applicationOnnaSl a AUYNASNAAINO AO NMGApplicationfor|SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT STAMP Ri IAD atv $25,80 VED do. (29 ¥ prone #:192-4648 Owner's Mailing Address: Installer’s Name: ‘Topography:Xi [1 Rolling 7 steep Stope Soil Nature:Exon CD tom—chy otter Ground Water:at what depth?feet Depth:——__. Bedrock oF Impervious Material:al what depth?————_—feet NOV 05 1996 Percolation ‘est XX Not Required Domestic Water Supply:ie Mun If domestic water supply is «WEILL:water supply from any septic absorption is —_____feet ed/Rate5went3 other PROPOSED SYSTEM: Sion in sin ety OSE 1,000 gulorNile,9 eet SOL ns, Scepage Pil(s):umber of _________/size each:fx hesarinoirIOpce ‘ile Field:cach tre Size of stone to be used: HOLDING ‘TANK SYST crrewirey|NPL Number of tanks:=Size of each:gal. Ins |Alarm system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 ofthe Code ofthe Town ofQueensbury,any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misre presentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or onbehalfofanapplicant,shall be void. Thave read the regulations with respect tothis a pplication and agree to abide by these and ull requirements of the Town of Queeee aOe awe LNA