10-30-2008 Meeting Cancelled Town of Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Time: 7 – 11 p.m. / Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road Applicant(s) THE PYRAMID CO. OF GLENS Application Type Site Plan 40-2008 FALLS, NEWCO, LLC Owner (s) Same SEQR Type I – Previous EIS [adopted by T B 8/6/01; adopted by PB 9/4/01]] Agent(s) Chazen Companies; B P S R Lot size 7 lots totaling 52.05 +/- acres Location Aviation Mall and out-parcels Zoning Classification ESC-25A Tax ID No. 302.5-1-93.1, 93.2, 92.4, 92.11, Ordinance Section 179-9-030 96.1, 96.2, 97 Cross Reference AV 63-08; SP 21-2001 Warren Co. Planning 9/10/08 Public Hearing 9/23 /08 Tabled to 10/30/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 6,400 sq. ft. restaurant building, 11,500 sq. ft. Mixed Use Bldg. [retail & restaurant], 93,055 nd Sq. ft. Box Store w/2 level retail, and a 65,000 sq. ft. Theatre Expansion. Expansion of an allowable use requires Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board may review for SEQR consistency and begin Site Plan Review. - Any further business which may properly brought before the Board – Final Agenda 9/25/08