CO-0496-2019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,'NY 12804-5904 518 761-8201 Community Development -Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: CO-0496-2019 Date Issued: Monday, July 29, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number CO-0496-2019 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 302.5-1-92.11 Location: 578 AVIATION RD Owner: AVIATION MALL NEWCO LLC Applicant: Cameron Fisher This structure may be occupied as a: Certificate of Occupancy Only Tenant: Albany RV, Space # 33A By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of ieve the property own Occupancy owner of he responsibility lity for compliance DOES O l withSite Plan, a Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. Np "^rare L I. 2019, , tJ Y ONLYtrt�c WN O 1 i Permit it:_ww T _ 7rytr°ra rrt Kiier°rrataay �,. Permit Fee:$ 1 _ 742 stay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice 8: P.,518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 rw�nd�uu uee sbur9Lw��� � __ "This application is for occupancy only,with no work requiring a building permit CONTACT"INFORMATION: 0 Applicant: Name(s): (116,xij V Mailing Address,C/ / Cell Phone. (2�0 l Ns Land Line: I Email Business t wner h.. Contact Name(s)..... Mailing Address,C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_(�) Land Line: _( ) Email: Manager: Contact Name(s). � s .. � Mailing Address,C/S�/ . :a 02061 �- Cell Phone:_(C" )," i _ Land Line: _( ) Email: A Ub P M Properiiy Owner is Business Narne: Contact Narne(s): Mailing Address, Cell Phone:_( ) Land Linea _(�) i Email: Urtifiraae of occupancy tlniy Revised luxe 2017 e 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 { P;518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 tnww. ueensbur .net BUSINESS INFORMATION: (dame of business: Address (including suite, space, etc. : 6.n i i Type of business (i.e,: retail, car repair, etc.): r� ° . . A \� Please provide an accurate layout of your store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest roams,counters and fixtures on a separate sheet of paper. I Il' PORANT:The business owner is responsible for keeping exits clear and maintaining exit signs and emergency lights. Fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler systems, and fire alarm systems require annual inspections by an outside contractor and the corresponding documentation must be provided to the Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's office, Fire extinguishing systems found In kitchens and gas stations require semi-annual inspections. An violations noted Burin an ins action re airs immediate corrective action and a re-ins action. Applicant name: Applicant s" not re: Dater_fZ Certificate of Occupancy Only Revised June 2017 742 Day Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION *THIS FORM IS USED TO ASSIST"EM ERG ENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL WHO MAY BE CALLED TO YOUR BUSINESS AFTER HOURS,PLEASE BE SURE THE CONTACTS LISTED BELOW ARE WILLING AND AVAILABLE TO REPSOND DURING OFF-HOURS To ASSIST POLICE AND/OR FIRE PERSONNEL IN GAINING ENTRY TO YOUR BUILDING." PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT FAILURE TO ASSIST EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO YOUR BUILDING BY POLICE AND/CDR FIRE PERSONNEL. Date: Business Name: .......... Business Location(Including suite,space,etc.): 5-N (J Lo�Lod QaeefJfbvk4 j kL "33A Business Phone th 510 A-d X6 1, Contact name: Main Phone: Secondary Phone- Corning front what town/village? 2, Contact name* Main Phone: Secondary Phone: Coming from what town/village? TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFIC-E P:518-761-8206 F:518-745-4437 FIRE MARSHAL MIKE PALMER DERLI'TY FIRE MARSHAL GARYSTILLMAN Certificate of Occupancy Only Rev1W June 2017 FIR ["," MA1?S[4AI..,"S OFTICE To'et'n (rf QIwellsbu r�l 7112 Bay Road, Quo,nsbui�y, NY12804 11"] 0 1111, C Of N a f ti r a 1 8 c a u t y ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW Albany RV 578 Aviation Road, 33A CC-4962019 7/25/2019 The following comments based on review of the submitted plans: 1) I..,ocks / latches shall comply with the 2015 International Fire Code. 2) Verify Fire extinguisher locations. 3) Knox Box is required for the space, if already installed need keys. 4) Verify operation of existing Exit / emergency lights. 5) Verify aisles & storage. /4fp ult y=Fli""a r A Gary K. Stillman 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518761 8205 garys(%x)queensbury.net Fi r e M a r s h a I 's ff i c e - 1 I h o n,c: 518-761-8206 F a A 518-745-443 7 � m w C- 33B n 1 a w 35 3392 3652 >< % od s E R N 1 , F A r f F 302.5-1-92.11. CO-04 -2019 Albany RV 578 Aviation Rd, Space 33 Certificate of Occupancy Only