variance applicationla,- (-20 ty SEP-O26 2204, RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Halll 134 Dix Avenue Glens Falls NY 12801 Voice 518 741 0268 Fax 518741 0274 Email ephall@nycap.rr.com \ \anil nd 53 Assembly Point Road 16 January 2020 Dave Hatin -Code Enforcement Officer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 Re:Revised Variance Request-William and Kathy Bosy Residence Following a pre-installation walkthrough of the project location above with IBS,we found that the location of the existing septic and pump tanks is far too close to the structure for an excavator to safely dig without possible collapse.Wehave revised the drawing after confirming it is possible to re-route the plumbing for the building and install the tanks farther up the fence line than originally proposed.Subsequently,this proposed relocation of the new tanks leads to modifications for the approved variance.Attached to this letter,a revised drawing reflects the following: -New septic tank to property line to be 2’-6"where 10’is required (2'-9"approved 12/2/2019) -New septic tank to future foundation to be 9°and 11’where 10’is required (2’-6"to existingfoundationwasapproved12/2/2019) -New pump chamber to property line to be 2’-6"where 10’is required (2'-6.75"approved 12/2/2019) -New pump chamber to future foundation to be 9 where 10’is required (2-0"approved 42/2/2019) -Pump line to property line to be 4'10"where 10’is required (4'-10"approved 12/2/2019) -Edge of stone for pressure bed to be 4’where 10’is required (4’approved 12/2/2019) If there are any questions please contact our office to discuss. Regards, MacKenzie Pelton dr.Civil Engineer (EIT) SEPTIC VARIANCE __|Sts#¥#°n Received: APPLICATION Permit:SE 2 ol?201EeePermitFee:_ft SO.00742BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804 ~- P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.ret S =]oie 2ZBSO I r ———||Approvals:||JAN-17 2020 Submittal:|original &8 copies of the completed applicatio Owner's Agent:PUAN SEA HAL AecMTenePropertyOwner(s):WIWIAM AND KATHY BOSY Address:32 Flareoce OAD address:134 DIX AVE IRE GEMOF Ny 128465 GLENS FALLS,NY 12801 Phones:51 -321-T1140 Phone #:__S1B—14|—0208 site Address:_93 ASSEMBLY POINT 20RD taxi#:34.\2-2-lv Directions to Site: Distance from well on property to septic system (if applicable)N/A feet Is it possible to install a conforming septic system on this property?Yes X Wo IFYES,please explain and attach a diagram:__PROPOSED GARKGE IN AYER weeACONFORMINGSYSTEM(AN BE PLACED Does the proposed system meet setback requirements for distance from wells &septic systems on neighboring properties?Y Yes No If NO,please explain: Is the proposed system to be installed under a parking area?Yes X__No Section of the Sanitary Sewage Ordinance from which you are seeking the variance (i.e.leaching system will be 89 ft.from well in lieu of required 100 ft.): NEW SEPTIC TANK To Property LINE TOBE 2'-b"were ipo"is 2equeco NEW SEPNC TANK TO FUTURE FOUNDATIONTbBE40"? w'-o" WHEEIp'-o"1sREQUIRED NEw PUMP (HAMPER To PeoveeTyY LINE Tb BE2-('wHeEee Ip'-o"IsReawED NEI -o"wit ‘Is Pump VINE To BE 4-10"WHERE [D'-o"Is REQUIRED EVGE OF STONE PRESSURE BED 10 BE 4p"wHeee '0"IS PEQuED Septic Variance Application February 2018 List the names,parcel addresses,and tax map numbers of all adjoining property owners.You may obtain taxmapnumbersfromtheAssessor's Office as well as the names and addresses: North Name BEeNHOLZ,MICHAEL Address 5 SSEMBL INT ROAD Tax Map ID 239.12-Z2-\1 South Name AW Address Asse LY POINT BOAD Tax Map ID $4.12-2- East Name=i,Tax Map ID 229.12-2-94.)3 eA iGEORoEWestNameAK Address ‘Tax Map ID OWNER STATEMENT "We do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at: We realize that putting the well,septic tank or leaching system less than the required ‘May increase the risk of pollution. Gene orc nsne 2 iaee ,ore i[mn{o000 owner Signature: .—oae:_fy/eeP|[\1|2029 NEIGHBOR OR TENANT RELEASE STATEMENT (if applicable) "MWe do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at: feet from the __ "We realize that putting the septic tank or leaching system less than the required ‘may increase the risk of pollution. feet from the __be Neighbor/Tenant—Print Name:—DatesNeighbor/Tenant-Signature:rae ——__Date: February 2018SepticVatlanceAppcation AUTHORIZATION AND SIGNATURE PAGE engineering fee disclosure,authorization for site This page includes the Authorization to Act as Agent form, ide documentation required. visits,other permit responsibilities and agreement to provi Complete the following if the OWNER is using an Agent: Owner’sName:__N\LLI AM Bos PYCUN SHA HALL ACH TECTUZE as agent regarding the Septic Variance forTaxMap#:_239.12-2-[(p LL,DATE:wy 22/9OWNER’S SIGNATURE;a Designates: Engineering Fee Disclosure:Applications may be referred to the Town consuldesign,storm drainage,etc.as determined by the Town Board of Health,Feeswillbechargeddirectlytotheapplicant. Authorization for Site Visits:By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein,theOwner,Applicant and his/her/thelr agent hereby authorize the Town Board of Health,building and codeEnforcementOfficersandTownEngineertoenterthesubjectpropertiesforthepurposeofreviewingtheapplicationsubmitted. Please Note:Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval bytheTownBoardofHealth.Its the applicant's responsibilty to obtain any additional permits, Officiatial Meeting Minutes Disclosure:It isthe practice of the Town Board of Health to have a designatedstenographertaperecordtheproceedingsofthemeetingsresultingfromtheapplication,and that theConstitutetheofficialrecordofallproceedings.If there is a discrepancy ‘minutes shall be deemed the official record. |,the undersigned,have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission;agree to thesubmissionrequirementsandcompletedchecklist: OWNER—PRINT NAME: OWNER—SIGNATURE: AGENT—PRINT NAME:__ AGENT—SIGNATURE:_—_ \[rilzozo ‘SepteVariance Appcation Februaey 2018