96-2075 N.E. Solar Guard Window Tinting Fee Paid: G16 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OCT 31 -.Qs .p. : ,ed By: 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Permit #: q&-)-0 (518) 761-8256 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2. Plot plan of location of sign. 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or land. OWNER OF PROPERTY C-fv1l j(der ADDRESS ! 1 .1 Qfi1 ee6a'.ory'/7 if. a TEL. 15/? NAME OF APPLICANT ► " ADDRESS TEL. BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: 1\A{) i)an,/ br' card, TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing __ Permanent C Projecting Sign __ Temporary Non-conforming Existing __ Free-Standing b' " Wall —_ New Location: Tax Map Number _ -Address - -- �- Proposed Setbacks from Proper Line (front) _ (side) If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal ( ) , External (-b) , Incadescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other ( ) Size of Sign: Width ft. Length — ft. Total Square Footage: IF I S Sign Copy: Wire 11-41;.-2, 19e,116 Co/ ftl ieq /- 4(5 'h ! se-7 fg-5SS5 Color and Material To Be Used: Bid) k)I}j-ft Signature: C4/0 Circle One: plicant owner, contractor or agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TOPLACE A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner: l �:PR_� G �i` ORIGINAL-Office Copy COPY-Applicant TOWN OF QUEENSBURY w DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DFVELC TENT o APPROVED r Aplication IIJ BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AIIIIK [L, 9- (9 — a.0 7 5 v so 40 \ 1. BASIC/BUILDING PERMIT INFORMATION: A ' 0. Applicant/Name & Address Agent/Name & Address n TO6t DuE 7 4 Coy arp anf agent v H ,Z TAX MAP NUMBER: C'a.,tir.t `:1 Nmuc,AdLlt&„ /0 '7.r 1 —.3() Ni l xr,.. �Y M AA PI.:. ,//Clrt AL1ddtt.] � J� �� `J �� V ~ 2. PROJECT DES��ION: �c,- i _ 4. ____ -❑plot plan (2 copies) ❑ building plan (2) sewage disposal energy code 3. PROPERTY INFORMATION: [electrical inspection Cldriveway permit SETBACRS REQUIRED ACTUAL. $ ted/signed CIFEE PAID Front Yard i/J Front ( if corner) Side Yard (1) /r" a NEW CONSTRUCTION Side Yard (2) /C ❑ ADDITION Rear Yard a ALTERATION Width a MODIFICATION Depth CISION YES NO N/A PROPERTY IS IN APPROVED SUBDIVISION / limit, Meets depth, width & square footage requiremen Preexisting, nonconforming lot with proper setbacks Required road frontage on public road Has required off-street parking Permeable area is adequate / Required: Building does not exceed maximum height / Max. ft. Required setbacks from stream, lake and/or travel corn,or meets requirement Buffer zones required Is lot in a Flood Plain Zone? 0 VEfij 4 it 4 ""` A `t 17['_' ERMI ATION: w peection(s) of the Zoning ❑ Sign ❑ Subdivision 7,2; Ordinance Ordinance Regulations 4,1 w s 5. REVIEW REQUIRED BY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: ACTION FILE NUMBER RESOLUTION DATE ❑ Use Variance ❑ Area Variance El Sign Variance ❑ Other Comments: 6. REVIEW REQUIRED BY PLANNING BOARD: ACTION FILE NUMBER RESOLUTION DATE ❑ Site Plan Review ❑ Subdivision ❑ Planned Unit Dev. ❑ Other Comments: REV IFINED BY STAFF DATE COMMENTS r /1 -, :, s5 a ay 1 ..._\\ ' minotses.Nauno042...4zoi Amzt,Platiailir / !:71f Cep 501 i I z'ffLE wg) 0__Lin-U 966I V - AON I\I / ( / 1 / 1 uogeo!iddV toll • P0 UR ( (Y\ --)bic . a . ki ' ,-- ---- - r c F F ..___,--c_tv bE:::DC il) C ) bal 6i_05e , r 1400-c-i-F- IVY C 1 i g 1 5 I 9 6.,,..._ Z 7..._.) ciP l O °w , Application af . NOV — 4 1996 NI opr TOWN 8F OM' EENSBURY