proposed TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in „ ...r. .-...,0 "' full corpliance with the Building Codes of ill EcLeI V riii F New York State. 111 [JUN 03 20191 , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i :y BUILDING&CODES 4 33 TOWN OF QUEEN RY 1 BUILDING & CODES DEPT. i Reviewed By: AA, Date° C I ! A xico -0w CD - . d O E N co N O IN 0-91 c> D '"f to h 13 O, W 0) to O SEPTIC PLO .PLli 0 f I HAVE SEEN OR OBSERVED ALL OBJECTS SUCH AS HOUSES, MILS, TREES, EFNC S, ETC ? i SHON 4 OCUMENT,I HAVE PERSONALLY MEAS 4ANcESETFORT91 THI;Ep . .--A---nt FILE COPY t..i