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engineer's compliance letter
a _cG(HM YO,7 Engineers ©Planners©Ar Harlan-MeGee of North America Malia Ridge Professional Building 4000 Siver Beach Roud ©Malta,Nev York 12020 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. CERTIFICATE OF CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE To:—Director of Building and Codes Enforcement ‘Town Hall 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 Adirondack Enrichment Permit #CC-0467-2019 1,Emest J.Gailor,PE,a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer have been retained by the owner to make periodic inspections and reports of the renovations at 413 Bay Road,Town of Queensbury,New York.At regular intervals and in accordance with standard inspection practice;I have completed my inspections. To the best of my knowledge,the building or structure has been completed in accordance with the approved drawings,specifications and addenda thereto,insofar as structural,fire, health and life safety are concerned. November 20,2019 Phone:(518)584-1300 Fax:(518)584-1374 Email:info@harlan-megee.com