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WINDOW SCHEDULE CALCULATION SHE - - . 0 ECEOE0 , „......, . MAY 1 7 2019 I Project Location: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ;,- \ - , / .7 BUILDING&CODES Primary Owner(s): ,..., — ,...- ,-.i ,,,.. ,.._ , ,-,,,._ q , ,-.---- Habitable Rooms \C: l'• ; --, -- i Window #/letter on plan - Manufacturer Name ,. Model/Type I , -- Unit/Block#Cell --' Size _i_ c.• - ,, .,_,_._ ,.•_,' 2_ ,,, ....:e,..,..., r,-1,...,„. Li c Rough Opening Width i , I -3,-'-' ^+ - - ;:,- .; i S' Rough Opening -. Height .1 ., Sq. Ft.Vent - _, - i___., -) J f ----- ' 'Sq. Ft. Egress/Clear .„— ---i -„,.. ,. -,, ----/‘,.._ - -/ — (4-'--1' / ., --.: i .,..., ,,, ..,, Opening ---•- Clear Opening- width in inches 7 ,7 --;"--„,, --, ;.,, 7-5 "z 1> -—7—1 4-> ---, - <•-: --- ••'' _.;..„,,, ,_,/ ,,,, _,'. ',,,... .. '''' Clear Opening- height __ in inches _ — , -/---- __, _.--• ..„, .....- ,,, 4---,) ..,_, 5.._.„, Special Hardware or instructions U-value — .,- , - Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Principal Structure Application Revised February 2017 NATURAL LIGHT, VENTILATION & EMERGENCY EGRESS CALCULATION SHEET ---,-- , — Project Location: v ' / Primary Owner(s): ,,..(--- ',.... \‘4' 1 c . Habitable Sq. Ft. of Required Actual light Required Actual Sq.ft. Rooms Room light (sq. ft.) ventilation ventilation opening for (8%of rm.) (4% of rm.) (sq. ft.) egress 7 i ,---1 • 1 Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Principal Structure Application Revised February 2017