NO
Footing Drain Stone - 6 inches above footing NO
May 22, 2019 Page (2)
Checklist Item Passed Comments
Footing Drain stone - 6 mil poly NO
Backfill Approval NO
Plumbing Under Slab NO
PVC / Cast / Copper NO
Foundation Insulation Interior / Exterior NO
Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft.NO
Poly Under Slab NO
May 22, 2019 Page (3)
O'Brien, John (Inspector)