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asbestos report
2.0.Box 1024 Schenectady,NY 12301 (518)346-6374 (Phone) riarineruamacy dscoctates,Ic:“tpn ASBESTOS DEMOLITION SURVEY/INSPECTION. —JAN 23 zen ||| RESIDENCE 104 TUTHILL RD QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 SPECTRUM PROJECT NO.:20-103 JANUARY 13,2020 Ss g gPREPAREDFor:8 =weaJEFFINGLEE 104 TUTHILL RD ageQUEENSBURY,NY 12804 3 a as8 Environmental Consulting &Management Services »Health &Satety Training +Laboratory Services Demo of SFD (asbestos report recv'd) TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONI -INTRODUCTION SECTION II -LIMITATIONS SECTION II -ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY ATTACHMENTS -TABLE 1 -ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS -TABLE 2 —ASBESTOS FINDINGS -PHOTO ALBUM -LOCATION MAPS -LABORATORY REPORTS -LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION SECTION I -INTRODUCTION On January 6,2020,Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.(Spectrum)conducted a survey for the presence of asbestos containing materials at the residence located at 104 Tuthill Rd in Queensbury,NY.Mr.Chris Patti (Asbestos Inspector #04-06597)conducted this inspection following procedures and guidelines commonly used and accepted by federal and state regulations. The objective of the survey was to identify the presence and approximate locations and quantities of suspect and/or confirmed asbestos containing materials. An initial walkthrough of the designated areas was conducted by an experienced asbestos inspector to observe and record materials used in the construction of the building.The inspector proceeded by assessing floors,walls,ceilings,surfacing materials,thermal systems insulation,roofing materials and other miscellaneous materials with the potential to contain asbestos.From observations,the inspector prepared a listing of building materials that are suspected to contain asbestos.The inspector selected these materials for inclusion in the inspection through professional experience and an understanding of the historical uses of asbestos.Generally speaking,if a building material within a structure could contain asbestos,the material was included in the inspection. Materials included in the survey were identified and recorded with respect to grouped homogeneous sampling areas,Representative bulk material samples were collected from locations within each homogeneous sampling area.Sampling information was recorded on chain of custodyformsfordocumentation.Samples were individually preserved within a container and transportedtoanindependentlaboratoryforasbestosanalysis. Laboratory analysis of asbestos samples via polarized light microscopy (PLM)and/or transmission electron microscopy (TEM)was conducted by AmeriSci of New York,New York (ELAP#11480, NVLAP#200546-0).Sample analysis was conducted as follows: *“Friable”Asbestos Samples —PLM. *“Non-Friable”Organically Bound (NOB)Asbestos Samples —PLM and,if negative,TEM for confirmation as required under NYSDOH-ELAP regulations. SECTION II -LIMITATIONS ‘The information provided in this report was compiled from field and laboratory data obtained during the site visit.Observations noted and recorded are intended to represent the conditions that existed at the subject site at the time and date that the observations were made. Spectrum has not conducted its own analytical,but has utilized an independent NYS-DOH ELAP approved laboratory to provide the analytical results contained in this report.Alll discussions, findings,and conclusions are based on information that Spectrum received and understood to be factual. Determinations of suspect asbestos containing materials within the building were subject to the accessibility of individual areas or spaces.Spectrum accepts no responsibility for the content ofthebuildingmaterialswithinareasorspacesthatwereunknowntousornotreasonablyaccessible. Spectrum assumes no liability for any buildings that were not identified by the client that may fall under state or federal regulations. lll quantities of ACM provided in this report are provided as required by law and are believed to be accurate.If this report is to be used for bidding purposes,field verification of quantities is recommended by the abatement contractor prior to bidding. Conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that materials identified are homogeneous throughout their application. This report has been compiled for the exclusive use of Jeff Inglee,his successors and/or assigns. This report and its contents represent confidential information and should not be duplicated without the expressed permission of Jeff Inglee,his,successors and/or assigns.This reportshouldonlybereproducedinitsentiretytoensurealltheappropriateinformationisprovided. ‘The building owner is Jeff Inglee and may be reached at 104 Tuthill Rd in Queensbury,NY. SECTION II -ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY The results of the sampling are provided in Table 1 (Asbestos Sampling Results)and the asbestos findings are provided in Table 2 (Asbestos Findings)of the Attachments.The laboratory results and sample location map(s)are also provided in the Attachments. ATTACHMENTS TABLE I —ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS TABLE 2—ASBESTOS FINDINGS PHOTO ALBUM LOCATION Maps LABORATORY REPORTS LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION ‘SoIsoqse %%| UEU] S59] pavep{suod sI aozs| “so}sagse 96| EM Jojwaue axe speLDyEUT 1BIUOD SOISOQSY :2]0N. VN avn wooy Suiary ur exzopaig 9401S 1110 aun ume cei|9 YN avn ‘wooy BurarT Uy WOR aAOIS r2I1q st YN avn Wooy Burr uy UUOPEL BA01§ 1 + TOOL YN avn SUS eee seHOW HE PU] ET ey aN Sour 9 eeu usa He SPAS ue ee YN dvN wayorry UF UoHEDO’] aaujde Preog juows3) IL VN avn WayoHTy{ Ur uoReDO'] aoeydanny, pwog wou| or YN avn Z woospeg (wioodog) Buys pasmxay,|60 ¥N avN ‘Wooy BuArT (wioodog) Surjy25 paunsxaL, 80 VN avn ACH, (utoodog) Suman pammxay|40 VN avn T wooupog, (wioadog) Sum95 pamxay,|90 YN avN OK, (wsoodog) Suman pamxay,|so VN avn ‘woospog — STEAK yponseys|+0 YN avn AesaqTeH BaNTI2D, yponaeys fo | YN dvN ‘WOU — SHEA Punoduo3 wor zo WN avN € wooupeg — Bure Punodwrop w10p 10 aE | ERT cnn voniinoa jai 0207 ‘9 Arenuer :pajdureg aeq 01-02 # 190f4g umnnoadg PU MMI FOr SLTASTY INITAWVS SOLSTASW —[ ATIVE 299 s89u] — 37 “1995 rons - 4s “dors anrsog — sa ‘a1qeo4idde 10U ~ VN ‘porooiap SoIsaqse OU - VN “sorseqse 9%|ueu ss] paxepisucd st oaks], “soysaqse 9%] UEY ywaif axe syeqsoyeur SuyuyeIuod soysaqsy :210N, avN avn sojSuryg yreausg Jooy, sodeg Je], st avn avn serBurys yresuag yooy wedeaey|$2 ayn Qa apo puny satsIe¢ sodeA sqTeM 2 vedeg my} aN ayn Uuapoom putog Jetted sode, sire Ay 10D, vedeg wen | GR avn ways aaisaypy m Suuea03 soo |Z a avn wooy Su1A17 ‘saisoypy M SuuaK0D 100]5|OZ YN avn sire m wowaseg seu yoy ows|— 61 vN avn siea\ wuowaseg, sRuoy >pojq wowed|— gt vN avN wooy Surry Wy WLOPe|g PA01S 19I1°d TEL O1MRIE ZIXZT u arora ee eaymeneo1 woniioea yas 0207 ‘9 Arenuer :paydureg aeq, €01-02 # toaforg umnoadg PUTAML POL SLTNSAY ONITAWVS SOLSAASW —| ATIVE TABLE 2 -ASBESTOS FINDINGS 104 Tuthill Rd Spectrum Project #20-103 Date Sampled:January 6,2020 Limitations: The following limitation/conditions were noted as part of the survey: OSHA requires that an employer not expose its workers above the PEL and therefore specific training,work practices and/or respiratory protection may need to be a consideration when handling materials that are less than one percent. ‘The inspection was performed in accordance with New York State Industrial Code Rule 56 Section 5.1.Itis the responsibility of the owner or its agent to forward a copy of this report to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition,renovation, remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws as well as to the NYS Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau.Spectrum will not send this report to the NYSDOL without written permission from its client due to the sensitive nature of the information present in this report. A copy of 56-5.1 is available upon request. This report reflects the conditions found at the date and time of the inspection(s).Conditions of the area and materials may change due to external events,forces or influences.Re- inspection of the area may be required prior to the start of any work if an extended period of time has passed or if disturbances have occurred. All asbestos locations on drawings are approximate.All quantities are estimated and must be field verified prior to use as part ofa bidding document.Materials may extend or be hidden behind or within other materials or structural members.Any contractor or other user of this report is required to physically confirm the quantities and verify measurements of materials to be removed,to be bid for removal,or for any other purpose.Contractors are responsible to physically visit the site and confirm all quantities for bidding purposes. This survey is for demolition of the structure. Spectrum did not inspect any exterior area below grade,Foundation sealers,buried piping and other items may exist below grade which may contain asbestos. SF-square feet,LF —linear feet,ea ~each ‘yow9 — vo 99) WOU] — 47 “I99y arenbs—IS “BA0ge pansy] WORREATUT 9M) 995 a5taIE ‘uoneatpoads utsep 40 af ue Jo wed se pounyuod 10 soyoessUOD ay Aq pig o} JoLId payLiaA PIoly 9q PInoys pur Tuo soreuISe are WOV PeyAUep! Jo SoRHUEND » (OS MOI SAN) 95 ANY 9p0D [BYsNpuy - 10qeT Jo yuoMjAVdoq O7e}S Y10X MON, pue Yd ASN 24) Aq pouyap se sojsoqse 103 aayisod 219M po}so} s]¥119}eU1 ay} Jo SUON paiemegyuopypuo Arpoend parewnsa wary /uone20] Tee 070z ‘9 Azenues :pajduieg areq 01-07 # 100forg uNoadg PUIBNL FOL SONIGNIA SOLSTISV — 7 ATAVE PHOTO ALBUM (yd 0am WA Ltnle-l pede le)Pel-lelse] Con 1-14 Flo) 0a:2et NCod RUULAb Ee Lek mele)| toh] eleli\r/ LoaE TOP LOLoR TANCE VelaDRie-lelsy LC) PY I!43NL VOT fo Wing|V 010Ud UO!adsu| solsaqsy LOCATION MAP(S) 20-103 1-6-20 104 Tuthill Rd Queensbury NY Bulk Sample Locations Pictorial Representation -NTS Mortar samplos 1819 were taken‘nbsseent No ther suspect materi tested LABORATORY REPORTS oN AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST.Ameri Sci NEW YORE NY 10016 TEL:(212)670-0600 +FAX:(213)670-9114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc Date Received 01/08/20 AmeriSci Job#—220011645 Attn:Bill Massman_Date Examined 01/12/20 P.O.# P.O.Box 1024 ELAP #11480 Page 1 of 5 RE:20-103;104 Tuthill Rd,Queensbury -Full DEMO Survey ‘Schenectady,NY 12301 Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 1 220011645-01 No NAD‘ 1 Location:Ceilings -Bedroom 3 -Joint Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20AnalystDescription:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Type: Other Material:Cellulose Trace,Non-fibrous 100 % 2 22001 1645-02 No NAD 1 Location:Walls -Kitchen Joint Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by van H.Reyes on 01/12/20AnalystDescription:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose Trace,Nor-fibrous 100 % 3 220011645-03 No NAD 2 Location:Ceilings -Hallway -Sheet Rock (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose 3%,Non-fibrous 97 % 4 220011645-04 No NAD 2 Location:Walls -Bathroom -Sheet Rock (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes ‘on 01/12/20AnalystDescription:White,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: ‘Other Material:Cellulose 4%,Non-fibrous 96% 5 220011645-05 No NAD 3 Location:Kitchen -Textured Celling (Popcom)(by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose Trace,Non-fibrous 100 % ‘See Reporting notes on last page ‘AmeriSci Job #:220011645 Page 2 of 5 Client Name:Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 20-103;104 Tuthill Rd,Queensbury -Full DEMO Survey Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 6 220011645-06 NAD 3 Location:Bedroom1-Textured Ceiling (Popcom)(by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose Trace,Non-fibrous 100 % 7 220011645-07 NAD 3 Location:Hallway -Textured Celng (Popcom)(by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Wan H,Reyes on 01/12/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: (Other Material;Celuiose Trace,Non-fbrous 100 % 8 220011645-08 NAD 3 Location:Living Room -Textured Ceiling (Popcom)(by NYS ELAP 198.1) by van H.Reyes on 012/20 ‘Analyst Description:Whito,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Buk Material Asbestos Types: Other Materia:Cellulose Trace,Non-fbrous 100 % 9 22001 1645-09 NAD 3 Location:Bedroom 2 -Textured Celling (Popcom)(by NYS ELAP 198.1) by van H.Reyes on 01/t2"20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material juiose Trace,Non-fbrous 100 % 10 220011645-10 NAD Location:Fireplace Location In Kitchen -Cement Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 Analyst Descriptic srey,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Materi:synthetic fibers 5%,Non-fibrous 95 % 4 220011645-11 NAD 4 Location:Fireplace Location In Kitchen -Cement Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by van H.Reyesono1rt20 Analyst Description:Grey,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material;Synthetic fibers 6 %,Non-fibrous 94 % ‘See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job #:220011645 %Page 3 of 5ClientName:Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 20-103;104 Tuthill Rd,Queensbury -Full DEMO.‘Survey Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 12 220011645-12 No NAD 5 Location:Divider Well Between Kitchen And Living Room -Red Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Wan H,Reyes on 01/12/20 1:Grey,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Other Material:Nonsfibrous 100 % 13 220011645-13 No NAD 5 Location:Divider Wall Between Kitchen And Living Room -Red Brick Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes: onowt2re0AnalystDescription:Grey,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Other Material:Non fibrous 100 % 14 220011645-14 No NAD Location:Pellet Stove Platform In Living Room -Tile Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) bylvan H,Reyes on 0112200AnalystDescription:Brown,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Type: Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % 15 220011645-15 No NAD Location:Pellet Stove Platform In Living Room -Tile Grout (by NYS ELAP 198.1) byvan H.Reyes on 01/12/20AnalystDescription:Brown,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Butk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % 16 220011645-16 No NAD 7 Location:Pellet Stove Platform In Living Room -12 X 12 Ceramic Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by ivan H,Reyes onow1220AnalystDescription:Tan,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Other Material:Non-rous 100 % 17 220011645-17 No NAD 7 Location:Pellet Stove Platform in Living Room -12 X 12 Ceramic Te (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by ivan H.Reyes ono1rt2/20 ‘Analyst Description:Tan,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % ‘See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job #:220011645 Client Name:Spectrum Environmental Associates,inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 20-103;104 Tuthill Rd,Queensbury -Full DEMO Survey Page 4 of 5 Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 18 220011645-18 No NAD 8 Location:Basement Walls -Cement Block Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘Analyst Description:Grey,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material 19 220011645-19 No NAD 8 Location:Basement Walls -Cement Block Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘Analyst Description:Grey,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material 20 220011645-20 No NAD 9 Location:Living Room -Floor Covering With Adhesive “Insufficient Adhesive For (by NYS ELAP 198.6) Preparation"by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘Analyst Description:Grey,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material ibrous glass Trace,Non-fibrous 22.5 % 2 220011645-21 No NAD 9 Location:Kitchen -Floor Covering With Adhesive “Insufficient Adhesive For (by NYS ELAP 198.6) Preparation*by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘Analyst Description:Grey,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material ibrous glass Trace,Non-fibrous 23.6 % 22 22001 1645-22 No NAD 10 Location:Exterior Walls Vapor Barrier Behind Wooden Sidings -(by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 lack,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material 23 220011645-23 No NAD 10 Location:Exterior Walls Vapor Barrier Behind Wooden Sidings -Tar Paper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ivan H.Reyes on 01/12/20 ‘See Reporting notes on last page ‘AmeriSci Job #:220011645 Ps 5o0f5ClientName:Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc,ass PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 20-103;104 Tuthill Rd,Queensbury -Full DEMO Survey Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 24 220011645-24 No NAD W Location:Roof Beneath Shingles -Tar Paper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by van H.Reyes on 0112720, Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Buk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material;Fibrous glass Trace,Non-fibrous 34.6 % 25 220011645-25 No NAD 44 Location:Roof Beneath Shingles -Tar Paper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ivan H.Reyes ono1/1220 Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass Trace,Non-fibrous 22.1 % Reporting Notes: (1)Thisjob was -AnatyzeB\sing Olynppus BI Analyzed by:van H.Reyes SNADINSD =no asbestos detected;NA =not analyzed:NA/PS=notanalyzedipostive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculto; (SM.V)=Surtacing Material containing Vermicult;PLM Bulk Asbestos Analysis by Appd E to SubptE,40 CFR 763 (NVLAP 200546.0),ELAP PLM Metrod 198.1 fr NY fable samples,which includes the Identification and quantitation of vermicult or 1986 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt by ‘Appd Eto Subpt E,40 CFR 763 (NY ELAP Lab 11480}Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in foor coverings and simar‘onfiable organically bound materials.NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM is currenty the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or reated as non asbestos-containnginNYSiate(also see EPA Advisory for lor fle,FR 59,148,38970,8/1/94) Nationa institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that tis report must not be reproduced except in fll without the approval ofthe lb.This PLM repor relates ONLY tothe items tested.AIMALAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH0186,Mass Cert ‘AADOOO5A Pol Scope S/N 229915 Reviewed By:END OF REPORT__ Ged 3} Uo soj0u Sujodoy 20g end WEED 24 X Z} - WOO BUNT UI UUOREIE BAOIS oII>g *¥OREDOT ww own - - - = 2 9 o OID OL, - Wooy BUNT U} WopEId BRE Hoe “UOREDET ww own - _ - _ ° sb st WROND oI, - Woo BUA UF WOHeId @ACIS Yj :OREDOY ww ow - - - - ° * * JEVOW OYE Pey - WoOY BUIAM Puy UeLEIDy UeEMIeg 1E// JepIAIG :UOQEIT] ww own - _ - - s e e J2UOV) ONG Pay - WooY BuIA PUY LOYPI VEeMJed EM JpINIG :UOREDT] ww ow - ~ - = s z z BiBog juoUed - UeuRY| UoREDCT eoeydow :UOREDOT WN own _ _ — - * “ ub rb0g WWoWweD - Ue} U uoREDOT eoeydes. :UOREDO] w own - - - - y oO o (woodog) Buyieg peunpre) -Z wooupeg :UOAeI0] ww ow - - - - € 6 60 (wooded) Buea peunyxe, - wooy Bun] :UOREIOT a ow - - _ - € @ % (woodog) Bure pesnpre - Aemyjey :UOAEIO) ww own - - _ - € t 10 (wooded) Bune pemnyes -| woorpeg :vonE27) ww ow - - - - € ° % (woodog) Suse peumxey - voyoipy :uoReor1 vn ow ~_ ~ - - e s 20 Woonneg -S1e%4 :UOREDOT ww own - - - _ z ’ ¥0 pow 8045 - AemJeH - sBunie9 :UOREDOT ww ow - - - - z € 0 punedweo wer - UeteID|- SEMA :¥OREDN N. own - - - - ‘ z 2 unedweg wor -¢ wocupeg - sSulten :voneo1 ww own = = = = fi i 0 wat somra % 210eBs0u) %aueBou yj aueBig (wed) «way worlueg won werdues a4 sorseqey fa % sorsegey 4 soiseqsy-uon e1anies Snsues BLOM. on Pavey ‘ramiesuy Pey 80H dues Aenung OWAG IInd - Aingsueend ‘Py NYINL FO} “£04-02 sinsey sishjeuy sojseqsy ying jo AeWUng ree, “ouy ‘sere|oossy [eUeWLoNAUZ Wngoedg :eWeN UBIO 740| e6eq SyoLLoozz :# Gor Hguewiy 10 onpewesaides eq jou Kew pue jeya}EW xiIEW peyesS ouy atp Jo anyeyUese/de 5] sisAjeue MING WAL 8IOWE;D ode 101 - sef6urys yesueg jou hq pamayoy -(sevarew snous6ose}0y s0\9o pue $108 21) pepueLuluaDd4 Si UORENVEK9 Wid LOK 2} 8ugop pesiedsip Auoyun-uOU ‘0804 jm WL, ALO UOREMU VT 2H0N BUREN ozozreish SS . ey hq pezKeuy uoneo1 ow ow ve ove ots zoro i“ x « 1B, - SeyBUIYS YIEEUEG JOoY :UONEDC] ow ow ove oer siz vezo “ % ® Jaded 48, - SBulprs Uepooy, PuIyeg J8WWeR ode A siIe/M ONE >UOREIOT awn om 60 sz o ez Ea vep00yM pune eweg odeA SIEM OVENS *HOREDCT own ow ez oz oF z z SU, BNSOUPY LAN BUYERDD J0OLs- UaUEID| UOREDOT ow ow eee soe 6 w w le @AISOUPY ULM BuU@Aod JOO|4 - Woo Buy] :UONEDT ow ow sz zee 8 oz o J2v0N )p01g Wau - SHEN WeUeseR “ORE yw aw - ~ - - @ ot ot evo 92018 WoU18d - STEM WoUeseG “LORE vw ow - - - _ @ a a PILL SMIEHOD ZL X Zh = WOO BUIAIT Uy UUORE|d BAOIS Y9II9q =>UONEDC] ww awn = = = = 1 a a wan said % 21ue8620u) % SweBs0u; 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OCs Peacseuiny Pavabey sea sr AN KRGSIS2D PAIL 10h sn eae BOF-O2 a NOTVRWOANT UOw wae“ XEOLSAD AO NIVHD ONITAWYS TNT (Ren 5 i oerTiang 20 srounisierg sang sag smarty, 4 ' ‘FUl] *SIIDPIOSSY (ououd) ¥269-9¢6 (B16) Gy¥9LL0022 aaa WAULIIdS 201 xon0d LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION SPECTRUM Environmental Associates,Inc. “Exceroive Ovk Cusanrs Expecrarions oF Bxcesnexce" 2.0.box 1024 Schenectady,WY 12301 (516)346-0874 (Phone) (818)946-4062 (Fax) waned spectram.com State of New York —Department of Labor Asbestos Certification res BRO HAIR BRO nor 5!09" ‘nrc eee mace cee (01313 00523610291 YY rOUND RETURN To: wrsvor ~Lec unr OOM 161A BUILDING 12 STATE OFFICE CAUS ALBANY WY 12240 | State of New York ~Department of Labor Codes Certification Asbestos Handler Restricted Handler ~Allied Trades Air Sampling Technician Inspector Management Planner Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Project Monitor fore] cafes] ent] o> Project Designer Environmental Consulting &Management Services +Health &Safety Training +Laboratory Services New York State =Depaitment of Labor Division of Safety and Heath. LUcense and Cetcate UnitStateCampus,Buiding 12 ‘Albany,NY..12240 i ©KSBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.FILE NUMBER:99-0129 LICENSE NUMBER:29081 P.0.Box 1024 ||LICENSE CLASS:RESTRICTED 5 ae DATE OF ISSUE:02/27/2019 ‘Schenectady,NY 12301 8 EXPIRATION DATE:02/29/2020 This license has been issued in actin with applicable provisii ms An 90 $f the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR Part'56).It is stbject to suspension or revocation for a (1) serious violation of state,federal otlocal lis with regard:to,the cor luct of ‘asbestos project,or (2)demonstrated lack of ‘This license is valid onl forte contractor nae aboye andthélicenseor@photOeopymustbe‘prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite,This igense verifies that all persons employed by the li ‘on an asbestos project in;New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate forthe typeof work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. Re a Eileen M.Franko,Director SH 432 (/12):For the Commissioner of Labor NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2020 Issued April 01,2019 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR.PAUL J.MUCHA NY Lab Id No:11480 AMERICA SCIENCE TEAM NEW YORK,INC 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK,NY 10016 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the categoryENVIRONMENTALANALYSESSOLIDANDHAZARDOUSWASTE All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellaneous ‘Asbostos in Friable Mé iat tor 198.1 of Manual EPA 6o0/M/821020 ‘Asbestos in Non-Friable Materia PLM Item 198.6 of Manual (NOB by PLM) Asbostos in Nor-Friable Material-TEM tem 198.4 of Manual Serial No.:59674 Property of tne Now York Stata Daparant of Heal,Certfeaas are valid only at the acresshown,must be conspcuovsl posted.ad are printed an secue paper.Continued accrediation depends‘n successful ongingparclpston in ho Progen.Consumers ee uged to call (S18)4852570 toVaryheiabortoryssecretionstatus Page 1 of 1