spray foam reportThe Foam Guys Spray Foam Solutions December 30,2019 DEPTH REPORT PLEASE NOTE:This document is intended for the use of NY State Building and Code requirements. PROJECT:16 Knolls Rd. Queensbury,NY 12804 iSIGNEE:Prime Construction/Bye Residence |~ Attn:Nick Denno 518-796-6694 Roof Slopes(Open Cell)RValue(40.5)Depth(9 inches) 2X6 Wood Frame Walls(Open Cell)RValue(24.75)Depth(5.5 inches) 1st Floor all existing 2X4 walls in living room (Closed Cell)Rvalue(22.5)Depth(3 inches) Basement Concrete 2X4 Walls(Closed Cell)RValue(22.5)Depth(3 inches) Gable End Walls(Open Cell)RValue(24.75) — Depth(5.5 inches) Basement Floor/Sound Control (Open Cell)RValue(22.5)Depth(5 inches) 698 Route 29 1-877-330-FOAM. Saratoga Springs 518-932-2989 New York 12866 nscialdonefoamguys@yahoo.com The Foam Guys Spray Foam Solutions **Products used were Demelic HFO High Lift Closed Cell and Demelic Agribalance Open Cell Sprayfoam. |,Nick Scialdone,state these RValues and Depths are correct. f \~4113/2020 Nick Scialdone Date 698 Route 29 1-877-330-FOAM Saratoga Springs 518-932-2989 New York 12866 nscialdonefoamguys@yahoo.com