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Application fo: TOWN ‘OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work. ANSWER ALL of the following: ies Gross floor area, type of heat_O\h-Fie)HoT AIR Is the building mechanically cooled? Percentage of area of windows and doors. A. B. Over 16%OnlyI.U_value of gross area of walls,roof/ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2.Floor over heated spaces YES NO a.Are foundation walls insulated?YES NO 1.%If YES,what is the R value?. 3.Slab on grade YES NO a.If YES,what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor? a.R value of insulation. 5.Type of insulation. Under 16%OnlyI.R value of hed and floors exposed to ambient conditions__23g 2.R value of exterior walls R-as 3.R value of glazed area 4.R value of doors. Wide Pesiaeie2 (cienrs overihearea spaces!NA 6.R value of slab edge insulation -unheated slab 7.R value of slab insulation -heated slab. 8 R value of heated basement/cellar walls (above grade 9.R value of heated basement/cellar walls (below grade) 10.Type of insulation ©~_CpRws:Ty Controls T.Thermostat maximum heat setting Duct systemsI.Is duct system installed in unheated spaces?/Yes>No a.If YES,R value of duct installationb.R value of duct imother areas. Piping Insulation T,Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2.R value of pipe insulation. Service Water Heating1.Performance efficiency.2.Temperature control setting maximum. For Swimming Pool Only1.Maximum heating "s signature) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY | Space inside block tobe filled in bs WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Building Inspector) Application for Appheation No. Permit Issued 9 BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT Permit Expires,————__19AGValueofWosinneeeRemankTHREE(3)Copies of a PLOT PLAN,Drawn to scale showing the actual dimensi the lot to be built ‘ize,and |‘on the lot of the ‘to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. 54-616 TOWN OF QUEENSBURYEGEIVE ‘A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK "ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING.APR 23 1982 Sec pd The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following work Mile eeeTick’will be done in eccordance with the description,plans and specif “S|uO 1]219]41516 wach iad such special conditions as may be indicated on the perm ny u : i The owpes of this property is; C/O rc. OMAR CA,Eka...SRL (Bex 344,SOMME aie The person respoysible:for yen the work insofar as the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance apply is: VN,7 LtcUaevmC!oi (oo AbDAESS! Name of Builder Sued,&(DMP,Address Name of Plumber )Address Name of Mason Address, ‘Lot Number.Unit Estimated value of proposed work §125000...Aprtwemt..VAM,10 Woe Name ofVillage --BURN CRUE ae Name of Street ..SUMN45il ..K2AO.Side of street:aoth Gest O;south XE west O Nearest Cross Street.SUMMJ)5/DE Nagin Distance from this -ross street.J 5-5.”rt Property isnorth Cl,south Jq,east [i,west Cl from Cross Street fon Comer,which corner,northeast (J,northwest (1,southeast [.scuthseest (Designate by marking with an in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY ©Construction of a new building.Main Buitding ‘Addition to a building.One-family dwelling TA Alteration to a building. Two-family dwelling o ‘Demolition of a building.family apartment house a Store building a -ear attached garage Oo Other Accessory Building One-car detached garage AK [X Other work.Describe:2 Two-car detached garage oBll,bittaey,LIM,¢.CE.Private chicken house ao Private storage building o Met,Re.WB...RMSE...Kate Other: See Bhoy Pru A7iHenD ZONING SPECIFICATIONS.Fil in for new building,or addition to existing building,or #change of occupancy Indicate on the plot plan street names,the location and Soaeone NOTH size of the property,the location,site and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of all existing buildings, Show proposed building(s)in dotted line and existingPropose\Suamynbic june,thuilding(s)in solid line.1 5 se teeeny 160).a=POR eeD Size and use of existing ome it any 42.%30 Mase NY (OX 84.CARE. jonTH 5 :sive of proposed building 2. 0.6...fx ...%°...8 leight (from grade to rit ae.ft See Aide Height (from grade to ridge)raedarLeFrontyard80:...OF ft Lee Side yards 33.‘fuand 244 ft Rear yard HO!+..364 :ft. soure fon corner,setback from side street ft Note:All distances are net,as measufed from street side line to nearest part of building. over ae rea Proper veta—" bine’ (cont’d.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS, Kind of construction:Wood frame,fire safe,etc.4/000.FRAME. Will any second-hand lumber be used?n 2..If so,for what?.......fecal Material of foundation walls..40".CONGARE.BOCK,ss -.Thickness... Depth of foundation walls below grade.1.":Continuous foundation?AO.ae w) Will there be a cellar? .... MQ If s0,material of cellar floor : “Type of roof:Sloped or flat?...ShaRH.Material of roof .....S.AUVGHES.v Size,wood studs ee Ol AK.&£12,spacing 1.4,Bah Size,floor beams,Ist floor a x Be.Boke spacing 1 Piston’ Size,floor beams,2nd floor a ”,spacing,a % Size,ceiling beams poe &x at spacing.a4. Size,roof rafters or beams CK 2 by x as ,spacing ae Exterior fi PEK GON BAS wien what ane ay! Finish of interior walls...SHPSTROCK..2.PAwitw.G- Tranrge in tobe attached,of what material is wall between garage and main building to be constructed?OOSr”tan Soa OOF ALU.SPACE Is there to be an opening between garage and building?oF Kind of heating system....TURWALE.‘Oil burner or coal? |.67h.BuRWER Will ¢flue lined chimney be provided?((N.#A\STINZE:.Pepth of chimney Sous détioe belowgrade Height of chimney above roof..... Waik Became...RPGR.: Will there be a fireplace?...NC.Depth of fireplace hearth . Will a toilet be installed?.Yes. ‘Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply? Water supply (public water supply or pump)e Distance of cesspool from any private well.. feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps,cleanouts,and vents? poh eer |armpavir County of Warren State of New York ‘that to ut pey7of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in together wit 1s se ate ee edae tyaod oo ww nse ae ane aoa eatfandthatsuchworkisauthorizedbytheowner:oad — Sworn to before me this Signature day of 19 Acton NOTARY PUBLIC,WARREN COUNTY.N.¥. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: By