1991-02-25 1.9"ð REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBR U AR Y 25, 1991 7:00 P.M. MTG. #7 RES. 118 - 131 BH. 11 11 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Stephen Borgos Councilman Marilyn Potenza Councilman Ronald Montesi Councilman Betty Monahan Town A ttorney Paul Dusek TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Councilman George Kurosaka / Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Potenza Supervisor Borgos-Requested 0 moment of respect and concern for those serving in the Gulf War and 0 moment in memory of Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Town Historian who passed away recently. RESOL UTlON CALLING FOR QUEENSBUR Y BOARD OF HEAL TH RESOL UTlON NO. 118, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: RESOL VED, that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into the Queensbury Boord of Health. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka PUBLIC HEARING-Sewer Variance- West Glens Falls Emergency Squad I - Supervisor Borgos-I will ask the Clerk if the meeting notice was properly published? Town Clerk Ms. Dougher-Yes Supervisor Borgos-The Hearing is declared opened. We hove 0 request for 0 variance os for os our septic system requirements ore concerned for the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad project on Corinth Rood and Mr. Jim Weller is here, I believe representing them. I see squad members also in the bock. I do not know Jim if you ore here on that matter or another matter. Would you like to, briefly like to address the Boord and summarize what it is you ore talking about. We got into some of this lost week or at the lost meeting so we hove 0 rough ideo of what you ore looking for. Please state your nome and address. Mr. Jim Weller-10m Jim Weller, and I live here in the Town of Queensbury. 10m representing the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad os the applicant for the variance to allow us to put the seepage pits for the septic system, under the paved area in the front of the building. If you would like me to, I con go over to the mop and show you exactly where... Supervisor Borgos-If you would like to, sure. Mr. Jim Weller-(using mop) These are the extents of the property here. The new building is basically over the top of where the existing building is now, we ore going to reduce some of the paving that currently exists in front of the building but we would like to maintain some parking over adjacent to the Niagara Mohawk right of way and as such we have located two seepage pits for the septic tonk in this location underneath the parking spaces of the black top, against the Niogara Mohawk right of way, adjacent to the Niagara Mohawk right of way. - Councilman Montesi-Jim, the parking area that you ore talking about is primarily going to be used by the Emergency personnel when they make their emergency calls, in otherwords it is not 0 parking lot that will always hove cars on it, like the one in the bock. Mr. Weller-That is my understanding, Ron, Yes. Councilman Montesi-So, in the event of on emergency where we needed to get into that lo tt. parking lot to fix a seepage pit it is not a problem, there is a parking lot in the back. Mr. Weller-That is correct, there is a parking lot at the back. Supervisor Borgos-Any other questions from any Board members? Members of the public, anyone have question or concern? Councilman Monahan-Jim, I do not see this, here, on the application or on the resolution but I am assuming that your plan calls for traffic covers over those leach fields. Mr. Weller-That is correct, they would be traffic weight covers over the top of the seepage pits. Councilman Monahan-I would suggest Paul, that might be added to the resolution, I did not see that in here. A ttorney Dusek-What is the phrase that you would like added in? Councilman Monahan-That these areas are covered with ... Mr. Weller-It is probably shown somewhere on our drawings which is part of the application. Councilman Montesi-What is the word that they use? Councilman Potenza-Traffic weight. A ttorney Dusek-As a condition you are suying? Councilman Monahan-Yes. It is normal procedure for whenever you put it in a parking area. Supervisor Borgos-Would that be item E on page two? A ttorney Dusek-I think I would ;ust add it to D as a condition, it states one condition already. Councilman Potenza- The Building Dept. requires it. \ 5vpervisor Borgos-+ befiette~thot';5 correct. Any further questions from the Board? Anyone else wish to add anything? If not we will declare the public hearing closed. Thank you very much. RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE REQUEST OF JAMES M. WELLER, P.E., AS AGENT FOR THE WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC. RESOL UTlON NO. 11, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, James M. Weller, P.E., as Agent for the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., previously filed a request for a variance from certain provisions of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, such provisions being more specifically those prohibiting .components of a leaching facility from being located under driveways, roads, parking areas, or areas sub;ect to heavy loading, and WHEREAS, a notice of public hearing was given in the official newspaper of the Town of Queensbury and a public hearing was held ;'n connection with the variance request on February 25, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk advises that property owners within 500 feet of the sub;ect property have been duly notified, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT \ RESOL VED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health grants a variance to James M. Weller, P.E., as Agent for the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., allowing a component of a leaching facility to be placed under a paved parking area on the property, and a. that there are special circumstances or conditions which iustify allowing a component of a leaching facility to be placed under a paved parking area in that no other alternative is possible which permits compliance with the separation distance requirements of the Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, and b. that due to the nature of the variance, it is felt that the variation will not be materially detrimental to the purposes and ob;ectives of this ordinance 70. or to other adioining properties or otherwise conflict with the purpose and obiectives . of any plan or policy of the Town of Queensbury. c. that the Local Boord of Health finds that the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and that the variance is granted oS the minimum variance which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Boord of Health to affect the applicant, and d. that the Local Boord of Health imposes 0 condition upon the applicant that he must also secure the approval of the New York State Deportment of Health, and 0 further condition that .traffic covers be placed over septic tanks. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos J / Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION TO ADJOURN AS QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 12, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOL VED, that the Town Boord of Health is hereby adiourned and the Town Boord returns to regular session. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosako. REGULAR TOWN BOARD Supervisor Borgos-Welcomed Troop 13 Boy Ridge Boy Scouts to the Town. Boord Meeting... ) Judge Muller-10m the Assistant Scout Moster, this is port of their Citizenship and Community Merit Badge, they hove to attend 0 public meeting in their community. Supervisor Borgos-We would like to thank the League of Women Voters for these mugs... PUBLIC HEARING-Proposed Local Low Sewer Rents. Supervisor Borgos-Has this been advertised? Town Clerk Dougher- Yes. Supervisor Borgos-Before we toke comments from anyone and everyone who wishes to speak I would iust to bring to your attention that once again I know I feel this way and I think most of the Town Boord Members do. This is probably been the biggest problem on the shoulders of any of us since we hove been in office. The sewer proiect is immense it is over nine million dollars of proiect it was mode very, very immense in terms of dollars because it has no federal or state funding whatever. It is the largest locally funded program that we ore aware of anywhere in this area and perhaps anywhere in the State. There was on attempt some years ago to hove this brought to fruition with 87 1/2 % funding. The funding I understand was in place but was defeated in 0 vote situation. So 871% of what you ore paying os for os the capitol construction port of this which includes 0 substantial amount of interest, unfortunately has to be paid and it is unlike other communities so if you start to measure against other communities they do not hove that 871% sitting there. Also it should be brought to your attention that this is something that was really put into place in 1984, 85. You were billed for the first time in 1988, each year we hove been operating under 0 sewer rent low that hos been revised 0 bit each year to accommodate some of the problems that we were able td address. It is on extremely difficult and complex problem, we ore obligated oS 0 Town and as 0 Sewer Dist. to make the payments for the monies borrowed, the methodology used is 0 bit flexible based on the fact thot there is o little bit of latitude in the documents that were approved by the Comptrollers Office way bock in 1986. But, beyond that there isn't 0 lot of flexibility. We hove done the best we con to accommodate the needs that seem to be impacting on substantial numbers of people. With any kind of success, next years payments and payments for there down, their charges should begin to drop significantly, not hughly but significantly. Until this time ) '--" '1[. we hod not completed the pro;ecC the pro;ect is now essentially complete we hove hod our lost borrowing. As you may know if you read this mornings paper and if you hod attended o public hearing 0 year ago and again at budget time in November there was 0 final borrowing of 2.4 million dollars during this post year to pay for the balance of the sewer district. That money has now been borrowed we ore starting to repay that. We were successful in working with the New York State Water Pollution Control revolving loon fund and our Town A ttorney in submitting 73 J" of documentation the lost time and being awarded one of the revolving loon fund loons at 0 substantially reduced interest rote, we ore paying less than 5% interest on this newest loon because of the efforts of our Town Attorney. That combined with approximately 5% we paid on the first 7 million dollars. So even though the numbers that ore out there ore· rather lorge they ore significantly below what they would hove been if we hod to fund this at 7 or 8% os the engineer had estimated. There is no legal way for these costs to be spread throughout the Town on the entire tax base. There is no way for them to be paid through soles tax revenue it must be paid, 011 the costs, must be paid by the residents ond property owners of that district. Thot is the low, there is no olternotive. You should also know that we ore trying to keep the controllable variables in this equation as short and os low as possible. We ore trying to use os little labor os possible. We hove less than two full time employees hondling thot deportment. We reolly hod budgeted for three full timers we ore trying to stay at under two save some money so thot next yeor there would be a little fund surplus ond we could opply it to reduce the rotes. We ore also doing what we con to encourage some development in thot district in terms of the assessed valuation in terms of water consumption. The area of the district cannot grow. The number of acres in the district ore {ixed, that is one of the other part of the formula. But, as the assessed value increoses it helps to spreod the base. As the woter consumption increases it spreads the base if we are able to hove some extension districts that tap into this larger district they wi II also help shore the load. Thot is the direction we are moving it ;ust takes poinfully long to do this. We hove no greot ;oy in announcing these figures, my Assistant spends most of her time, half of her time probably working on this pro;ect, we consider it 0 general administrative expense and we are not charging the district for her time. We will worry about that at some future point. We ore tying to do the best we con with that in mind I believe we ore prepared to onswer any specific questions you may hove, please if you wont to come forward now state your name, address and lets discuss whatever you would like. .~ Ms. Nancy Kelley-Hi, My nome is Nancy Kelly and I live a 6 Meadowbrook Road in the Town of Queensbury. I have some questions obout it, you certainly have onswered some of them. Whot I do not understand is and I am a heovy consumer of woter, not all of the water that I use in the Town of Queensbury goes into the sewer. But, I am poying for it. Is there anyway thot I con elevate that? I woter my lawn, I hove a swimming pool I use o 706 thousond gallons of water 0 year and I om poying olmost $800.00 for my $707,000 dollar home. My toxes are $3200. a year, I hove been in realistote 78 yeors and I do not know of any $ 701,000 dollor home onywhere in this orea that pays $3200. You cannot write off thot $800. on your income tox os yet and I understand that you ore working to word thot, that is 0 question. Nor con I do onything else with it in terms of my escrow. My bank will not escrow thot money. 50 it isn't 0 tax. I guess I am soying what is it, do I have to poy for the water that doesn't go back into the sewer and whot if onything can I as a citizen do, to get some kind of help, and does anybody want to buy my house? Supervisor Borgos-We hove been addressing each of your concerns they have come to us over the period of years. Way bock we said well we should give everyone 70% reduction in terms of the ql.!antity of water used right across the board for such things as car wash and watering the lawn whatever. Then we said that is not going to make ony difference because if everybody is cut 70% you are ;ust going to have to increase the rate per thousand gallons by 70% to make up for it so that won't work. What we have come up with this time and it is on page 5 of the proposed low, it ,says that quantities of wate.r, used at any premises which are number one, used exclusively for lawn watering or a manufocturing process or number two, results in soid water not being deposited in the Town Sewer System and three ore metered by 0 seporate and specially installed ond dedicated water meter to record such use sholl not be used in calculoting the totol omount of chorges or sewer rents due by the owners said premises under this law. Now, hopefully that move will appeal to some people it will mean installing a special separate water meter, hoving a plumber come and figure out with the approval of this Sewer Dept. ond I look ot our Director of Woste Water Mr. Floherty, working out 0 system so that we con be sure definitely that we hove isolated oseporate line for water, lawn watering, car washing or whatever and water running through that meter would not be chorged for sewer use purposes. We have 0 couple monufocturing facilities in this district that now will be able to do that if this goes through. One large one thot I can think of that uses hundreds of thousonds of gallons ond they have one little toilet on the premises the rest all goes out with the product. 50, this hopefully will address thot concern. The rest of the concerns, I do not who might want to buy your house but the morket is going to get better in a few days. Ms. Kelley-If I had a well, would it make a difference? '7:2. Supervisor Borgos-If you had a well you could certainly use your well water. Ms. Kelley-I am thinking to ;ust disco{w,", I ,'n':" ¡ Ivn. Councilman Montesi-Well~ one of the alternatives that a gentleman on Fort Amherst did his usage was 150,000 gallons with two people living in the home, 0 lovely home on Ft. Amherst, he has two lots and it is manicured, he has a sprinkler system~ so, my suggestion was that. He had to de-water to get the pipes in the ground because the water table was so high that if he sunk a point down ten feet he would be hitting water. So, he did, he put his own well ;ust for purposes of sprinkling the lawn. There is on expense involved in that but now his usage is down to like 52,000 gallons that he is paying for going through the sewer. Ms. Kelley-I have considered that and I know it is rather complicated when you read this and I think even if you have worked on it 0 long time it is still complicated. But, I am trying to determine if doing that I have to go down about LI' and I will hit water where I live. Will that compensate even with 0 driven point, it is not ;ust the water consumption as I understand it. It is the assessment, and the acreage. Supervisor Borgos- You get charged on the basis of your assessment and acreage. Ms. Kelley-But is it primarily consumption? Supervisor Borgos-It seems to run up the bill, I believe, I will look at Kathleen for a minute, it appears that once people get over one hundred thousand gallons a year they start to be substantially impacted by it. Councilman Montesi-The first fifty thousand gallons or the first seventy five thousand gallons is a fifty dollar flat charge. ... so the first fifty thousand are not free but there is a flat fee of fifty dollars. Ms. Kelley-But proportionately any consumption over that, is extremely, it is three dollars and fiftyseven cents per thousand for one of them and something else for one of the other ones. And so, I can use 75,000 for $50. and I can use another 31,000 for $300. now I really and truly do not undffrstand that. Supervisor Borgos-Another 31,000 would cost you $100.... Ms. Kelley-It is 160 on one of them and then you have to odd in .the other one, I do not understand it all but when you add it 011 up it came to $308. instead of $50. because I used 31~000 more. Councilman Montesi-The original basis for the flat $50. fee was that in many cases os Steve pointed out this thing is evolving and we have been trying, we take out wetlands, we have taken out large parcels of land that were landlocked and given a reduced rate, this particular case we hod a situation where there were a lot of single or two family homes, iust two people living in 0 home and we felt that we wanted to be fair. Some of the seniors to, so we hod tried to set 0 figure of 50,000 or 75,000 gallons it would iust be reflected in one flat rate and then beyond that you are into this higher costs that you are aware of. Ms. Kelley-One other thing and then somebody else can hove a turn, I still do not understand the difference between being in 0 business district and living in 0 residential area? It was my understanding that we ore paying and had to hook onto this because there was 0 sewer in our district. It is 0 business district sewer, and yet my street is zoned R 1 why did I have to hook onto this sewer. Supervisor Borgos-I reread the engineers report going back to 1985 0 couple of days ago, and at that time the engineer indicated that the primary purpose for this district is because of this commercial development however, it was noted that there were 0 substantial number of single family residences the largest reason for putting the sewer in was because of the high ground water table in about 80% of that district. So, the district boundaries do include areas for residential use and areas for commercial use. To the extent possible I think the Town Board has attempted to pass as much of the burden, and we will hove call it that, as much of the burden as possible onto the commercial establishments with the thought that they have at least some opportunity to recover some of that money. Now, we do not want to put anyone at a competitive disadvantage but at least there is a chance to put 5¢ on another product or 1 J or whatever it is get some of the money bock. Residences do not have that opportunity we have stayed within the parameters of the regulations as accepted by the comptrollers office, we hove looked so os not to over burden the commercial establishments to drive them out. But, the fact is you are in the district and because you are in, the district your there, I do not wont to say stuck, your there. Ms. Kelley-But you ore, I mean, you had no choice in this, I lived in lots of houses in Queensbury with a septic '13. Counci Iman Monahan- There was a chQice. Supervisor Borgos-There were, way back in 1984, 1985... Ms. Kelley-But if you did not live in the district at that time you didn't. Supervisor Borgos- The district has nat changed, what I am saying, if you bought property ,¿,henever you ,did. it should have been checked so you would have known that you were going Into a sewer dIstrIct. Ms. Kelley-It is my understanding when this was proposed it was going'to cost $7.2 million or $7." million dollars 7.7 or whatever it was and it is 2.4 million dollars over and above that, even that knowledge would not change whats happened and what is owed. The thing that ~ am hav~ng the most difficulty with and I still do not understand it the way it was explained I stIli do not understand the business district and the residential zone. There is not, what is the connection, just because it is one great big piece of land with different zoning? Supervisor Borgos-It is one piece with approximately 1000 acres, some of it is residential some of it is commercial. Commercial properties are charged the one rate residential properties are charged at a considerably lower rate. Ms. Kelley-But, why there, why that district, who asked. for that? Supervisor Borgos-Because that is what happened way back in 84, 85 I think it actually started back in the 70's and then because the big Lake George Dist. did not come through there was a smaller district attempted to be created. Some of that was voted down and then there was a resurgence of this in 84 and the final report was filed by the engineer in 1985. And that was approved at that time and it went through and once it is on the books it is extremely difficult to do anything with. We explained about a year and a half ago now why we had to borrow the extra money all kinds of cost increases, I have the engineer reports with me. That was all discussed at public hearings and we had no choice but to finish it and the public agreed. .' Ms. Kelley-But I really don't think Steve, that anyone and some of you live in the district had any ideo it was going to cost us that much money. Councilman Monahan-Actually Nancy, if you go back and look what was projected it was J projected that the total average cost for most homes would be around $399.00. Ms. Kelley-I believe that, as' soy I pay about $800. Counci Iman Monahan-But that is because you are using an unusual amount of water, but if you were using the normal amount of water you know. Ms. Kelley-It would be interesting to see how many people that come up use 50,000 gallons. Counci Iman Montesi-Nancy, I just wonted to ask you two questions, number one a brief answer, I live on Meadow Lane and when the original sewer was proposed I was delighted to be part of it simply because in the lot that I hod I had run out of room for, because of the high water table for leaching fields. I was pulling my hair out I con remember Joy Sweet saying to me there is no place else to go, so to me the sewer at the proposed rate of $399. at the time was a pretty good deal. Ms. Kelley-I agree with you and I am not 'saying anything necessarily negative about having a sewer other than having a choice about it and certainly I live in the same orea you do and when we dug our foundation we went down 18" and hit water, so we trucked in 2,000 sq. ft. three feet high of fill. So, I do know what you are saying ... luckily my husband owned the ...so we did not have to pay for the fill. But. the point is you are saying $399. which we con live with but, it has gone up all the time and I om just, and now you are saying it is going up again... Supervisor Borgos-It should level off now, we did not know about this one uncertainty this lost bit of borrowing to complete the project, the project is now done. With the other items coming on boord, increased assessed evaluation, increased water consumption, the operation and maintenance portion should drop. As the annual payment of principal and interest ore mode the outstanding principal will drop and the interest will drop with it. So, we should start going downward. I hope at 0 fairly rapid rate but it 011 depends on who the economy goes how fast the projects gets built, how fast the extensions get approved we should see significant reduction. I am hoping for 10% reduction next year, maybe another 10 to 15 the following year. Get it down, but it is 011 on the backs of just those taxpayers living in just that area. 7'1 Ms. Kelley-Ok. Thank you. Councilman Montesi-Nancy, iust one other question, what kind 0(, yo~ get a de~ermi~ation of the difference between your winter and summer usage at thIs pOInt your fIrst bIll, at what point? Ms. Kelley-Well, actually I used 21,000 gallons this last quarter and I only hod four of us at home, now, maybe I wash too much or take too many showers, I am not being facicious at all. ' Councilman Montesi-That would put ·you at about 80,000 that was wha,t I was at, I was at 80,000 I do not hove a pool and I didn't sprinkle so that might be one of the determining Ms. Kelley-I think that we will probably try the driven point well at this point in time os long os we ore going to stay there. ) Councilman Montesi-Have you normally filled your pool with Town water? Ms. Kelley-No we had it trucked in. I never filled it with Town Water....you do not drain it. I think the ticket for most of these people is to, actually watch consumption but before I started making the calls before I came tonight I did not realize how much consumption effected that $399.00 figure because my house (its most of those averages but not my sewer tax. Supervisor Borgos-Maybe you could look at the option of putting' 0 meter in, that is another possibi lity. Ms. Kelley-From what I am hearing here it is not going to save me what it is going to cost to install it. Councilman Monahan-Probably do a point chi aper than you con... Supervisor Borgos-Mr. Flaherty, one hundred dollars? ,Þ«' Mr. Flaherty-Are you talking about a point in lieu of everything or a point iust for irrigation? Ms. K elley-I am not sure. Mr. Flaherty-The one thing that you have to be careful of if you've got ground water at "- four feet the quality of water ... Ms. Kelley-Well, I am going to look at two things one is 0 well, where you get good water and one is a driven point well for lawns and pool. Mr. Flaherty-Being in the real estate business you may want to check if you go to sell that house the bonk may require it to be on municipal water. Ms. Kelley-Being the real estate business I am never going to sell that house, I hove got to tell you. Councilman Monahan-Plus the fact that you ore going to hove certain charges no matter what because you are in a water district and a sewer district where you are hooked up or not. Ms. Kelley-Whether I use it or I don't. That is the other thing as a citizen... Supervisor Borgos-You would still have your capitol construction costs even if you do not use it. So the best that you can do is save your operation and maintenance. Ms. Kelley-You get 0 one shot deal and that is added to the basis of your house when you sell it once. I can write off $753. Supervisor Borgos~Even if you go on the well basis you are still going to hove to pay annually your Capital Construction costs so you are not going to save. "- Ms. Kelley-You hove to look at it all to see what it is going to do, but if consumption is the ticket and I can cut down on consumption, so I can get to 50,000... , Supervisor Borgos-We like to sell water, so I think the meter would save you having to worry about pumps and storage tanks. Ms. Kelley-I do not know it depends on what you come out with the meter, then people con make a more intelligent decision. Thank you. ~- 75'· Supervisor Borgos-Thonk you. Who will be next? Anyone else wont to be next? Nome ond oddress pleose for the television comero. Mr. Brion Horrison-Mr. Brion Horrison, I live on Ridge Rood close to where the Kelley's live os 0 motter of foct. Consumption is not on issue for us I would guess we ore probobly oround 60,000 but we ore poying obout 3 times whot your exomple is in taxes. You know the reason we ore up here tolking obout this once before ond we were, I thought we were going to get together ond tolk about it and exomine the property ond I guess... Supervisor Borgos-I believe that was' done, a long time, right ofter you were here I believe thot was token core of, you were concerned obout the si ze of your property I believe. Mr. Horrison-Right, you know if you look ot Bob Eddy's historic map we are listed os the number one property in the Town from an Historic point you know where you enter into the Town ond is relotive to settlement ond I have to believe thot 0 lot of the quote unquote chorocter of the ploce hos to do with the property thot surrounds it. You know from everything from whether it is the grope vines or the blueberry bushes or whatever but thot's you know when you are looking at now olreody poying obout three times your overage exomple thot you got in ond consumption is not on issue so it makes no sense for us to drill 0 well or do ony of those kinds of things. I guess whot I om soying is where does the consideration come in here? Supervisor Borgos-How much property do you hove, is it eight or nine ocres? Mr. Horrison-About three ocres. Supervisor Borgos-About three ocres. Mr. Harrison-It is mostly in the bock but we con teor down the born .... Supervisor Borgos-But thot wos token core of believe, Kothleen would you ... Councilmon Monoh0n.-:We wrote thot in lost yeor, it wos my understonding. Supervisor Borgos-Lets find out whot. Ms. Kothy-Yes. 60% everything over one ocre.. Supervisor Borgos-Everything over one ocre there is 0 40% reduction is thot right, you poy only for 60% of the bolan,ce. Mr. Horrison-I think somebody forgot us, our bi II did not go down. Supervisor Borgos-We will be hoppy to look at that first thing in the morning. Mr. Harrison-The originol bill come out ond the bill is still there ond I hove got to tell you its, it mokes your overoge exomple look like 0 real borgin. Supervisor Borgos-We will be hoppy to look at thot first thing in the morning. We opologize. Mr. Harrison-We ore three people ok, we ore three people thot ore not using excessive amounts of woter, we do not hove ony ploce to go. Supervisor Borgos- Thot wos reduced supposedly for last yeor too wosn't it. It is wos not we will check ond we con hondle 0 refund on thot. We will check on that. Mr. Horrison-I hove got to tell you it hos been 0 reol fun one for us. I welcome hearing thot, I sure would like to heor from you ogoin. Supervisor Borgos-It is on the record now. We will check ond if there hos been on error we will toke core of it ond correct it, we opologize for ony inconvenience. Mr. Horrison-Well, let me osk you 0 question, suppose you decide that whot I om poying is not on error. Suppose you decide thot poying three times the averoge rate in the town is not on error os for os you ore concerned. I \ Supervisor Bargos-AII we will do, we will look to see if you are poying whot you ore suppose to poy under the low see if you got the reduction thot you were suppose to get, becouse I do remember when you came in the first time ond we went to work on it right 0 woy, very specificolly. Mr. Harrison-I do remember thot to, ond I olso remember the first bill and I remember the bill thot I paid ond they ore exoctly the some. -- 7(P· Supervisor Borgos-We will check on it the first thing in the morning. Kathleen knows 011 the properties by heart now. Thank you. Anyone else? Ms. Eleanor Backon-I om Eleanor Backon, I live on Ridge Street, 331 Ridge, 0 neighbor of Brian Harrison. I hove property that is not being used the water has been shut off why do I have to pay the sewage when 10m not using it, in three buildings. Supervisor Borgos-The way this sewer rent low is written you pay on the basis of the assessed value of the property the overage WQter consumption over the post two years, the previous two years and the acreage of the property. Now, whether you decide to use or not use the property is up to you, if you do not use it for a period of time your overage consumption would drop to zero then you would not be paying for anything for water. The way the law was written was to toke core of situations where people use on awful lot of water one year because of 0 dry summer and considerably less the next year. Not to hit them with that hugh usage for that one dry summer. So, it is averaged over 0 two year period. We ore still working to try to find another and better system possibly for next year. A t the moment this seems to be working os much os the numbers ore high it seems to be doing what it should do and that is smoothing out the cyclical impacts. If you do not use your property for some reason at this point that is your decision. Ms. Backon-A Iso I hove bock land that is. Supervisor Borgos- Your property is a/~o one that was looked at very carefully and I om sure you get the some consideration for anything over one acre. I know you come in originally the some time Mr. Harrison come in and there were several others, we took special pains to look specifically at those properties and they set the tone for the rest of the district. Ms. Backon-I still feel that it, no water is being used at 011 on the three properties it does not seem right. Supervisor Borgos-Are those properties vacant? Ms. Backon-Yes. Supervisor Borgos- You ore going to keep them vacant for the next five years, ten years? Ms. Backon-Until they ore sold, they wi II be vacant. Supervisor Borgos-But wbat if they ore sold tomorrow? Councilman Monahan-There ore buildings on them, right? Supervisor Borgos-Right, there ore buildings. In fairness, we hove to create the low that follows what was approved by the comptrollers office and is in fairness to everyone in the district. What is here seems to be fair and reasonable for normal circumstances, you apparently hove on unusual circumstance in that 0 couple of your properties ore vacant, but the moment that they ore no longer vacant they will be bock to 0 normal circumstance. Ms. Backon-Becausf! the water has been shut off for the post four and 0 half years. Supervisor Borgos- Then you should hove 0 zero consumption which means that you should not be charged, being paying any more than the fifty dollar flat rote. Ms. Backon- That is right. I was charged at the overage rote of 50,000.,.. Supervisor Borgos-Well, everyone gets the $50.00 flat fee whether you use zero or 50,000. Ms. Backon-That I do not mind but when was charged I think it was over $200. $300. dollars when I om not using the water period. Supervisor Borgos- You were charged for the water or the total of 011 the sewer charges for that property? Ms. Backon- The sewer, each property. Supervisor Borgos-Ok, but that is where you get into the assessed valuation the acreage involved and then the flat rote, so you could easi Iy get to $ 200. Ms. Backon-More than that even. Supervisor Borgos-It could be depending upon the assessed value of the properties it could be $200. and not use any water because you ore port of that district and that is what the '1 T"J. law says. We did not make the law, we just have to follow it. Ms. Backon- Thank you. Supervisor Borgos- You are welcome. Does anyone else wish to speak? Yes... Ms. Barbara Pallozzi-My nome is Barbaro Pallozzi, and I live on Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury and I am in the some situation that Brion and his wife are in, only not to the some extent he owns approximately one more acre than I do. . r was here last year, the y~ar before and I probably be he,.e next year. I om asking you, Mr. Borgos if you could explain to me, what is the benefit that 0 sewer gives to 0 single family residence? Ok, c~n you tell me what that benefit is? And ~an you tell me how my benefit would be any dIfferent or any more or ony less than says BrIon's or one of Mrs. Backons properties? Supervisor Borgos-Obviously if you ore connected to the sewer district you do not hove to own and maintain your own septic system. Ms. Pallozzi-I understand that. Supervisor Borgos-What you ore looking at is not 0 benefit assessment roll, I will look to our A ttorney to keep me on the straight and narrow, you are looking at 0 sewer rent low we would like at some point ... Ms. Pallozzi-It is 0 special assessment district correct? Supervisor Borgos-We would like at some point to be able to produce a benefit tax roll which would be different from the sewer rent low we hove now. It is extremely complex we ore working on it. Ms. Pallozzi-But don't sewer rents as 0 matter of law hove to be imposed upon unjust proportion to the omount of benefit received? Supervisor Borgos-I believe if it were, I wi II look at the Attorney agoin, if it were 0 benefit tax roll that would be. correct. Attorney Dusek-That is 0 pretty close statement, this is 0 benefit district the point I guess that I would note is that the formula that was used, one third ossessment, one third acreage and one third water. Ms. Pallozzi-I understand the benefit and the special assessments ond district whether they be for roods, parks, etc. but the formula upon which this low is based is grossly unjust ond inquitoble. A ttorney Dusek-Maybe I could respond just to that comment to help you with that, first of all it was reviewed by the Stote Comptrollers Office ond so presumably they found it fair otherwise they would not have approved it. The other thing that I might odd is that when you consider septic systems foreinstonce that depending upon the size of the house involved how many bedrooms ect. it is it moy dictote 0 lorger septic system, so the omount of usage thot it is put to. Ms. Pollozzi-I know, there is four hundred, nine hundred whatever size.. A ttorney Dusek-So if you consider acreage, house, woter usage, which is what they ultimotely did in 85 or 86 when then put this together when you consider all of that the amounts due by thot formula would increase based upon the size of the house which would be logical in the sense that the amount of the use of the system would olso presumably increase. In otherwords a one bedroom home would use less thon 0 four bedroom home, and a four bedroom home presumably would hove a higher assessed value would be lorger probobly located on 0 larger piece of land more consumption of water would incur becouse there ore more people so there is 0, I think this is just whot I am trying to do is give you some ideo as to the rotional of the system. Ms. Pallozzi-I know how it works and it is, I happen to be on the end of the stick where I om poying 0 lot more, I meon, to give you an example I hove on analysis of both sides of Ridge Rood. Ok, 0 lot of Mrs. Backons property ore poying considerably less than I om os far os Brian, he is assessed ot one hun.dred ond one thousand dollors, ok, he has 0 2.83 acres porcel of lond he will be poying forI is acreoge $606.57 cents and $231.87 for 0 total of $838.44 and thot is before woter. Thot is considerably higher then anyone else on the street is paying, I am next ond I om poying $581. ok the guy next door to me hos a house assessed at more than mine but it is on a much smoller lot. He is only going to be paying $98.00 for his acreage, so that the size of your lot definitely impacts on the amount that you ore paying. Yet I hove no greater benefit, as a matter of foct I olso hove 0 lot that is legal under State Law to hove a septic system. I hove enough land to absorb 0 system and those of us who are keeping... those of us thot ore keeping it green ore being penali zed. '7~. Supervisor Borgos-It is unfortunate that~ that is whot happened when this legislation wos passed woy bock 85~ 86 when this went through the system of the Comptrollers Office ond the Engineers proposol of three ingredients method of taxation was accepted. Where we use acreage~ assessed valve and water consumption. That set the tone for the way this district would operate we tried to differ from that in the very first year recogni zing exactly what you are talking about and we were told that we cannot. We had a major lawsuit... Ms. Pallozzi-Is there anyway where you can go in and look at the property and say alright it was zoned for 20~000 sq. ft. give us the 20~000 at the Class designation and give us the rest at D 1. Supervisor Borgos-Sure~ we could do that all over Town but what would happen is that the same few properties still have to pay the same total so if we reduced the price of the acreage or the dollar value of the acreage we would have to make it up somewhere else we would have to raise the water consumption rate from 50 to 100 or 150 dollars we would have to raise the rate per thousand of assessed valuation the problem is that you got to get all' those dollars from just that small district using all three of these components. They are~ got to be approximaÚ!/y equal value~ one third for the land~ one third for the assessed value one third water consumption approximately. ) ---<- Ms. Pallozzi-When you wrote the law was there anything about residential vs non-residential because I have never lived anywhere no one that lives anywhere where residential property pay the same amount as commercial properties. Supervisor Borgos- You are not paying the same amount you are being billed considerably less. Ms. Pallozzi-The same dollar amount per thousand dollars of assessed valuation and they ore paying the some dollar amount per ocre unless they go over and there is 0 lot of properties in the sewer district~ commercial properties that do not hit the one acre mark. So in essence~ we are paying more. Supervisor Borgos-You are being billed substantially less on the water consumption commercial propert,i.iJs and there are some commercial property owners here tonight~ commercial properties get no break on their first fifty thousand or seventy five thousand or anything they start paying the first one. Ms. Pallozzi-But they can write it off on their taxes as a normal operating business expense to. ) - Supervisor Borgos-But it is still a cost to them~ they would be happy to get rid of that cost~ what we have said os a Board that this district was formed primarily for the commerical properties and they can shift some of that burden to the extent reasonable we are going to pass that along and reduce to the extent possible to charge to the homeowner. Unfortunately we had to borrow for the cost over runs that is what pushed it up or you would hove seen 0 reduction in this year already. We hove had 011 the borrowing we ore going to need now that is the end of it~ from now on everything storts to drop os quickly as we can possibly drop it but we cannot remove properties generally from this district we cannot expand the district easily we con have extensions but it is not easy to do things because bonds have been sold and the bond holders hove the description of this district in those bonds. Very~ very difficult and complex issue~ we recognize all the problems you ore talking about tnere is no easy way for us to do anything about it. Ms. Pallozzi- You do not see any way in the foreseeable future of the large property owners having 0 reduction in the amount of rent thot they ore paying? Supervisor Borgos-We hove done that last year and for this year and we certainly will look at it again. Ms. Pallozzi-I know what you did ...could you bring it down some more. Supervisor Borgas-We can look at it again and see what impact. Ms. Pallozzi-What if you brought it up.. the people with 12~000 sq. ft. instead of paying o quarter of 252.00 they ore getting, away cheap there are some of these properties here that you know $149.00 total for their bill a,\d he is looking at $838.00 that is not equitable. Supervisor Borgos-We will look at it again. We will continue to modify this I am sure we are never going to get it to solve 011 the problems but we ore certainly looking at it. \ I '- Ms. Pallozzi-Realistically I mean~ taxes con never be equa/~ they just cannot~ you always hove differences in assessed valuation etc. and there ore other factors but this is a wide~ wide variation. r¡9: Supervisor ,Borgos-I agree with you.in terms of a single f~mily property another single family property but of course all properties are not equal one IS larger one is more expensive one has more bedrooms more bathrooms so I do not foresee the time. Ms. Pallozzi-When I have houses around me with more bedrooms and more bathrooms paying a awful lot less then I am paying. Councilman Monahan-I think what she is saying Steve and I have maintained this all along too, the people that we are penalizing ore the people who are doing the most for the Town of Queensbury environmentally and they are loading their property with all the houses and the roofs and putting it under roofs that they could and causing the problems in this Town that they could they are trying to maintain the open space. We hove 0 Master Plan in this Town who says we are trying to maintain the rural character of this Town, we are trying to maintain the open space of this Town and yet, everything we do in this Town penalizes the people who try to do exactly what we are saying we are trying to do. Ms. Pallozzi-I have one neighbor who cannot offord this and he may very well lose his home because of this, he is going to have to give it up...1 know people who will not even look at property within the sewer district, so as for as the marketability of our property is concerned it has gone way down. Supervisor Borgos- I share the concern expressed by Mrs. Monahan... Councilman Monahan-One other thing you have to look at within that sewer district and this does not apply to all residences but some of them are in such bad areas to put in sewers or septic systems that they might be looking at expensive systems like the Wisconsin Mound System that really going to cost them more than their sewer taxes, so you know you cannot, everything is not apples and apples that we are looking at is what I am ,trying to say. Ms. Pallozzi-I understand that but this is you know, this is 0 grope vs 0 grapefruit. Supervisor Borgos-Our big problem goes back to '84 and '85 when the Town 80ard at that time approved the.engineers recommendations, you hove got to recognize that this was the first maior sewer district, we hove five sewer districts in the Town of Queensbury, this was the first maior one. Perhaps not enough consideration was given at that time to what the impact might be in the future and some of the planning concerns that we hove now, the fact is it was done then, that's what the Comptrollers office approved, we do not hove the latitude now to do what we would like to do. We would like to soy to 011 of you there is no charge at 011 for the sewer district it would make us very, very happy. We cannot do that we ore charged under the low with fulfilling these responsibilities and raising this money and on March 75th we hove to pay for this district iust under six hundred thousand dollars, five hundred and fifty some thousand dollars, make another interest payment later in the year and that burden is there and it is going to be there for 0 number of more years. Ms. Pallozzi- Thank you. Supervisor Borgos-You are welcome. Anyone else? Mr. Harrison again, nome again for the record please? Mr. Brion Harrison-Brion Harrison, 329 Ridge Rood, again I you end put pitting neighbors against neighbors' on these things when you start playing with figures and it is really unfortunate thing. Obviously I sympathize with what you said Betty because we worked very, very hard to keep that properly looking the way it has for 0 long, long time. We also were aware of the rational of the formulas that come down and os you said approximately equal to consumption, assessed valuation, and property. Our assessed valuation is about four times our consumption charge and our property valuation is about ten times our consumption charge. Now, you tell we where the equity is in the three charges there, I.. Supervisor Borgos-What we do is toke the amount of money that needs to be raised.. Mr. Harrison-I understand that \ Supervisor Borgos-One third over here and then we iust split it up, it is mathematical. Mr. Harrison-But the way it was represented to the public and the way I assume it was evaluated by the A ttorney General's Offi¿e is ok, we ore approximately trying to deal with these issues os they ore because you ore dealing with 0 benefit and the benefit to us and the three people who live in our house is no greater than anyone else. Now, I con point to 0 house on our street that has less than a half acre less than I do, in otherwords they ore, plus 0 swimming pool and they are paying less than half my taxes on this particular, the sewer charge, less than half by sewer charge. So, there is wide gross variations~ very wide gross variations that hove and I cannot understand the rational for it. I cannot understand the rational why you want to take and charge someone who is trying to maintain ßo. on historic piece of property and charge them ten times the consumption rote, because they hove 0 nice looking piece of property. \ Councilman Monahan-I think what Brion is maybe saying is that we ...maybe we ore weighting these three categories wrong. Supervisor Borgos-We only hove 0 very little bit of latitude os for os those weights ore concerned. Mr. Harrison-But, if the issue is conservation and you ore looking at someone with property and you charge them ten times their consumption rote lust for their v,acant property then what you ore doing is that you ore asking them to subdivide so they con ovoid the expense. Supervisor Borgos-Hopefully not. Councilman Monahan-You ore forcing them to. Supervisor Borgos- Anyone else? Ron you started to soy something befQr,e. Councilman Montesi-Just, one question that is for the public and also for my information. A malor development went in town at some point Hiland Pork. Their flow was going to force us to be above four hundred thousand gallons 0 day our sewer district is contracted with the City of Glens Falls for on annual flow four hundred thousand gallons 0 day. When Hiland Pork was, come off the line they hod some money that they hod to pay the sewer district for upsizing the pump station and some other factors plus what they owed the city. to go into their line. A Iso, we hove 0 written agreement that said that, when we get above four hundred thousand gallons 0 day, Hiland Pork is going to hove to pay for 0 pipe going from Boy and Sanford Street down Sanford Street in the City to Glen Street, because specifically the pipe at· Boy at Sanford could not toke over four hundred thousand gallons a day. I was down talking to Don Coalts the other day and he tells us that we ought to start looking at that prolect rather quickly because we ore at 330,000 gallons right now. A minimal flow is coming from Hiland Pork unfortunately what, with the economy that turned soft and the real estate market, os you know Nancy the new home development that was suppose to happen here isn't. So, they ore only using seven or eight thousand gallons o day right now, I thÎnk if the figures ore correct that I sow. But, I lust wont to make sure that we os 0 Town hove that commitment from that developer that once we get over 400,000 gallons 0 day it is not this central sewer districts responsibility to pay for that ...and I will hope that we ore 011 on key on that, if I om wrong we better know now because that is another $170,000. we estimated that to be $100.00 0 ... ' Supervisor Borgos- That agreement has been reached, I do not believe its been signed yet, I om not sure of the numbers but I do not believe that it calls for the baffel installation at Sanford Street under precisely those conditions in fact I sow 0 report lost year that indicated that there was still excess capacity of 3 million gallons 0 day at Sanford and Boy. There is 0 provision in that agreement for Hiland Pork to pickup their proportionate cost of the diversion from Sanford over to Glen there is 0 provision for Hiland Pork to make the full payment to the City for their number of gallons 011 that is there and the payments will be coming to the Town momentarily os soon os we hove 0 minute to finish the Hiland Pork Agreement with interest going bock to 1990. Those payments to the extent of $50,000. toward the Capitol Costs were credited this year to reduce the capitol construction costs of this prolect. If you look at the budget for this year there is 0 $50,000. item called fund appropriation that 'reduces specifically the capitol construction cost with the monies coming from Hiland Pork there would be another $50,000. next year and $50,000. the following year and approximotely $35,000. the next year. All that money will come in at one time but the proposal is to apply it 0 bit at a time toward meeting that. We cannot pay these bonds off early they ore not ... there ore locked in for 20 year serial bond arrangement so the thought was to, apply $50,000. for several years at the some time the assessed value of the district will be increasing so that by itself should further reduce the obligations of the people living in that district. We ore looking at 011 this and again, Hiland Pork I feel quite comfortable with there ore 0 couple of other proposals out there right now that may happen within the next couple of months along Boy Rood and specifically along Route 9 that will bring other contract customers into this district to pour more money into the revenue side of this equation, 011 things being equal that should reduce the rates that we hove been looking at, and hopefully that is our goal and hopefully that will be accomplished. / That is the only way that we con make this thing get down to some reasonable' numbers is by encouraging growth in the district and 0 lot of people to not like to hear that but if you encourage growth in the district, m'ore people and more dollars will be there to shore the costs. If there is no growth in the district then the some relatively few people hove to pay more. We ore trying to get out of that and it is not 0 political decision none of us enloy doing this it is lust something that the low says we hove to do and the obligation is there. The new shopping center, Quaker PlaZQ at Glenwood and Quaker will help substantially there is 0 restaurant there, restaurants ore big users of water. The new Embers Restaurant down on Quaker Rood is connected to the district, that will help substantially, o place called Aviation Moll is going to be expanding significantly that will help. All those 8/. things will help this district. The quicker the better, I would like to see it double in assessed value and water consumption and cut everything in half. Anyone else? Mr. Ted Young-My name is Ted Young I am on the Boord over at Westwood. I ;ust, I am asking for a little clarification. In quickly reading the sheet over I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any category that specifically fits our development. I am talking about the vacant land. You toke the number of units which at the moment is 40 you divide it into 73 acres, therefore its obviously he has 0 higher rote for all'of those acres. But the individual homeowners are paying the water, sewer tax, individually and the vacant land is owned in common, it is not so I would think it ought to be treated os an individual thing. In otherwords the first acre and then thé balance would be at the lower rate. ' Supervisor Borgos-Again in fairness, we looked at this very specific case in fairness, we said how do we treat 011 people, people with 0 single family residences get a certoin rate for that residents and the first acre of land. Anything beyond the first acre they get a significantly reduced rate. We look at your situation the owner there own really the footprint of their building and they ore billed directly exactly the number of square feet percentage of the acre for that. Now, the rest of the land is like the front lawn of other people or the bock yard of other people it is on amenity to the property. It does not seem appropriate to soy well, the extra 4 J. or 5 acres whatever it is owned by one party known as the homeowners association of Westwood or whatever your name is. It is over one acre so therefore it should be treated os vacant land. That doesn't seem appropriate but that is one thing this Board can disagree with it seems unfair to those people who have an acre or on acre and a half and hove to pay for the privilege of having a lawn that those of you who choose to live at Westwood specifically would not pay anything for your lawns and your shrubberies that is a little uncomfortable. Mr. Young-The question though in effect we have 73 acres of vacant land, lawns etc. by the formula that they hove here if I understand it which is my question we are paying the two fifty two rate for all 73 acres. Supervisor Borgos-That is correct. Mr. Young-We don't get any reduction. .... Supervisor Borgos- That is correct because you have 40 residences and in theory you would hove to go past 40 acres before you got 0 break. - Mr. Young-Right. It is ;ust a clarification, it seems that we ore getting paid we are getting hit on the two fifty two on our individual homes plus we are paying the full freight on the balance of the property. Supervisor Borgos- You are only paying a percentage of that two fifty twa on your home, you are not paying, it isn't two fifty two ... Mr. Young-We ore paying for the footprint of the house. Supervisor Borgos-Just the footprint which maybe 2,000 sq. ft. one/twenth sa you might be paying $ 72.00 for the land port. Mr. Young-I agree, ;ust looking at the classification, incidentally the vacant land doesn't have any water connection at all. Supervisor Borgos-Correct. Mr. Young-Which I am sure it does not m'ean anything at this stage of the game, but I ;ust wanted to clarify that so I understand it correctly. Thank you. Supervisor Borgos-Yes, Sir, Thank you. Anyone else? Hearing no more voices, seeing no more hand we will close this public hearing. You may no( believe this but we seriously want to reduce those charges and we are doing everything we are standing on our heads and doing somersaults the Town A ttorney and I have visited A Ibany, we have had countless phone conversations we hove worked with A ttorneys we have worked with Accountants, Kathleen Kathy has worked on this unbelievable number of hours, we call her the sewer lady around the building she has worked 0 good share of the year trying to cut those costs down and we ore going to keep trying we are doing the best that we can. It is our obligation to get this thing in place, collect the modey and pay the bills and try again to cut it down. I would like to see us get down to the $ 250.00 a year range for the typical household I would feel more comfortable. Councilman Montesi-On the some token ;ust in case you happen to be talking to anybody at Hiland Park there are in an entirely different rote structure for sewer, Hiland Park the development, Gary Bowen's property they pay for and put all of the infrastructure in, the pipes and the manholes etc. so that there is no capitol investment there is no bond to pay 8). off when you buy a lot or build a house in Hiland Park part of the cost ?f t~at lot is really reflected in the fact that the infrastructure there so when somebody In Hiland Park gets o sewer bilì from Queensbury Central what it really is the usage fee, flow and the ... Supervisor Borgos-They are charged solely on the basis of assessed valuation, only assessed valuation they ore not charged for water consumption they ore not charged for acreage only on assessed valuation in that district. Councilman Montesi-And that is a much lower rote and you would have to look at that and say gee why are they paying less this is only informative in the sense that, that whole infrastructure was put in prior to the development. Supervisor Borgos-But they do not think that they ore paying less because there are so relatively few properties owners out there that the cost per typical house out there is extremely high. Councilman Montesi-I played 0 very hard game of golf one day with Wayne and ... Mr. Ted Young-I am glad you brought this up because the same situation ... Supervisor Borgos-St()te your name again please ;ust for the record. Mr. Ted Young-My name is Ted Young, the some situation prevails at Westwood in otherwords it is 0 private road 011 of the connections the sewer connections_JJre put in prior to being connected, in fact they hod a separate system there prior to being connected to the sewer so this should be similar, I was not aware of the Hiland Pork thing but this seems to be the same. Supervisor Borgos-Except the only thing that Westwood paid for was the connection, the lateral from the main trunk on Glenwood A venue into the district, Hiland Pork paid far 011 the laterals 01/ the distribution the pumping station the whole thing until it tops into the pumping station on Meadowbrook is a totally different boll game, it is entirely separate sewer district. You are not 0 separate sewer district you ore on 0 separate lateral. ,'" Councilman Montesi-Basically, Mr. Young your street has not been dedicated so that what you have, you have 0 driveway with a sewer line going out to the main road you can think of the 40 homes os one unit and you are in the sewer district you have one lateral hookup there happens to be 40 homes on it and each one is paying their fair share. A little bit different... ~ Mr. Young- You brought it up. Councilman Montesi-I brought it up because somebody is going to ask the question one of these days how come Hiland Pork is paying less and... Mr. Young-10m sure they ore going to, we keep asking questions 011 the time. Supervisor Borgos- That is .what we are here for, happy to have you it keeps us aI/ in business. Ok. The public hearing is closed...8:05 P.M. Any other comments from the Board Members? RESOLUTION TO ENACT LOCAL LAW NUMBER 1, 7997, ENTITLED A LOCAL LAW IMPOSING SEWER RENTS FOR THE QUEENSBUR Y QUAKER ROAD SEWER DISTRICT RESOL UTlON NO. 779, 7997, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of amending the current Sewer Rent Low in, effect for the Central Queensbury/Quaker Road Sewer insofar as it applies to 0" for the 1991 calendar year and thereafter, and WHEREAS, the said current Sewer Rent Law was lost amended and adopted on the 9th day of April, 1990, os Local Law Number 2 of 1991, and is entitled a Local Low Imposing Sewer Rents for the Central Queensbury Quaker Rood Sewer District enacted imposing sewer rents for the Central Queensbury Quaker Sewer District in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, N. Y. enacted pursuan\t to Article 14(P} of the General Municipal Law and Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed amendments to the Sewer Rent Law were presented at 0 meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 4th day of February, 1991, and WHEREAS, the said proposed amended Sewer Rent Low generally: ~~~ 7} amends and/or modifies and increases the rates or fees to be assessed as sewer rents within the Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer District, and 2} adds new provisions relating to assessments or rents imposed on condominiums, townhouses, or other like developments, and ad;usts and lessens in certain instances those rents or assessments based on water used exclusively for lawn watering or manufacturing processes, with the remaining provisions of said Local Law remaining unchanged, and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at the aforesaid meeting of February 4, 7997 directed that a public hearing be held on FebruarY' 25, 7997, and, in it Resolution, directed that the Town Clerk publish notice of said hearing ten (70) days prior to the meeting, and WHEREAS, on February 25, 7997, a public hearing with regard to the proposed amended Sewer Rent Law was duly conducted, and WHEREAS, a copy of the said proposed amendments to the Sewer Rent Law are presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby enacts the proposed amended Sewer Rent Law to be known as Local Law Number 2, 7997, the same to be titled and contain such provisions as are set forth in a copy of the proposed amended Sewer Rent Law presented at this meeting, and BE IT FUR THER RESOL VED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby directed to file the said Local Law with the New York State Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law and that said Local Law will take effect immediately and as soon as allowable under law. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997, by the following vote: ,.' Aye: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka - (Local Law to be found at end of Minutes) OPEN FORUM 8: 75 P.M. Mr. Bob Tyrer-Owner of Glenwood Manor-Requested that the Town Board reconsider the fee charged to Transient Merchant Markets...the fee of $ 7,050.00 too much money...we only bring in 4-5 transient merchants the other vendors are local ...noted that we are creating revenue for the Town of Queensbury, motel uses, gasoline uses, restaurant uses ... we are running a highly cultured operation..1 believe we should be grandfathered... this is our ninth year we are doing this as a show... - Supervisor Borgos-Explained the background of the Local Law...noted that we can look at revising the Local Law... Mrs. Susan Goetz-I am here representing the Glens Falls League of Women Voters...p~ssed out a gift to the Town Board, the League is celebrating the 75th anniversary year of the League of Women Voters of the United States.. Mr. Pliney Tucker-Ward 4, February 4th the Board passed a resolution putting a light at the Town Court, noted how quickly this was put up...also the last meeting you passed a resolution regarding assessment on properties along Lake George... Supervisor Borgos-Noted that we have re~ained the services of a professional firm to begin the re-valuation of the Town specifically those parcels which are on the shores of Lake George...in the near future we will retain someone to do the commercial properties...most of the rest of the Town will be done in-house...reassessment to be completed in 1993. Mr. Tucker-Does this reassessment have anything to do with problems in their assessment last time? ~r! Supervisor Borgos-I would not say directly. Mr. Tucker-Question regarding landfill-Questioned if the tipping fee to dump from other communities into the Queensbury landfill is to be used for closure who pays for the dumping now? Supervisor Borgos-Noted that this is under negotiations... we have proposed a number which would include a major portion of that number going into our current reserve fund for the landfill closure just adding to the fund that is already there. Mr. Tucker-With the new census figures wi II this increase our representation on the County Board? Supervisor Borgos- There wi II be a reevaluation of the voting power at the County Board level as soon as the census is finali zed...my quess is that Queensbury will pickup a substantial number of votes at the County Board... Mr. Tucker-Will this increase our representation on the County Board? Supervisor Borgos-That is a possibility, I am not sure of the legal process... Mr. Tucker-Noted he would like to see representation on the County level for Ward 4... Question regarding Special District...if a district is already established can another area be brought into the district, when it does not have enough assessed valuation to support it? Supervisor Borgos-Probably not... Mr. Tucker-Noted a situation regard property divided between Corinth Rood Water Dist. and Clendon Brook Water Dist. and a portion of the property cannot be reached by the Clendon Brook Water Dist. ... Supervisor Borgos-If that is the problem I om sure there is some way to serve them.. suggested that the people involved bring in their bills and let us review this... Ms. Eleanor Backon-Ridge Street-Questioned why the property in the bock at 339 why is it assessed for a sewer when there no sewer and it cannot be placed. Supervisor Borgos-If it is within the sewer district boundary then it is assessed, noted that 011 information that was brought in before was considered in detail... - Mr. Paul Naylor-Highway Supt.-We lost on old pol this week Dr. Eisenhart he was 0 good Boord Member and 0 good friend... Supervisor Borgos-Asked for further comments...hearing none the Open Forum is closed... Councilman Potenza-Reported to the Boord on the Association of Towns Meeting in N. Y. City.... Supervisor Borgos-Spoke to the Town Boord regarding a meeting in Albany, joint hearing for the Senate Fir'ance Committee and the Assembly Ways and Means Committee...noted that he spoke against the landfill closure, asked to have created the legislation necessary to suspend indefinitely the landfill closure process... Noted that the Town of Queensbury has agreed to be the consolidated landfill for Warren County... Discussion held in regard to recycling, Warren County to hove further meetings... Discussion on raising landfill fees... Commercial Haulers to be raised to $9.00 per cubic yard $3.50 of that for operation and $5.50 to be used for closure effective March 18th. Gate Fees $3.00 1.00 of that for operation $2.00 to be used for closure...effective dote April 8th (to give time to have gate changed) (Town A ttorney will frame proper resolution) Mr. Turner-How much money is in the closure fund... ) Supervisor Borgos-It is 0 little bit over ,a million dollars...and it is.Jnvested in CD's in a variety of bonks... \ Mr. Turner-What is the expected closure costs? Supervisor Bargas-Four to Eight Million Dollars... Mr. Turner-How much of an impact will the other Towns in the County have on our landfill... g.$'- Supervisor Borgos-Negligable... Councilman Monahan-How much cloy hove we transported up there yet and what is the cost per ton. Mr. Naylor-Noted that the figures ore ot the office... Supervisor Borgos-Noted that we hove hod 0 series of accidents at the corner of Luzerne Rood and West Mt. Road...extra stop, signs hove been installed at the County Intersection, the neighbors hove asked for 0 blinking light... Announced 0 Special Town Boord Meeting on Thursday at 2:00 P.M. Supervisor's Conference Room...for Resolutions that were not ready for tonights meeting.. L tr. Penny Liapes-requesting permission to extend mobile home permit time... RESOLUTION EXTENDING PERMIT TIME-MOBILE HOME RESOL UTlON NO. 110, 1991, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: WHEREAS, Penny J. Liapes previously filed on application for 0 mobile home outside 0 mobile home court permit in accordance with Paragraph 2 Section I.{ of Ordinance Number 72 for the regulations of Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Courts in the Town of Queensbury to temporarily locate 0 mobile home at property situated at RD3 Warren Lone, Queensbury, New York and WHEREAS, said permit expired os of December 37, 7990 and WHEREAS, Penny J. Liapes has requested a further extension of time of three months during which time to leave the mobile home placed on the fore described property NOW, THEREFORE BE IT .' RESOL VED, that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby finds that the previous applicotion filed by Penny J. Liapes is satisfactory and be it further RESOL VED, that the Tawn Board of the Tawn of Queensbury pursuant ta Paragraph 2A Section L¡ of Local Low for 7986 hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to grant a three month permit to park the mobile home outside 0 mobile home court in allowing Penny J. Liapes to place a mobile home on property located at RD3 Warren Lane, Queensbury, N. Y. in accordance with the terms of the ordinance. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997. by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent:Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION REGARDING PURCHASE OF DOZER AND PAN FOR USE AT THE QUEENSBUR Y/GLENS FALLS LANDFILL RESOL UTlON NO. 117, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of authorizing and approving the purchase of 0 dozer and pan being that of on Army Surplus Vehicle, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and approves the purchase of the afore described doze'r and pan which equipment shall be used for the ..' ßl,· of the aforesaid equipment from the Landfill Reserve Account with the number to be given to the Accounting Dept. by the Town Supervisor. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOL UTlON TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 711, 7997, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOL VED, that the Town Board minutes of February 4, 1991 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 113, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOL VED, that the Town Board minutes of February 14, 1991 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka - (Bids on file for Water Dept. Chemicals) RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR CHEMICALS RESOLUTION NO. 714, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing for the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, duly advertised for bids for liquid chlorine, liquid caustic soda, and liquid aluminum sulfate pursuant to, Town of Queensbury Water Department Specifications, and WHEREAS, the firm of K.A. Steel Chemicals, Inc., has submitted the lowest bid for the liquid chlorine, the firm of Jones Chemicals, Inc., has submitted the lowest bid for the liquid caustic soda, and the firm of Holland Company, Inc., has submitted the lowest bid for the liquid aluminum sulfate, copies of the quotes being attached hereto, and WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty, Town Water Superintendent, has recommended that the bid be awarded to the aforesaid bidder, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, hereby awards the bid for liquid chlorine to K.A. Steel Chemicals, Inc., the bid for liquid caustic soda to Jones Chemicals, Inc., and the bid for liquid aluminum sulfate to Holland Company, Inc., and that said chemicals be, paid for from the appropriate Water Department Account. \ / Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 1991, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None &7. Absent: Mr. K urosaka RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RETURN OF APPROPRIATED AMOUNTS TO UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE RESOLUTION NO. 115, 1991 Introduced by Mrs. Morilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: ' WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury, by previous resolution no. 666 doted November 79, 7990, increased appropriations in the Capitol Improvements Account, W7-26-5-9957-900 in the amount of $89,360.00, with the source of the fund having come from the Unreserved Fund Balance of the Queensbury Water District (W nand WHEREAS, a portion of the said $89,360.00 was to be used for the purchase of certain property on behalf of the Water District, and WHEREAS, subsequent to the aforesaid resolution, 0 further resolution was adopted likewise authori zing a transfer of additional funds for the said purchase of. land, and WHEREAS, the purchase has been made in accordance with the second resolution bearing no. 725, and the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury desires to authorize the return of the appropriated amounts of $29,787.52 to the Unreserved Fund Balance, NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the reduction in appropriations of WI-27-5-9957-900 (Capital Improvements) by the amount of $20,787.52, and reduce the Appropriated Fund Balance in WI (Queensbury Water Fund) by the amount of $20,787.52, and amend the 1990 Queensbury Consolidated Water District Budget. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997, by the following vote: .".- Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM A DMINISTRA TlON AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 116, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenz.a: WHEREAS, an agreement with Edward J. Holahan, ASA, President of EJH Employee Benefit Plan Services, Inc., entitled, "Service A word Program Administration Agreement," with an attached Addendum, has been prepared, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid agreement has been reviewed and approved, in form, by the Town A ttorney, and is presented to this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves of the aforesaid agreement andhereby, authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute said agreement. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997, by the following vote: Ayes; Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos - Noes; None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka DISCUSSION HELD RE:LANDFILL - solution for individuals who do not own a vehicle and use a friend or neighbors vehicle...have the Qsby. resident apply for the sticker and use the tax map as identification and the owner of the vehicle name and address and have the owner of the vehicle state that only itpms from Qsby. or C.F. will be deposited at the landfi II.. ~~ RESOLUTION REGARDING LANDFILL PERMIT FOR COMMERCIAL SOUD WASTE HAULERS RESOLUTION NO. 117,1991, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury, os the governing board and the administrator of the Town of Queensbury City of Glens Falls Landfill located off Ridge Rood, and the transfer station site located off Luzerne Rood in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury, os administrator for the said landfill site and transfer station recently implemented 0 permit system whereby residents of the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls were required to purchase 0 permit at o fee of $ 7.00 for vehicles being used to haul solid waste to the said landfill site or transfer station, and J -- WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury desires to supplement the aforesaid permit program to provide for permits that may be purchased and used by contracting firms not residing in or having 0 business in the Town of Queensbury or City of Glens Falls, but transporting solid waste from residences or businesses within the Town of Queensbury or City of Glens Falls to the said landfill or transfer station site in furtherance of their contracting businesses, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and directs that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, working with the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, sholl establish and implement 0 system whereby 0 permit cord is issued to contracting firms which do not reside or hove 0 business within the Town of Queensbury or City of Glens Falls, and which do, os port of their business, transport solid waste from residences or busine~es within the Town of Queensbury or City of Glens Falls to the landfill or transfer station, and BE IT FUR THER RESOL VED, that os port of the system established for permitting the aforesaid persons or businesses to transport and deposit solid waste at the Town of Queensbury/City of Glens Falls Landfill that the Town Supervisor develop and the Landfill Superintendent maintain o form whereby persons wi II sign indicating the content of the waste and the origin of the waste, os well os signing the aforesaid form, and be it ) '- BE IT FUR THER RESOL VED, that the fee for the permits authorized herein sholl be in the amount of $25.00 per calendar year and any permits issued during the 7997 calendar year and expiring at the end of 7997 sholl be issued at the full rote of $25.00 and not be prorated, and BE IT FUR THER RESOL VED, that 011 funds and proceeds received in connection with the aforesaid permit process sholl be deposited in the General Fund Miscellaneous Revenues Account" No.: 07-2770. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka ) - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WITHDRAW,AL Ff/IIM RECREATION ASSESSMENT RESERVE FUND #61 \ RESOL UTlON NO. 118,1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury has previously established 0 Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund bearing the accounting verification number of Fund #67, and ð9. WHEREASþ the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of transferring $30,000.00 from the of ores aid Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #67Þ into the Hovey Pond Capital Project Fund #82Þ and WHEREASþ the sum to be transferred from the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #67Þ will be expended for improvements to be made at Hovey Pond ParkÞ said improvements to be made at Hovey Pond Park, said improvements to include those necessary to regrade the areas about the pondÞ repair a spillwayÞ and deepen the pondÞ to benefit the entire communityÞ including those subdivision and multi-family de velopmentsÞ the developers of which have previously paid fees in lieu of dedicating land for recreational purposes as required by lawÞ and WHEREASþ the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is authorized by Section 6(c) of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York to withdrawôrid expend funds from the aforesaid Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #67Þ in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth thereinÞ NOWÞ THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED~ that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes a withdrawal and expenditure from the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #61, in the total amount of $30þOOO.00 to be deposited in the Hovey Pond Capitol Project Fund #82Þ to make improvements at the Hovey Pond ParkÞ and BE IT FUR THERÞ RESOL VEDþ that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby further directs that in the event there ore any funds remaining in the said Hovey Pond Capitol Project Fund #82þ after the completion of the project, or in the event that said project is not undertakenÞ the money in the said account sholl be returned to the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #6 7þ and BE IT FUR THER ,., RESOL VEDþ that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby further funds that the withdrawal and expenditure for the previously identified recreation project at Hovey Pond Pork is an expenditure for improvements or items of equipment for which the Reserve Fund was establishedþ and RESOL VEDþ that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby finds that the $30ÞOOO.OO amount transferred from the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund #67þ sholl be used to improve the Hovey Pond ParkÞ which is an existing parkÞ and that it will serve the Town's residential neighborhoods and subdivisions and multi-family dwel/ingsÞ the developers of which have heretofore contributed fees in lieu of developing recreational areasþ and BE IT FUR THER RESOL VEDþ that this resolution shall be subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Town Law and the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is herf!by authorized and directed to public and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law. Duly adopted this 25th day of Februaryþ 7997, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. PotenzaÞ Mr. Montesiþ Mrs. MonahanÞ Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOL UTlON A UTHORIZlNG SUPER VISOR TO SIGN CONSUL TlNG SER VICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBUR Y AND LA VERNE 8. FAGEL REGARDING LANDFILL CLOSURE \ RESOLUTION NO., 119þ 1991~ Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoptionÞ seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREASþ the Town of Queensbury has agreed to an Order on Consent with the Deportment of Environmental Conservation of the State of New YorkÞ concerning the closure of its landfill located adjacent to Ridge Rood in the Town of Queensbury, and is currently planing and arranging for the closure of all or a portion of its landfillþ and 90<· WHEREASþ Ms. LaVerne B. Fagel has offered to adviseþ assist and consult with the Town of Queensþury and the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury and such officers as may be designated by the Town Board of the Town of Queensburyþ in connection with the said landfill closure project and has presented background and qualifications which indicate that her assistance and advice to the Town will assist it in arranging for the clqsure of the aforesaid landfi IIÞ and WHEREASþ on agreement with LaVerne B. Fogel entitledÞ "Consulting Services Agreement Between the Town of Queensbury and LaVerne B. Fagel/' has been preparedÞ and WHEREASþ the aforesaid agreement has been reviewed and approvedÞ in formÞ by the Town Attorney Þ and is presented to this meetingþ NOWÞ THEREFORE BE IT ) RESOL VEDþ that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves of the oforcsoid agreement and hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execule suid agreement. Duly adopted this 25th day of FebruaryÞ 1991þ by the fOllowing vote: Ayes: Mrs. PotenzaÞ Mr. Montesiþ Mrs. MonahanÞ Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOL UTlON APPROVING A UDIT OF BILLS RESOL UTlON NO. 130, 1991þ Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its odoptionÞ seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza: RESOL VEDþ that Audit of Bills os listed on Abstract doted February 25þ 1991 and numbered 90-6634 and 91-200 (;Q 91-88000 and totaling $390þ873.48 be and hereby is approved. Duly adopted this 25th day of Februaryþ 7991 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenzaþ Mr. Montesiþ Mrs. MonahanÞ Mr. Borgos ) Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION SETTING LANDFILL FEES RESOLUTION NO. 131, 1991, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoptionÞ seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan: RESOL VEDþ that the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury in its capacity os administrator and in its capacity of the Town Boord of the Town of Queensbury which is the owner of the Town of Queensbury City of Glens Falls Landfill and Transfer Station on Luzerne Rood hereby determines it is appropriate and necessary due to anticipated costs to be incurred with the operation and ultimate closure of the aforesaid landfill to increase current user fees os follows: 1. As of March 18th 1991 the fee assessed or charged to Commercial Haulers delivering solid waste for disposaf.at the aforesaid landfill sholl be increased to the amount of $9.00 per cubic yard 2. As of April 8th 1991 the assessment or charge to individuals using automobiles or pickup trucks delivering solid waste for disposal at the aforesaid landfill or transfer station sholl be increased to the amount of $3.00 per cO( load or pickup truck load and be it further ) RESOL VEDþ that the increased fees collected os 0 result of this resolution sholl be deposited and used for closure and operation os follows: 1. $3.50 of the $9.00 per cubic yards assessed or charged .. q I. to commercial haulers shall be deposited in an operational account and be used for operational expenditures and $5.50 of the $9.00 per cubic yards assessed to or charged to commercial haulers shall be deposited in a closure account and used to closure purposes and 2. $ 7.00 of the $3.00 charge assessed to individuals using automobiles or pickup trucks shall be deposited in the operational account and used or operational expenses and $2.00 of the $3.00 charg.e to individuals using automobiles or pickup trucks shall be deposited in the closure account and, used for closure expenditures Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOL UTlON CALLING FOR EXEC UTlVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 131, 1991, Introduced by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos: RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hèreby moves into Executive Session to discuss professional services, ,personnel and pending litigation and litigation. Duly adopted this 25th day of February, 7997 by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Potenza....Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka (No ac,tion taken) On motion the meeting was ad;aurned. Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury '~