structural engineer letterTHA Shean Ave)
Infinite Engineering Solutions,P.C.
60 Blind Rock Road
Queensbury NY 12804
PeteSankey@IESPC.comAstructuralinspectionwasconductedat171UpperShermanAve,Queensbury NY
12804 to determine if the removal of an interior wall was detrimental to the integrity of
the structure.The wall in question was located in the leftmost room of the left side
apartment,approximately 6 feet from the rear exterior wall;running parallel with it.
Upon inspection,it was initially observed that the wall was not continuous.There was a
3ft break in the wall with no header in that span,indicating it was unlikely the ceiling
joists were carrying significant load.The ceiling joists were inspected in the attic space;
they were comprised of 2x6 members and were ail intact.There were no splices
observed in these members,and therefore it was determined that the interior wall in
question was not intended to be load bearing.The only load intended to be carried by
these ceiling joists is dead load from drywall,lighting fixtures and insulation,no
additional load should be added to this section.
If you have any questions or concerns,please don’t hesitate to contact me at the above
email or phone.