septic as built 4co -z \ RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE ����', Ronald Richard Rucinski �� iC Ethan Peter Hall �\���,G 134 Dix Avenue �0 0 Glens Falls NY 12801 P Voice 518 741 0268 Fax 518 741 0274 Email ephall@nycap.rr.com Carpenter Residence- Azure Road 3 July 2019 John O'Brien —Town of Queensbury Building Department 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 Re: Installation of Replacement Sewage Disposal System At the above referenced project location this office observed the installation of the new fill material, gravity laterals, and distribution box with connection to existing septic tank. These installations are acceptable to this office. If there are any questions please contact our office to discuss. Regards, .... tille "Cit' :.4.%' '''''' •''t Ethan Peter Hall ``f Ji� AS BUILT Architect d>. °27'O41 � 5ECE11VE0 pU JUL 032019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&OODES Y:\!Mac\Septic Letters\Septic Letter-Queensbury-Carey Residence-13 june 2019.doc I