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40111111kok TOWNQUEENSBURY OF 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20020614 Date Issued: Thursday, November 07, 2002 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20020614 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-302-008-0001-001-000-0000 Location: 261 BAY Rd Owner: WARREN & HEATHER DEDRICK Applicant: WARREN & HEATHER DEDRICK This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Single Family Dwelling TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (1---3,„,,t0 4 4/ Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 FILE COPY Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020614 Application Number: A20020614 Tax Map No: 523400-302-008-0001-001-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: WARREN & HEATHER DEDRICK For property located at: 261 BAY Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: WARREN& HEATHER DEDRICK 727 WASHINGTON St Single Family Dwelling 78,000.00 Total Value 78,000.00 KEY WEST, FL 33040 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency TIMOTHY DONBEK NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications BP 2002-614 Construction of a 1,248 sq. ft. single-family dwelling as per plot plan and specifications. AV 50-2002 ZBA approved 6/26/02 for road frontage requirement-relief from. $149.76 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,July 22,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbu ; onday,Jul 22,2002 SIGNED BY or the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enfo emen Building Permit Application Tueensbury—Dept of Community Development, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY (518)761-8256 A permit must be obtained before beginning construction. Permit File No. ` 4:1 allo inspection will be made until applicant has received a Fee Paid $ valid building permit. All applicants' spaces on this Rec. Fee Paid $ application must be completed and must appear on the application form. Reviewed By J AP rIn a�i ,Qo,v6.e c-� Owner: t vAR,0 FA/ id edh t ck Address: 6'8lriT 1d Address:39 A/cR7i Rd 6R/1/Sev00 RI 471 e..3( 91/er,,(f'avr /0Z eor . Phone#(57a ) 7Yr - OS/1 Phone#( /g ) )9 - Ago/D Email Address: Copt- v- ,p ta`0,vd ,ee'r\ Email Address: f Property Location: Lot Number: /.y / House Number,2d/ / 69/ /QO,gd Subdivision Name: Tax Map Number: '30�, 7—/-1 r/ New Building: residence commercial Estimated Market Value of Construction: $ 'E 00 0'075 0 Addition: residence/ commercial If an Addition,what will use of new addition be? o Alteration: residence/ commercial ❑ No change to exterior size: residence/com'l o Other work(describe ) /1 Check OccupancyInformation 1"Floor 2"Floor Other floor Total Below sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Square Fee4 r ❑ Single family dwelling `� y g _ /j c f d o Two family dwelling o Townhouse ❑ Multifamily dwelling #of units o Office • ❑ Mercantile o Manufacturing o 1 car detached garage ❑ 2 car detached garage o 3 car detached garage ❑ 1 car attached garage o 2 car attached garage • o 3 car attached garage - ❑ Storage building- commercial o Storage building- residential o Other What is the proposed height of the structure /,- feet 9' inches Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so,for what? /V O Type of Heating System: electric/ oil / ga /wood /forced hot air/ baseboard other: • Number of Fireplaces to be installed 0 Number of Woodstoves to be installed List below the person(s)responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes: Name Address Phone Number Builder 7;i»07 J,11ajiPc.4 6gmrR,1 64,1),1wvot Ity 7y%-- oS/l Plumber r) Mason /' ' llu Heating Costs With - -.0'l,e,, 41 Munchkin Modulation Ultra High Efficiency: COMBUSTION 97%. A.F.U.E. 92% One of the most compact and efficient heaters available on the market today,the Munchkin tracks the heating load over the season and modulates its firing rate to match the heating requirements of the space.It only activates when heat is needed,for as long as it is needed,saving money over traditional single-firing heaters. Uses Energy Only When You Need It Heat 6000 Degree Day Heat 100% Load 100% Load Distribution 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% s 40% - 20% -, 20% 0% 0% Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of Heating Days Features and Benefits Cuts Heating Costs Design Safety •Fully Modulating for Ultra-High •Compact,Lightweight Design •Sealed Combustion How much can Efficiency(92%) •Modular Component Construction •Safest Operation Available the Munchkin save? •Lowest possible operating cost •Installs virtually anywhere •Rapid return on investment •Zero clearance to combustibles Environmentally Friendly MUNCHKIN •Small footprint •Low emissions YOUR MODULATING ORIGIONAL ULTRA HIGH Durability •80,140 and 199,000 BTU •Lower energy consumption EFFICENCY% EFFICENCY •Stainless Steel Construction sizes available •Highest quality material available Quiet Operation 50 47.1 •Maximum reliability Easy Installation •Virtually noise-free 55 42.1 •Direct Vent with Standard Schedule •Comparable with 60 37.8 40 PVC Plastic Pipe household appliances 65 31.6 •Lower installation costs 70 26.3 •No chimney required 100%Quality Satisfaction 75 21.1 •Flexible installation •Each unit inspected for 80 15.8 superior quality Control •12-year limited warranty •State-of-the-art self-diagnostic micro-processor control system •Operates at low supply temperature -._ •No by-pass valve controls required P Reliability -s 1 i ,'"W_ °,-' a •Field-ProveriS •Constant d trert •Low maint - _ � _ F STAINLESS STEEL HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATER z a - .4111110, Performance Ratings Model Input modulation DOE Heating AFUE Shipping Weight Combustion Efficiency IBR 80M 27,000 to 80,000 25,000 to 74,000 92% 75 lbs. 96% 64,000 140M 46,000 to 140,000 43,000 to 129,000 92% 101 lbs. 96% 112,000 199M 66,000 to 199,000 61,000 to 183,000 92% 111 lbs. 96% 159,000 Connection Sizes Supply/Return Gas Connection Recommended Model Connection Size Vent Dia. Box dia.(L-W-H) Service11101 Clearances (P141 80M 1"NPT 3/4" 3" 221/4"-21"-26" 4 140M 1"NPT 3/4" 3" 30 3/4"-21"-26" 199M 1" NPT 3/4" 3" 30 3/4"-21"-26" Dimensions 80M 140M/199M PRaD axR o—x�� ,IE—b a®s3f�s P P a.r EE . Ra=r _ �IER 3 PDP D.[^93.•P ox 1 1. 75 APPROX GAS SUPPLY aR "RR° d® �t a IRR � DD •PPRux s. a —R T SWITCH crrE RPRox—r L2x g - Raax 2132APPRDx Coo a.. 1Ag Dx 4 4aPP'"• 7 e rE R MI _ 3 X APP.% $ + 9 I dose—_I I-- FRONT VIEW eo RDSE re= F—I DRr VIEV LEFT SIDE VIEW 913 DPPRDx, sD6.aPRox LEFT SIDE VIEW 933 APPRDx .111. 506 DPPRox — — AIR mil GAS BURNER 11 • GAS SUPPLY PP�x. ■ __ 5D aR>Rox ■ usr ounEr ou LAk Y 25.88 ounEi�� E%Rn REL[Er I8. REIIEE I0.94 Vn�VE ppPROx. ExunuSr ourLEr VnLVE APPRox. ReuEE M MI I3.30,PPRox, DD— PPRDx �D =,4I—AP Pr. RIGHT SIDE VIEW ——.Tr' o=EAre,r_I Pfox Plox RIGHT SIDE V - �3E.rEPj� _ aA`PPM'VI CK BACK VIEW Standard Equipment •Plastic Heater Jacket •Vent Termination Coupling and Tee(PVC) •Modulating Heater Controller •Spark Electrode •Burner Fan •Rectification Probe •Honeywell Gas Valve Venturi System •High Grade Stainless Steel Burner •24 Volt Transformer •Electrical Junction Box with Switch •Supply/Return Temperature Thermister •High Limit Temperature Control •Water Pressure Switch(Set at 8 PSI) •30 PSI ASME Relief Valve •Wiring Harness •Combination Pressure—Temperature Gauge •5/8 Condensation Connection LPC0801 MUNCHKIN STAINLESS STEEL HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATER Application for Permit—Septic Disposal S st ItI " " Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 7 1=8256 t ?Olt. 1. OWNER INFORMATION: \- iee 'se, Location of installation: File PerNo Tax Ma No. / / P Owner's Name: 12f//94. 0", a70 /G Fee Paid Address: , 7,442?7-47 /Q to AJ`ri c � y 2. INSTALLER'S NAME --f�7tVIJ S( e ��`�' PHONE NO. 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling,indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply# of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No. of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x . 150 gal/bdrtn = 1980— 1991 x 130 gal/bdrm = 1991 —present x 110 gal/bdrm = Garbage Grinder Installed yes / no Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes / no 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information&indicate measurements) Topography Soil Nature Ground Water 'Bedrock or Impervious Material Domestic Water Supply Flat sand at what depth at what depth municipal Rolling loam feet ' feet well Steep slope clay if well; water supply _%slope other from any septic-system depth: absorption is ft. other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: minute per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New constru 9n: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder,Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: gallon (min. size 1,000 gal) Tile Field: each trench ft. Total System Length: fl; Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by ft. Size of Stone to be used: # / depth or thickness feet Bed System Size: x - Alternative System: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) —\\,.... SCRUM , -----7- C.) ----."—/-4 -- � ! �-tit) POND . itil < (i...4 , ), ) ---7-....... - "/„.---7—\\-----'4 t.c:1411 `; t/ • '/ 1 V. G CIE / ,p�•• Ik'usr. G E �L '0" `�\I1 / . - / - --- -- l E SG1•I IG112100.3:00tr , / 11‘.1 1K. \( 1 __ i /,--• , Dr-,aril„111,.1 I c� - 1 - ARY;(7R.PtIch, [.. R.tlAb .-.---- 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR REisru NSLSLn rz.m.w1'' ww...., C262)g TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HIGHWAY Richard A.Missita Highway Superintendent D EPA RTMEN T Home(518)798-5127 742 Bay Road • Queensbury,NY 12804 0PIVPD Michael F. Travis Deputy Highway Superintendent Office Phone: (5.18) 761-8211 J U .. I v 20 (518)798-0413 Fax: (518) 745-4466 DRIVEWA MMI3' ,s DATE: 7//k/0 APPLICANT NAME: 7,17 o7/ Lb Alec-A TELEPHONE NO.: 7yy—OS%/ ADDRESS TO BE INSPECTED: ,/6./ q 4y X'd RETURN ADDRESS: 6 0°410v,TAin, /((j gA i.r ►000.AZ'fl/// /0183/ Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s)to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action has been taken: , STEP I: ( )Preliminary Approval NEED: ( )Slight Swale ( )Level with the road ( )Deep swale Size pipe to be used(if necessary) ( )12" ( )15" ( )18" ( )24" ( )36" Preliminary inspection completed by DATE Approval by Highway Supt. Deputy Supt Upon completion,please resubmit this approved permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( )Final Approval ( )Rejected DATE: Richard A. Missita,Highway Superintendent ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE APPLICATION WAF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY Ppe7r. 9000 HEATING DEGREE DAYS ,JO Compliance Methods:Part 5 -Acceptable Practice Method— 1&2 Family Dwellings (only) ,*, 2k) Part 6*- Thermal Rating—Component trade Offs 1&2 Family Dwelli •; Multi-Family Dwellings(3 Stories or less) Part 4*- Design by Component Performance, Commercial Buildings-Hi Rise Residential *Requires submission of worksheets APPLICANT'S NAM : PROPERTY LOCATION: d�X/ 0aw4vck .20 ei'Act ghee vLiJ ;-y. PART 5 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: 1. Gross Floor Area- /07, ye. square feet 2. Type of heat- Electric Oil X Gas Other 3. Is building mechanically cooled? yes X No 4. Percentage of area of windows and doors Over 17% X Under 17% 5. R-VALUES FOR INSULATION.GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOND TO R VALUES AS SHOWN ON PLANS SUBMITTED: a. Roof R 3 ' b. Exterior walls R J 9 c. Glazed areas R d. Exterior doors R e. Floors over unheated spaces R %'' f. Edge of slab on grade (heated building) R/vA g. Basement/cellar walls (above grade) R h. Basement/cellar walls(below grade) R / i. Heating/cooling-ducts-piping in unheated space R 4v4 6. Service (domestic)hot water heating device Conforms to minimum efficiency per code .J Yes No TEMPERATURE CONTROL MAXIMUM SETTING 140—WILL NOT BE EXEEDED Applicant's Signatige Date Phone Number INSPECTOR'S REMARKS: Permit Number Fit CEIVED MECcheck Compliance Report Checked By/Date ,002 1995 MEC rotwi MECeheek Software Version 3.3 Release lb . Data filename:Untitled TITLE:2648 Saratoga CITY: Glens Falls STATE:New York HDD: 7635 CONSTRUCTION TYPE; Single Family DATE:07/18/02 DATE OF PLANS:6/22/97 PROJECT INFORMATION: Warren Dedrick COMPANY INFORMATION: Storytown USA COMPLIANCE:Passes Maximum UA=266 Your Home=215 19.2%Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 124a 3il.tl 0,0 37 Wall 1:Wood Frame,24"o.c. 1184 19.0 0.0 61 Window 1:Vinyl Frame,Double Pane 104 0.550 57 Door l: Solid 40 0,350 14 Basement Wall 2:Masonry Block with Empty Cells,6.0'ht/4.0'bg/6.0'instil 888 19.0 0.0 46 Boiler 4:Other(Exept Gas-Fired Steam),91 AFUE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 1995 MEC requirements in MECcheck Version 3.3 Release lb and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the MECcheck Ins ti Checklist. Builder/Designer " Date / / G' • MECcheck inspection Checklist 1995 MEC MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb DA 1'E:07/18/02 TITLE:2648 Saratoga Bldg. Dept. I Use Ceilings: [ I I 1. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-38.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Above-Grade Walls: [ ] I 1. Wall l:Wood Frame,24"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Basement Walls: [ ] I 1, Basement Wall 2:Masonry Block with Empty Cells,6.0'ht/4.0'bg/6,0'instil, R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Windows: [ ] I 1. Window 1: Vinyl Frame,Double Pane,U-factor:0.550 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: if Panes Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ]Yes[ ]No Comments: Doors: [ ] I 1. Door 1: Solid,U-factor:0.350 Comments: Heating and Cooling Equipment: [ ] 1. Boiler 4:Other(Exept Gas-Fired Steam),91 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number Air Leakage: [ ] Ioints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air I leakage must be sealed. [ ] I Recessed lights must be Type IC rated and installed with no penetrations,or Type IC or non-IC I rated installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials and 3"clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: [ ] Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. [ ] I Insulation R-values,glazing U-factors,and heating equipment efficiency must be clearly marked on I the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: [ ] I *Ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-5. Ducts outside the building must be insulated to R-8.0. Duct Construction: [ ] All ducts must be sealed with mastic and fibrous backing tape. Pressure-sensitive tape may be used for fibrous ducts. Duct tape is not permitted. [ ] The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: [ ] Thermostats are required for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating and/or cooling input to each zone or floor shall be provided. Circulating Hot Water Systems: f 1 Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: { ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 120°F or chilled fluids below 55°F must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. Table I: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Thmperature(F) Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table?; 1Ni t imim Insmlation Thickness far IIVAC Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(F) 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25"to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD(Building Department Use Only) OA LDINGN OF S?UEENSBU - BUI 'r & CODE ENF RY ORCEMENT QUEENS742 BAY ROAD (518 NY 12804 ARRIVE; ) 761-82,56 DEPART: FINA INSp; eli L INSPECTION REPORT CO?QfERCIRL DATE INSPECTION NSP - MULTIPLE NAME ECTION REQUEST RECEIVED otel, aaELLnpO V1 3d ) R� LOCATION / DE l TYPATE OF STQ RUCTURE PERMIT q Q FOOTINGS INSULATION) BACKFILL FRAMING PLUMBING_ CHIMNEY B.. VEN�EIG_�— YES P--�MBING V NO ENT FIXTU ROOFING RED"S EXTERIOR FINISH HEATING HOT WATER all RELIEF VALVES _-- FLOORS _ FOUNDATION INSULATION INTERIOR - INTEROOSTAIRS RAILINGSM ENCLOSURE FIRE DEMISE WALLS PENETFIRE DAMPERSU�VI . —� CEILING F y' IRE STOPPING FIRE DOORS CLOSERS . EXIT' DOOR HARDWARE IT STAIRS RAI'S ____ PLATFORM ELEVATOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS HANDICAPPED BATHS HANDICAPPED MI7 PARKING FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN VARIANCE �� AL FIN RE SURVEY ��_. TO ITS PLOT PLAN IF RE. U _ c/� fX OK Cif:„.„,' ) Z: Pol RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT (�r � Office No.(518)761-8256 Date inspection request received:1 /! 6 Building&Code Enforcement , Dept.of Community Development Arrive „/o n pm ' •pa Town of Queensbury / . .; er's ,,. 0.419 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New YorDk 12804 ; NAME {?C� �� C.i�- RMIT# Ze 02 - /61 LOCATION 7-4,i G'. DATE I e 1 1 / TYPE OF STRUCTURE S PD V/ 0 N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Heightl"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location ✓ ' Fresh Air Intake ;� ` Plumb Vent through roof ,1, D Roof Complete •✓ Exterior Finish Complete V EY \.___. \ kk .17 Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 36" Exterior Handrails,balconies,landing 18 in.or more Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more risers /� Grade 2%away from foundation ✓ �C DEC' }� - 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade - �� Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating eV. \ �,j Relief Valve(s)installed � � ---� l �� Headroom,6 ft.6 in.on stairs Basement stairs,6 ft.4 in. ,,�/ c � ll,' ,_17 Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than 3 risers J Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36" Floor Finish < t)1 Bathroom/Kitchen watertight _Inter ` �-v iar Handrails Balc in stair ells 18 in.or more J- a° �V�T LO a% \ Railingacross window in stairwells ti Smoke Detectors: j'i\j every level i every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected J Bathroom fans_ Plumbing fixtures Y Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed7)/ \ Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) \\, Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor Final Electrical Site Survey required 1 r1Final Survey Plot Plani As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif.of Compliance) \I Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certi£of Occupancy)_ Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) I ( � Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Town of Queensbury Ready at time Dept. of Community Development Request received: . Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE \'L-cf am/ t tv a, , 1► Notes: (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initia 44 NAME: (?n he c L PERMIT# LOCATION: (p1 INSPECT ON(date): �j�1 (7 �-' TYPE OF STRUCTURE: • RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing a` for 48 hours following the placement E' of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/W allpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PlumbingVent/Vents in Place `"_"""Rough Plumbig 3 Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- _ Floors R- Wallls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent _ Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2, 3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc tI:2)0 Office Use GENERAL INSP CTION REPORT Inspector: Town of Queensbury � Ready at time: /�r � Dept. of Community Development Request received: // /O2- r Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE D A T \2;c6 (gip otes: (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initi < NAME: J/ PERMIT# ©7- - 1e /11 LOCATION: t11_ e � INSPECT ON(date): TI '© / 0 �' TYPE OF STRUCTURE: b d t,S0 RE HECK N/A YES COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/W allpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place f ^� Rough Plumbing - 'F11L Vci-CAN � ` Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- k'M>c-k—t _'vsgt;v Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- �-` �--` '�^' c Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent___ Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging — Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2, 3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Ready at t' Town of Queensbury 9/3/2 y 62+1 Dept. of Community Development Request received: `2 3 4. Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE m/pn . I • 't °SD. m/pm Notes: (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initial. 'i r NAME: C"`"'` {� � PERMIT# - — C:2 LOCATION; a&( INSPECT ON(date): ?7/3/0.-2-- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/D ampproofing Backfill Approval_ Plumbing Under Slab _ Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Rou In .sutaton oundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- 1A17 ✓ `2D�/ � � Walls R- Ceiling R- _ Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping L:4SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Town of Queensbury Ready at time. . /O rt) Dept. of Community Development Request received: / Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE am/pm: DEPART It., am/pm Notes: Q (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initials NAME: PERMIT# c900a- / LOCATION: pj 6/ ,,a y INSPECT ON(date): ) (A1.v • TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YF,8-NQi COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. % Materials for this purpose on site � adc_o.4Foundation/Wallpour t 1 toe_itkov2 `?6L I LoChTdN-j Reinforcement in Place �." .- o. undation/Dampproofing_ A.-, ` l Approval_ Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In__ Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers_ Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour_ Penetration Sealed _ Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping _ L:\SueHemingway\luilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Ready at time: Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Request received: Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, IVY 12804 ARRIVE am/pm: DEPARI `9m/pm Notes: (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initials 3 K--- NAME: 067 O21c PERMIT# Oz— (eft/ LOCATION: �' 1 INSPEC;1 ON(date): 7/Z3 2.,/O ' TYPE OF STRUCTURE: r'''‘, \ \ RECHECK l N/A Y 11 NQ COMMENTS otmgs/Piers 4 Monolithic Pour Form Re- } -C.Af Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site ,\ Foundation/Wallpour \ Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing \ Backfill Approval \ Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing '�,` Heating Rough-In �� Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- / ` r Foundation Walls Exterior R- .,' Floors R- 1 Walls R- , Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers _ Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2, 3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping - L:\SueFIemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: 7/d Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive am/pm Depart \ m Inspector's Initial NAME: E.d2.i c,k PERMIT#c9OC / LOCATION: && / AAy DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: s'FL) RECHECK N/A YES N� COMMENTS frootings/Piers_ (7)4.2- 1 I Monolithic Pour Form � —� Reinforcement in Place t.--f f 1) .6�7�s f ' z R( C(lam r�d)\The contractor is respoble fo providing protection from freezing Fo;e3 for 48 hours following the placement , of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- �r Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Zoning Board of Appeals— Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 L:\RES OLUTIONS\2002\AV 50-2002.doc Lewis N. Stone, Chairman Charles A. McNulty, Secretary 192 Lake Parkway 14 Twicwood Lane Lake George,New York 12845 Queensbury,New York 12804 TO: Timothy Donbek PROJECT FOR: Warren Dedrick 68 Mountain Road 261 Bay Road Gansevoort,NY 12831 The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the following request at the below stated meeting and has resolved the following: Area Variance No. 50-2002, Timothy Donbek for Warren Dedrick Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 Approved_X_ Denied Tabled Withdrawn SEQRA Review [Tabled: applicant has sixty(60 days)to come back with the application] MOTION TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE NO. 50-2002 TIMOTHY DONBEK, Introduced by Norman Himes who moved for its adoption, seconded by Roy Urrico: 261 Bay Road. Applicant proposes construction of a 1680 square foot single family dwelling. Applicant requests 16.46 feet of relief from the 40 foot minimum required road frontage per 179- 4-090A. Benefit to the applicant, the applicant would be permitted to construct the desired home on a parcel that does not meet the minimum road frontage requirements. Feasible alternatives seem to be limited. Is this relief substantial relative to the Ordinance? Well, 16.46 feet of relief from the 40 foot minimum required road frontage may be interpreted as moderate relative to the old ordinance. Effects on the neighborhood or community, minimal effects on the neighborhood may be anticipated as a result of this action. Additionally, I think, as we've mentioned, that this appears to be a very satisfactory disposition of this property considering the intensity of use is going to be just about at an absolute minimum. Is the difficulty self-created? Well, it's a pre- existing nonconforming lot. So that's probably not the case. I'd like to add that there be a Page 1 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary(such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) -nf Zoning Board of Appeals — Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 Continued resolution: ZBA Meeting: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 AV 50-2002, Timothy Donbeck for Warren Dedrick condition here, in connection with this approval, that the lot not be further subdivided, nor there be any additional residential dwelling units constructed on the lot. I recommend that it be approved under those circumstances. Duly adopted this 26th day of June, 2002, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Urrico, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Abbate, Mr. Nimes, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Stone NOES: NONE Sincerely, - ), Lewis N. Stone, Cha i ►` Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals LS/sh cc: Warren Dedrick, property owner Page 2 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary(such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) MAP REFERENCES: MAP OF LANDS OF 3000(IN`d JNioiin8 GERTRUDE B. FERGUSON ' Aa(19SN33(10 J0 NMOl BY LESLIE W. COULTER z0oz 0 130 DATED OCTOBER 5, 1948 WARREN COUNTY DEPARTMENT 03 ^\I3033 J OF HIGHWAYS DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY MAP NO. 100 SERIAL NO. H-1012 PARCEL NO. 124 IRF o S84'1 00"E o � 761.70 x e j 0 ---' 0 -- o n-z' INpClq �� O 2 o AREA SEE RIGHT OF WAY 428,553 sq.ft. AND EASEMENT NO. 2-7-3 c� 9.84 acres TO CENTRAL OUEENSBURY t �� QUAKER ROAD SEWER DISTRICT p / / d �,O� RECORDED 13, 1989 o�O'�d�' J`6, IN BOOK 748 PAGE 222 O o I \\ 0 0 IPF a \ v .�1 '122.42 \ \ 0 IPFO \ �+ N$3'37'00"W a � in!h l IRF N r0 O NOTES: MM� �1 1. WESTERLY BOUNDS OF BAY ROAD ONLY ESTABLISHED BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS, LLC. REMAINING PROPERTY LINES AS PER MAP OF LANDS OF GERTRUDE B. FERGUSON BY LESLIE W. COULTER DATED OCTOBER 5, 1948 • IRF IRON R00 FOUND a fir\ atel MAY Du S �' 1 'U AUTH M ALTERATION ON ADMION 70 A'URVEY Map made for Scake 1'=100' M l M YEARM A UCENSED IANO SIMMONS SEAL Is A •,�'i/ WOLAMON OF SMION 7100,we-OMSMON;OF THE (((Y��\�/ NEW YOR K STATE M"TION LAW W.' S t e v e sY �T �Ha> NMRID WrtH AM Qtli1NIL a THE LAND S11R1R1QO V'c `•y .*Va DE C019A)EIWD ro OE VAUD TRUE COMM" S- `�"" YVASREPA'ED14ACO�GNCET""T CHARLES WOOD FOUNDATION 111�JJJJ MS SURVEY WAS PREPARED N ACCORDANCE MHH 111E Land Surveyors , LLC °°YHE NEW O�"` �"""° A°°� BY THE NEW YDRK SMTE ASSOCIAIKlN Qi PROFESap1Al LAND SURVEYORS.S�NO CFRAIGOONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON MR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED,AND ON 40 SERAY TO THE MLE COLPARY,GOM MENTAL 169 Haviland Rd Queensbur New York 12804 TO APO LOOKS W WronroN USED"�°"'AM Town of Queensbury, Marren County, New York 1 9-9-02 HOUSE LOCATION y, ro THE ASOOPM OF THE UNDING WSTMU" C.W.F. C708 (518) 792-8474 New York lAc. No. 50135 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. 02150 106-3-2/302.08-2-1