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scope of work
308.14-1-52 RC-0207-2019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Forest Park MHC LCC BUILDING & CODES DEPT. 45 Briwood Cir Reviewe By• New Manufactured Home 1216 s.f. J Date: q 16 I9 _ Lcy FILE COPY i r l e a &* -' P_�, NOTICE - ANCHORING OF MOITIL.E HOME 5 P�Y FRAME IS REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS —70 w co 1 :, c::,\ c-i URY U c_? BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1L Based on ourOWN limited Q examinationUEENSB ,compliance C4 p©+ d with our comments shall not be construed as Q Z=' T indicating the plans and specifications are in '- full compliance with the Building Codes of Pi ® ko. New York State. a i { "76, cr KM 0/ / LIVING 28- PAN 0 BEDROOM MASTER / ROOM I / 1.0 URN 1 / 16'-6"x 14.-2°' %I— so. implelff KITCHEI4 . 1 Ull) \ / 54" BEDROOM#2 I BEDROOM#3 9-0"x 10%9" 9,-0"x 10'-9" E'lil' St-eAl. : 0 , rm. 0/ \ BATH 1 1 r—I , 1 ....,,,... r 160 BATH1111 • ,.... wa milmmi- — MODEL 122-L-26612 3 BEDROOM,2 BATH NOMINAL SIZE: 16'X 80' ACTUAL SIZE: 15%2"X 76"-0“ TOTAL AREA: 1153 SQ.FT PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY _ _ CHAMPION F ,,,,r n'Arm- -"hrT 122-L-26612 LITERATURE S...,I L-101 MANUFACTURED BEAUttRALY" i I LOT 5411 (.W1E1 .4-,1,1,,_,_,_ ,..., 1 CATE Orirli -4 - PLAN ,S.0,1E-Tf..,WO(,,Y1r"VE.47Arm-1 , . LitftaGtAtt8TF5EdtlfAtiOltdiff-e-`,..40M-1AtteirNtR-4-5-17-MADISON VILLAGE-LOT 5411-76.-4-5-17-FROM-TOPEKA-,DWG.9/14/2017 11:51 52 AM,DWG To PDF.pc3 .II NOTE:ALL DROPS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON COMPLETION OF PRODUCTION PRINTS ©PCLIIVIIN n Ru DIED I I .IT FL.- 1 1 1 1 /'1 I I I \ 1 I I I DESIGN CRITERIA 1 THIS PRINT HAS SEEN DERIVED FROM D A P I A FOR REVIEW ONLY APPROVED DESIGNS 2 REFER TO THE APPROVED INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR THE FOLLOWING SIMI-DLYA,LS a IC OE COMPLETED D Sf NIL:NS tLLERI A SITE PREPARATION 1 MANUFACTURER DISCLAIMER NOTICE 9 SOIL BEARING CAPACITY �CxL SEARING CARACII), I PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION C FOOTING DESIGN AND SIZING 1 CHAMPION HOME BUILDERS,DOES NOT PERFORM ANY SITE WORK FOR HOMES FGOTING SIZE IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEALER/SITE CONTRACTOR TO INSURE D PIER CONSTRUCTION P THAT ALL SITE WORK WILL CORRELATE WITH THE UHF ORDERED E ANCHORING FOOTING SPACING 3 THIS PIER SUPPORT DESIGN HAS BEEN CREATED CC ALL DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION I.IPL PC ONLY s DIFFERENT e FROM SNG`.ti�l SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS SERIAL NUMBER NOTICE TO ALL HOME INSTALLERS. MANUFACTURED HOMES WEIGH SEVERAL 4 PIERS ARE REQUIRED AT BOTH SIDES OF PVER LOAD TONS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL HOME ON SITE WITH OUT HAVING EXTERIOR DOORS IN LOAD BEARING SIDEWVJALLS, EXPERIENCE.KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF ALL INSTALLATION VARRAGE LINE PIER LOADS REQUIREMENTS FAILURE TO MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN 4 PIERS ARE NOT REQUIRED IN NON LOAD SEARING END WALLS) "PIER SUPPORT ALTERNATE"DAPIA SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO AN INEXPERIENCED INSTALLER PLEASE READ 5 --- AND UNDERSTAND THE SETUP AND INSTALLATION MANUALS SUPPLIED WITH PAGE FLO1 01(MAY ONLY SE USED ON ODORS THIS HOME BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTALLATION OF ANY MANUFACTURED HOME LESS THAN 46"WIDE} 5 BLOCKING IS ALSO REQUIRED AT BOTH SIDES OF OPENINGS 45"OR LARGER IN LOAD SEARING r---, SIDE WALLS OR MATE WALLS FRAME SUPPORT . POINT LOAD SUPPORT I--55'-0 1/2" WATER INLET 54'-10" EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION 1-52' :',,I,,:a "�, , z r---, 1-BEAM r---, 0,r--- -56•4" - 1 '- - -- -1 , ug I , f 1 , , I 1r---, i a —r— -I I I I , , , , , �.- FURNACE C../ ;v ` I•-56'-3" DWV DROP TO BE DETERMINED 7...c14i.72 _ N i I-74' 1-66' I-SB' I-50' 1--42' I-34' I-26' F-18' I-1©' I--2' I B AM ,---, I I , , , I i , t I , I , , e I a , I , , I , ,- I i I I t , I I I t o p, r I Einn ` -. 1. 1 2' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' j 8' 8' 8 1 8' 1? �/f{(_l EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION -in-to" 61 15' I , f� IVI P ! Q N ,' E� 122 L 26612 PIER FOUNDATION F-10 1 LOT 1717 PLAN MANUFACTURED BEAUTIFULLY* 4e,a/.4.4 cr .7 w o Fr}z,cm ca.,1 Df,I7 cot co-,o-m VAC ,. LIi `-MITI# titAt''S`Fltd tirfli1t7hh`231E--�66i''t-13fiC'ntratR-4-5-17-MADISON VILLAGE-LOT 1717--76-4-5-17-FROM-TOPEKA•,DWG.911412017 1 1:51:03 AM.DWG To POF.pc3 °y"''.=,yam=,`` ��T� ��;�,= �%fir rilsta7 r This chapter covers the design and installation of the stabilizing system which secures the home against lateral and up- ward forces caused by wind.The system covered here uses earth (or ground)anchors and steel straps connected to the home's longitudinal steel beams and/or exterior walls. Stabilizer plates shall be used to prevent the anchor head from moving laterally in the ground.An anchor, strap, and stabilizer plate together are referred to as a tie-down. Anchors can also be mounted in concrete footings when there is enough concrete mass (weight)to resist the lateral and upward forces.This type of system is not covered in this manual. T�� l. - -K - z - N-_ _ _ _ �:Y�:E+ 'v='•'Sa>Y..�n 5`cc._t^ vW , • u ~6 t iair _& � . -. <_ , _ mil . s _ _- - ._z.. .. . _ V STEP 1. DETERMINE ANCHOR LOCATIONS(p. 62) 7 STEP 2. DETERMINE TIE-DOWN CONFI URATION (p.67) - V STEP 3. SELECT ANCHORS (p. 68) V STEP 4. INSTALL ANCHORS(p. 68) V STEP 5. STALLSTRAPS(p. 69) ) V STEP 6. TIGHTEN EN AND ADJUST STRAPS(p.72) STEP 1. I'ETERM NE ANCHOR LOCAT ONS , Create a sketch of the home plan showing the exterior walls, marriage line(s)(if any) .Zr and frame I-beams(this will be similar to the base sketch created in Install Footings, ' page 15). �v_. ..:; Need for a stabilizing I See Table 21 for a list of anchor locations,types, and where they are required.Pages system.The manufac- where the requirements are provided are noted in the last column. tured home must be se- curedAs each anchor location is determined, mark it on the sketch, noting important dimen the useaga f the wind sions such as spacing between anchors: When complete,this will be the home's tie- as embly of an anc n - a ass or an alterna- down plan (Figure 70 and Figure 71). tive foundation system. Where site or other. TABLE 21. ANCHOR LOCATION TYPES conditions prohibit the - . ,,.. � � ,� _,._-- .. _ use of the manufactur- er's instructions,a reg= �==.%~=-= Frame Yes. Yes 63 engineerg r�-=�•-:--._.--:-: istered or re - ram; — . ----::-:....;-:— ---:--:—— ----- —— — , ~ Vertical.;-.;-. r: :Nb Yes 67;.:: ` is ere architect must — --- esi n the stabilizin g g h ' 'ng r _ _' Frame Yes Yes - 67 system. .End rail .; -- . —_ — — --- — .41'A :• •::<:::11—`1., ertical:-. - No.'.`�_`:- f::' No,'; ::: .-::•=' 67:•;::' Flood and seismic forces. ___.. � Frame Yes NA 67 The stabilizing system re Vertical No 67 quirements in this chapter _...:. .. _. ....... ... ... ... --, _ - --._. -_ . _ - do not consider flood or Aspicb.Ppstz,51 Vertical No At Vertical Straps 67 p seismic loads°.and are not 4n. ff;Se±UnItY ` Same as Single Section Home - 67 intended for use in flood or - 9 Connect any factory-installed sidewall tie-down straps to a ground anchor regardless of the wind seismic hazard areas.In zone in which the home is placed. those areas retain a regis- tered engineer oregisteredr Figure 70 and Figure 71 illustrate typical anchor locations for a double-section home architect to design ie sta- in Wind Zone I and Wind Zones-ll and III respectively- bilizing system. S#02 -.,,,..-.-I.1. AF' ' • ------ R Conforms to ( r,11- HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 62 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2013 „�„C „p, Sr-s5 r1 t— S r�c,lT,1' Cs�[ lk t—. .�. _ . ter SidewaU Frame j f Tie-Down II �-- i Y —I-Beam rr End Wall ") I Tie-Downs Figure TO. Typical anchor o _i 1 _ locations for a double-section t�fvSarriaye home in Wind Zone I Line - a z - tr Key: s Anchor Head I- —Strap s o. _Vertical Tie- Down Standard Pier Area Laroe Opening, n eO )n m n Ya YP YP r a --��yyii-- • Longitudinal Figure 71. Typical anchor Anchors —z� 9---- Marriage locations for a double-section — — — iLine • home in Wind Zones it or ill ____ . .__ _ - y }i-Beam —i ~ ,�� Lateral Cl r'l h n / game ' Q 0 d N1 W.) 69 +VJ Y v[ Q.) ��} lie-Down High Pier Area IL Standard Pier Area`\ Sidewall erdcal Lateral Frame Tie-Downs Tie-Down to Far Beam 4 rz SiDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Use Table 22,Table 23 and Table 24 to determine the spacing between anchors for '- Wind Zones I, II, and HI, respectively. Spacing requirements will vary depending on the __., type of home(single or multi-section),the slope of the roof,the width of the floor for Maximum spacing require- each section,the sidewall height, I-beam spacing, and the height from the ground to ments.The LAHJ may have the strap attachment point. Determine the values for the home. Using the table for the anchor spacing requirements appropriate wind zone,determine the column and row that corresponds to the charac- that supersede the values pro- teristics of the home.The value on the tables is the maximum distance between an- vided in this manual. chore. Keep in mind that sidewall frame tie-downs must be located no more than two feet from each end wall and no closer than four feet to another tie-down.. Minimum spacing require- ments.The anchor manufac- turer installation instructions may have anchor spacing re- quirements that supersede the value provided in this manual. (As a rule of thumb,minimum distance between anchors equals the length of the an- chors cone influence). - FFS.#2.2 -.;"7., ...„_.--Conforms to HUD MHCSS inns 7> 1,1.+wr,.C1t/.msr.o:111, , Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 63 ,-,•;,--,,., --,1 P^:-.1.5:7:5,V0-,-r ---f.--.1-r-W3-40.4riii-7V-i4f•--1,-747----;.*:;.V5 ,-,,,,,,...,-4,5.,-_,z;,7,-,,,.-7--.4.---=-",-,_4•,---,-_,--,-----.,.r.r, TABLE 22. WEND ZONE €SLDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR EVIAXEMUlifi SPACENG (MINIMUM ANCHOR SPACENG 4'-a") ....._ = ------;-,-*- 7,-,.-410-v-,----z----k---4----1f--------'- --v-- 'aT'-';':-.-.5"--------°--- -_-------."-z-- _-__ -_-_—:—Z------_7`—'7.: -'4. :'-'''''''''-',, ., .T., ,44.1.1. j--*-I, •.',-.T"- -.: 1-1--31..-. 37,'-'''-ril.1111-WZ:' -C-7-4 0-:--7.Z..,3 ,jin. p-, -- ° ,-.-w...,:, -, ..!--e--•-----f,---2_r, -A,-.-...,7------.-I':-;;A-_-_°_,-,-,-.::,, __,;,.,:-,:-_.._----,„-,-__,-_,--,-2,--- ,,--,-;=, ,-,.--,----. „...v...... ,_,---,. _7• :".:,_, ,r...1 9'-09" '10'-11" 9"-09" '13'-05" .....,ft„.....,:i z.- -, '4_, ---g. •••-•-• ------i . _ :„..._ - 10-03' '11'-08" '13'-05" '13'-05' 10'-10" '12'-01" '13'-03" *13'-05' t.E4WWF.V..,-.-.-....-4....-,..2.,..2-.-.z,!L3-...,'-t..*-z.....,,..,-.--..i.Vf-ili..-',-_.t;"•;-.1._"±:,'_,.-.ALWWr_:.,r.,...•.."..•:•._.%;7.w-"4*.b-0-"-4,,,.',%t 4--71-r:.t,":--2e1-z-.4-7-•:..--".,'..7.'-.",ffw%-...'l.'..';:.''..-.7i-:.:.2;;11,1I8:I .,_4.-_, 1 1'-0 4' . _ 12-__04. . . 1_2_,f'.-._5.._ . ..12'.-0._ 977 . _ *8-10 19 .. 1 - '12'- " .-07 Di 8-11 0-04 2_0 0 *12-01 1 : 9'-06" '10'-08" *11'-11" '12'-01" psi•-:-.-...—,v.'rt.----;A--••• ---ve•---vr-1 9'-10' "10'-11" '11'-02" '11-06" 1",:-.4--::: 17-27rA 8'-00"8'-06" 8'-00" `10'-09" ---17 "'"''''''-'."'o-''-'.•r''''"''''''''' -A _... --- 1 . . . _ •V----,--".s.--'-i-s,,-.."-..-- -*$..." .' -.....„*Irplar '7'- -10" '9' 02" *10'-07" "10'-09" _ . •ro-„-*';'t* 01,-it-7:-_--_,IMY1;.„2,„--r-4-__.f• -8'-05' '9'-07" '10'-08" '10'-09" 8-O _ ' F 9-10 10* ' " ' '-02" *10'-05" 11'-07' 9'-10" 11'-07" 9'-10" 0-04" -10,_1.1. 9'-04" Q '13'-05" E•"4`.l."-il"--7.- - -•-*'=""" r-l:T-- - ..-_-"--- 4 ,... .,:.-.,-, .1 WifitT,1Y7--7:,- '11:1'-03' '11'-06° '13'-05" '13'-05" . 01-•,--:.1, --Z.'5if -. X Icitrfr i *1 0'-0 9° '1 1'-1 0° '12'-OS" '13'-01" ..k. -2V,..- - -•-e.',...e.. .-,24,,, •,,,,,--..-^-,--.----.-... -IC"*C3°, „,, 8'-10" 10'-05" 8'-10" - -, ""*--; ."-'''''' '::,-*•f-,z•-'.- '---' -ir36 ---1 8'-04" - -'9'--06----' --- - 8-Ed" ---,- 12'-01" . '''.'''..-At,-t'•..--*--ftif.- r*.ag,Wel -8-11' '10'-01' *12'-01" '12'-Dl" ,•-•,-.0..,•."4--jr"ir- .,,,._,.... . --..-•,•:-..:-.13-e:1-1.'..... ,z,-. 7---"otio:zr-,,,,-,•:,( '9'-OF "10'-05" '11'-06" '11'-09" kil,-.A t-4--- •-&--_-,----:it,v---..:.- 'I-'7::?,''i.41 t I r•1 . 9-06" 8'-00' 9'-06" 8'-00" ''''''''g-,-- -,-74'.-.4 - _ -- •-!'-'- S.-t-t-.47.?f-4,'•.,.,--,;iz:ig.i..tf:-.`WiTi*A 7'-07" *8'-05' - 7'-07' "11'-00' •gii-tieTe.7,..-' -:-..7mg-5--*T..--ilitria •7'-1 0" "8'-11"11'-00" '1 1'-00" ir-03, -6'-63- -1 cr-05" '10-08" 2ili2114 12'-10" 11'-OS' 12'-10" 11'-09" 72-4-riat::, alq". - 5_-- 11741'1*- '1 10'-10" - 9'-06 10'-10" 9'-06" .--,..,,,i.....-- .1.Y.7' 9'-02" 7'-09" 9'-02" 7'-09' IF.0-1-1•Zt-iar ;::-.•,-7"-- -' .-1:!-srbor-..-_:,„, 7'-10" *11'-OF 7':-10 Idriirdir'; 11'-06" 10'-07" 11'-D6 10-07 g:-'1.1•:.:*--S-,-Z-:•"1..-,..........-... .---,-',- . • - .- PT,-7*-----,,-.. 1-,-,..-,-••=:::-.. -2r-tiliZ5_-.- 5n-05" 6'-OT 5.-C/6" .,____,. • ii-8.-. ...**•*•----,7•:-4':i.;;:l...l. 4.*.... !IWADal,-:.; 8'-03" 7'-OD" 8'-03" 7'-00" , 7'-El" T-Di' .....,-...1,.Aski„-_-,--:I,:.-.;;F--,,:t--.---e.:FarliM74 io.-06" 9'-07" 10'-06' 9'-07' .:•8::-..;,---...-.-..-..,;',.,:.:--5:::,2, ''.;* -:.,-..23”-.2026".* 8'- 7 10" . _,.----- .- . . 7-Ds _ ,.0 ..- rcat;...., 7'-06" 6'-04" 7'-OF 6'-04" (fp 1.--4i5;-*:i 1":,.;•'-"•F-2:--.747;:-.1"' :Ar..tat.,* 6'-05- - *8'--10'1 . 6'-05' - "10'-11' Conforms to -- -- -- - - --,P--• -i,......?/::-.,-:: f-1,Z1D20S1 13'-°S.' 13'-02' 13'-05" 13'-02' -, HUD MHCSS ..--.•;:-,_,...., 1....::,... Dr--zm 12.-02' 11'-04' 12'-02" 11'-04" f ."-i •7.-.......-F!:: _, , ,•10•Zir' 1°-'...i,c' 0' 8" 9'-08" 10'-OS" 9'-08" -" :-'1:1-‘'...•.-':...,1.- -- --• _ , ritr.-t, 9-05" 8'-04" 9'-05" 8'-04' \_,•••.7: -,-., -4.-.:.,-;_:::..%- :'12192rf•,-.- IV-08" 11'-10" 12'-01" 11'-10" ,=ME Iv-oa" 1 0.--02" 11'-00" 10'-02" IBIATi*--:'/01:r.. ."--:-..,!..•::;:i.- -.• ::-.1-'-:27"loST-:-'A": 5'-07" B.-°°. 9'-°7" 8'-09" ...„_y: ...,:-.......!.::--.,...,.-.. , -•-- - - --' - PHILLIP J. wriosr_.-.?.- 8'-05" 7.-06" . 8'-05" 7'-os" ....../"-- C. P AML 4-:-..tif.',.'i ,'-i :; ::,--. :.,: i0-21c--,2 9'-01" 10'-OF 11'-00" 10'-09" -,:•"--,7-:-_---.:.,-.' 46746";:r4 -lir-op- 9•-03" 10'-00" 9'-OF 7 NG1N . EER „*.•,:i..':,;•••:.:::,'.5=1,:-...-...;.,--..-7.5, -_-_,,4tio•-sr_•,;.414 8'-09" 7'-11" 8-09 7-11 4- NO. .1q. ;-srio.sri., 7'-08" 6-10 7-08 6'-10' . .'"07- *Indicates a configurationr that will require an additional strap connected ... to the far beam (see Figure 72). ........................ January 8,2018 (. •W.Matilit- f ,-f.-1 trer'S Installation Manual-January 2018 . WA111.11,C7 OE CO ZIA.,EMT- TABLE 23. lftfI D ZONE VC SCDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR MAxtrou M SPACNG MGNCMUM ANCF QR SPACING 4'-0" o • _ . •y: :i° --_ _04' 5'-04" `�-D4" � N `'' r ..--i: `5'-04" "5'-04" `0 04.'; `5'-04' "` s, .,• � `5'-04" '5-04" `5'-04" °5'-04" '`_ -' ...• 'Fcx -ram'"_:{ •5'-04" <'5'-04" `5'-04" `5'-04" 7 _-=''3 e _{ `5'-04" `5'-04" `5'-04" `5'-04" .�.`.�,•i---= _ — .. _ —0 - _ �nT�y ,--- .�; �'_ °5'-04" `5 D4 `5-04 `5' 4" rE3 r`�',.�.s. "'�F="5..._n�»".I-N-.�-�"-�_.•, °5-04" `5'-04" `S-04" `5' 04" • , _. _ .;�.- - .•5-04" 5'-04` `5'-04" 5'-04" ..cam._ .. .°5.-04^ -5'-04^. - .5'-04" `5,-04" - a + �- , _- -04" .__ .04 .. .. - `5'.04_ -' c -0A" �. '�' S .'a„ . '''° ` s._ -:. `S-04" 5 04" `5'-04" `5'-D4" • '4,:- —.a �iKT�.c-.- `' •5-p4^ ._. .`5 04". ... . ."5-04� ... .. �°-04" , ..-.. - r Y?. 2Lkt',.', 5'-04" °5'-04" 5 04" o-04' "-.mow--:=- - - -4.c.,_ , :;,. i._�,�� =5'_04" e�_D4" q 5_..04^. :b 04' i . _._> 1 .� ,- v 5'-04" 5-04" -`5'-04" • _ .. 5,-04" r a t rreU ',5'-04" "5'-04' `5'-04" .0�-04" ,€, � '_.s;• i Witar 5-04_ ... _ _ '5'-04" - -'--- -5-04" -. .. '5-04 e -� , 5'-D4" �5-04,.. {5_04^. 5'-04. 4701ide 3" 41___ �,; " ... r `5'-04" `5'-04" '0 04" _' - _. �-t*,'-'* ..:.m., -r� `5'__04" .. ..''5'-D4" .:. - '5-04"'._ _ ... _t-5'-04^ • +ie� r} �, 'J `5'-D4" .._. '5-04" 5 04 `0 04 r -- -. '-"w` 5'_04" `5'-04' `5 04 `5 '04 .-., •:`lDBr "Y--,r•'� ;5-D4; ....."5,-04. -- ,5'_'D4" -5 04 �` �:rc'ft��_t'1 }_V°'� s `5'-04• --' --: '5-04 ' ..- ---- :5'-04" .- `5 04 u"n. rv:� a - ._._ b'-04'. .... .--- -04" ._.. 5'-04" .5.-04' _4 :" „9Da - _04 wge`er:, ": _ _ - - . .5-04"... e5'-D4" 4 1„ '. - : „ter _.. ,� •5. .5' D4.. ;.�,_vim,.:',.Z.." --.I".� -- -..... -. ---"--------'- -'1 �,'r' ='�z`c >=��-s-'.";s` �a - -----.� ...._ 5-04' S'-04" 5'-04" c-: a 5' 04' I t35Wid2' =�5� ='- ;ev =.:'37"e1D.52"g=� 5'-04" •5.-04" •5'-04" 5'-D4" ... �• {. 'S 04" .. .._":5' 04. •5' D4" .. ..... •5' 04". ._ .cam• ? ragO ,, 5'-04' -- ... 5'-04"-.. .. 5'-04" 5'-04" y ; s r - ro "5'-04 •5'-04 5'-04" '5'-04 r r.:P "'rO2 04' 'a' 04" •5' 04" •5' 04" 43, :,,. -:---..- - -'• �'�3'sob7"= ,5'-04' `-5'-04' 'S' 04' `.5' 04" .._.:.:.:...Y __ ... .. .....-- --... . ........._... ......... _. .._ Conforms to _.-;;_-;;;;"::::--• ' _:. :��. - 5'-04` 5`-04" 5'_04" 5'-04" HHUDMT3CSS t M - -. z 2/7/I8 5' 04" 5' 04" 5' 04" 5' 04' 5'-04' - _ •5' 04" a gyp � 5' 04" 5' 04" 5' 04' S' 04" ... .-3o3S"� 5' D4' � � D4`. 5' 04" 5'`➢4: = � � "qA- '_ui8 Wide �:'•'=`.�6'.. ..... . .._...._ .. .. ...._. . .... -- -. .. � pF A L , - ":_, ' ,1p�". 5' 04" 'S' 04" 5' 04" `5' 04" � -9 PHILLIP J. '• - --,i.-.._ - - -D4"... •5.,-04' _... ..._,.- _ -:�2".3020' - 5'-0 -04" -- ... _. 5'-04' .._ p � `5' COP - 04• 5' 04" 5'-04' N :- ,- ��..4,-;� ;�7"-�D36"..-� 5' 04' 5� ..._ .... ..._.... . . ......... _L �1NEER s;� .. : 2,::�y.-."-';,. _ __ - - _ 'S'-04` 'S`-D4" 'S'-D4' • _ " .. •5:-04.... b-04- •5'-04 'S_04: 32035 *Indicates a configuration that will require the frame strap connected �rez'z onai Erg. to the far beam (see Figure 72). January 8,2018 H H�A;r�F�",tx�,,�,,.• Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 65 .i;ter;=-�'. 3iirti:i='i`'x:`'.�Ny�:j'[q:f�".;, ✓.u�.p�tJ 4 TABLE 24. WIND ZONE III SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR lifiA It'LIM SPACING (MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING 4'-0_D_ ._ �. _. ,_; ,., -:� s ti i' -�.�T : -r rum? Via _'>• a 1 �?? I I E4 Q ,, _ t -,... - 7 .a-=` -- _ 7.v, ^fir -ice --_ - -= ., f° ; `-7�< _ - .._,.,--. ,..„ . __--z-_, __%11-.L.,--ft,, ,,,,,.1 . --4.:-.,.. 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