2008-615 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 (EL Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080615 Application Number: A20080615 Tax Map No: 523400-303-016-0001-033-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: KITCHEN TO BE COMPLETED ON SEPERATE PE For property located at: 487 DIX Ave in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. T_we of Construction Value Owner Address: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY Commercial/Industrial $400,000.00 487 DIX Ave Total value $400,000.00 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2008-615 9600 sq ft church $1,440.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,June 23,2011 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Tuesday,June 23,2009 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20080615 Date Issued: Friday, November 04, 2011 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20080615 has been completed. Location: 487 DIX Ave Tax Map Number: 523400-303-016-0001-033-000-0000 Owner: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH Applicant: KITCHEN TO BE COMPLETED ON SEPERATE PERMIT This structure may be occupied as a: Commercial / Industrial By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 90 Day Building Permit No. : 2008-615 Property Location : 487 Dix Ave Approved for the following uses: Church Conditions of approval : 1 complete all site work & obtain final approval from engineer Tom Hutchins 2) active listening system & devices & signage 3 complete west wing individual rooms elec. & remove all constr. debris 4) complete kitchen see fire marshal's items 5) final survey 6) national grid to raise mete & shut off 7) remove temp lighting add porcelain lights in each attic area 8 HC parking signs & striping 9) bottom on conc ramps must be flush to asphalt 10) electrical inspection must be certified (Don Loveland) 11) install all covep2lates on open electric 12 close up all electric in attic 13) remove all debris from attic 14) fire marshal items -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $100 extension received on: August 4d' 2011 90 Day Temporary CO expires on: October 22nd 2011 *A final inspection for this project must be scheduled before the expiration of this Temporary Certificate of Occupancy—if your project is not complete within this 90 day period you will be subject to additional fees* Signature of Applicant: Director of Building & Codes: '' `' '' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080615 Application Number. A20080615 Tax Map No: 523400-303-016-0001-033-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: RANDY &DEBBIE GROSS For property located at: 487 DIX Ave in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: RANDY& DEBBIE GROSS 487 DIX Ave Commercial/Industrial $400,000.00 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Total Value $400,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2008-615 9600 sq ft church $1,440.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,June 23,2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T of eens ry��/% une 23, 2009 SIGNED BY ` for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 4z)w 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Co s-(518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080615 Applicatio Nu ber. A20080615 Tax Map No: 523400-303-016-0001-033-000-0000 i Permission is hereby granted to: RANDY &DEBBIE GROS e For property located at: 487 DIX Ave in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application to r pl plans other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Unifo B ' es e QueensburyZoning Ordinance. T f Construction Value Owner Address: ND &DEBBIE GROSS 487 D Ave ercial/Industrial $400,000.00 QUEE SBURY,NY 80 00 0 otal Value $400,000.00 f Contractor or Buil is Na /Ad s Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2008-615 9600 sq ft church $1,440.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,June 23,2011 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T o ee I ay,June 23,2009 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement I--E-------i--- - ------------ ------�--�---�-----�--c--- ' i -------------------/O TAX MAP N O3t /� —1-33 PERMIT NO. , - FEES: PERMIT ( 17 41 0 RECREATION ENGINEERING 0 ; 966Z ONO (If applicable) , ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------! 0----- - --' PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: APPLICATION FOR ZONING APPROVAL & BUILDING PERMIT A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION. APPLICANT/BUILDER:/flrr✓ /8t5;4n;nrr Io,n, �,4 ice,OWNER: �i3A/?� Y �+�'0SS ADDRESS: �,,F 7 b/k Alit' ADDRESS: IS-7 D/k A u-e PHONE NOS.S7e-,7�77- S 7!5� 792-e4 7V PHONE NOS. .7lC-3o7-LS7y 792-.167y CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: 44wa x 6,/ot1' PHONE: 307-45 7Y LOCATION OF PROPERTY: !J,(x Ave- ge <2vec,1 j,,� w t 8elle, ,¢u� SUBDIVISION NAME: i✓/A PLEASE INDICATE MEASUREMENTS AS REQUIRED BELOW: CHECK ALL THAT z APPLY TO YOUR 0 PROJECT z ►_ p d d W U- cn O Q 0 O co cn W LU -j U- U U- U J 0=2 F' U [L = Fa- O(�U Z LU Q Q :-� NvOi 0LLL OL~L CLX06 SINGLE FAMILY TWO-FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY(NO. ) TOWNHOUSE BUSINESS OFFICE RETAIL- MERCANTILE FACTORY OR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHED GARAGE(1,2,3) OTHER C r / a6 .2 3'2 'T- Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 IF t:OMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL-NAME OF BUSINESS: MtW Twic, ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: c FUEL TYPE:Af.4-T. Goa r 4 i- HEAT TYPE?,& HOW MANY FI REP LAC E(S)__.o _AND/OR WOODSTOVES(S): O G« /30;A" ZONING CATEGORY: ARE THERE WETLANDS ON THIS SITE? No.y,C- IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? Alo PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION: Cx ,_rr.4 ARE THERE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN? No ARE THERE EASEMENTS ON PROPERTY? JU /fro 'Please complete a separate Application for"Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimneys" available in our office I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above. Signed Director of Building & Codes: 761-8256 (for questions QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8266 OR EMAIL regarding Building Permits, construction codes or septic codesftueensburv.net systems) (: VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Zoning Administrator: 761-8218 (for questions regarding www.queensbury.net required permits, the permit process, application requirements or to schedule an appointment) This application/proposed action described Permission is hereby granted to the above 10 herein is found to be in accordance with the o Applicant to erect or alter the building described ; zoning Laws of the Town of Queensbury. 0 herein in accordance with said Application: , 1 , , , ZONING APPROVAL DATE 0 BUILDING &CODES APPROVAL DATE 11 + / ' / / 0 , 0 , 10 QTown of Queensbunj - Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 (,-/,�` - 0 S-- For an EPA homeowner's guide: httip://www.epa.ciov/nodes/iDubs/homeownE OFFICE USE ONLY 0 ', ; I 1 TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO. PERMIT FEE ; ' ' ; 0 'f , APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK , , , 00 APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT: A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE WORK BEGINS.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT. OWNER: Randy Gross INSTALLER: Randy Gross ADDRESS: 487 Dix Ave ADDRESS: 487 Dix Ave PHONE NOS. 518-307-6574; 792-6674 PHONE NOS. 518-307-6574; 792-6674 LOCATION OF INSTALLATION: 487 Dix Ave RESIDENCE YEAR BUILT NO.OF X COMPUTATION= = TOTAL DAILY FLOW INFORMATION: BEDROOMS 1980 or older 0 X 150 gallon per bedroom = Q GARBAGE GRINDER 1981 -1991 X 130 gallon per bedroom = Q INSTALLED? 1992-present ® X 110 gallon per bedroom = 1,980 SPA OR HOT TUB INSTALLED? PARCEL INFORMATION: ✓ TOPOGRAPHY: FLAT ROLLING ✓ STEEP SLOPE SLOPE % ✓ SOIL NATURE: SAND ✓ LOAM ✓ CLAY OTHER ✓ GROUNDWATER: AT WHAT DEPTH? 12" BEDROCK/IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: AT WHAT DEPTH? all sand ✓ DOMESTIC WATER SUPLY: MUNICIPAL ✓ WELL (If well:water supply from any septic system absorption is:( ft) ✓ PERCOLATION TEST: RATE IS 2min 1 Osec PER MIINUTE PER INCH(TEST TO BE COMPLETED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). TANK SIZE: 2000 GALLON (MIN. SIZE iS 1,000 GAL.)Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank for each garbage grinder, spa or whirlpool tub. SYSTEM TYPE: m ABSORPTION FIELD (WITH NO. 2 STONE) Total length 4011110' ft. Each trench 5050' X 8 8 ❑SEEPAGE PIT(S) (WITH NO. 3 STONE) How many? Size? []ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Bed or other type? ❑HOLDING TANK SYSTEM Total required capacity? Tank size? Number of tanks? NOTE: ALARM SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE INSPECTED BY A TOWN APPROVED ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AGENCY. PLEASE REVIEW LIST PROVIDED. For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury codesAgueensburv.net Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.aueensbury.net Signature of Person Responsible Date Tozvn of Queensburj• Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Q�T00" munity Development Officezou of Queeusbury - 742 Bay Road - Queenshury, New fork -12804 ; i4+�SCHEDULE ------------------- JOB SITE/ADDRESS: DATE: OWNER: APPLICATION NO.: UNIT OR CLEAR a/NO.ORG' � STOCK ROUGH ROUGH SO.FT. CLEAR OPENING NO.OR 4A4N9AW SQ.FT. OPENING SPECIAL HARDWARE OR MANUFACTURER NUMBER OPENING OPENING EGRESS/CLEAR HEIGHT LETTER NAME MODEUTYPE CALL WIDTH HEIGHT VENT OPENING WIDTHS IN INSTRUCTIONS ON PLAN SIZE INCHES INCHES t D, O '.�vFRvrtT'-r�t� 3�X7� �Sb" 8�-" Zo•2� 2I 3l0�' gam*` B 26-LTR 11-05 r , r r r r Q�, ommunity Development Office zt)n of Queeusbury • 742 Bay Road - Queettsbury, New fork •12804 G� BUILDING PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET: NATURAL LIGHT', VENTILATION AND EMERGENCY EGRESS REQUIREMENTS AiGTUA Av AREA OF ROOM IN LIGHT ACTUAL LIGHT REQUIRED VENTILATION SQUARE FOOT HABITABLE ROOM SQUARE FEET 8°�OF ROOM j SQUARE VENTILATION-4% SQUARE OPENING FOR REMARKS AREA FOOTAGE OF ROOM AREA FOOTAGE EGRESS -46 I o 2�(v 2�.Z$ 32 �D• gp.5g46 .5$ 32 a •I2 41 go.sso '40 J & l Z 72 ' 20. 0j y6 �tT=tarluae. ue =n�c� 1 a 30? �'�'•5"�, 3 2 2 28___ �O.Sg_ �.S� ' 1 -7 2.4)00 232.E qb �' 1 ] (a t21 .7+ 121 .�i4- riFlu�.r.. uc u,��ica 4-7'7 --3$.! 3 2 '' !9.08 °5 ' mob. 7 tuaLWT ► 1 I QUESTIONS? CALL 761.8256 OR EMAIL codes ftueensbury.net VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.quensbury.net B 104,TR 11-20 ------------------------ i Y Community Development Office ; own of Queensbury • 742 Bay Road - Queensbury, New York -12804 Q ; Y 1 Y Y Y � Y Y .._-__---- BUILDING PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET: NATURAL LIGHT, VENTILATIONAND EMERGENCY EGRESS REQUIREMENTS ACTUAL LIGHT REQUIRED SQUARE FOOT AREA OF ROOM IN LIGHT VENTILATION HABITABLE ROOM SQUARE FEET 8%OF ROOM SQUARE VENTILATION-4% SQUARE OPENING FOR REMARKS AREA FOOTAGE OF ROOM AREA FOOTAGE EGRESS �NT1 c.ATtort RaT�. i2.F1,>Z Io . �` t0.88� 20• 29 •�`� � �R�� ►gtnl.�'c 20 13� 1 •as ' f o o 5•`h�• ` 20.20 .2pt Z1 32 1& 0 (llJ ? 24. 21 `y7� •� `�4RT(FIGIAL LIls1-IT/PIG► QF 4%AR-T1F(01,AL U&I4TIt-J& A-Db 770�/ L. &5Ca2 7Z) / �2/ D6RC5 -77A A/ 7Z) ,A/1p-�EGT QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8266 OR EMAIL codes0gueensbury.net VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.guensbunt,net B 10-LTR 11-20 CotnmicniN Development Office T07011 of Queensbury • 742 Bay Rd. Queensbury, New York -12804 PLOT PLAN Show all existing and proposed structures. Indicate the setbacks of all structures and buildings from all property fines. SIDE PROPERTY LINE O z z C` O O - I m i i SIDE PROPERTY LINE 1 SQUARE = 33 FT. �� a,�,asiaaa w a�t� � ,III dxdaa ae�daaaaaaa� �� E,�S 6;6 ea:md�d�ndxacGGce �� 6 eas�d.l�as�'�: acscce 'j �� �Gc �I� i ''�I gsG' i i R a C 8'61dYtla6d EtYdxr G:G5•I N� �� GSdtllYa�a 4b�a S;d $GKCG5mm>�� � as a �a�aa a aag I� ''a,dda 2tadaaaaaaaa� 6 I e a 1 Q: I�a � 44 � 4 b � T T i tit NORTH 29ASTTFI NrE EAST.STE A SOLUTIONS PRELIMINAR New Begingings Church M� PD 2ALCS,DAH081401 C 5 6 (:(208)F-: 552AS)4 111 JJ Enter address here Fix:�OB,52A31R Enter Ca ,State ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES i 2 � Eti COMcheck Software Version 3.5.0 `t COMcheck Software Version 3.5.0 v `t Lighting Compliance Certificate �l Lighting Application Worksheet o 20031ECC 2003 IECC H DYeMOO.:WI ENxaunmoY E0810e Nex Be0lmire•Gnua\EryroMryl LYwYYa«f arMwk\N.eepDegeCmMed.rclr DYe nb .:W.\ExuukOIM EaefpyNnegndree Cnua\Erquwernn LYvwbmmrr.ewln New eeYmw rmxe«.mr }w Qa Section t:Project Infonrlatloo Section t:Allowed Lighting Power Calculation Ury Preled Tb'.Nw BpYYga Cn«U � D«WrWkn SXe: OrnlaN/..M Desnpwr/Cowrea«: Ebw YIDwe Wwe Z Z O_a Ouenecury.xvlx0e nwnVfgrwE rieYA«u iwlAAw.s]Wwe• 12rae Wait` POe155xMD aY0 .we.rm.x.p� Section 2:Proposed Lighting Power Calculation Section 2:Genenl Inf-tion w.e.m.p.wea«rn.r�Drwry.w...rrDraww. 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Enter C� ,State �., a Pm sow ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN-1 APR-8-2008 10:47A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH (518)-477-2369 IU: f4544,3r Plan Review Checklist Non-Residential Occupancies January 2006 -- - NYS Btf11.DING-CODE(SC) - Building: /V _ - - 67 "` - NYS FIRE CODE(FC) Location: e�.! y3esll,"y � NYS PLUMBING CODE(PC) Address: NYC MECHANICAL CODE(MC) " NYS FUEL GAS CODE(FGC) Date: 7 �' NYS ENERGY CODE(ECC) Reviewer: Zo THIS CHECKLIST CONSISTS OF EIGHT(8)PAGES LEGEND: NR= Not Requlred NS=Nof Shown NA=Not Applicable No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 1 I Jurisdiction BC-101.2 1 2 Flood Plain BC-1612 287 3 Separated or Non-Separated BC-302.3 18 Occupancies* 4 Occupancy BC-302 17 l)-3 5 Type of Construction BC-Table 601 77 5�' 6 No. of Sleeping Units/Level BC-202 13 No. of Units—Total BC-310 30 No. of Occupants BC-Table 1004.1.2 189 7 Covered Malls BC-402 33 Hi-Rise(75' Rule) BC403 35 Atriums BC-404 37 8 Basement Definition BC-502.1 67 9 Heights&Building Areas Maximum Tabular Area BC-Table 503 68 Maximum Tabular Height BC-Table 503 68 Maximum Stories BC-Table 503 68 Mezzanines BC-505 G9 Note: *Non-separated occupancies impose the most restrictive requirements. do f�N G;� G•' I P I f t APR-8-200e 10:48A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH (518)-477-2369 TO:7454437 r.3 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST CONTINUED No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 10 Sprinkler System BC-903 160 Basement Sprinkler BC-903.2.10.1 161 Water Source Sprinkler BC-903.3.5 163 Water Source Site BC-508.1 33 11 Frontage& Sprinkler Credit Area Modifications(talc.) BC-506 70 Height Modifications BC-504 69 12 Height& Axea Sunmary Tabular Area BC-Table 503 68 Frontage Credit BC-506.2 70 Sprinkler Credit BC-506.3 70 (J(5LL Minimum Building Area BC-506.3 70 Total Allowable Area = 13 Fire Apparatus Road FC-503.l 31 (150' Rule) 14 Exterior Walls Distance Separation * BC-Table 602 77 Exterior Wail Openings BC-Table 704.8 82 Parapets BC-Table 704.11 83 Exterior Wall Coverings BC Table 1405.2 241 Combustible Exterior Walls BC-1406 244 15 Fire Rated Construction Incidental Use Areas BC-Table 302.1.1 17 _ Accessory Occupancy BC Table 302.2 18 Mixed Occupancy BC-Table 302.3.3 19 Fire Walls BC-705 84 Fire Barrier BC-706 86 Shaft Enclosure BC-707 87 Fire Partition(Tenant Sep.) BC-708 89 Exception BC-302.3.2 18 Smoke Barriers BC-709 90 Opening Protectives BC-Table 715.3 95 Fire Blocking BC-717 101. Draft Stopping BC-717 102 /U l 16 Snace Min. Room Dimensions BC-1208.1 235 Min. Ceiling Height BC-1208.1 235 9' * Distance separations are doubled if fire fighting water is not available,FC-508,Page 33 / Page 2 of 8 APR-8-2008 10:48A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH C518)-477-2369 TO:7454437 r.4+ PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST CONTINUED No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 17 Ventilation (Nat. or Mech.) BC-1203 233 18 Light(Nat. or Mech.) BC-1205 234 19 Exits One Exit Permitted BC-Table 1014.1 204 - Stair Enclosure BC-1019.1 208 Emergency Egress BC-1025 217 Distance of Travel BC-Table 1015.1 206 Exit Passageways BC-1020 210 Corridor Width BC-1016 206 Occupant Load BC-1004 189 Capacity of Exits(calc.) BC Table 1005.1 190 Corridor Wall Fire Rating BC-Table1016.1 206 Corridor Dead End BC-1016.3 207 Door Width BC-1008.1.1 193 Door Swing, // BC-1008.1.2 193 Panic Hardware L BC-1008.1.9 197 20 Stairs Riser BC-1 009.3 198 Tread BC-1009.3 198 Width BC-1009.1 198 Headroom BC-1009.2 198 Vertical Rise BC-1009.6 199 Handrails BC-1009.4 199 21 Structural Snow Loading—Ground BC-Fig. 1608.2 274 Snow Loading—Roof(calc.) ASCE 7-98 Drifting Snow BC-1608-7 273 Ponding BC-1608.3.5 273 Floor Loading BC Table 1607.1 269 Balcony Loading BC Table 1607.1 269 Wind Loading(calc.) BC-1609 273 Roof Walls Windows Seismic Loading(calc.) 291 Foundation Depth 338 22 Interior Finishes BC-Table 803.5 338 23 Swimming Pools BC-3109 532 Page 3 of S APR-8-2008 10:48A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH C518)-477-2369 TO:7454437 P.5 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST CONTINUED No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 24 Sun Rooms BC Appendix 1 581 25 Electrical Exit Signs BC-1011 201 Emergency Lights BC-1006 191 Emergency Power BC-2702 517 26 HC ACCESS Exempt Buildings BC-1104.4 221 Parking BC-Table 1106.1 222 Route BC-)104 220 Entrance BC-1105 221 No. of Sleeping Rooms BC-Table 1107.6.1.1 224 No. of Dwelling Units BC-1107.6 223 Special Occupancies BC-1108 225 Toilet Facilities BC-1109.2 228 Sinks BC-1109.3 228 Kitchens BC-1 109.4 229 Storage BC-1109.8 229 A Dress,Fit,Locker Rms. BC-1109.12.2 229 Point of Sales BC-1109-12.3 229 ��;„, µ Areas of Refuge BC-1007.6 192 / Signage BC-1110 230 Tactile Exit Signs BC-1011.3 202 S. Supplemental HC Req'mts Appendix E 569 27 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS BC-1704 318 28 Fire Protection Eauipment Fire Safety &Evacuation FC-404 25 Hazard Communication FC-407.5 27 Tenant Identification FC408.11.2 30 High Piled Storage FC-503.1.3 31 Premise Identification FC-505 32 Key Box FC-506 33 Room Identification FC-510 34 Central Station Monitoring FC-901.9 54 Sprinkler Systems FC-903 57 Other Extinguishing System FC-904 61 Kitchen Hood Extinguisher FC-610.3 43 Note:Fire Protection Equipment continued on Continued on pg.5 page 5. Page 4 Of APR-8-2008 10:46A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH t5181-477-2369 TO:7454437 P.6 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST CONTINUED No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 28 -Fire Protect.E r_t - Continued from aaQe 4. "W'Extinguisher FC-904.11.5 64 Standpipe Systems FC-905 64 Fire Extinguishers FC-906 66 Fire Alarm Systems&SD FC-907.2 68 Manual Fire Alarm Boxes FC-907.4 75 Smoke Alarms FC-907.2.10 70 Audible Notification Device FC-907.10 75 Duct Detectors FC-90712 76 Fire Extinguishing Systems FC-907.14 76 Smoke Control FC-909 77 Smoke Vents FC-910 84 Fire Dept. Connection FC-912 88 Fire Pumps FC-913 88 Truss Placards NYCRR Part 1264 Motor Fuel Disp. Facilities FC-2203 175 High Piled Storage FC-2301 193 Hazardous Materials FC-2701 215 Operating Permits TOCP 208-107B Assistive Listening Devices NYCRR Part 1203 Shield Electrical Panels NFPA13(02 edition) 29 PLUMBIlJG CODE Fixture Count PC-Table 403.1 19 Water Supply Service Pipe Size PC-603.1 31 Water/Sewer Separation PC-603.2 31 Fixture Pipe Size PC-Table 604.5 33 Pipe Material-Service PC-Table 605.3 34 Pipe Material-Distribution PC Table 605.4 34 Pipe Insulation EC-804.5 58 Backflow Prevention PC-Table 608.1 40 Pipe Freezing PC-305.6 12 Sanitary Drainage Drain Pipe Size PC-Table 709.1 52 Drain Pipe Material AG Drainage&Vent PC-Table 702.1 46 UG Drainage&Vent PC-Table 702.2 46 Building Sewer PC-Table 702.3 Vent Size PC Table 910.4 63 Pipe Hangers PC-Table 308.5 15 Air Admittance Valves PC-917 66 Page 5 of S rim-t�-�bbt� 10:41--JH FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH C518)-477-2369 TO:7454437 P.7 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST CONTINUED No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed -- 0 Mechanical Code- Ventilation Rates MC-Table 403.3 26 Dryer Exhaust MC-504 36- Kitchen Exhaust MC-506 37 Kitchen Hoods MC-507 40 Kitchen Make-up Air MC-508 42 Air Plenums MC-602 51 Duct Construction MC-603 52 Duct Insulation MC-604 53 Smoke Duct Detectors MC-606 54 Fire&Smoke Dampers MC-607.5.1 55 Combustion Air MC-701 59 31 Fuel Gas Code Appliance Location FGC-303 16 Combustion Air FGC-304 16 Accessed Service FGC-306 20 Clearance to Combust. FGC-Table 308.2 22 Pipe Material FGC-403 57 Shut Off Valves FGC-409 62 Chimney Termination FGC-Fig. 503.5.4 68 Clothes Dryer Exhaust FGC-614 108 32 Energy Code Pipe Insulation—Heating EC-803.3.7 57 Duct Insulation—Sealing EC-803.28 46 Pipe Insulation—Hot Water EC-804.5 58 HWH Heat Trap EC-804.4 58 Climate Zone EC-Table 301.1 9 NYS COMcheck Compliance Report Computer Envelope Software Mechanical Required Lighting 32 Elevators&Conveying-" Hoistway Enclosures BC-3002.1 525 ' Emergency Signs BC-3002.3 252 Hoistway Venting BC-3004 526 Machine Rooms BC-3006 526 Shunt Trip BC-3006.5 527 Pjt=bing System _ ,: BC-3006.6 527 l� P e6of8 APR-8-2008 10:49A FROM:JOSEPH MCGRATH (518)-477-2369 TO:7454437 P.8 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLi5T CONTINUED SEISMIC REVIEW SUMMARY ITEM Value BCNYS BCNYS Code Section Page No. Site Class Table 1615.1.1 295 (default to site class D) Section 1615.1.1 292 S,(short period) Figure 1615(1) 293 S,(1 second period) Figure 1615(2) 294 F.(site coefficient-short) Table 1615.1.2(1) 296 F„(site coefficient-1 sec.) Table 1615.1.2(2) 296 S„.(short period adjusted) Equation 16-38 292 S.I(1 sec. period adjusted) Equation 16-39 292 Sns(short period) Equation 16-40 292 SW 0 sec. period) Equation 16-41 292 Seismic Use Group Table 1604.5 266 Seismic Design Category Table 1616.3(1) 299 (short period) Seismic Design Category Table 1616.3(2) 299 0 sec. period) Seismic Design Category This category determines the (most severe of above two) Design analysis and whether MEP systems must be braced Analysis Procedure Used Section 1616.6 300 Building Components Section 1621 315 Subject To Seismic Design Requirements: Architectural Section 1621.1.2 315 Mechanical Section 1621.1.3 315 Plumbing Section 1621.1.3 3I5 Electrical Section 1621.1.3 315 Page 7 of 8 Inspection Form om Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal o Periodic Inspection Date: I,(� IyTime: _ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury NY 12804 o Re-Inspection 518 761 8206/518 761 8205 490 CO Inspection Permit#: 4-"L 1 S Fir Marshals Representative MJ Palmer Business Name: I�E:10'j ►s We G Location: _ GK Stillman Contact: Type of Inspection N/A Yes No EXITS: Exit Access FC 1014&FC1029 NOTES Exit Enclosure FC 1020 b FC1029 Exit Discharge FC 1024 3 FC1029 Locks and latches FC1008 3 FC1029.2 Sign:Normal FC 1011 L FC1029 Sign:backup FC 1011.5.3 L FC1029.7.5 AISLES: Main Aisle Width FC 1024/1025&FC1029.11 ls%I i�1b� �uPt>hGSS�6� Secondary Aisle Width FC 1025&FC1029.11 FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Hung FC 906 Inspection of extinguisher FC 906K � EVAC Plan FC 404.6 _ TRUSS ID SIGNAGE FC 505.3 T Ur,►[�4 rOt.���'�T t EMERGENCY LIGHTING: Interior FC 1006.3 b FC1029.8 Exterior FC 1006.3 N�w GUL ahnQ� tJ Clearance to Electrical FC 605.3 Electric Wiring Enclosed/Labeled FC 605.3.1 Combustibles in Equipment Rooms FC315.2.3 F.D.Si na e- FC 510 No Smoking Signs FC 310.3 Storage FC 315.2 Compressed Gas FC 3003 Vehicle Impact Protection FC 312.1 T' -- Interior Finishes FC 803-804 -� ,' \ Smoke Detectors FC 907 CO detectors FC 610 Clearance to Sprinkler/Ceiling FC 315.2.1 18" / 24" EVAC SIGNS IN Rooms FC 404.6 R1 R R2 Fuel Pump Warning Signs FC2205.6 Fuel Station Emer Procedures FC2204.3.5 Exterior Storage FC 315.3 REINSPECTION DUE APPROXIMATELY Vacant Buildings FC 311 21 DAYS SYSTEMS: FC 901.6 Insp OK NC DATE: OK NC Date Generator Annual DATE: OK NC Hood Installation Elevator Semi Annual FIRE ALARM Annual DATE: OK NC HVAC Shutdown Sprinkler System Annual S rinkler FDC Kitchen Suppression Semi Annual t� Fuel Island Suppression Semi Annual Hood Cleanin 3-6-Annual Knox Box:installed/checked FC506 Operating Permit, if required will be issued after Completion of Inspection Commercial Final Inspection eport Office No.: (518)761-8256 Date Inspection u ived: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: �a Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials NAME: k) ����sJt�\v�� PERMI C-) Y-1—to LOCATION: �4�,1 `D\X. A,3 E DATE: — C MML14TS: Y NA Chimney/'B'Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Th h Roof 6'/Roof Coniplete Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6'in I or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks Interior/Exterior Banisters 4 in. Spacing Platform I Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Stop Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 sq.ft All Doors 36 in.wA over Handles/Panic Hardware if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 w x 44' or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed 8 Regulator(181 Above Grade Floor Baftwn Watertight/Other Fkxwo Okay Relief Valve Heat Trap/Water Temp.110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr.or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft or Within Line Of Site c,5 Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %d > 10%> 1000 sq.ft. %Hour Corridor Doors lib Closers Firewans/fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Flrilr Damp2rs/Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping,3,000 sq.it Wood Frame Attic Access 30'x 20'x 30' h CrawlSpam Aooe,18'x 24' Smoke Vents Or Fan if required Elevator Operation and S /Shaft Sealed Hand' Bathrwn Grab Bars/Sinks Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot SIgnage Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible, , Handicapped Service Counters 34 in. 36" n Handicapped Ramp 1 Ha dralls Continu 2 in.Beyond(Both sides Active Listening System and S' Final Electrical I Flex Gas Piping Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey, New Structure I Flood ce WkA- t1W If req, As-built Sepbc System Layout qukbdor On File �� =T�" Building Number or Tenant Address 6n Building or Driveway 4' Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access AN Sides by 20 1[Mveabie Sunfwe 2W wide Okay To Issue Temp: or Permanent CIO Okay To issue C/C L.Suiiding&Codes FormsOuNdI ft&CodesMnspection Fonns%Commercisl Final Inspection ReporLdoc Revised January 7,2008 inspection Form Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal C>Periodic Inspection Date: 11140 ,I Time: 3� 742 Bay Road,Queensbury NY 12804 �Re-Inspection �\ 518 7618206/518 7618205 CO Inspection Permit#: (Fi Marshals Representative MJ Palmer Business Name: �i'�N Location: �� � y� _ GK Stillman Contact: ��yar� �,q►J�?-I Type of Inspection N/A Yes No EXITS: Exit Access FC 1014&FC1029 NOTES Exit Enclosure FC 1020&FC1029 Exit Discharge FC 1024&FC1029 Locks and latches FC1008& FC1029.2 Sign:Normal FC 1011 &FC1029 Sign:backup FC 1011.5.3&FC1029.7.5 ` YtG Y�,LUj AISLES: _ tL kcx'� t A U e,%.. Main Aisle Width FC 1024/1025&FC1029.11 Secondary Aisle Width FC 1025&FC1029.11 FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Hung FC 906 ' Inspection of extinguisher FC 906 EVAC Plan FC 404.6 TRUSS ID SIGNAGE FC 505.3 EMERGENCY LIGHTING: Interior FC 1006.3&FC1029.8 Exterior FC 1006.3 T cc-r� Clearance to Electrical FC 605.3. Electric Wiring Enclosed/Labeled FC 605.3.1 ' D . T� Combustibles in Equipment Rooms FC315,2.3 F.D.Si na e- FC510 No Smoking Signs FC 310.3 Storage FC 315.2 Compressed Gas FC 3003 Vehicle Impact Protection FC 312.1 Interior Finishes FC 803,-804 Smoke Detectors FC 907 CO detectors FC 610 Clearance to Sprinkler/Ceiling FC 315.2.1 18" / 24" EVAC SIGNS IN Rooms FC 404.6 R1 &R2 Fuel Pump Warning Signs FC2205.6 Fuel Station Emer Procedures FC2204.3.5 Exterior Storage FC 315.3 311 Vacant Buildings FC 311 REINSPECTIONDUE APPROXIMATELY 21 DAYS SYSTEMS: FC 901.6 Insp OK NC DATE: OK NC Date Generator Annual DATE: OK NC Hood Installation Elevator Semi Annual FIRE ALARM Annual DATE: OK NC HVAC Shutdown Sprinkler System Annual Sprinkler FDC Kitchen Suppression Semi Annual Fuel Island Suppression Semi Annual Hood Cleaning 3-6-Annual Knox Box:installed/checked FC506 Operating Permit, if required will be issued after Completion of Inspection a Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.; (518) 761-8256 Date Ins pe ' n est _ Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: `- a Depart: 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 inspector's NAME: 1 PERMIT LOCATION; DATE: COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/'B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent ThEMh Roof 6"/Roof Compleft Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6"in IW or E ivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks interior/Exterior Bathers 4 in. Spacing Platform I Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in.I Stop Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 sq.it All Doors 36 in.wlLever Handles/Panic Hardware if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 w x 44' or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed S Regulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom W /00w Floors Okay Relief Valve Heat Trap I Water Temp.110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr.or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occu /Verdatim Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft.or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors > 10%> 1000 sq.fL %Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewails/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers/Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 sq.ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20'x 3(r h Crawl Spece Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan if required Elevator operationand S /Shaft Sealed HandtgRtd Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parldrig Lot Signage Public Toilet Room Handicapped Amite Hand' Service Counters 34 in. Checkout 3r Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond[Both sides Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Final Electrical I Flex Gas Piping Bonded Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey, New Structure/Flood Plain certification IfAs-built S La out R e Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway 4' VkL, Water Fountain or Cooler V Building Access AN Sides by 2o,/Driveable Surface 2W wide Okay To Issue Temp. or Permanent CIO e- Okay To issue C/C LABuiiding&Codes Forms%Buddwv&Codesllnspecbon Fw m %Commsrpal Final lnspecbon ReporLdoc Revised 7,2008 Final Survey Inspection Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Date.received: 10-21-11 NAME: I LOCATION: PERMIT#: f� Final Survey Plot Plan Approved Denied The attached final survey has been received by the Dept.of Community Development. Upon review the survey has been: Craig own,Zoning Administrator Notes: L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Fina1 Survey Zoning Administrator.doc Commercial Final In on No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection req iv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: ,2;�p part: a a 742 SayRoad Queensbu NY 12804 Ins is Initials. ^' PN: rY, pec�oNAME: L / S PELOCATI 4 - A4k- zcy-- COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/'B"Vent/Direct Vent Location PlumbingVent Thnah Roof 6"1 Roof Completel�1�►+ �(� Tu �A Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6"in 1W or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks �� Interior/Exterior Banisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Stop Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 sq.ft Oe All Doors 36 in.wA ever Handles/Panic Hardware if required Vj Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 w x 44'QyCanopy or Equiv. t J Gas Valve Shut-off &Regulator W Above Grade VA Floor Bathroom WalerWht/Of w Floors Okoy 7V v 1 Relief Valve Heat Trap/Water jenV.110 Degress Maxtnwm _ Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr.or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Ocaipancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers b. w—z v4p Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft.or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Enhume to Furnace Area Stockroom/Stararge/ReceMng/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors > 10%> 1000 sq.fL C->*ok V\\C %Hour Corridor Doors&Closers ,� l FirewaNe/Fine Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dam rs/Fire Dogs ceiling Fire Stypim,3,000 sq.ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 3("x 20"x 30" h CravW Spam Access 18'x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan if required HElevator Operabon and' Balft and S /Shaft Sealed nt Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parki Lot S Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible V Handicapped Service Counters 34 in. Che�cicout 86" L t� - >�� C7V Handicapped Ramp/Handralls Continuous/12 In. Beyond[t3oth2 N sides L3 Active Lit' S and S e P W� Ak- 3 0 2 Final Et x*tal I Flex Gas Piping Bonded VA Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey, New Structure/Flood Plait cerdfleatlon N As-built Septic System La uir�ed or On Fite Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway 4' Water Fountain or Cooler BuNdby Acorn An Sides by 20'/Driveable Surlbee 2W wide Okay To Issue Temp.or Permanent C/o EA� Okay To issue C/C LABuilding&Codes Form %BuNd ft&Codesllnspeation Forms%CommercW Final Inspection Report.doc Revisedjanuaryy Commercial Final lnspec:tion Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Ins ction req ce' Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: o a Depart:�, a jjV,, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's India NAME: %� _ f� PERMI LOCATI DATE: 1 COMMENTS: Y N N Chun /'B'Vent/Direct Vent Location - ww`5(-Z. 0%V!,- VVUV-5 Plumbing Vent ThEoMh Roof 6'/Roof Compleb Exterior Finish/Grade Complete6'in 19 or E t �ti��L� ��� � Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks Interior I Exterior Banisters 4 in.ARM Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.-38 in.IpLep Risers 7"ATrmft 11" Vestibules For Exit doors> Ali Doors 36 in.wA.sysr Handles/Panic Hardware if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 w x 44' 1 or Equiv. C_o MY �E. ALA Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18" Above Grade G Q-�4t�J 6 �-vrOE \ 5 Floor Bathroom Waleftht/Other Floors Okay Relief Valve Heat Trap/Water Temp.1 0 Maximum Boiler/Furnow Enclosure 1 hr.or Fire Extinguishing System -00 Fresh Air Su for /Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or VKitltin Line Of Site Oil Fumace Shut Off at Entra—to Furnace Area �► StwArOOm/Srage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors %Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewails 1 Fire Separation, 2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire 'f ,�► }--``,, Dampgrs/Fire DoorsINS �✓' � Q. AT Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 sq.ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30'x 20'x 3(r h Crawl Access 18'x 24' Smoke Vents Or Fan if required �D C�- - -_ Elevator Operation and Signage/Shah Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets ' HandicappedBath/Parkin lot S l Public Toilet Room Handicapped Agile Handicapped Service Counters 34 in. Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuo us/12 In.Beyond sides Active Listening System and Signage jSpaw Final Electrical/Flex Gas Piping Bonded Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey, New Structure/Flood Plain cerWkadon N As-built Lem l.a ooA Recluked or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Drivewa 4' Water Fountain or Cooler Buildingr4R:oess An Sides by 20'/011vsabis Surf=*2W wkls A-ek IA T MA Fly4aft Pkay To Issue Temp. or Permanent CIO _9kay To Issue C/C LABuiiding&Codes Fom*\BuAding&CodesNnspeebon FonnsWAmwr rcial Final inspection Reportdoc Revised January 7,2008 /0 ; : ©0 Inspection for Permit to Occupy Fire Marshal's Office Request Rec'd Permit No. Town of Queensbury742 � 7 / y Road Queeansbury,N jY 12804 Scheduled Inspection Date: / -27'// Time: �c Phone: (518)761-8206 Business Name: i A K t Fax: (518) 745-4437 Location: i Type of Inspection N/A Yes No EXITS: Exit Access Exit Enclosure COMMENTS Exit Discharge AISLES: Main Aisle Width Secondary Aisle Width EXIT SIGNAGE Si n-normal Sign-battery EVAC signs in rooms ..}� TRUSS ID SIGNAGE I2y\ 0A -�— _r•?tid�cc��l G EMERGENCY LIGHTING sell .�' 1� �'v1 �� FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Hun Inspection of extinguisher FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fan Shutdown Fire Sprinkler System FDC Fire Suppression-kitchen Fire Suppression-Gas Islan r4k,- Generator Hood Installation �.Elevator Q�,� S� S 04Ao Interior Finishes ��-►�` Storage Com ncsed Gas 'r "`'�� —I v K) �S Clearance to Sprinklers / Clearance toElectrical, n i JCS �L Electric Wiring Enclosed/Labeled Combustible Waste Vehicle Impact Protection Knox Box F.D.Si na e-Utility Rooms / a (} No SmokingT Signs � �Y4 r a #ax9 Maximum Occupancy Sin ' , Emergency Evacuation Plan ra s /'//M Approved (If no other approvals apply,the B S,C Office will issue the Certificate of Occupancy) Denied / call for Recheck Inspected y: L:\FireMarshal\FM Forms Masters\permifto occupyform.doc to , Oo Commercial Final Inspection Report Office o.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection es d: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: k0fCX3 part: '- a 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initia ' NAME: Mew ,` PER IT LOCATION: DATE. _ COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/'B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Q C-0 Plumbing Vent ThEMh Roof 6'/Roof ConVieft C—a Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6"in 1W or Equivalent Interior I Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks iw— Interior I Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Stop Risers 7"/Treads I Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 sq.fL All Doors 36 in.wAAww Handles/Panic Hardware if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 W x 44' I or Equiv. O C'� vTL\'l�tJ 17 Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Wateftht/Other Floors OkayPsi t vt= t.�h �►�� ��TLi, Relief Valve Heat Trap/Water Tern .110 Dogma Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr.or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupa2g/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut OFF at Entrance to Furnace Area StockroomlStorageiReceiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors E > 10%> 1000 sq.ft. 1TEM %Hour Corridor Doors&Closers \ �� Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dam /Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 ft.Wood Frames Attic Access 30"x 20'x 30" h Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, d required Elevator operation and S /Shaft Sealed Hand' Bathroom Grab Bars I Sinks/Toilets O G���\_ �•�z s . Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot S 2�i Public Told Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters 34 in. Checkout 360 Handicapped Ramp/Handralis Continuous/12 In. Beyond[Both t?\ sides Active Listen' S and S' (30�a� o F c� aJ Final Electrical/Flex Gas Piping Bonded R o'Kv 5 tk v b-,V- gam. VWA Site Plan/Variance required 4T o Nh C't%x- Final Survey, New Structure/Flood Plain aerWication if As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway 4' >35�— (jam CF—V:i`F1 ri Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access AN Sides by 20'/Driveable Burt ee 201 wide j ,� 1poLu CE v lil Okay To Issue Temp. or Permanent CIO Okay To Issue C/C D'`-� � �— �' \L -- Gl✓t�S E 6? CL�C-"�1i—t L i of L\Building&Codes Form\Building&CodesUnspection Fonns\Cwnmerrdel Final Inspection Report doc Revised January 7,2008 Inspection Form Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal oPerlodic Inspection Date: 411Z !� �% 30 FM' 742 Say Road,Queensbury NY 12804 E�Jelnspection �61 518 7618206/518 7618205 �'CO Inspection Permit tk Fire Marshals Representative MJ Palmer Business Name: Location: GK Stillman Contact: as Type of Inspection N/A Yes No EXITS: NOTES Exit Access FC 1014 Exit Enclosure FC 1020 ►�' Exit Discharge FC 1024 Sly[ Normal FC 1011 Sign backup FC 1011.5.3 AISLES: Main Aisle Width FC 1024/1025 ✓ Secondary Aisle Width FC 1025 FIRE EXTINGUISHER: n Ins of extinguisherFCF9C090b � + 4640 4�xS f' �1I �"00 he ' EVAC SIGNS IN R ooms FC 404.6vStl1J� TRUSS ID SIGNAGE FC 505.3 EMERGENCY LIGHTING: Interior FC 1006 ✓ Exterior FC 1006 r/ Clearance to Electrical FC 605.3 Compressed Gas FC 3003 Knox Box FC 506 !/ F.D.SIgnage- FC 610 M. Ito�11 No Smoking Signs FC 310.3 Storage FC 315 ✓ / Electric Wiring Enclosed/labeled FC 605.3.1 ✓ a.. IO,k, ( !�1� ►�/ Vehicle impact Protection FC 312.1 Interior Finishes FC 803-804 Smoke Detectors FC 907 CO detectors FC 610 � � � ��IyRQ jQ(2-*+3 Clearance to Spr./Ceiling FC 315.2.1 Exterior Storage FC 315.3 Operating Perm" Vacant Buildings FC 311 ly1 /tc/w h REINSPECTIONDUE APPROXIMATELY 21 DAYS SYSTEMS: FC 901 Ins oK Nc DATE: OK NC Date Generator Annual DATE: OK NC Hood Installation Elevator Semi Annual FIRE ALARM Annual I/ DATE: OK NC HVAC Shutdown Sp rinkler System Annual Sprinkler FDC Kitchen Suppression Semi Annual /►9�+�1. �-�V ��' Fuel Island Suppression Semi Annual - Hood Cleaning 3-6 (,(,1 C A ,S d2 fy Q Pit Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date I pectio r ;d Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a - 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Inida s* NAME: REE�i k-so,` PERMIT NO.: 0�--�C5- LOCATION: Wl nt}S. 9 Ej0'E INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Ty :(SanV Loam/Clay Ty of Water• Munici Well Water Waterline separation distance OL ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+/ - Y N N/A 150'to well required if NO Absorption Field: Total length- Length of each trench A Q- fobft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone See a Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank it G!_-C.ASE _T 91NV' ZDO© 6 t v ePI-tclank to DistOWi!i R Box " Put ?TPR03 < To D—Ocy- Distribution Box to Field/ Pit LAI' CTO LA".PtF. Opening Sealed: Y N End Ca Y Inlet/Outlet Pi &Baffles N � � Manholes 12"or less below grade _N ,7 [provide extension collar if Yes Y N Location Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits Conforms as per Plot Plan Y Engineer Report and As-Built Y N ETU Maintenance Contract _Y_ _provided Location of system on Property: Front Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle -rant Middle st m Use Stat . Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Whiting\2010\Building Codes Foims\Inspection Forms\Septic Inspection Report_03 2910.doc Septic Inspection Repo Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspeccti�o Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: a- rt: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's In' NAME: �J d�C� P IT NO.: � LOCATION: A:Z -) f JF—13E— I ECTON: RECHECK: - Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/ Loam/Clay Type of Water: Munici I/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+/ - Y N N/A 150'to well required..if NO Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/ Pit Opening Sealed: Y N End Cap_ _Y 7 N Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles Y N Manholes 12"or less below grade _Y_ N [provide extension collar if Yes Y N Location Separations Foundation to tank ft. ,\u Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N En ineer Report and As-Built —Y_ N ETU Maintenance Contract Y_ N provided Location of System on Property: Front Rear Le •side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear st m Use S roved I Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam W 2010\13uilding Codes Fonns\inspection Forms\Septic Inspection Repoit-03 2910.doc XIK Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: rt: am 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials / NAME: &?-ef*'h L" ' IT NO.: LOCATION: ` ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil T : Clay. Type of W:a�j�. Munkjpaf Veil Water Wate me se ration distance Well separation distance ft. —Other wells: (�1� 10 (3`AC�iF 1 LL � �►J�i"� ft. Well Casing Length 50'+ /- Y N N/A vQD�TU 150'to well wired if NO Absorption Field: Total length. EEL ft. U-V)UFP-1 Length of each trench ft. _ Depth of trenches `' ft. �EE� \ D \�EPA F� Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: xv�M\\ A 1\ Stone Size: Piping Size Type QVAV Building to tank " Tank to " M Al w6 Distribution Box to Field Pit Wk PEV V p Opening Sealed: N End Cap V11Y AllA In Outlet Pipes&Baffles N Manholes 12"or less below grade Y i N [provide extension collar if Yes Y N wit Location Separations Foundation to tank Foundation to absorption fL Separation of Pits Conforms as per Plot Plan Y Engineer Report and As-Built Y N ETU Maintenance Contract ,_Y!N }n provided !� Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Sloe Middle Front Middle Rear 5ystem Use S Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Wh1ting\2010\Bui1d1ng Codes Forms\lnspecdon Fomis\Septic Irwection Report-03 2910•doc Framing / Firestopping Inspedion ROPOA Office No. (518)761-8258 Date Irs—InMais: request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 lnsped NAME: PERMIT#; LOCATION: ' " INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing WA CAME Attic Access 22"x 30" minimum Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posh/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly IT O.C. Headroom 6 ft. S in. Stains 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. , Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 'h w 16 gauge 8 16D nags each" Draft stopping 1,000 sq. k floor fines Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2,3 hour Fi , 3, 4 hour nn h Firerstopping JA Sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation /,� Sim- ��`- `•`' House side%inch or US inch Type X Garage side 518 inch Type X �t J Ceiiin ll Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. QM 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf gTge L:%BWld ft&Codss Forms-OLDail ft&C0d"*4rAped10n FW"IFMT*V F1nNW ft U Scfjon ReFolt.doc RVAwW Jonum 7,2009 Rough Plumbing I Insulaelon lnsp6ffiion Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date 1nsp�ect'on request received: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: 3' am/pm Depart: amlpm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 1.28.04 inspector's Initials: NAME: Alk PERMIT#: 1. LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N NIA RVb PkYnbi2qj Nail Plates Plum /Vents in Place 1 %inch minimum Drain Size Wash Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout wary 100 feet/chars a of direction Pressure Test Drain/Vent Air/Head 5 P.S.I. or 10 ft. above h' hest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water supply Piping 40' Air/Head 50 P.S.1 for 15 minutes Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Tywo or Similar Exterior Sealant Proper Vent,Attic Vent Door I Window Sealed No insulation Duct I Hot Water Piping insulation IfTgutred unheated V2ces, Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed erope I No duct tape COMMENTS: Rough ftmWg insulation ReporLrevised Nov 17 2003,rued Februmy 15,2005, revised January 7,2= Framing / Firestopping Insped on Repo Office No. (518)761-8258 Date I lVn Queensbury for Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: aml a 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 inspector's Inuit: NAME: C!C� f jj RMiT#: LOCATION: ty A 0 INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: CO , ENTS: Framing Attic Access 22"x 30" minimum Jack Studs/Headers Braking I Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts I Main Beams ��q,i C �j t�Jti[ tc Exterior sheeting nailed properly IT O.C. � im�y�lYt V% V--W�� %JV- _ Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. 0�L_'1 �`� Stain�s 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing �'L\�- of �. Fate 1 cad L Headroom 6 ft. 8 In. �-�- ;O 1 Notches i Holes I Bearing VVaris Metal Strapping for Notdw Top Plate 0 t-L�a t 1 ifz w 16 e 8 16D nabetch Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.fioor fteseshL Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wail 2, 3, 4 hour . irestopping �� � Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation Home side's inch or 518 inch Type X Garage side 518 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space I Bedrooms 24 In. (H) 20 in. (VV) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:1BWldhg&Codas Forms-oLD\qu*ft&Codes)lWeWon FoMlsf Fkr p IMPOCNOn ROPCI. M RAvised January 7,2006 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date I Z Queensbury Building$Code Enforcement Arrive: 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's r NAME: Ci✓0 S S ERMIT* LOCATION: D v e INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing COM MMEE11TS: Attic Access 22'x 30'minimum Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12'O.C. . Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Staines 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. , Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top mate 1 % w 16 8 1613 nds eaCh We Draft stopping stopping 1,000 sq.fL floor Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hourQXA Firestopping v �� \ Penetration seated 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation Hasse side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceilin ll Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. C 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\Bu§dbv&Codes Farms-Oldl6 W*&CodesvraWWn Fwm)FmYft Fkod* rg trapodon Rapor dx Rovbsd Am"7,2006 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection q Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: "e� a rt: - a 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12MM Inspector's In' NAME: e2 PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: - TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N NIA COMMENTS• Attic Access 22"x 30" minimum Jack Studs/Headers t,) IE-F V -VO Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jadc Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly\ 12"O.C. �� Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. / Stairwrells 36 in. or more 6 Exterior Dedc Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls � �- Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate LX>C-�k 1 f W 16 gauge 8 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour gall 2, 3, 4 hour Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in q@vq min. Garage Fire Separation Hoge side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 518 inch Type X Coiling/wall Windows Habitable Space I Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. CM 5.7 sf above I below grade 5.0 sf grade L:ZuiMft&Codes Fonts-0Wftil hV&CodmUnspedion Fomnsw anfing Fndopping Inspection Report.doc Rev*W January 7,2008 ' Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 pate Inspection Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: rt: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initial . t NAME: '�5 _ —,1. PERMIT A LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y L N WA COMMENTS: Attic Access 22"x 30" minimum ~ ~ Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers \ \��- 1-_N - Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Exterior Dedk Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 % w 16 gauge 8 16D nab each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling1wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LABuWft&Codes Forms-OLD t WbV&CodasVrapKWn FomtialFmnbV FksdoppkV Insped im Repwt.doc RvAM Unwry 7,20(8 f Leland A. moray, arch teet AIA, RIBA, NCARB 2830 South Beverly St., .Salt Lake City, UT 84106 801 -487-9800 lee@lagallc.com *emr- 4fthezu4rs G'o o eomw vi ao z4 Cofiwi 487 Dix Avenue, Queensbury, New York 12804 Field Inspection Report 19 June, 2010 The items as follows were inspected and found to be in compliance with the Construction Documents produced by this office and submitted to the Queensbury building department. Some items were incomplete or missing, and are listed below as work yet to be installed. The ARXX wall system is complete and properly installed with appropriate anchors to the truss roof system. Direct inspection of the reinforcing steel placement was not possible during this inspection, but documentation photographs taken during the erection of the walls indicated that all the steel and grout is in place as designed. The same comments as listed under the ARXX wall system apply to the footings and floor slab construction. Photographic evidence indicates that all reinforcing and dimensions were constructed as specified & drawn on the Construction Documents. Some web bracing and end blocking of the metal gusset plate trusses used in the roof is in place, but some of the blocking and bracing is yet to be installed. Instructions were given to the Owner regarding the items that are yet to be installed in order for the roof framing to be complete. Those items are as follows: 1. The truss bearing ends of the trusses spanning across the lobby must have solid blocking in place in at least every other truss space similar to the solid blocking of similar trusses whose bearing ends occur over outside walls. 2. Additional 2x4 web bracing must be installed in all trussed roof areas exactly as indicated on the truss manufacturer's shop drawings. 3. A solid bead of construction adhesive is to be applied to fully fill any space between the truss blocking and the roof sheathing to ensure an adequate transfer of lateral loads from the roof diaphragm to the wall systems below t the truss blocking. The large pvc electrical conduits for the main service are in place. The location is modified from the original location to move the main panels closer to the utility service entrance. The change was reviewed and approved by the design team prior to the placement of the conduits; however, the manifolds for the PEX water supply system appear to be too close to the main electrical panels. By placing the water supply manifolds in a vertical position, the required separation distance from the electrical service to the water system can be achieved. No other electrical or plumbing components were installed at the time of this inspection. The standing seam metal roof system is in place and has been properly installed. The fascia and soffit system installation is underway and is properly detailed. Only rough grading had been done by the time of this inspection and appears to be correct in relationship to overall grade. Care should be taken to avoid allowing site water to flow towards the building during the rough grading phase. The steel spire overturning structure is in place. Additional lag screws are yet to installed into some of the framing members found below the steel structure. Notwithstanding incomplete or missing components, all the installed work and items appear to have been built in a craftsman-like manner. Once incomplete or missing structural items have been installed, electrical, plumbing and mechanical components can be installed, followed by the application of insulation and ultimately the Gypsum Wallboard. I was pleased with quality and correctness of all the observed work, and am pleased to give a positive report to the Owner and any other interested parties. Respectfully, Leland A. Gray, architect Leland A. Gray, architects LLC - 2830 South Beverly St. - Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Framing / Firestopping inspectio epol� YOjAf C� Office No. (518)781-8256 Date InspecZ!E!RMIT : Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: part: �p 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's I NAME: (% 1� � � C� #: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N /A COMMENTS: Ft� Attic Access 22"x 30" minimum Jack Studs/Headers G A 13 t--E Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers--*-M� C—�� �� 'VAL g Jadc Posts/Main Beams `�� o Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Exterior Dedc Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls `�R-�'� 10EA�4 oS� Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate - 1 % w 16 gagge 8 16D stalls each sloe Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor busses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall F're separation 1, 2, 3 hour 112�3,\4 hour Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in 9@vh min. Garage Fire Separation House side%inch or 518 inch Type X Garage side 518 inch Type X Ceilinalwall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) j b 20 in. 5.7 sf above/below grade + 5.0 sf grade LABuii"&Codes Forms-OI.DtiBUN&V&c0d0S\1M edion FortrwtlFMWnq FnstWkV IMPOd+on RepotL&C Revised JWKWY 7,2WO Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection r ues a3 ad/6 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: 4 am m art: arY m 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initia NAME: PE �1AIT#: LOCATION: IN PELT ON: T TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N NIA Rough Plu n /Nail Plates Vent/Vents in PlaceJ� ,�; l� t 1 %inch minimum Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Y �j Pressure Test Drain/Vent Air/Head 5 P.S.I. or 10 ft. above h' hest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water Supply Piping Air I Head 50 P.S.1 for 15 minutes Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant Proper Vent, Attic Vent Door/Window Sealed No Insulation Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Su for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: Rough Plumbing Insulation ReporLrevised Nov 17 2003, revised February 15,2005, revised January 7,2008 Rough Pt � �� `��`- g Plumbing / Insulation inepectio Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection req a ived: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: a art: 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Ins is - Initials-NAME: S- PER T �— LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y AN NIA Rout Plumbin /Nail Plates Plur*ing VenjfVents in Place 1 'r4 i minimum Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Pressure Test Drain/Vent Air/Head 5 P.S.I. or 10 ft. above hi hest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test W S ply Piping acid 50 P.S.1 for 15 minutes Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant Proper Vent, Attic Vent Door/Window Sealed No Insulation Duct/Hot Water Piping insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: Rough Plumbing Insulation Report,revised Nov 17 2003, revised February 15,2005, revised January 7,2008 IMA Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(S 18)761-8256 Date Ins tion Ile iv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: o m Depart: 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial NAME: .�,� ��li L��,. C T#: Q� LOCATION: L -9—T pI y CA0iE— INSPECT ON: r NC) --t --d9 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Co m"M Y N NA Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. oundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place ` Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&+Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspectlon Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Framing / Firestopping Inspection e Office No. (518)761-8256 Date inspection ivied: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: part:„ m—nD i6! 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 128N Inspector's Inif : ISM NAME: gA1� RMIT#: LOCATION: i SPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y N WA COMMENTS' A lc Access 22" x 30" minimum Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging IT- Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams ^C"� 'S 5 T"xz-- tx� Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 % w 16 gauge 8 16D nags each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. fL floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on enter Ice and water shield 24 inches from wail Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 518 inch Type X Ceilinghyall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:U3uiiding&Codes Fomtis-01.Muildinq&CodesUnspection FormeTran inp Firestopping Inspection Report.doc Revised January 7,2008 e-/D Iko Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Ins o s v Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: In 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's s NAME: z' 1.�'C—uJ %� T : LOCATION: a INSPECT ON: a TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Co n Y N NA Footings Pi I'Rein��t in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this se on site. FoundationQktpow_ Of Reinforcem ��J Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil p2ly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. UXBuilding&Codes FonnABuilding&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (618)761-8256 Date Inspection req ceived: /& Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: am 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: S k U(C-,k PERMIT#: �' IS LOCATION: r n V INSPECT ON: �1 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N A COMMENTS: raming -`-- --- Attic Access 22"x 3W minimum Jack studs/Headers 4 Pc'��,�-��� r Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. _ Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 % w 16 gauge 8 16D nab each We Draft stopping i,000 sq. ft,floor trusses Anchor Botts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X CeilingAwall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above I below grade 5.0 sf grade UBuMM9&Codes Forms-0LD0 N kQ&CodOSUM KOW Fotms�Fmvwr4 Fndwpkv Inspection Repowt.doc Revised January 7,2006 Foundation Inspection Report Z � Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection ed. 1 �1 Queensbury Building 8c Code Enforcement Arrive: p Depart: pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspectors Inrti NAME: / J-A-IV ►�n G 90 SS RMIT#: O I LOCATION: ,�x INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Cog mr ents Y N NA Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. oo� Materials for this se on site. :Foundation/Wallpour VA Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. U\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report ��- � Am Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Insertion u r ceiV60 Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: 1 `f Depart: 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial Y P NAME: l.�EuJ \ iJ►JI I,�CCNUCN P RMIT#: LOCATION: — E— INSPECT ON: g—IZ-_6 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purNse on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place b vC- Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofing h�NIL Z.- Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width `- - 6 inches above footing - 6 mil p2lyfor wet areas under slab BackfdI Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper �L.> . ., .- ` Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior N R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Buiiding&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection st e . Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive:4 - P P OPM 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector'sti NAME: — t T#: LOCATION: � SPECT ON: —T —? q TYPE OF STRUCTURE: "La QmMents Y Y N N/A ;Piers Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Bacicfill Approval PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspec Lion Fonns\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date :'sInj i Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Dept: m 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 InspectoNAME: IU E L�1 EJ� �J►� r`�� C1� T#: _LOCATION: �-1 i� D I Y n F hQCT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval 1 i Under Slab .—�—��—�— PV Copper q� -- Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\lnspecdon Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inik on due Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: art: am/ 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial r NAME: U;t f PERMIT#: LOCATION: l EZ )L A y F—t30 F INSPECT ON: _ — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing , for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forrns\Building&Codes\Inspection Fonns\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM low Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection requ iv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: 1� gyp ; pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: lJ Ec,J C2,�C���tJi �JC� C�JQL►� ERMIT 4- LOCATION: H I-' n IX— A,3 E k)0 F_ INSPECT ON: 7—\Cn—pq TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comment Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Fonms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM r A a Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Ins*Inil _ Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Depart: _ = m 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspecto NAME: %96ERMIT#: LOCATION: i V INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUC --j Co m n Y N N/A Footings � iers - Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil po!y for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report toAWS Office No.(518)761-8256 Date In swc do Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: 1 Depart: j 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ` E \ tJ1 \ ERMIT#: LOCATION: \ E INSPECT ON: _ — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placementiLi, of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour _ enforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly.for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspecdon Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM I S f` e� 'Y r Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date n ue ved: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arriv� p Depart: �� pm� 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's mitt s, I NAME: T#: LOCATION: SPECT ON: - T TYPE OF STRUCTURE: COmmenb Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. a t se on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\lnspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM AM-•, b Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection !RMIT a receiv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: art 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initt 1 NAME: #: _600 LOCATION: INSPECT ON: (Q-7 o--() TYPE OF STRUCTURE: COMM SO Footings Piers Monolithic Slab C_C_F�-" \t��C \ Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. FUr�UR�\©�J JTEEL �� Materials for this pur se on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofmg Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes FormsWilding&Codes\lnspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Page I of 1 John O'Brien From: Randy Gross [nbccmiracles@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 7:57 AM To: John O'Brien Subject: Fwd: FOUNDATION STEEL LETTER FOR NBCC Attachments: New Begginings Foundation Steel.pdf ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lee Gray<lee(a 1pdj.com> Date: Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:54 AM Subject: FOUNDATION STEEL LETTER To: Randy Gross<nbccmiracles a,gmail.com> E C E V E D -- Leland A. Gray ,JUN 2 6 2009 AIA,NCARB,RIBA LELAND A. GRAY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ARCHITECT PC' BUILDING&CODES 2830 Beverly Street Salt Lake City,Utah 84106 P: 801-487-9800 1--: 801-487-9801. 6/26/2009 Leland A. Gray, architeCt AIA, RIBA, NCARB 2830 South Beverly St., Salt Lake City, UT 84106 801-487-9800 lee@lpd.i.com June 25, 2009 re: New Beginnings Community Church foundation steel and brick ledge Pursuant to my conversations with Pastor Randy Gross, Ben Jacobsen our structural engineer, the staff at ARXX corporation and the Queensbury building inspector I am approving the changes to the documents as follows: The double web of vertical steel extending from the footings upward into the wall structure may be changed to a single mat of #5 steel @ 14" o.c. with the horizontal legs going opposite directions at each subsequent bar with the horizontal leg perpendicular to the run of the footing. The ARXX brick support shelf meets the design requirements of the code and our engineering calculations. As long as the vertical steel is located as outlined in this letter the footings are acceptable. Our firm will make the required changes to the documents to reflect the single mat of steel and showing the ARXX brick ledge as they produce it in their factory as soon as I return from Abergavenny, Wales. My understanding is that the city inspector is willing to allow the footings to be poured upon receipt of this letter indicating our approval of the changes to the steel reinforcing as described above. M-AND A,GRAY oils 2 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION &TESTING DIVISION, P.D.&T.S., INC. 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019r„ (n Phone: 518 399-1848 Fax: 518 399-1913 �ww CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH P t g , %T REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 11/04/11 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 t '-{ OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 FIELD INSPECTOR: JAY TRACEY ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS PROJECT:NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. SOIL COMPACTION VERIFICATION REPORT ::: INPLACE SOIL DENSITY MATERIALS LABORATORY DATA CODE MOISTURE MAX DENSITY PCF MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL SOURCE 12833 7.8 139.8 CR STONE as GRAVEL,fine;some c/m Sand;trace Silt/Clay BORROW:CRUSHER RUN FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS LOCATION OF TESTING: PAVEMENT SUBGRADE:RING ROAD EAST OF ENTRANCE ROAD ELEVATION REFERENCE: F.G.=FINISH GRADE=TOP OF PAVEMENT SUBGRADE COMPACTION TEST METHOD ASTM D-2922 CO-ORDINATE REFERENCE: PER LOCATION COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS: 95.0 % TEST SOIL SOIL DEPTH OR MOISTURE INPLACE DRY PERCENT NO. BEARING CODE ELEVATION LOCATION OF TEST CONTENT DENSITY PCF COMPACT 1 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING 2.7 % 140.1 100.0 % 2 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+50' 2.2 % 135.7 97.1 % 3 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+100' 2.6 % 137.3 98.2 % 4 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+150' 2.5 % 135.3 96.8 % 5 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+200' 3.2 % 133.1 95.2 % 6 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+250' 2.7 % 135.9 97.2 % 7 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+300' 3.2 % 140.0 100.0 % 8 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+350' 2.8 % 133.0 95.1 % 9 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+400' 3.6 % 136.5 97.6 % 10 12833 FINISH GRADE ENTRANCE ROAD TO PARKING+450' 3.5 % 132.9 95.1 % REPORT DISTRIBUTION: GENERAL NOTES: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 1:FILE 1.D-1556=SAND CONE METHOD OF TEST CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 2: 2.D-2922=NUCLEAR GAUGE METHOD OF TEST 3: 3. FF =FINISH FLOOR c 4: 4. FG =FINISH GRADE 5: 5. TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T.(NICET) 6: 6. MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION &TESTING DIVISION, P.D.& T.S., INC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone: (518)399-1848 Fax: (518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT DATE: 11/04/11 487 DIX AVENUE SAMPLE NUMBER: 12833 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 LAB TECHNICIAN: BRYAN CASAW ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. REPORT OF MOISTURE/DENSITY RELATION OF SOILS ::: PROCTOR MATERIAL SOURCE: BORROW:CRUSHER RUN MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: CRUSHED STONE sized as GRAVEL.fine;some coarse/medium Sand;trace Silt/Clay PROCTOR METHOD: ASTM D-1557:MODIFIED EFFORT GRADATION METHOD: ASTM D-1140/D-422:WASHED +3/4"CORRECTION: 139.8 PCF ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVE: 2.76 SPECIFIC GRAVITY MAXIMUM DENSITY 137.6 PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE 7.8 % 143 GRADATION 142 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFICATION SIZE PASSING ALLOWANCE 141 4" 3" 140 2 1/2" 2" 100.0 w 139 1 1/2" 1" 97.6 0 138 3/4" 92.1 1/2" 75.7 p 137 LL 3/8" 63.8 v or 1/4" 48.7 = 136 oe #4 41.3 v 1/8" w 135 a74 #8 27.3 y #10 z 134 #16 18.1 0 O #20 a. 133 #30 13.6 #40 12.0 132 #50 11.0 #60 131 #80 #100 9.1 130 - #140 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 #200 4.1 MOISTURE CONTENT:::PERCENT DRY WEIGHT REPORT DISTRIBUTION: GENERAL NOTES: Respectfully, I: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 2: 3: 4: TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T.,(NICET) 5: MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES 6" DIAMETER REFLECTIVE RED ROMAN ALPHANUMERIC PANTONE DESIGNATION OF CONSTRUCTION (PMS)#187 TYPE BASED ON SECTION 602 OF THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2" MIN. REFLECTIVE WHITE 1/2" STROKE DESIGNATION FOR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS THAT ARE OF TRUSS CONSTRUCTION "F" FLOOR FRAMING INCLUDING GIRDERS AND BEAMS "R" ROOF FRAMING "FR" FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING TRUSS IDENTIFICATION SIGN COMPLIANCE WITH 19 NYCRR PART 1264 NOT TO SCALE CODES DIVISION EXAMPLE TRUSS IDENTIFICATION SIGN DATE:03/08/2005 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT L[D:EMftQflMMF-NTOF87ATC AND ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 7 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 10/07/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BRYAN CASAW t ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 50's:LT.RAIN PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 105536 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : SOUTH GABLE DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 774866 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 7.50/ 7.50 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.001 7.11 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.25/ 7.54 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 0.90 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 4.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 4.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 10.001 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 135.45 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER, 105536- 105541 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 4500 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 10/08/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE„ . DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 105536 10/14/09 7 87,350 3090 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 105537 10/14/09 7 90,100 3190 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 105538 11/04/09 28 111,700 395.0 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 105539 11/04/09 28 114,050 4030 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 105540 12/02/09 56 123,000 4350 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 105541 01/06/10 91 145,200 5140 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZ& REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, �CONS CT N TECHNOLOGY O M�JOSSLifJ,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 7 :PAGE M 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 10/07/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BRYAN CASAW t ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 50's:LT.RAIN PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 105536 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : SOUTH GABLE DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 774866 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 7.50/ 7.50 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.00/ 7.11 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.25/ 7.54 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.90 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 4.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 4.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC:. 4.00- 7.00) 10.001 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 135.45 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 105536- 105541 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 4500 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 10/08/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS ^APPLIED LOAD: P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 105536 10/14/09 7 87,350 3090 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 105537 10/14/09 7 90,100 3190 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 105538 11/04/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 105539 11/04/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 105540 11/04/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 105541 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. w- 1 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 :PAGE M 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION 103717 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 2 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL;WEST WALL;NORTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 3 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL LIFT 2;WEST WALL LIFT 2 DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 2 3 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4587 1773837 4562 / 773838 4585 / 773839 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 10.00 / 20.00 10.00 / 30.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 6.40/ 6.52 7.25 / 7-32 7.55 / 8.03 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.10/ 7.32 7.35 / 7.52 8.06 / 8.17 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.87 0.45 0.37 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 6.00 6.00 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 6.00 6.00 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) 5.501 5.50 1 5.50 1 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 7.20 1 UNIT WEIGHT {PCF) (SPEC - ) 143.59 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 83 83 83 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER! 103717- 103722 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 1,2,3:SLUMP;LOAD 1:ENTRAINED AIR. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER- DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103717 08/25/09 7 63,900 2260 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103718 08/25/09 7 61,250 2170 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103719 09/15/09 28 92,650 3280 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103720 09/15/09 28 93,900 3320 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103721 09/15/09 28 89,450 3160 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103722 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. � t CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 :PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103723 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL LIFT 2;SOUTH WALL LIFT 3 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL LIFT 3;WEST WALL LIFT 3 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL LIFT 3;NORTH WALL,EAST END DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4558/773840 4574 / 773841 4562 / 773842 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED. 8.05/ 8.10 8.05 / 8.10 8.48 / 8.52 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.25/ 8.40 8.42 / 8.53 6.56 / 9.26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.58 0.80 0.63 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 6.25 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 6.25 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 6.00) 5.25 1 5.75 1 5.751 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 7.00 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 143.59 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 83 83 84 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103723 - 103728 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 4,5,6:SLUMP. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103723 08/25/09 7 77,000 2720 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103724 08/25/09 7 74,050 2620 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103725 09/15/09 28 101,450 3690 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103726 09/15/09 28 103,900` 3680 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103727 09/15/09 28 104,100 3680 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103728 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 6: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. r r CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:EAST WALL;SOUTH WALL,EAST END PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 2;EAST WALL LIFT 2;SOUTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 2 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 3;EAST WALL LIFT 3;SOUTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 3 DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4557 1773843 4585 / 7738" 4584 / 773845 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70,00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.211 9,29 9.41 / 9.50 10.15 / %20 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.30/ 9.49 9.53 / 10.10 10.25 / 10.40 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 0.47 0.48 0.42 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 5.50 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 5.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 5.25 1 5.00 6.00 1 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85) 83 84 84 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 7,8:SLUMP. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LOS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#Z LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(5 18)3 99-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 :PAGE* 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103717 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 2 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL;WEST WALL;NORTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 3 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL LIFT 2;WEST WALL LIFT 2 DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 2 3 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4587/773837 4562 / 773838 4585 / 773839 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 10.00 / 20.00 10.00 / 30.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 6.401 6.52 7.25 / 7.32 7.55 / 8.03 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.10/ 7.32 7.35 / 7.52 8.06 / 8.17 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.87 0.45 0.37 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 6.00 6.00 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 6.00 6.00 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 5.50 1 5.50 1 5.501 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 7.20 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 143.59 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 83 83 83 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER,' 103717- 103722 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 1,2,3:SLUMP;LOAD 1:ENTRAINED AIR. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103717 08/25/09 7 63,900 2260 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103718 08/25/09 7 61,250 2170 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103719 09/15/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103720 09/15/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103721 09/15/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103722 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. r a CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 :PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103723 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL LIFT 2;SOUTH WALL LIFT 3 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:SOUTH WALL LIFT 3;WEST WALL LIFT 3 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL LIFT 3;NORTH WALL,EAST END DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4558/ 773840 4574 / 773841 4562 / 773842 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 8.05/ 8.10 8.05 / 8.10 8.48 / 8.52 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.25/ 8.40 8.42 / 8.53 8.56 / 9.26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.58 0.80 0.63 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 6.25 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 6.25 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 5.25 1 5.75 1 5.75 1 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 7.00 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 143.59 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 83 83 84 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103723 - 103728 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 4,5,6:SLUMP. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 r CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S:I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103723 08/25/09 7 77,000 2720 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103724 08/25/09 7 74,050 2620 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103725 09/15/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103726 09/15/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103727 09/15/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103728 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 6 PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/18/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70/80's:CLEARING PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:EAST WALL;SOUTH WALL,EAST END PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 2;EAST WALL LIFT 2;SOUTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 2 PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : 1st FLOOR WALLS:NORTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 3;EAST WALL LIFT 3;SOUTH WALL,EAST END LIFT 3 DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4557/773843 4585 / 773844 4584 / 773845 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70.00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.21 / 9.29 9.41 / 9.50 10.15 / 10.20 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.30/ 9.49 9.53 / 10.10 10.25 / 10.40 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.47 0.48 0.42 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.75 5.50 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.75 5.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 5.25 1 5.00 6.00 1 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 83 84 84 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER,' DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED:LOAD 7,8:SLUMP. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/19/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATF. DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEGAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103217 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 2 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 3 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 2 3 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773528 / 773527 4562 / 773630 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 10.00 / 20.00 10.00 / 30.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 6.40/ 6.50 7.04 / 7.12 7.40 / 7.20 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 6.53/ T16 7.22 / 7.39 7.41 / 7.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 J 0.60 0.58 0.70 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5,00 5.25 5.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5,00 5.25 .5.75 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) } C ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC:_ 4.00- 7.00 ) 8.801 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - J 137,48 � CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 73 � NOV 0 5 2009 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 u LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103217- 103222 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1,2:ENTRAINED AIR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODES UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA. 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103217 08/11/09 7 43,550 1540 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103218 08/11/09 7 47,450 1680 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103219 09/01/09 28 64,800 2290 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103220 09/01109' 28 66,100 2340 ADMIXTURE#1: 0ZS. 103221 09/29/09 56 71,000 2510 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103222 11/03/09 91 84,650 2990 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,OBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY � TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103223 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773531 1 773532 / 773533 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.401 7.50 8.08 / 8.20 824 1 8.33 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.51 1 8.02 8.24 / 8.35 8,38 / 8.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.37 0.45 0.47 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.75 7.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.76 7.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00) 6.90 7.80 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 138.50 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 75 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103223 - 103228 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 5:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103223 08/11/09 7 52,200 1850 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103224 08/11/09 7 55,100 1950 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103225 09/01/09 28 72,850 2680 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103226 09/01/09 28 70,700 2600 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103227 09/29/09 56 79,600 2820 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103228 11/03/09 91 87,900 3110 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. o CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773534 / 773535 / 773536 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70.00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 8.46/ 8.54 9.08 / 9.16 9.18 / 9.25 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.55/ 9.03 9.20 / 9.30 9.32 / 9.44 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.28 0.37 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.50 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85) 74 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER! DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. ti r; CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE M 4 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103229 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 10 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 11 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 12 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 10 11 12 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773537 / 773545 1773546 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 100.00 10.00 / 110.00 10.00 / 120.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.30/ 9.38 9.40 / 9.49 10.00 / 10.10 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.47/ 9.57 9.59 / 10.09 10.13 / 10.26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.45 0.48 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 6.50 7.00 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 6.50 7.00 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL)_(SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 5.10 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 142.07 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 75 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103229- 103234 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: - LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103229 08/11/09 7 56.650 2000 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103230 08/11/09 7 58,600 2070 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103231 09/01/09 28 79,650 2820 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103232 09/01/09 28 75,100 2660 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103233 09/29/09 56 84,200 2980 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103234 11/03/09 91 95,700 3390 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM �SEET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. O 1 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103217 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 2 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 3 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 2 3 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773528 / 773527 4562 / 773530 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ %00 10.00 / 20.00 %00 / 30.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 6.40/ 6.50 7.04 / 7.12 7.10 / 7.20 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 6.53/ 7.16 7.22 / 7.39 7.41 / 7.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.60 0.58 0.70 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.00 5.25 5.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.00 5.25 5.75 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00) 8.80 1 7.50 1- UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 137.48 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85) 73 73 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103217- 103222 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1,2:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103217 08/11/09 7 43,550 1540 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103218 08/11/09 7 47,450 1680 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103219 09/01/09 28 64,800 2290 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103220 09/01/09 28 66,100 2340 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103221 09/29/09 56 71,000 2510 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103222 11/03/09 91 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY" 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(5 18)3 99-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103223 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 1773531 / 773532 1 773533 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: %00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.40/ 7.50 8.08 / 8.20 8.24 / 8.33 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.51 / 8.02 8.24 / 8.35 8.38 / 8.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.37 0.45 0.47 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.75 7.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.75 7.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.90 7.801 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 138.50 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85) 74 75 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER, 103223 - 103228 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 5:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/06/09 CEMENT: LBS. ;CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT` LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103223 08/11/09 7 52,200 1850 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103224 08/11/09 7 55,100 1950 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103225 09/01/09 28 72,850 2580 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103226 09/01/09 28 70,700 2500 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103227 09/29/09 56 79,600 2820 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103228 11/03/09 91 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 81 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773534 / 773535 / 773536 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70.00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 8.46/ 8.54 9.08 / 9.16 9.18 / 9.25 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.55/ 9.03 9.20 / 9.30 9.32 / 9.44 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.28 0.37 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.50 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER! DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. { „ CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 PAGE#: 4 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103229 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 10 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 11 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 12 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 10 11 12 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773537 / 773545 / 773546 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 100.00 10.00 / 110.00 10.00 / 120.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.30/ 9.38 9.40 1 9.49 10.00 / 10.10 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.47/ 9.57 9.59 / 10.09 10.13 / 10.26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.45 0.48 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 6.50 7.00 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 6.50 7.00 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.10 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 142.07 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 75 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103229- 103234 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE - DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103229 08/11/09 7 56,650 2000 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103230 08/11/09 7 58,600 2070 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103231 09/01/09 28 79,650 2820 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103232 09/01/09 28 75,100 2660 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103233 09/29/09 56 84,200 2980 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103234 11/03/09 91 ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. I CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION 103217 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 2 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 3 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 2 3 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773528 / 773527 4562 / 773530 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 10.00 / 20.00 10.00 / 30.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 6.40/ 6.50 7.04 / 7.12 7.10 / 7.20 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 6.53/ 7.16 7.22 / 7.39 7.41 / 7.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.60 0.58 0.70 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 5.00 5.25 5.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 5.00 5.25 5.75 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 8.80 1 7.50 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 137.48 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 73 73 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER! 103217- 103222 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1,2:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103217 08/11/09 7 43,550 1540 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103218 08/11/09 7 47,450 1680 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103219 09/01/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103220 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103221 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103222 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. r • CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103223 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773531 / 773532 / 773533 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.40/ 7,50 8.08 / 8.20 8.24 / 8.33 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.511 8.02 8.24 / 8.35 8.38 / 8.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.37 0.45 0.47 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.75 7.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.75 7.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.90 7.80 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 138.50 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 75 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER! 103223 - 103228 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 5:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA. 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103223 08/11/09 7 52,200 1850 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103224 08/11/09 7 55,100 1950 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103225 09/01/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103226 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103227 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103228 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773534 / 773535 / 773536 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70.00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 8.46/ 8.54 9.08 / 9.16 9.18 / 9.25 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.55/ 9.03 9.20 / 9.30 9.32 / 9.44 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 0.28 0.37 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.50 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER,' DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TESTAGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE M 4 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEGAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103229 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 10 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 11 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 12 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 10 11 12 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773537 / 773546 / 773546 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 100.00 10.00 / 110.00 10.00 / 120.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.301 9.38 9.40 / 9.49 10.00 / 10,10 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.47 ! 9.57 9.59 ! 10.09 10.13 ! 10,26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.45 0.48 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 6.50 7.00 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 6.50 7.00 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 5.10 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 142.07 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 75 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103229- 103234 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103229 08/11/09 7 56,650 2000 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103230 08/11/09 7 58,600 2070 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103231 09/01/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS, 103232 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103233 09/01/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103234 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 6: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. f \ CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 2 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION 103223 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 4 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 5 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 6 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 5 6 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 773531 / 773532 / 773533 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 40.00 10.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.40/ 7.50 8.08 / 8.20 8.24 / 8.33 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 7.51 / 8.02 8.24 / 8.35 8.38 / 8.52 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.37 0.45 0.47 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 6.75 7.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.75 7.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.90 7.80 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 138.50 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 . 75 74 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103223 - 103228 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 5:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE ^DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103223 08/11/09 7 52,200 1850 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103224 08/11/09 7 55,100 1950 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103225 09/01/09 28 72,850 2580 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103226 09/01/09 28 70,700 2500 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103227 09/29/09 56 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103228 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. r 1� CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 PAGE#: 3 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION• CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 7 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 8 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 9 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 7 8 9 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773534 / 773535 / 773536 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 70.00 10.00 / 80.00 10.00 / 90.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 8.46/ 8.54 9.08 / 9.16 9.18 / 9.25 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 8.55/ 9.03 9.20 / 9.30 9.32 / 9.44 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX 1.50 ) 0.28 0.37 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 7.00 8.60 6.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 7.00 6.50 6.50 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 74 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATF, DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. f CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 5 :PAGE#: 4 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 08/04/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 103229 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 10 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 11 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 12 : SLAB ON GRADE:PROCEEDING WEST-EAST DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 10 11 12 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: /773537 / 773545 / 773546 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 100.00 10.00 / 110.00 10.00 / 120.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 9.30/ 9.38 9.40 / 9.49 10.00 / 10.10 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 9.47/ 9.57 9.59 / 10.09 10.13 / 10.26 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.45 0.48 0.43 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 6.50 7.00 6.25 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: 6.50 7.00 6.25 PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 5.10 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 142.07 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 75 74 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 103229- 103234 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.1.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 08/05/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 103229 08/11/09 7 56,650 2000 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 103230 08/11/09 7 58,600 2070 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 103231 09/01/09 28 79,650 2820 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 103232 09/01/09 28 75,100 2660 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 103233 09/29/09 56 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 103234 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 4 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 07/17/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 80's:RAIN PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 102782 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : FOUNDATION WALL:WEST WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4563/773251 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 6.00/ 6.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 2.201 2.30 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN I ENDED: 2.50/ 3.15 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 j 0.92 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 4.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) 4.50 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 8.00 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 139.52 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 82 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 102782- 102787 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: 1: CONTRACTO NOTIFIED:LOAD 1:ENTRAINED AIR UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING iAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 07/20/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS „APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 102782 07/24/09 7 73,950 2620 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 102783 07/24/09 7 70,050 2480 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 102784 08/14/09 28 107,100 3790 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 102785 08/14/09 28 109,500 3870 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 102786 08/14/09 28 106,050 3750 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 102787 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSSTRRUUCTITION TECHNOLOGY Z�- TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY f �� 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 3 PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 07/16/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 80's:CLEAR PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 102689 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION $ COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : FOOTING:WEST WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4585/ 773228 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 2.22/ 2.30 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 2.46/ 2.66 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.57 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 4.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 4.50 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 5.70 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 143.09 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 81 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 102689- 102694 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C667, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 07/17/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 102689 07/23/09 7 57,250 2030 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 102690 07/23/09 7 59,100 2090 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 102691 08/13/09 28 87,800 3110 FINE AGGREGATE. LBS. 102692 08/13/09 28 86,650 3070 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 102693 08/13/09 28 87,300 3090 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 102694 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 07/09/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 70's:CLOUDY PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 102524 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : FOUNDATION WALL:SOUTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: 4562/ 773087 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 10.23/ 10.31 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN/ENDED: 10.37/ 11.08 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 ) 0.75 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 4.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 4.75 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.20 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 140.03 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 76 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 102524- 102529 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 07/10/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 102524 07/16/09 7 70,550 2500 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 102525 07/16/09 7 73,150 2590 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 102526 08/06/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 102527 08/06/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 102528 08/06/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 102529 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 William Street,Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone:(518)399-1848 Fax:(518)399-1913 CLIENT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH REPORT NUMBER: 1 :PAGE#: 1 487 DIX AVENUE INSPECTION DATE: 06/29/09 QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1331.001 INSPECTOR&TEST SET: BOB BEHAN #6 ATT'N: MR.RANDY GROSS AMBIENT WEATHER: 60's:CLOUDY PROJECT: NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH:QUEENSBURY,NY. OUR FILE LOCATION: 102190 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD# 1 : FOOTING:SOUTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER/TICKET NUMBER: / 772922 YARDAGE DELIVERED/SUBTOTAL: 10.00/ 10.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 7.04/ 7.11 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN I ENDED: 7.151 7.41 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 } 0.62 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES) 3.00 WATER ADDED ONSITE(GALLONS) WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP(INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00 ) 3.00 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) (SPEC: 4.00- 7.00 ) 6.70 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC - ) 148.18 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC 45 - 85 ) 75 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBER: 102190- 102195 DISCREPANCIES&REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: JOINTA-GALUSHA,LLC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM:C39 DESIGN STRENGTH&FORMULA: 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 06/30/09 CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS APPLIED LOAD P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE#1: LBS. 102190 07/06/09 7 99,300 3510 COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS. 102191 07/06/09 7 102.450 3620 COARSE AGGREGATE#3: LBS. 102192 07/27/09 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 102193 07/27/09 28 ADMIXTURE#1: OZS. 102194 07/27/09 28 ADMIXTURE#2: OZS. 102195 SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1:FILE 5: 2:SUPPLIER 6: 3:MR.D.HATIN,QBD 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN,S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. �nECERVE MAY 2 0 2009 Project Design Criteria TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Commercial/General Project Criteria BUILDING&CODES - • • • - Project Name: New Beginning Community Churc Client Name: LPDJ Architects Location: Queensbury,New York Governing Code:413C 2006 Street Address: Dix Avenue Building Category:Type-ll:All Others Wood Structure with concrete foundations. Church facility for meetings and gatherings .•• • Live Loads Wind Loads Seismic loads Roof Live Load: 20 psf_ Wind Speed: 90 mph Site Classification: Class-Ijp Floor Live Load: N/A Wind Exposure: Exposure C Short Period(Ss): 0.27 g Flat Roof Snow:_ 50 psf Importance Factor: 1.00 Long Period(Sl): 0.08 g Misc Load:_ Analysis Method:. Simplified Method Design Category: _ B Foundations Masonry Specifications Steel Specifications Type: Shallow Compression(f m): N/A Beams: A992 Net Bearing Pressure: 4000 psf_ Mortar Type: N/A Columns: A992 Compacted Fill?: TRUE Grout: N/A Plates: A36_ Lateral Active:_ 55 pcf _ Bolts: A325N Lateral Passive: 300 pcf Timber Specifications Anchor Rods: F1554-36 Friction Coefficient: 0.55 Sawn Lumber: DF-No.1 Glu-Lam Lumber: DF-No.l Reinforcing Specifications Concrete Specifications Sheathing: Str-I Concrete: 60 ksi Concrete Type: Normal Wt All-Thread:_ A307 Masonry:_ N/A Compression If c): 3000 psi Calculation Set •• - of • - seal: General Design Criteria G1-G5 Gravity Framing F149 Lateral System Design 1-1-1-4 Foundation Design FN1-FN2 Miscellaneous AS-A2 Engineering Seal Disclaimer This signed engineering seal is intended only for this single project and applies only to the project scope as listed above. This seal only applies to the attached calculation set for this project and applies to no other documents,or aspects of the project. Sheet Id: �t 5/18/2009 s� 2� b < NO' �.a c Snow Load + Drifting ASCE 7-06 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures New Beginnings Community Church Designation:Typical Snow Load County: Not in Utah Importance Factor:All other buildings---Table 1-1 Not Applicable: Roof Exposure: Partially Exposed---Table 7-2 Flat Roof Snow Load 50 psf Terrain Category:Terrain Category C---Section 6.5.6 Roof Slope: 20 deg Roof Thermal Type: Unheated structures just below freezing---Table 7-3 Roofing Material: All Others Load Type: Flat Roof Snow Load Ground Snow Load(pg) 60 psf Equation 7-1 Exposure Factor(Ce) 1.00 Table 7-2 Thermal Factor(Ct) 1.20 Table?-3 Importance Factor(1) 1.00 Table 7-4 Flat Roof Snow Load(pf) 50 psf Equation 7-1 Sloped Roof Factor(Cs) 1.00 Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load(ps) 50 psf Equation 7-1 Snow Density(g) 21.8 pcf Equation 7-4 Roof Step Driftina Design Eauivilant Loading Beam Length: Beam Spacing: Dead Load: Beam Parallel to Drift Length Max Snow Reaction: #DIV/OI Equiv Total Load: #DIV/01 Step Height(hc): -2.3 ft Equiv Snow Load: #DIV/01 Flat Roof Snow Depth(hb): 2.3 ft Drift Height(hd): -2.3 ft Beam Perpendicular to Drift Length Drift Load(pd): -50 psf Loads @ X=: Measured from Left Drift Length(w): -18.3 ft Snow Load: 50 plf Total Load: 50 plf Leeward Drift Controls----> Beam X SL TL 0 psf 1st @ 0.0 ft 50 pif 50 plf 2nd @ 0.0 ft 50 plf 50 pif -50 psf -2.3 ft 3rd @ 0.0 ft 50 plf 50 plf 50 psf 4th @ 0.0 ft SO plf 50 plf 50 psf 2.3 ft 5th @ 0.0 ft 50 plf 50 plf 6th @ 0.0 ft 50 plf 50 pif -18.3 ft 7th @ 0.0 ft 50 pif 50 plf Sheet Id: 10/23/ Wind Loading ASCE 7 Design Loads for Building and Other Structures New Beginnings Community Church General Info 78uild,ing Type: II-AII Others On Escarpment: No ategory: C-Open Terrain,Scattered Wind Speed: 90 mph Mean Roof Height: 40.00 ft Roof Pitch: 4/12 Main Wind Force Resisting System: Pressures Wind Speed: 90 mph27.23 Importance: 1.00 Terrain: C � 14,4 X: 1.53 �• =- Kzt: 1.00 ps factor: 1.53 Roof Slope: 18.43 deg )-I I}t }+1 ,16.37 Width 2a: 10%Bldg Length 4d Topographic Effects: H/Lh: .. z/Lh: -- Transverse �••r ` ,< K3: -- LonoAnal Zone Area PRESSURE(psf) Components&Cladding SO 8.4 -13.3 _ 50 6.7 -12.5 100 5.9 -�- -12.1 - 10 8.4- - -- 23.2 2 20 7.7 -21.4 50 6.7 -18.9 1 1 100 5.9 -17.0 10 8.4 34.3 Flat Roof Hi Roaf_7'._tit�<27" 3 20_ 7.7 -32.1 - 50 100 5.9 -26.9 `Y 10 14.6 -15.8 t - 20 13.9 -15.1- t a r 4 --- i 50 _ 13.0 -14.3 100 12.4 -13.6 10 14.6 -19.5 ` 20 13.9 -18.2 5 Gable Roof 0<_71 Gable Roof(?'<s s 45') _50 13.0 -16.5 100 12.4 -15.1 In1 m Zc es Ens e ■ Com.i Z:;nes Sheet Id: " 10/8/2008 IBC 2006 Seismic Design + Loading ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures New Beginnings Community Church Section 11.4-Seismic Ground Motions Section 11.5-Importance and Occupancy Short Period Mapped Acceleration(Ss): 0.27 g Occupancy: II-All Others 1-Sec Period Mapped Acceleration(SS): 0.08 g Importance(1): 1.00 Site Class: p f Soil Modification(Fa): 1.58 Section 11.6-Seismic Design Category Soil Modification(Fv): 2.40 Design Category: B Design Spectral Accelerations SDS: 0.29 g Section 12.2-Structural System SDI: 0.12 g Framing System:A-Bearing Wall Systems Lateral System: Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls Site Response Spectra R Wo CD OAS 4.00 2.50 1 4-00 0.4 0.35 --� ! Section 12.3-Redundancy Factor Redundancy-r: 1.00 03 — 025 --- -..-.-a _ _ Section 12.8-Equivalent Lateral Force Fundamental Period T: 0.21 s o.: -- --1---� i ( ) Seismic Coefficient(Cs): 0.071 0.25 --- -- - �- --�--—' —!- -- r-.- —^— Base Shear(Qe): 54 kips Base Shear(E): 54 kips 0.05 - _I- ____... I Amplified Base Shear(WoQe): 136 kips o 1 0 2 2 3 4 5 Period(seconds) Design MCE 7BASE Story Diaphragm Diaphragm Perimeter Perimeter Seismic Force @ Story Diaphragm Height Area Weight Wall Length Wall Wt. Wt(kips) Floor Lvl Shear Force 13 ft 9600 ft2 _30 psf 475 ft 1000 plf 763 kips _ 54 kips _ 54 kips 54 kips -- 0 ft2 0 psf--j- Oft 0 plf 0 kips 0 kips 54 kips 0 kips i I I i r- -- TOTALS 96M 111 79 psf 0 ft 0 plf 763 kips 54 kips 54 kips 0 kips Force values shown in the above table are Qe and do NOT include redundancy factor. Sheet Id: . 11/25/2008 \JV Mill S4 Roof Rafters TJ-a ;®6: 1 1/2" x 91/4" 1.7E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir#1 @ 24" o/c Serial Number: User:2 „rWOW 11:ae:11 AM THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Pagel Engine Version:6.30.14 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member Slope:6,12 Roof Slope$12 Overall Dimension:22' F_ 6 12• 18• All dimensions are horizontal, Product Diagram is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group-Snow(psf):50.0 Live at 115%duration, 15.0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions Detail Other Width Length (Ibs) Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 1 Stud wall 3.50" 3.50" 5071145/01652 By Others-Blocking: 1 Ply 1 1/2"x 91/4"1.5E TimberStrancO Blocking LSL 2 Stud wall 3.50" 2.76" 1354/406/0/1760 By Others None 3 Parallam PSL 3.50" Hanger 411/108/0/519 Custom Detail Custom Accessory Beam -See iLevel®Specifier's/Builder's Guide for detail(s):By Others-Blocking:Blocking,By Others -User specified custom detail for support:3. DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Result Location Shear(Ibs) -930 -811 1915 Passed(42%) Rt.end Span 1 under Snow loading Vertical Reaction(Ibs) 481 481 481 Passed(100%) Bearing 3 under Snow ALTERNATE span loading Moment(Ft-Lbs) -1931 -1931 2593 Passed(74%) Bearing 2 under Snow loading Live Load Defi(in) 0.151 0.393 Passed(L/935) MID Span 1 under Snow ALTERNATE span loading Total Load Defl(in) 0.190 0.590 Passed(U745) MID Span 1 under Snow ALTERNATE span loading -Deflection Criteria:STANDARD(LL:U360,TL:L/240). Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Bracing(Lu):All compression edges(top and bottom)must be braced at 9'4"o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. -The allowable shear stress(Fv)has not been increased due to the potential of splits,checks and shakes. See NDS for applicability of increase. -Analysis based on vertical loads only and assumes structural supports as noted in the input. Axial loads are not considered in this analysis. -Analysis assumes continuous member. Lap joints,splices and finger joints significantly reduce member performance and have not been considered. -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. -Design assumes adequate continuous lateral support of the compression edge. ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevelO. iLevel®warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with iLevel®product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application,input design loads,and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by an iLeveM Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or iLevel®technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLeveW PRODUCTS ONLYI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the solid sawn lumber material listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: OPERATOR INFORMATION: New Beginnings Copyright C 2007 by iLevel(g, Federal Way, WA. Parallam€ is a registered trademark of iLevel®. !7Z. Roof Ridge Beam 51/4" x 18" 2.0E Parallam® PSL TJ-Beam®6.30 Serial Number. User2 11/26/0061o:s6:24AM THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Pape 1 Engine Version:6.30.14 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member Slope:0.12 Roof Slope612 d 25• AN dimensions are horizontal. Product Diagram is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member. Tributary Load Width: 1' Primary Load Group-Roof(psf):20.0 Live at 125%duration, 15.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Live Dead Location Application Comment Tapered(plf) Roof(1.25) 0.0 To 500.0 0.0 To 150.0 0 To 12'6" Adds To Uniform(plf) Roof(1.25) 500.0 150.0 12'6"To 25' Adds To Tapered(plf) Wind(1.60) 0.0 To 250.0 0.0 To 0.0 0 To 17 6" Adds To Uniform(plf) Wind(1.60) 250.0 0.0 12'6"To 25' Adds To SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions(lbs) Ply Depth Nailing Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total Depth 1 Timberstrand LSL Beam 3.50" Hanger 4262/1643/0/5905 1 18.00" N/A L3:Top Mount Hanger None 2 Timberstrand LSL Beam 3.50" Hanger 6660/2283/0/8943 1 18.00" N/A L3:Top Mount Hanger None -See iLevel®Specifiees/Buildees Guide for detail(s):L3:Top Mount Hanger HANGERS:Simcson Strono-Tie®Connectors Support Model Slope Skew Reverse Top Flange Top Flange Support Wood Flanges Offset Slope Species 1 Top Mount Hanger HGLTV5.37(H1=18) 0/12 0 N/A No 0 N/A 2 Top Mount Hanger HGLTV5.37(H1=18) 0/12 0 N/A No 0 N/A -Nailing for Support 1: Face:12-16d,Top 6-16d,Member:6-16d -Nailing for Support 2: Face: 12-16d,Top 6-16d,Member:6-16d DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Result Location Shear(lbs) -8717 -7006 22838 Passed(31%) Rt.end Span 1 under Roof loading Moment(Ft-Lbs) 49216 45657 81872 Passed(56%) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Live Load Defl(in) 0.795 0.814 Passed(L/369) MID Span 1 under Wind loading Total Load Defl(in) 1.074 1.221 Passed(11273) MID Span 1 under Wind loading -Deflection Criteria:STANDARD(LL:L/360,TL:lJ240)_ -Bracing(Lu):All compression edges(top and bottom)must be braced at 25'o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. -Design assumes adequate continuous lateral support of the compression edge. PROJECT INFORMATION: OPERATOR INFORMATION: New Beginnings Copyright C 2007 by il,evel®, Federal Way, WA. Parallam� and TimberStrand® are registered trademarks of iLevel®. Simpson Strong-TieO Connectors is a registered trademark of Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. C r Simple Wood Beam Design National Design Specification for Wood Construction(DF-Larch) New Beginnings Truss Eave Construction Beam Span: 8.00 ft_ In-Service Conditions Beam Loads Unbraced Length:_ 4.00 ft ❑Unsheltered Wet Conditions Dead Load: 20 plf Seam Size: (1)2x8 Lumber ❑Temperatures> 100 F Live Load: DF-Larch Type: No.1 ❑Repetitive Member Snow Load: 200 pif Depth of End Notch: 0.00 in Construction Load: Max Deflection: L/240 Wind/EQ Load: #of Plys: 1 Impact Load: Section 3.3 Bending Desien Section 3.4 Shear Desian Section 3.5 Deflection Desien Load: 220 plf Shear Load: 880 Ib Service Load: 220 plf Moment: 1.76 k-ft Eff Area: 11 in2 Max Deflection: 0.40 in fb: 804 psi fv: 121 psi Actual Deflection: 0.25 in Fb: 1000 psi Fv: 180 psi Span Ratio: L/383 Fb': 1396 psi F'v: 180 psi Interaction: 0.576 Interaction: 0.674 ASD Design Adjustment Factors Fb Fv E ! Emin Moisture(Cm): 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temperature(Ct): _ 1.00 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 Stability(CL): 0.93 - - Size Factor(Cf): 1.50 - -- Flat Use(Cfu): 1.00 _ -- - -- Incising(Cl): 1.00 — 1.00 1.00 ! 1.00 Repetative(Cr): 1.00 Total. 1.40 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 Sheet Id: f 12/9/2008 Wood Bearing Wall Program National Design Specification for Wood Construction New Beginnings Community Church Typical Interior Bearing Wall Wall Height: 10.00 ft Vertical Loads Out of Plane Load Stud Spacing: 16 in o/c Leave blank to calculate Dead Load: 650 pif 10 psf Stud Size:2x6 Lumber Live Load: Wood Type: No.1 Snow Load: 1250 plf Blocking: Third-Height Construction Load: Top Plate: Double Top Plate Wind/EQ Load: Impact Load: Stud Compression Top Plate Bending Out of Plane Bending Le/d: 25.41 Moment: 3.38 k-in Moment: 0.20 k-in P(ea): 2533 Ib fb: 409 psi fb: 27 psi fc: 307 psi Fb: 1000 psi Fb: 1000 psi Fc: 1500 psi Fb': 1064 psi Fb': 1600 psi Fc': 660 psi Interaction: 0.38 Interaction: 0.02 Interaction: 0.47 Wall Interaction: 0.48 Final Wall Design Use 2x6 Lumber studs of No.1 grade Studs spaced at 16 in.o/c Use a Double Top Plate Studs at 16 in o/c Total Wall Interaction: 0.48 Design Okay Sheet Id: F� 10/23/2008 Wood Bearing Wall Header Program National Design Specification for Wood Construction New Beginnings Community Church Typical Interior Bearing Wall Wall Height: 10.00 ft Vertical Loads Out of Plane Load Stud Spacing: 16 in o/c Dead Load: 650 pif 10 psf Stud Size: 2x6 Lumber Live Load: Header Size: (2)2x12 Lumber Snow Load: 1250 plf Wood Type: 0 Construction Load: Opening Width: 5.00 ft Wind/EQ Load: Opening Height: 7.00 ft Impact Load: Header Beam Design(Flexure) Load: 1900 pif L eff: 10.96 ft Moment: 71.2S k-in fb: 1126 psi Fb: 1200 psi F'b: 1277 psi 3� n°' ; Interaction: 0.88 (2)2x12 Lumber Header Beam King Stud Design(Flexure) Load: 32 pif (1)2x6 Lumber King Leff: 16.68 ft Stud(s)ea Side Moment: 4.75 k-in $ fb: 628 psi $ Fb: 1200 psi F'b: 2208 psi Interaction: 0.28 (1)2x6 Lumber Trim Stud(s)ea side Trim Stud Design(Compression) Length: 7.00 ft Load: 4750 Ib 4= Capacity: 9539 Ib $ Interaction: 0.50 n W f— 5.00 ft — Sheet Id: � 10/23/2008 project: description: date: by: Mw. 0 17 •• � P= ZS Ps►F /•Z�t L 5 r O•bvtl •C o.fEnw�,.. _ Ar �N.dq- �r.vc�Ft.'f'E Df�s t 6 n� '�' livTL�tr�GT►ail prrtbr'i,�lr-r project: description: date: by: Mopa AFcC = IS = /G •&,m -PT i vif tow(q Cd.. ctLGTL— pf;/i ce! 1wYZ"r4^ewnao%.j A-&f%�r�t l/SC � 1O" Simple Concrete Flexure ACI 318-05 Building Code for Structural Concrete New Beginnings Typical Concrete Lintel h„ 4 Physical Properties Depth: 24.00 in Width:_ 7.50in Compression fc: 4000psi Steel Yield Fy: 60 ksi Side Cover: 0_75 in Cn Bottom Cover:__0.7.5 in o C.i o N location of Equr Layers of Steel: 1' N Steel Area Number of Bars/Layer: 2 _ Spacing Btwn Layers:_2.00 in Reinforcing Size:_ #5 0 0/ 0 1.06 in 0 Design Moment(Mu): 33 k-ft Design Shear(Vu):___13 k 0.75 in 7.50 in 0.75 in E s) Flexure Calculations Shear Calculations Compression Depth(d): 22.94 in Concrete Shear Area: 172.03 in2 Concrete Strain: 0.003 0.75 Steel Strain: 0.037 Vc: 11 kips Depth to NA(c): 1.72 in Vs Required: 6 kips 51: 0.85 in Min As: 0.01 1n2/in Total Area of Steel: 0.62 in2 2-legs 4-legs Compression Force: 37 Kips #3 @ 18.00 in 18.00 in Steel Area Force: 37 Kips #4 @ 18.00 in 18.00 in Moment Arm: 22.21 in #5 @ 18.00 in 18.00 in 0: 0.90 +Mn: 62 k-ft +Vn: 13 kips Center-to-Center Spacing: 6.00 in Clear Spacing: 5.38 in Sheet Id: 11/25/2008 va' �t 2o' ,1 h 1.1 Flexible Diaphragm Analysis General Structural Analysis Theory New Beginnings Community Church Buidling Length(X): 100.00 ft X-Dir Shear(Vx): 54 kips Building Width(Y): 140.00 ft Y-Dir Shear(Vy): 54 kips • • • • • • X-Direction Y-Direction Element# Length Limitations Direction X-Start Y-Start %Shear Trib Width %Shear Trib Width 1 20.00 ft Y 75.00 ft -- - 6.0% 6.00 ft 3 15.00 ft E Y 12.00 ft 105.00 ft - - 32.5% 32.50 ft 5 30.00 ft OC Y 65.00 ft 45.00 ft - - ".0% 44.00 ft 7 20.00 ft ° Y 100.00 ft 75.00 ft - - 17.5% 17.50 ft - - C 2 50.00 ft X 12.00 ft 16.1% 22.50 ft - - 4 20.00 ft X 45.00 ft 33.9% 47.50 ft - -- 6 20.00 ft 0 X 95.00 ft 33.9% 47.50 ft - - 8 50.00 ft ° X 12.00 ft 140.00 ft 16.1% 22.50 ft - - u w - 0 X ` 160 , Eauivilant loads X-Direction: 386 plf 140 - Y-Direction: 540 plf Load Summary 120 Element# vx VY --� 1 3 kips 100 fiN� 3 -- 18 kips 5 24 kips 80 7 - 9 kips 60 � -- Y 40 2 9 kips - 20 4 18 kips - 6 18 kips -- 8 9 kips -- 0 X 50 100 150 Sheet Id: L 11/25/2008 Concrete Shear Wall ACI 350 and IBC New Beginnings Standard Shear Wall „ 4Jilt Loads are for Wind Wall Information Boundary Element Info Loading Information Length: 15.00 ft Boundary Length: 3.00 in Story Shear(Qe): 18 kips Height: 10.00 ft _ Boundary Bar: #5 Moment(Qe): Thickness: 7.50 in #of Bars: 2 Axial Dead Load: 500 kips fc: 1000 psi Concrete Cover: 0.75 in Axial Live Load: 1250 kips Hon Bar:_ #5 Steel Fy: 60 ksi Redundancy: 1.00 Vert Bar: #5 Add Wall Dead Load Shear Calculations Flexure Calculations Vu: 18 kips =. DL Counter Moment: 3467 k-ft +Vn: 256 kips Shear Moment: 180 k-ft a Vc: 68 kips Total Mu: -3287 k-ft a Vs: 298 kips *Mn: 366 k-ft Shear Wall Design Info Boundary Element Design Info Horizontal Wall Reinforcing:#5 @ 18 in o/c (2)#5 vert boundary reinforcing Vertical Wall Reinforcing: #5 @ 18 in o/c See Below 16 14 12 10 8 I I 6 I I I I 4 I I I I 2 I I • f � 0 0 5 10 15 20 Sheet Id: 11/25/2008 Concrete Shear Wall ACI 350 and IBC New Beginnings Ell= High End Shear Wall f, ��� „ . e, = ❑Loads are for Wind Wall Information Boundary Element in loading Information Length: _15.00 ft_ Boundary Length: 3.00 in Story Shear(Qe): 9 kips Height: 18.00 ft Boundary Bar: #5 Moment(Qe): Thickness: 7.50 in _ #of Bars: 2 Axial Dead Load: 500 kips f c: 1000 psi Concrete Cover: 0.75 in Axial Live Load: 1250 kips Horz Bar:__#5 _ Steel Fy: 60 ksi Redundancy: 1.00 Vert Bar: #5 0 Add Wall Dead Load Shear Calculations Flexure Calculations Vu: 9 kips DL Counter Moment: 3540 k-ft f, +Vn: 256 kips ;; Shear Moment: 162 k-ft zrt w Vc: 68 kips Total Mu: -3378 k-ft Vs: 298 kips t Mn: 366 k-ft Shear Wall Design In Boundary Element Design In Horizontal Wall Reinforcing:#5 @ 18 in o/c (2)#5 vert boundary reinforcing Vertical Wall Reinforcing: #5 @ 18 in o/c See Below 20 18 16 - t I ! i 14 1 1 12 10 8 1 I 6 1 I 4 i I i 1 � 2 1 1 0 - - 0 5 10 15 20 Sheet Id: 11/25/2008 Wall/Frame Rigid Footing Design International Building Code/ASCE 7/ACI 350 New Beginnings Community Church Input Information Typical Shear Wall Footing Footing Length: 17.00 ft Frame/Wall Length: 15.00 ft Sum Dead Loads: 23 kips Footing Width: 2.00 ft Redundency Factor: 1.00 Sum Live Loads: Footing Thickness: 12 in Sliding Coeff:_ 0.45 Sum Lr/S Loads: 11 kips Soil Depth on Ftg:_2_00 ft Seismic Soil Pressure: 4000 psf Max Vert Load(Qe): 11 kips Total Frame Shear(Qe): 24 kips �5 �..a;r r ft 2.00 ft 12 in - - is 17.00 ft Design Information' Sliding Governs Overturning Moment Design Loads Design Moment: 90 k-ft Footing Weight: 5 kips DL Resisting Moment: 176 k-ft Soil Weight: 18 kips Footing Wt Resisting Moment: 39 k-ft Soil Wt Resisting Moment: 140 k-ft Max Soil Pressure: 1934 psf Total Resisting Moment: 355 k-ft Min Soil Pressure: 66 psf Overturning Safety Factor: 3.94 Safety Factor: 2.07 Sliding Force Design Loads Dead Load from Columns: 21 kips Sliding Force: 17 kips Footing Weight: 5 kips Sliding Resistance: 19 kips Soil Weight: 16 kips Sliding Safety Factor: 1.09 Total Resisiting Weight: 42 kips General Footing Design(Conservative Approach) Max Design Shear in Footing: 2 kips (1.0 times Max Soil Bearing Pressure) Max Design Moment in Footing: 2 k-ft (1.0 times Max Soil Bearing Pressure) Reinforcing Estimate: 0.043 in2/ft of reinforcing steel Bar Size: #10 @ 357 in.o/c Sheet Id: � 10/8/2008 �,�. fi' � �� �� J �o ✓ /.yet�• �� l �V X "77C�• c G �� \a J� �� �y ���� ��� �L ..- �� � �� �� �� project: descrfptlon: date: by: f7lZ1G.�.. Lt�4�E� F - : Single Angle Flexure Design AISC LRFD Design Procedure Project Name: New Beginnings Date: 11/26/2008 Beam Designation: Brick Ledger Support Angle Engineer: Jeff Ambrose Load Diagram Case: Case 1-Uniformly Distributed Load Design Section: L5X3X1/4 DESIGN CRITERIA L-T Restraint: Along Full Length X-Axis Bending Y-Axis Bending Beam Fy: 36 ksi Stem in: Compression Compression Total Length: 10.00 ft Service Moment(M): 1.0 k-ft Brace Interval(Lb): 2.00 ft Factored Moment(Mu): 1.4 k-ft Cb: 1.00 Deflection Criteria: L/600 Limiting Mu/FMn: 1.00 STRENGTH DESIGN: X-Axis Y-Axis z i fMn: 6.1 k-ft 2.4 k-ft Mu: 1.4 k-ft 0.0 k-ft SECTION ADEQUTE w p __... �:.__- ...- .._.. .......E SE,RVICABILITY DESIGN: X-Axis Y-Axis SQRSS W Total Deflection: 0.17 in 0.00 in 0.17 in Deflection Criteria: -- - L1600 Deflection Ratio: V703 N/A L1703 _ SECTION ADEQUATE r2 - - _..... - —__.......--- ._ .. COMBINED FORCES VALUES: SECTION PROPERTIES: Values to be used in Equations H-la or H-lb. SECTION: L5X3X1/4 d: 5 Ix: 5.09 Mux/fMnx: 0.228 width: 3 Sx: 1.51 Muy/fMuy: 0.000 leg t: 0.25 (Mux/fMnx+Muy/fMuy): 0.228 Wt 6.6 plf ly: 1.41 J: 1 Sy: 0.6 A: 1.94 Sheet Id: rT L.1-1 11/26/2008 + f FIRE MARSHALS OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Horne of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW New Beginnings Church 2008 615 4/12/2011 The following comments are based on our walkthrough this date: Pastor Gross, Below is the list we discussed yesterday, including reference materials for your review. Please contact me with any questions or comments. 1) Complete installation of fire alarm system. Provide for witness test of system with contractor and provide final compliance inspection report from contractor, including central station monitoring 2) FM will need to perform a function test for all Exit and Emergency lighting fixtures. 3) Provide for permanent labels inside all electrical service panels 4) Install Truss ID signs at all doors. Signs may be affixed to glass doors, but not on any blind doors. 5) Provide Knox Box for FD entry. 6) Complete all installation in kitchen. Witness inspection will be required of hood duct prior to closing up the penetration. Fan must be hinged to allow proper cleaning. Provide an appliance layout when available. Provide all details for range hood suppression system, and a witness test and final certification is required. 7) Fire extinguishers shall be installed throughout, travel distance not to exceed 75' to an extinguisher. A"K' type extinguisher is required in the kitchen 8) Is fire hydrant in service? Fire Marshal 's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 • Fax: 518-745-4437 {zremarshalQqueensbunl.net zvzvw.queensbun�/.net u Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8206 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fi r e M a r s h a l 's Off i c e • P h o n e: 518-761-8206 • F a x: 518-745-4437 {eremorshal@queensburu.net • w7mqueensbury.net The Complete UL Listed, One-Key Fire Department Emergency Access ystem. M KMFire O 3200 Series KNOX-BOX® This leading high security, heavy-duty key box is used for most commercial applications including businesses, schools, government and public buildings,community associations and apartment complexes. x KNOX-80X' 3200 SERIES Dimensions:Surface-Lift-off Door 5'H x 4'W x 3-3/4'D H,lgPd Hinged Door 4"H x 5"W x 3-3/4'D Rece,.ed wIG�** ..,a, Recessed-7"H x 7'W(flange only) Weight: Approx.10 lbs. Options: • Hinged or lift-off door models. JCS-' c, 6 • UL listed alarm tamper switches that connect to building's security system. • Recessed Mounting Kit for new concrete or masonry construction. Finish: Knox-Coat®proprietary coating system with 6 times longer protection than standard powder coat. Colors: Dark bronze,black or aluminum. NEW 4100 Series KNOX-VAULT® A new Knox-Box that's for those applications where a 3200 Series is too small yet the 4400 Series is too large.In addition to keys and access cards,the 4100 also holds the Knox FDC Keywrench allowing departments to keep a keywrench on site. KNOX-VAULT`" 4100 SERIES Dimensions:Surface-6"H x 6'W x 4-1/2'D Recessed-8-1/2"H x 8-1/2"W(flange only)x 4-12'D Weight: Approx.19 lbs. Options: •UL listed alarm tamper switches that connect to building's security system. •Recessed Mounting Kit for new concrete or masonry construction. F I •Access card/Keywrench holder I •Dual lock options. Finish: Knox-Coat®proprietary coating system with 6 times longer protection than standard powder coat. Colors: Dark bronze,black or aluminum. :y 4400 Series KNOX-VAULT® Key vaults protect building keys,access cards and floor plans for larger businesses, industrial properties, public buildings and universities. - , KNOX-UAULT9-4400 SERIESNX Dimensions:Surface-TH x TW x 5"D Recessed-9-12'H x 9-12"W(flange only)x 5'D Weight: Approx.29 lbs. €� Options: •UL listed alarm tamper switches that connect to �= building's security system. h .,eszee vac:r-! •Recessed Mounting Kit for new concrete or masonry ;7 construction. Dual Lock Option •Dual lock options. Surface Mount fa Finish: Knox-Coat®proprietary coating system with 6 times longer protection than standard powder coat. Colors: Dark bronze,black or aluminum. KNOX BOX KEY LIST (Prepared for New Beginnings) X MAIN DOOR ACCESS KEY X FIRE ALARM PANEL KEY SPRINKLER ROOM KEY SPRINKLER LOCK KEY ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM KEY X FIRE ALARM PULL STATION KEY FIRE ALARM DUCT DETECTOR KEY ROOF HATCH LOCK KEY X FIRE ALARM ROOM KEY SECURITY GATE KEY ELEVATOR FIREFIGHTER KEYS ROOM MASTER KEY(HOTELS) MASTER LOCKSET KEY KNOX BOX MISCELLANEOUS EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST BUILDING LAYOUT HA7_.ARDOUS CHEMICALS OR STORAGE MSDS SHEETS OR 209u FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 " Houle of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW New Beginings Church 7-OOR - 615 6/6/7-009 I have reviewed the current submitted drawings for the above project, and offer the following comments. FM office still requires the following; for permit: 1) Still require certification that road surface will meet the minimum requirements of NYSFC Appendix D Section D102.1 2) Fire alarm requirements laid out on 6/3/2009 3) Note indicating Knox Box will be purchased and installed to the Fire Mnrchnl� iin0nirtionc The following items will be required during construction: 1) FM and building owner to discuss fire extinguisher locations 2) FM to provided maximum occupancy signs for posting 3) Owner to complete FM Emergency Contact Form 4) Owner to provide details for serving room 5) Owner to provide details for stage 6) Contractor shall comply with NYSFC Chapter 14 and NYSBC Chapter 33 during construction Fire Marshal 04 - EV... Michael J Palmer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8206 firemarshal(a,queensbury.net Fire Marshal 's Office - Pitoite: 518-761-8206 • Faz: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@clueensbun .al -iet - www.queensbumnet CHAPTER 14 FIRE SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION SECTION 1401 1404.2 Waste disposal.Combustible debris shall not be acci GENERAL mulated within buildings. Combustible debris, rubbish an 1401.1 Scope. This chapter shall apply to structures in the Waste material shall be removed from buildings at the end c course of construction, alteration, or demolition, including each shift of work.Combustible debris,rubbish and waste ma those in underground locations.Compliance with NFPA 241 is terial shall not be disposed of by burning on the site unless ap required for items not specifically addressed herein. proved. 1401.2 Purpose.This chapter prescribes minimum safeguards 1404.3 Open burning.Open burning shall comply with Sec- for construction,alteration, and demolition operations to pro- tion 307. vide reasonable safety to life and property from fire during 1404.4 Spontaneous ignition. Materials susceptible to spon- such operations. taneous ignition,such as oily rags,shall be stored in a listed dis- posal container. SECTION 1402 1404.5 Fire watch. When required by the code enforcement DEFINITIONS official for building demolition that is hazardous in nature, 1402.1 Terms defined in Chapter 2.Words and terms used in qualified personnel shall be provided to serve as an on-site fire this chapter and defined in Chapter 2 shall have the meanings watch.Fire watch personnel shall be provided with at least one ascribed to them as defined therein. approved means for notification of the fire department and their sole duty shall be to perform constant patrols and watch for the occurrence of fire. SECTION 1403 1404.6 Cutting and welding.Operations involving the use of TEMPORARY HEATING EQUIPMENT cutting and welding shall be done in accordance with Chapter 1403.1 Listed.Temporary heating devices shall be listed and 26. labeled in accordance with the Mechanical Code of New York State or the Fuel Gas Code of New York State. Installation, 1404.7 Electrical.Temporary wiring for electrical power and maintenance and use of temporary heating devices shall be in lighting installations used in connection with the construction, accordance with the terms of the listing. alteration or demolition of buildings,structures,equipment or 1403.2 Oil-fired heaters.Oil-fired heaters shall comply with similar activities shall comply with Chapter 27 of the Building Code of New York State. Section 603. 1403.3 LP-gas heaters.Fuel supplies for liquefied-petroleum gas-fired heaters shall comply with Chapter 38 and the Fuel SECTION 1405 Gas Code of New York State. FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 1403.4 Refueling.Refueling operations shall be conducted in accordance with Section 3405.The appliance shall be allowed 1405.1 Storage of flammable and combustible liquids.Stor- cool prior to refueling. age of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accor- to dance with Section 3404. 1403.5 Installation. Clearance to combustibles from tempo- rary heating devices shall be maintained in accordance with the 1405.2 Class I and Class I1 liquids.The storage,use and han- labeled equipment. When in operation, temporary heating de- dling of flammable and combustible liquids at construction vices shall be fixed in place and protected from damage, sites shall be in accordance with Section 3406.2. Ventilation dislodgement or overturning in accordance with the manufac- shall be provided for operations involving the application of turer's instructions. materials containing flammable solvents. 1403.6 Supervision. The use of temporary heating devices 1405.3 Housekeeping. Flammable and combustible liquid shall be supervised and maintained only by competent person- storage areas shall be maintained clear of combustible vegeta- nel. tion and waste materials.Such storage areas shall not be used for the storage of combustible materials. SECTION 1404 1405.4 Precautions against fire. Sources of ignition and PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE 1404.1 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited except in ap- smoking shall be prohibited in flammable and combustible liq- uid storage areas.Signs shall be posted in accordance with Sec- proved areas.Signs shall be posted in accordance with Section lion 310. 310. In approved areas where smoking is permitted,approved 1405.5 Handling at point of final use.Class I and II liquids ashtrays shall be provided in accordance with Section 310. shall be kept in approved safety containers. FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 13q FIRE SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITI, 192 mm)in height above the lowest level of fire department ac- SECTION 1416 cess. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department MOTORIZED EQUIPMENT hose connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable 1416.1 Conditions of use.Internal-combustion-powered coi stairs. Such standpipes shall be extended as construction pro- struction equipment shall be used in accordance with all of th gresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction following conditions: having secured decking or flooring. 1. Equipment shall be located so that exhausts do not dis 1413.2 Buildings being demolished.Where a building is be- charge against combustible material. ing demolished and a standpipe is existing within such a build- 2 Exhausts shall be piped to the outside of the building. ing, such standpipe shall be maintained in an operable condition so as to be available for use by the fire department. 3. Equipment shall not be refueled while in operation. Such standpipe shall be demolished with the building but shall 4. Fuel for equipment shall be stored in an approved area not be demolished more than one floor below the floor being outside of the building. demolished. 1413.3 Detailed requirements. Standpipes shall be installed SECTION 1417 in accordance with the provisions of Section 905. Exception:Standpipes shall be either temporary or perma- SAFEGUARDING ROOFING OPERATIONS nent in nature,and with or without a water supply,provided 1417.1 General.Roofing operations utilizing heat-producing that such standpipes comply with the requirements of Sec- systems or other ignition sources shall be performed by a con- tion 905 as to capacity,outlets and materials. tractor licensed and bonded for the type of roofing process to be performed. 1417.2 Asphalt and tar kettles.Asphalt and tar kettles shall SECTION 1414 be operated in accordance with Section 303. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1417.3 Fire extinguishers for roofing operations. Fire 1414.1 Completion before occupancy.In buildings where an extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section 906. automatic sprinkler system is required by this code or the There shall be not less than one multi-purpose portable fire ex- Building Code of New York State,it shall be unlawful to occupy tinguisher with a minimum 3-A 40-B:C rating on the roof be- any portion of a building or structure until the automatic sprin- ing covered or repaired. kler system installation has been tested and approved. 1414.2 Operation of valves. Operation of sprinkler control valves shall be allowed only by properly authorized personnel and shall be accompanied by notification of duly designated parties.When the sprinkler protection is being regularly turned off and on to facilitate connection of newly completed seg- ments,the sprinkler control valves shall be checked at the end of each work period to ascertain that protection is in service. SECTION 1415 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 1415.1 Where required.Structures under construction,alter- ation or demolition shall be provided with not less than one ap- proved portable fire extinguisher in accordance with Section 906 and sized for not less than ordinary hazard as follows: 1. At each stairway on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated. 2. In every storage and construction shed. 3. Additional portable fire extinguishers shall be provided where special hazards exist including,but not limited to, the storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids. t. FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE •o. CHAPTER 33 SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 3301 SECTION 3304 GENERAL SITE WORK 3301.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern 3304.1 Excavation and fill.Excavation and fill for buildings safety during construction and the protection of adjacent public and structures shall be constructed or protected so as not to en- and private properties. danger life or property. Stumps and roots shall be removed 3301.2 Storage and placement.Construction equipment and from the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches(305 mm)below the surface of the ground in the area to be occupied by the building. materials shall be stored and placed so as not to endanger the Wood forms which have been used in placing concrete, if public,the workers or adjoining property for the duration of the within the ground or between foundation sills and the ground, construction project. shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose.Before completion, loose or casual wood shall be re- SECTION 3302 moved from direct contact with the ground under the building. CONSTRUCTION SAFEGUARDS 3304.1.1 Slope limits.Slopes for permanent fill shall not be steeper than one unit vertical in two units horizontal(50-per- 3302.1 Remodeling and additions. Required exits, existing cent slope).Cut slopes for permanent excavations shall not be structural elements, fire protection devices and sanitary safe- steeper than one unit vertical in two units horizontal(50-per- guards shall be maintained at all times during remodeling,al- cent slope).Deviation from the foregoing limitations for cut terations,repairs or additions to any building or structure. slopes shall be permitted only upon the presentation of a soil Exceptions: investigation report acceptable to the code enforcement offi- 1. When such required elements or devices are being re- cial. modeled,altered or repaired,adequate substitute pro- 3304.1.2 Surcharge.No fill or other surcharge loads shall be visions shall be made. placed adjacent to any building or structure unless such build- 2. When the existing building is not occupied. ing or structure is capable of withstanding the additional loads caused by the fill or surcharge. Existing footings or 3302.2 Manner of removal.Waste materials shall be removed foundations which can be affected by any excavation shall be in a manner which prevents injury or damage to persons, ad- underpinned adequately or otherwise protected against set- joining properties and public rights-of--way. Clement and shall be protected against later movement. 3304.1.3 Footings on adjacent slopes.For footings on ad- SECTION 3303 jacent slopes,see Chapter 18. DEMOLITION 3304.1.4 Fill supporting foundations. Fill to be used to 3303.1 Construction documents. Construction documents support the foundations of any building or structure shall and a schedule for demolition must be submitted when required comply with Section 1803.5. Special inspections of com- by the code enforcement official.Where such information is re- pacted fill shall be in accordance with Section 1704.7. quired, no work shall be done until such construction docu- ments or schedule,or both,are approved. 05 3303.2 Pedestrian protection. The work of demolishing any SECTION building shall not be commenced until pedestrian protection is SANITARY in place as required by this chapter. 3305.1 Facilities required. Sanitary facilities shall be pro- 3303.3 Means of egress. A party wall balcony or horizontal vided during construction,remodeling or demolition activities exit shall not be destroyed unless and until a substitute means of in accordance with the Plumbing Code of New York State. egress has been provided and approved. 3303.4 Vacant lot.Where a structure has been demolished or SECTION 3306 removed,the vacant lot shall be filled and maintained to the ex- PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS isting grade or in accordance with the ordinances of the juris- 3306.1 Protection required. Pedestrians shall be protected diction having authority. during construction, remodeling and demolition activities as 3303.5 Water accumulation.Provision shall be made to pre- required by this chapter and Table 3306.1. Signs shall be pro- vent the accumulation of water or damage to any foundations vided to direct pedestrian traffic. on the prenuses or the adjoining property. 3306.2 Walkways. A walkway shall be provided for pedes- 3303.6 Utility connections. Service utility connections shall trian travel in front of every construction and demolition site be discontinued and capped in accordance with the approved unless the authority having jurisdiction authorizes the sidewalk rules and the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. to be fenced or closed.Walkways shall be of sufficient width to BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 537 ` f SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTRUCT101 3306.9 Adjacent to excavations. Every excavation on a site 2. In every storage and construction shed. -'' located 5 feet(1524 mm)or less from the street lot line shall be enclosed with a barrier not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) high. 3. Additional portable fire extinguishers shall be provided Where special hazards exist,such as the storage and use Where located more than 5 feet(1524 mm)from the street lot line, a barrier shall be erected when required by the code en- forcement official.Barriers shall be of adequate strength to re- 3309.2 Fire hazards.The provisions of this code and the Fire sist wind pressure as specified in Chapter 16. Code of New York State shall be strictly observed to safeguard against all fire hazards attendant upon construction operations. SECTION 3307 PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY SECTION 3310 3307.1 Protection required. Adjoining public and private EXITS property shall be protected from damage during construction, 3310.1 Stairways required. Where a building has been con- remodeling and demolition work.Protection must be provided strutted to a height greater than 50 feet (15 240 mm) or four for footings,foundations,party walls,chimneys,skylights and stories,or where an existing building exceeding 50 feet(15 240 roofs.Provisions shall be made to control water runoff and ero- mm) in height is altered, at least one temporary lighted stair- sion during construction or demolition activities. The person way shall be provided unless one or more of the permanent making or causing an excavation to be made shall provide writ- stairways are erected as the construction progresses. ten notice to the owners of adjoining buildings advising them 3310.2 Maintenance of exits.Required means of egress shall that the excavation is to be made and that the adjoining build- be maintained at all times during construction,demolition,re- ings should be protected. Said notification shall be delivered modeling or alterations and additions to any building. not less than 10 days prior to the scheduled starting date of the Exception: Approved temporary means of egress systems excavation. and facilities. SECTION 3308 TEMPORARY USE OF STREETS,ALLEYS AND [F]SECTION PUBLIC PROPERTY STANDPIPES 3308.1 Storage and handling of materials. The temporary 3311.1 Where required. Buildings four stories or more in use of streets or public property for the storage or handling of height shall be provided with not less than one standpipe for materials or of equipment required for construction or demoli- use during construction. Such standpipes shall be installed tion, and the protection provided to the public shall comply where the progress of construction is not more than 40 feet(12 with the provisions of the authority having jurisdiction and this 192 mm)in height above the lowest level of fire department ac- chapter. cess. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department hose connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable 3308.1.1 Obstructions.Construction materials and equip- stairs. Such standpipes shall be extended as construction pro- ment shall not be placed or stored so as to obstruct access to gresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction fire hydrants, standpipes, fire or police alarm boxes,catch having secured decking or flooring. basins or manholes,nor shall such material or equipment be 3311.2 Buildings being demolished.Where a building is be- located within 20 feet(6096 mm)of a street intersection,or ing demolished and a standpipe exists within such a building, placed so as to obstruct normal observations of traffic sig- such standpipe shall be maintained in an operable condition so nals or to hinder the use of public transit loading platforms. as to be available for use by the fire department.Such standpipe 3308.2 Utility fixtures. Building materials, fences, sheds or shall be demolished with the building but shall not be demol- any obstruction of any kind shall not be placed so as to obstruct ished more than one floor below the floor being demolished. free approach to any fire hydrant,fire department connection, 3311.3 Detailed requirements. Standpipes shall be installed utility pole,manhole,fire alarm box or catch basin,or so as to interfere with the passage of water in the gutter. Protection in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9. against damage shall be provided to such utility fixtures during Exception:Standpipes shall be either temporary or perma- the progress of the work, but sight of them shall not be ob- nent in nature,and with or without a water supply,provided strutted. that such standpipes conform to the requirements of Section 905 as to capacity,outlets and materials. SECTION 3309 3311.4 Water supply.Water supply for fire protection,either FIRE EXTINGUISHERS temporary or permanent, shall be made available as soon as combustible material accumulates. [F]3309.1 Where required.All structures under construction, alteration or demolition shall be provided with not less than one approved portable fire extinguisher in accordance with Section [F] SECTION 3312 906 and sized for not less than ordinary hazard as follows: AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1. At each stairway on all floor levels where combustible 3312.1 Completion before occupancy.In buildings where an materials have accumulated. automatic sprinkler system is required by this code,it shall be BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 539 CHAPTER 13 CONSTRUCTION SAFEGUARDS SECTION 1301 tion site unless the authority having jurisdiction authorize GENERAL the sidewalk to be fenced or closed. Walkways shall be c sufficient width to accommodate the pedestrian traffic, bu [B] 1301.1 Scope.The provisions of this chapter shall govern in no case shall they be less than 4 feet(1219 mm)in width safety during construction that is under the jurisdiction of this Walkways shall be provided with a durable walking surface code and the protection of adjacent public and private proper- Walkways shall be accessible in accordance with Chapter ties. 11 of the Building Code of New York State and shall be de- [B] 1301.2 Storage and placement.Construction equipment signed to support all imposed loads and in no case shall the design live load be less than 150 psf(7.2 kN/mz). and materials shall be stored and placed so as not to endanger the public,the workers or adjoining property for the duration of the construction project. [B] 1301.6.2 Directional barricades. Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a directional barricade where the walk- 1301.3 Alterations, repairs and additions. Required exits, way extends into the street.The directional barricade shall existing structural elements,fire protection devices,and sani- be of sufficient size and construction to direct vehicular traf- tary safeguards shall be maintained at all times during alter- fic away from the pedestrian path. ations,repairs,or additions to any building or structure. Exceptions: [B] 1301.6.3 Construction railings.Construction railings shall be at least 42 inches(1067 mm)in height and shall be 1. When such required elements or devices are being al- sufficient to direct pedestrians around construction areas. tered or repaired,adequate substitute provisions shall be made. [B] 1301.6A Barriers. Barriers shall be a minimum of 8 2. When the existing building is not occupied. feet(2438 mm)in height and shall be placed on the side of [B] 1301.4 Manner of removal.Waste materials shall be re- the walkway nearest the construction.Barriers shall extend moved in a manner which prevents injury or damage to per- the entire length of the construction site.Openings in such sons,adjoining properties and public rights-of-way. barriers shall be protected by doors which are normally kept closed. [B]1301.5 Facilities required.Sanitary facilities shall be pro- vided during construction or demolition activities in accor- [B] 1301.6A.1 Barrier design. Barriers shall be de- dance with the Plumbing Code of New York State. signed to resist loads required in Chapter 16 of the Build- [B] 1301.6 Protection of pedestrians. Pedestrians shall be ing Code of New York State unless constructed as follows: protected during construction and demolition activities as re- 1. Barriers shall be provided with 2 x 4 top and bot- quired by Sections 1301.6.1 through 1301.6.7 and Table tom plates. 1301.6. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic. 2. The barrier material shall be a minimum of 3/4 inch [B] 1301.6.1 Walkways.A walkway shall be provided for (19.1 mm)inch boards or inch(6.4 mm)wood pedestrian travel in front of every construction and demoli- structural use panels. [B]TABLE 1301.6 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS HEIGHT OF CONSTRUCTION DISTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION TO LOTLINE TYPE OF PROTECTION REQUIRED Less than 5 feet Construction railin s 8 feet or less None 5 feet or more Less than 5 feet Barrier and covered walkway 5 feet or more,but not more than one-fourth the Barrier and covered walkway height of construction More than 8 feet 5 feet or more,but between one-fourth and Barrier one-half the height of construction 5 feet or more,but exceeding one-half the height None of construction For SI: I foot=304.8 mm. EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 59 } " CONSTRUCTION SAFEGUAF 4 Section 906 of the Fire Code of New York State and sized for not 1306.4 Water supply.Water supply for fire protection, eitt i .. less than ordinary hazard as follows: temporary or permanent, shall be made available as soon i combustible material accumulates. 1. At each stairway on all floor levels where combustible i materials have accumulated. { { 2. In every storage and construction shed. [F]SECTION 1307 3. Additional portable fire extinguishers shall be pro- AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM vided where special hazards exist,such as the storage 1307.1 Completion before occupancy.In portions of a build and use of flammable and combustible liquids. ing where an automatic sprinkler system is required by thi [B]1304.2 Fire hazards.The provisions of this code and of the code,it shall be unlawful to occupy those portions of the build Fire Code of New York State shall be strictly observed to safe- ing until the automatic sprinkler system installation has bees guard against all fire hazards attendant upon construction oper- tested and approved. ations. 1307.2 Operation of valves. Operation of sprinkler control valves shall be permitted only by properly authorized person- nel and shall be accompanied by notification of duly desig- [B] SECTION 1305 nated parties.When the sprinkler protection is being regularly EXITS turned off and on to facilitate connection of newly,completed 1305.1 Stairways required. Where an existing building ex- segments, the sprinkler control valves shall be checked at the ceeding 50 feet(15 240 mm)in height is altered,at least one end of each work period to ascertain that protection is in ser- temporary lighted stairway shall be provided unless one or vice. more of the permanent stairways is available for egress as the construction progresses. SECTION 1308 1305.2 Maintenance of exits.Required means of egress shall ACCESSIBILITY be maintained at all times during alterations,repairs and addi- 1308.1 Construction sites. Structures, sites, and equipment tions to any building. directly associated with the actual process of construction,in- cluding but not limited to scaffolding, bridging, material hoists,material storage or construction trailers are not required [F]SECTION 1306 to be accessible. STANDPIPE SYSTEMS 1306.1 Where required. Buildings required to have a standpipe system in accordance with this code shall be pro- vided with not less than one standpipe for use during construc- tion. Such standpipes shall be installed where the progress of construction is not more than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in height above the lowest level of fire department access. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department hose connec- tions at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs. Such standpipes shall be extended as construction progresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction having se- cured decking or flooring. 1306.2 Buildings being demolished.Where a building or por- tion of a building is being demolished and a standpipe is exist- ing within such a building,such standpipe shall be maintained in an operable condition so as to be available for use by the fire department. Such standpipe shall be demolished with the building but shall not be demolished more than one floor below the floor being demolished. 1306.3 Detailed requirements. Standpipes shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Building Code of New York State. Exception: Standpipes shall be either temporary or perma- nent in nature,and with or without a water supply,provided that such standpipes conform to the requirements of Section 905 of the Building Code of New York State as to capacity, outlets and materials. EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 61 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW New Beginnings Church 2008 - 615 6/3/2009 Fire Alarm Plan I have reviewed the submitted drawings and submittals for the above project, and offer the following comments. 1) Identify the designer of the system 2) Who will install the system—provide license 3) Provide for and identify central station monitoring 4) Provide for an enunciator panel for Fire department use 5) Provide for review spec. sheets for: Fire alarm panel Smoke detectors 6) Is HVAC shutdown required? Detection, tie in to FA system 7) Add strobe devices only in both bathrooms Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8206 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fire Marshal 's Office - Phone: 518-761-8206 - Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshalftieensbunt.net - wivi .queensbunj.net FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queeusbury, NY 12804 " Horne of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW 2008 615 New Beginnings 11/21/2008 I have reviewed the submitted drawings for the above project, and offer the following comments: 1) Gravel drive must be certified to NYSFC Appendix D 2) Fire hydrant may require bollards 3) Post all rooms with maximum occupancy 4) Truss ID signage required 5) Provide drawing showing exit and emergency lighting layout 6) FM and owner to discuss fire extinguisher locations 7) A complete manual and automatic fire alarm system is required. All plans shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. System will require monitoring. 8) Provide CFM ratings for any HVAC units 9) Fire Marshal will require a Knox Box at this location. A key list will be provided 10) Emergency contact list 11) Post Blue FD signage (provided) 12) FM and Director shall discuss the proposed stage and need for sprinkler protection. 13) Sprinkler system for the structure is exempt provided the space is used for worship. Lack of sprinkler protection would not allow occupancy by other groups or renting/leasing of space to other agencies. 14) House and pole barn shown will require inspection 15) Current parking lot and driving lane does not allow for proper Fire Department access per NYS Fire Code Section 503.1.1 Fire Marshal 's Office • P!tone: 518-761-8206 • F a.x: 518-745-4437 firemarslial@queensburil.net • ururw.queensbury.net Page 1 of 1 Dave Hatin From: Dave Hatin Sent: Wednesday,June 03,200910:24 AM To: 'Randy Gross' Subject: RE: Building Permit Randy, As I stated in my letter when all the codes issues concerning the Building Code have been satisfactorily addressed we will issue the permit. I would strongly urge you, your engineer, and your architect to review my letter of May 23 (which is the third request for this information dating back to November of 2008) and make sure you have addressed the issues, if you have any questions as to what I need for submittals please contact me and I will clarify the issues. All of my comments need to be addressed before I will issue a permit, this office does not issue permits for foundations only. Dave Hatin 3 From: Randy Gross [mailto:nbccmiracles@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday,June 03, 2009 1:55 AM To: Dave Hatin Subject: Building Permit Dear Dave, The architect document changes are to be delivered to you today, can you please issue the permit with the provision that no C of O be granted until all site and building code issues are addressed. Regarding any pending building codes matters would grant me a permit to start the foundation work with the provision that no phase of work be carried out without all code matters be corrected. I am asking for this consideration for the following reasones 1. NBCC building trench is sand with daily loss of the banks. 2. Due to my building with volunteer labor and equipment the time to complete everything is doubled, so every two weeks delay equals a month. 3. I personally will not move forward without town approval for each segment of construction. Thank-you, Randy D. Gross,Pastor 6l3I2009 r Leland A. Gray, architeCt AIA, RIBA, NCARB 2830 South Beverly St., Salt Lake City, UT 84106 801 -487-9800 lee@lpdj.com July 8, 2009 re: New Beginnings Community Church foundation steel and brick ledge Pursuant to my conversations with Pastor Randy Gross, Ben Jacobsen our structural engineer, the staff at ARXX corporation and the Queensbury building inspector I am approving the changes to the documents as follows: The foundation wall will use six horizontal rebar placed in three rows. The lowest row is to be spaced @ 12" oc, with the second and third row spaced @ 16" oc. #4 bars spaced @ 9" oc may be used in lieu of #5 rebar dowels into the footings @ 14" oc as indicated on the drawings. The #7 bars indicated on the drawings are lintel/beam reinforcing and three (3) # 4 bars may be used in lieu of each # 7 bar with the development length of the bars increased to 44" at each end of the lintels. L LAND A.GRAI 19.AA 031812 Leland A. Gray, architect Gmail - [Fwd: Rebar Spacing] Page 1 of 1 Gmi- ii Randy Gross<nbccmiracles@gmail.com> t-rk;cx,tic BETA,, [Fwd: Rebar Spacing] Lee Gray<lee@lpdj.com> Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:51 PM To: Randy Gross<nbccm iracles@g mail.com> Randy, Our engineers have indicated an acceptable substitution of#4's for the#5's called for, but the spacing will have to comply with their chart that is attached. Leland A. Gray AIA,NCARB,RIBA LELAND A. GRAY ARCHITECT PC 2830 ll -Tly St ect Salt 1_al e City,Utah 84106 P:801-487-9800 1-:801-487-9801 2226 E.Murtay NallWaY,RiL,Sulu 110 structural + Stlldlo,�� seat intoCmv,Utah 84117 Lee— The following substitutions may be made for rebar size and spacing Qri inal Substitution Bar Size Spacing Bar Size Spacing #5 @ 40" o.c. #4 @ 24"o.c. #5 Q 48" o.c. #4 @ 30" o.c. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks, Ben Jacobsen Principal Structural Design Studio p.801.274.3950 m.801.419.4585 e.ben@structuralds._com image001.gif 8K http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5b8bcc43 8c&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=1218d... 6/23/2009 June 5,2009 Randy Gross New Beginnings Church 487 Dix Avenue Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Randy: I have reviewed the submittal you brought to this office on June 3, 2009, and am still lacking the following information: 3. We still have not received the Site Plan that we discussed several days ago and the changes that needed to be made. 8. On the phone, you and I discussed the serving room would be provided with a sink and cabinet and possibly other cabinets, as well as plumbing for future fixtures, and a hole in the exterior wall for a future hood. None of this information has been provided on the drawings, and must be before a permit will be issued, as discussed with you that day on the phone. 11.The Fire Marshal is still lacking the following information, which is provided on a separate submittal to you by the Fire Marshal, contrary to the statements made by your architect. 12.You're required to have an active listening system in the building. You're required to have eight receivers and two hearing aid compatible receivers for a total of ten receivers, and signage stating that hearing impaired devices are available. We'll need a letter on church letterhead that you will provide the minimum number of devices discussed above, prior to issuance of CO. 15. The fire alarm system plan is lacking information. Please see the attached review of the fire alarm plan by the Fire Marshal. 17. 1 can still find no heating or ventilation units in the bathrooms themselves. There are two units shown outside the bathrooms in a vestibule area. However, I do not feel this will provide adequate heat in the bathroom area. 23.Your plan states that you will provide a mineral fiber application to the spray foam in the attic area. We have received no cut sheets or specifications on what type of material will be used to make sure it is acceptable for installation before you use this foam insulation product. 24.The architect states that there will be no raised platform, however, there will be a portable unit that will be used occasionally. Your note on the re- submittals shows that there will be no platform. This is confusing, if you provide a portable platform, it must be handicapped accessible. If you provide no platform, there are no requirements for handicap accessibility. Please clarify which will be used. 25. 1 stated that I needed a spec book to be provided with the drawings. To date, I have received no spec book for this project, nor any with the re-submittal. 26. Sheet M-1 appears to show a two inch vent through the roof in the details provided. The Building Code requires a three inch roof where you penetrate any roof to the exterior of the building. Also, there are no clean outs shown on the isometric and no size of the line shown to be installed to the multi-use room for future expansion. Please assure that this drawing is fully detailed on a re-submittal on Sheet M-1. As soon as these items are fully addressed, we will issue a permit for the building, but they must be addressed in satisfaction of this Department prior to any issuance of a permit. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY David Hatin, Director Building and Code Enforcement DH/mg TOWN OF QUEENSBIIRY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 " Horne of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " Meeting Notes Title or Purpose: Phone conversation Date: 5/27/2009 Location: New Beginnings Attendees: FM Palmer, Lee Grey, LPDJ Architects Items Discussed: - Mr. Grey called regarding Exit and Emergency lighting requirements for the New Beginnings church. - He indicated all lighting was called out on the drawings, and that the emergency function was part of the lighting system. I indicated that these items are not shown on our drawing set. - Mr. Grey indicated that he definitely produced the drawing and supplied it to Mr. Gross. He was going to contact Mr. Gross and have the correct drawings supplied to us. Action Required: Notes prepared FM Palmer by: Distribution: Dave Hatin, Gary Stillman, File COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE *Animal Control 518.761.8202 a Building&Codes 518.761.8256 • Executive Director 518.761.8221 • Fire Marshal 518.761,8206 • Planning 518.761.8220 • Zoning 518.761.8238 - -x t. May 22, 2009 Randy Gross New Beginnings Church 487 Dix Avenue Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Randy: The follo ing items are still deficient on the revised plan submitted May 20, 2009. 3. We have still not received any plans that show the access road that was required by original review in November of 2008 to construct a 24 foot road within 150 feet of any side of the propo ell balding. , SEE REVISED SITE DRAW/NGS /�lC, � - There are no details shown for the draft stop to be constructed in the attic area in two locations. We will need a detail of how that draft stop is to be constructed and the location of the doors for the pass through, which may involve truss modification. 0 SEE SHEET A-3.0 Please provide us with details as to what will occur in the serving room. J4 OWNER TO PROVIDE &jn p-y ro5n.010" l<- The exit doors from the multi-us` a 'room must be covered by canopies and have sidewalks leading to legal open space. The current plan does not show either. kEE ELEVATIONS ON SHEET A-2.0AND ROOF PLAN ON SHEETA-Z 0 There are no notes on interior finishes and flame spread ratings on the types of paints or varnishes or other materials to be put on the walls, as to whether they will be Class A, B, or C finish. 311 SEE NOTE ONMy November asked that you meet with the Fire Marshal to go over the need for additional exit and emergency lights. The plan submitted has not changed Nei) 4 6 f1' since November of 2008. ��`'''' CONVERSATION WITH FIRE MARSHAL ACCOMPLISHED. EXIT LIGHTS AND EMERGENCY LIGHTS AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET E-1.1 kl- MERGENCYLIGHTS ARE INDICATED BYELU-1 AND ELU-2. 12. he oo i ac etail, and in fact have details that are still wrong. Figure L shows the lavatory at 36 inches instead of the required 34 inches. There is no handicap lavatory shown in either the men's or women's bathroom. The Code requires that one have insulated traps and water lines to meet the handicap requirement and be open below the sink. There are no heights on the mirrors to be provided in the handicap bathrooms. There is no height shown on the baby changing station. The women's bathroom door approach side, on the inside of the bathroom, does not have the required 18 inches adjacent to the door latch. The grab bars are not dimensioned in the SGiIG�t�' ba r Also, the active listening system, in my April 27, 2009 letter:h�K not been addressed re ardin the multi-use room. SEE SHEETA-4.0 FOR D ME ONS EARANCES ,oOWNER TO PROVIDEACTIVE LISTENING INFORMATION Part 1264 of the State Code requires that you provide signage that identifies the building as having roof trusses. These signs are required at every entrance to the building and must be in a six inch circle with an "R" in the top of the circle and a Roman Numeral Five in the bottom of the circle. Please contact the Fire Marshal's office and they will show you the appropriate signage and locations to be put on the building. This will need to be shown on the plans as well as, before a building permit can be issued. If., SHEET S-2.1 15 a will need a submission of the fire alarm system for this building. None has been provided to date. OWNER TO PROVIDE 17.Are the circulating units provided in each room of the building to be provided with fans over 2,000 cfm or greater? Also, there is no HVAC shown in the men's or women's room. ALL SYSTEMSARE UNDER 2,000 cfm ERV EXHAUSTAND MAKEUPA/R UNITS ARE,SHOW/N MEN'$AND WOMEN'S RESTROOMS ON SHEET M-1.0 �S4, ,� �.1_ dct� 231 The current foam insulation to be used in the truss area is required to be covered by a 15. minute therm 1 barrier per the Building Code Section 2603.4.1.5. j( ^^� (./ I t/ SEE NOTE ON SHEETA-3.0 24. he new interior drawing of the multi-use room shows a raised platform or stage, however no details have been provided as to what this will consist of. The stage or raised platform raises other Code concerns which include handicap accessibility, sprinkler system, and materials to be used. Please provide structural drawings and details. 4/0 /�47rlo,ervl NO FIXED PLATFORM IS TO BE PROVIDED. THE DRAWINGS ARE ONLY? HOW/NG A PORTABLE UNIT THAT MAYBE USED OCCASSIONALY 25.Yhe architect stated he would provide me with a spec book. None was submitted with the revised plans. �' Sy ri 'y j 02w6" NCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL "� 3 here is no size shown on the plumbing isometric drawing as to size of plumbing pipes for vents, draiWn nd waste or location of clean ts. SEESHEETM-1.0 �'Y •l l�li�wt ✓'�a;� 3 ,t/, At this time, this concludes a list of the items still open, that need to be addressed before a building permit can be issued. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (518) 761-8253. Thank you for your :5X��'� attention in this matter. Sincerely, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY David Hatin, Director Building and Code Enforcement J Leland A. Gray, architect LLc 2830 South Beverly, Salt Lake city, Utah 84106 To: David Hatin, Director Building and Code Enforcement ._.�.A..�--- !: t r� From: del y A Gray, architect LLC 1 (Altsfi4'�' � �I t Date: �M?y 19, 2009 Re: Review Comments Response Letter l� �? NUS -- .._ TOWN OF QUEENS URY BUILDING&CODES Dear David, Please find the items below in response to your letter to Randy Gross originally dated April 27, 2009 in regards to the New Beginnings Church in Queensbury. /410" No depth of footing Response: Footing depth illustrated on Details C/A8.0 and 3/A8.0 i 2. No seating layout for meeting rooms or classrooms Response: New sheet F1.0 added with seating layouts. 3. 150 foot accessibility to access road Response: See revised Site Plan Fire rated doors on storage rooms Response: Notes added to applicable doors on A 1.0 Draft stopping of attic area , Response: Notes added along Grids 2& 3 on A6.0 / ` �1 C g! X,�,,,� A- ! 6. . Room labels and occupancy Response: Room names updated onA1.0 and throughout. No reference to"Kitchen"is to be found in plans. No Kitchen is being proposed in this structure. ; l r 7 Covered exit doors Response: The issue of covered exit doors is satisfied by providing a 3'-0"overhang over all exit doors along Grids B &C, and all other exit doors are recessed a minimum of 3'-0"under the roof v overhang. �,•r ,, /�/ w� �'��.� , Ale Y&Ic yg l i • Panic hardware at exist doors Response: Notation added to door schedule on A9.0 Structural Calculations Response: Attached per Structural Engineer �r2�1 10. Interior Finishes Response: All floor finishes annotated per A1.0 /`r"'' n ''e �' C`% '� `2 All Wall Finishes annotated per A4.0(bathrooms), and A&B/A8.0 (elsewhere) 11 Exit and Emergency Lighting �_��,, ,�� f/Y► C'v.-►.01e Response: Provided on sheet ELL (reference symbol legend on E0.1 for clarification if needed) 012.- Handicap accessibility for bath fixtures Response: ee updated dimensions and clarifications on A4.0 ', ` ` C LV 13 Fire hydrant at parking lot Response: See revised Site Plan 14 Truss ID signage / Response: Notes regarding Truss design per Note-1 and Note-2, S2.1 (top right),` (�5.>- Fire Alarm system required Response: Note added per design criteria by Architect Kitchen equipment Response: No kitchen is being proposed HVAC required Response: M1.0 shows locations of individual mechanical equipment per specificationsZxample MSZA09NA is one of the Mitsubishi air handlers) Special Inspections required /Y Response: Concrete and Rebar inspections will be done by Dente Engineering of Watervliet,New , York. Any required compaction testing will be done under the direction and inspection of the Civil Engineers,Harlan-McGee. All other inspections including electrical, mechanical, structural and architectural will be done by the Architect and/or his consultants. Mechanical Room required Response: M1.0 shows locations of individual mechanical equipment per specification(example MSZA09NA is one of the Mitsubishi air handlers) } , , ComCheck Required Response: OShown on CA-2 XFoundation Insulation Response: Details 1, 2, 3 and C revised A8.0 Ice&Water Sheild required Response: Note-2 added to A3.0, and ATO 23. Thermal barrier at roof insulation Response: The insulation specified is a closed-cell polyurethane with a minimum R-38 value. It is a waterproof, spray-on application that is self adhering, vapor impermeable and non-flammable.Xlj-, ' ,rc .J i�� � /lJ: /✓��</ �/� s.cif�._r�� AE'_C �! y 2f2.4 C 4, 0 (EL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 April 27, 2009 Pastor Randy Gross New Beginnings Church 487 Dix Avenue Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Randy: The following items are deficient on the plans submitted for the construction of your Church located at 487 Dix Avenue. The following items must be addressed on plans or in documentation before a building permit can be issued for this structure. 1. There is no depth on footing. 2. There is no seating layout for the proposed meeting room or classrooms. 3. Section 503.1 of the Building Code requires that the access road to this building allow accessibility within150 feet of any side of the building. As proposed, the east side of the building will be beyond the 150 foot from the parking lot. Therefore an access road 24 feet in width must be built in order to accommodate fire apparatus to the east side of the structure. 4. The storage rooms located within the structure must be one hour rated, the doors on those rooms must be three quarter hour fire rated. 5. The Building Code requires that the attic area be draft stopped at 3,000 square foot intervals. As the building exceeds 3,000 square foot, it appears that two draft stops will be required to totally separate the attic spaces into three separate areas. Also access must be provided to all three areas. 6. The rooms within the structure are not labeled as to their occupancy, and on one drawing the servicing room is also shown to be a kitchen, and there are no details provided for a kitchen within this facility. 7. All required exit doors must lead to legal open space. Therefore, exit doors must be provided with canopies to cover the door swing as well as sidewalks that lead to the parking lot. 8. All doors from the meeting room and corridors must have panic hardware. All other doors must have lever handles. No details are shown on the plans. 9. There are no structural calculations to show the building is designed for a 90 mile an hour wind load, 50 pound ground snow load, and the seismic design for the building is not shown as well. There is no compaction test documentation shown which will be required prior to installation of the foundation. 10. There are no interior finishes shown on these plans. 11. The drawings showing exit lights and emergency lights appear to be lacking exit lights and emergency lights adequate for this building. Please contact the Fire Marshal's Office to assure that adequate signage and emergency lights have been provided and where additional ones are required. "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 k 12. Regarding handicap accessibility, the handicap urinal height is not shown at 17 inches. The handicap sink is shown at 36 inches, not the required 34 inches. There are no details on bathroom signage and the blow ups for the handicap bathrooms are lacking some detail. Also, an active listening system will be required if you have any type of sound system provided through the meeting hall. 13. The fire hydrant shown in the parking lot will require bollards around it to meet the Building Code. 14. Roof Truss ID signage is required to identify a truss roof for this building as per Code. 15. A complete fire alarm system needs to be installed in this building and submitted to the Fire Marshal's Office prior to installation. Please add a note to this plan. 16. If a kitchen is to be installed, any cooking equipment may require a hood installation and details associated with that installation. 17. There is no HVAC layout shown for this facility. If one is to be installed, we will need details of the plans, and also any fans over 2,000 cfm must have fan shutdown associated with the fire alarm system. 18. We will require contracts for special inspections to show who will do concrete testing, compaction tests, and structural inspections throughout the building process. 19. There is no room labeled mechanical room to provide heat or air conditioning for this building. Appropriate details must be submitted to this office as a part of the building plans. 20. This Department did not receive a ComCheck energy evaluation of the building to show that it will meet the Energy Code for insulation, heating and cooling. 21. The detail for the foundation insulation is not correct per the Energy Code. 22. There is no snow and ice barrier shown on plans. 23. If foam insulation is to be spray or underside of roof, it must be covered by a thermal barrier. Please show appropriate detail. At this time, the above information is required in order for us to review before issuing a building permit. As more submissions are made, other issues may arise that have not been listed above. As soon as you can provide all the information above, please do so so we can process this information for compliance. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely, TOViector JURY Davi n Building and Code Enforcement DH/mg TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 November 25, 2008 Pastor Randy Gross New Beginnings Church 487 Dix Avenue Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Randy: The following items are deficient on the plans submitted for the construction of your Church located at 487 Dix Avenue. The following items must be addressed on plans or in documentation before a building permit can be issued for this structure. The plans submitted have not been stamped by a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer. There is no reinforcement shown in the concrete footings, foundation or walls. IJ , The cross sections for this building lack supporting detail. .�.1 There is no seating layout for the proposed meeting room or classrooms. -- 5. Section 503.1 of the Building Code requires that the access road to this building allow accessibility within150 feet of any side of the building. As proposed, the east side of the building will be beyond the 150 foot from the parking lot. Therefore an access road 24 feet in width must be built in order to accommodate fire apparatus to the east side of the structure. The storage rooms located within the structure must be one hour rated, the Gdoors on those rooms must be three quarter hour fire rated. The Building Code requires that the attic area be draft stopped at 3,000 square foot intervals. As the building exceeds 3,000 square foot, it appears that two draft stops will be required to totally separate the attic spaces into three separate areas. Also access must be provided to all three areas. Minimum ceiling heights in all rooms are not stated on the plans. 9. The rooms within the structure are not labeled as to their occupancy, and on Tone drawing the servicing room is also shown to be a kitchen, and there are no details provided for a kitchen within this facility. 10 All required exit doors must lead to legal open space. Therefore, exit doors must be provided with canopies to cover the door swing as well as sidewalks that lead to the parking lot. 11 All doors from the meeting room and corridors must have panic hardware. All Other doors must have lever handles. No details are shown on the plans. 12 here are no structural calculations to show the building is designed for a 90 mile an hour wind load, 50 pound ground snow load, and the seismic design for the building is not shown as well. There is no compaction test documentation shown which will be required prior to installation of the oundation. 13. here are no interior finishes shown on these plans. "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 The drawings showing exit lights and emergency lights appear to be lacking exit lights and emergency lights adequate for this building. Please contact the Fire Marshal's Office to assure that adequate signage and emergency ,,-lights have been provided and where additional ones are required. 15. fegarding handicap accessibility, the handicap urinal height is not shown at 17 inches. The_handicap sink is shown at 36 inches not the required 34 inches. There are no details on bathroom signage and the blow ups for the handicap bathrooms are lacking some detail. Also, an active listening system will be required if you have any type of sound system provided through the C16) meeting hallThe fire hydrant shown in the parking lot will require bollards around it to meet the Building Code. 17 oof Truss ID signage is required to identify a truss roof for this building as per Code. 18. complete fire alarm system needs to be installed in this building and submitted to the Fire Marshal's Office prior to installation. Please add a note o this plan. ,klf a kitchen is to be installed, any cooking equipment may require a hood nstallation and details associated with that installation. There is no HVAC layout shown for this facility. If one is to be installed, we will need details of the plans, and also any fans over 2,000 cfm must have fan hutdown associated with the fire alarm system. 21 We will require contracts for special inspections to show who will do concrete testing, compaction tests, and structural inspections throughout the building .�process. 22- here is no room labeled mechanical room to provide heat or air conditioning for this building. Appropriate details must be submitted to this office as a part f the building plans. 23 his Department did not receive a ComCheck energy evaluation of the building to show that it will meet the Energy Code for insulation, heating and ooling. he detail for the foundation insulation is not correct per the Energy Code. 2 There is no snow and ice barrier shown on plans. At this time, the above information is required in order for us to review before issuing a building permit. As more submissions are made, other issues may arise that have not been listed above. As soon as you can provide all the information above, please do so so we can process this information for compliance. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely, TOW QU BU _Y David atin it for Building and Code Enforcement DH/mg 1 1 1 PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE I NEW BEGINNINGS I COMMUNITY CHURCH located in Queensbury, New York I Date 13 November, 2008 Project Number: 2008 080807 IThis document includes all the Sections utilized by LPDJ architects SPECIFICATION FOR NEW BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH IQueensbury,New York LPDJ-027-08 1 Church On The Move, Roswell, NM 21 July 2003 TITLE PAGE DIVISION 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' 01100 SUMMARY 1, Division 01 applies to all other Specifications. All instructions contained in Specifications are directed to Contractor. ' Unless specifically provided otherwise,all obligations set forth in Specifications are obligations of Contractor. 2. Comply with applicable laws and regulations in Queensbury, New York. 3. Owner may issue separate contracts for performance of certain construction operations at Project site. 4. Contractor will afford other contractors reasonable opportunity to place and store their materials and equipment on site ' and to perform their work and will properly connect and coordinate its work with theirs where applicable. 5. Owner will provide the furniture that is not attached to the building for the Project. 6. During construction period, Contractor will have use of premises for construction operations. 7. Contractor will ensure that Contractor,its employees,subcontractors and employees: ' Confine operations to areas within Contract limits shown on Drawings. Do not allow alcoholic beverages,illegal drugs,or persons under their influence on Project site. Do not allow work on Project site on Sundays except for emergency work. • Refrain from using profanity or being discourteous or uncivil to others on Project Site and/or while performing the ' Work. Do not allow weapons on Project Site, except those carried by law enforcement officers and/or other uniformed security personnel who have been retained by Owner or Contractor to provide security services. ' 01200 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 1. Submit monthly payment requests on payment forms approved by the Owner that are consistent with previous requests and approved schedule of values. ' Contact information for the Owner, Pastor Randy D. Gross is the following: Phone -518-307-6574 2. Submit updated construction schedule with each payment request. I01300 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 1. Coordinate construction activities to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. 2. Coordinate construction operations that are dependent upon eachother for proper installation,connection,andoperation. I3. Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy,water,and materials. 4. Attend Project Meetings at intervals requested by Owner.Be prepared to discuss project organization,progress,schedule, payments,changes,expected completion date and other topics as may be necessary. 5. Attend pre-installation conferences as required by the Owner 6. Job Site office and phone are not required,however Contractorwill facilitate communication with Owner by keeping Owner informed of current: • Home office address, phone and fax number • Contractor's project manager and/or job superintendent, phone and fax number 7. Submit construction schedule to Owner which shows time bars for each activity included in schedule of values. 8. Submit shop drawings, samples and product data required by Specifications. • Contractor will verify submittal meets Contract Document requirements. • Contractor is responsible for all quantities and dimensions. • Do not order material for which submittal approval is required until Owner has • returned such submittal with no exception taken and color,style or options selections indicated. • Identify each submittal with Project name, Date, Contractor Name and Specification reference. • Provide submittals in sufficient quantity as requested by Owner. • Allow sufficient time for review by Owner and return to Contractor. • Unless otherwise indicated,Owner will make color,style,finish and other optional selections as part of its review of submittals. • Revise or replace rejected or corrected submittals as required by Owner. 01400 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Submit to Owner permits,licenses,certifications,inspection reports,releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receiptsforfee payments,judgments,and similar documents, correspondence,and records establishing compliance with standards and regulations bearing upon performance of the Work. 2. Provide inspections,tests,and similar quality control services specified in individual specification notes and/or required by governing authorities, except where specifications specifically state that Owner or its consultants will perform such inspections. 3. Cooperate with persons performing inspections,tests,and similar services and provide auxiliary services as reasonably requested. 4. Owner or its consultants may conduct tests and/or inspections to confirm compliance with Contract Document requirements.Inspection and testing by Owner,Consultants,Contractor or governing authorities will not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with Contract Documents requirements. 5. Upon completion of inspection, testing, sample-taking, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore ' substrates and finishes. 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES&CONTROLS ' 1. Arrange and pay for temporary utility services, water, heat, lighting as required by Contract Documents, governing agencies or performance of the Work. 2. Exercise caution to avoid fire damage. Do not build fires on site. 3. Provide and maintain temporary sanitary toilet. ' 4. Contractor is responsible for security of materials,tools and equipment. 5. Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations,and reduce possibility that air,waterways,and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted,or that other undesirable effects might result. ' 6. Avoid use of tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. 7. Restrict use of noise making tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or firms near site. 8. Protect work, materials,apparatus and fixtures from injury due to weather,theft and vandalism. 9. Permanent mechanical system may be operated except when work causing air-borne dust is occurring or when dust ' caused by such work is present. Under those conditions, install a temporary filtering system adequate to protect mechanical equipment and ducts. 01600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS ' 1. Provide products that comply with Contract Documents,that are undamaged,and unless otherwise specified,new and unused at time of installation. 2. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, safety guards, and other devices and details needed for ' complete installation and for intended use and effect. 3. Install items furnished by Owner or receive and store in safe condition items purchased directly by Owner according to requirements of Contract Documents 4. Where a specified product is identified as a "quality standard", products of other manufacturers that meet the ' performance,properties,and characteristics of the specified"quality standard"may be used without specific approval as a substitute. 01700 EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS ' 1. Design,furnish,and install all shoring,bracing,and sheathing as required for safety and for proper execution of the Work and, unless otherwise required, remove same when the Work is completed. 2. Require installers to inspect both substrate and conditions under which Work is to be done.Do not allow them to proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. ' 3. Provide attachment and connection devices and methods necessary for securing Work.Secure work true to line and level. Allow for expansion and building movement. 4. Recheck measurements and dimensions before starting each installation. 5. Where mounting heights are not shown, install individual components at standard mounting heights recognized within ' the industry or local codes for that application. 6. Progress Cleaning: • Keep premises broom clean during progress of the Work. • During handling and installation, protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place. ' Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from soiling,damage,ordeterioration until Substantial Completion. Remove waste materials and rubbish caused by employees,Subcontractors,and contractors under separate contract with Owner and dispose of legally. ' 7. Final Cleaning: Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in normal,commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. • Remove all rubbish and dispose of legally. ' If Contractor fails to clean up,Owner may do so and charge cost to Contractor. 8. Completion Inspection: When required Occupancy Permit is issued and facility is ready for its intended use, Contractor will request a Substantial Completion Inspection. ' Owner will conduct Substantial Completion Inspection in presence of Contractor and furnish list of items which require correction or replacement 9. Substantial Completion Inspection: • Owner and Contractor will agree on a date for final completion of the Work, and an amount to be retained for ' completion work. Contractor will provide all permits,guarantees and/or warranties, one set of record drawings to indicate"as-built" work, and operations and maintenance manuals required by Specifications. • Owner and Contractor will sign a Certificate of Substantial Completion. ' Contractor will notify Owner when items have been corrected or replaced. - END OF SECTION- ' DIVISION 02 SITE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL SITE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ' 1. Site Verification Of Conditions required of all Subcontractors with work that is involved in this portion of the work: Before performing any work on site,contact local utilities to arrange for utility location services. • Perform minor,investigative excavations to verify location of various existing underground facilities. • Notify Consultant within 24 hours of conflicts or problems. ' 2. Site Conditions—The Geotechical Survey for the existing site is available from Pastor Randy D.Gross,New Beginnings Community Church, P.O. box 4523,Queensbury, New York 12804 (518-307-6574) 3. Protection • Spillage: Avoid spillage by covering and securing loads when hauling on or adjacent to public streets or highways. • Remove spillage and sweep,wash,or otherwise clean projects streets,and highways. Dust Control: Take precautions necessary to prevent dust nuisance,both on-site and adjacent to public and private properties. Correct or repair damage caused by dust. • Erosion Control: ' Take precautions necessary to prevent erosion and transportation of soil downstream,to adjacent properties, and into on-site or off-site drainage systems. Develop, install,and maintain an erosion control plan if required by law. ► Repair and correct damage caused by erosion. Each Subcontractor is responsibility for proper protection of The Work. If specified precautions are not taken or corrections and repairs not made promptly,Owner may take such steps as may be deemed necessary and deduct costs of such from monies due to offending Subcontractor. Such action or lack of action on Owner's part does not relieve any Subcontractor from responsibility for proper protection of The ' Work. 4. Field Quality Control: Owner reserves right to require testing to re-affirm suitability of completed work. 5. Building Placement Accuracy—All major site elements,including footings and foundations,stem walls,and stem wall openings are to be located employing a Theodolite or Transit having+/-5 second arc accuracy and +/- 0.05 feet horizontal and vertical accuracy. SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1. Clearing and grubbing is required for all areas shown on the drawings to excavated or on which will be constructed and shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 2. Clearing and Grubbing • Cut off, remove and dispose of trees and other vegetation as well as down timber,snags,brush,and rubbish within • the areas to be cleared,all disposal to be in a LEED certifiable manner. Individual trees,groups of trees,and other vegetation not required to be removed and will remain standing shall be protected, insofar as practical. Do not pull up or rip out roots of these trees and shrubs. • Stumps and matted roots larger than 2 inches in diameter shall be removed from within 6 inches of the surface of I the area on which fills will be constructed except in roadways.Stumps and roots,as described above,with 18 inches of finished sub-grade of roadways in either cut or fill sections shall be removed.Areas disturbed by clearing and grubbing must be filled as specified hereinafter. 3. Stripping Grass and Topsoil Grass,grass roots and incidental topsoil shall not be left beneath a fill area and shall not be used for fill material. Strip existing topsoil 6 inches deep minimum from areas of site to receive buildings and paving and store on site for later use. • After Project fill,backfill,and landscape topsoil requirements are satisfied,remove excess existing topsoil from site in a LEED certifiable manner. 4. Cleaning: • Remove from the site trees,shrubs,uprooted stumps,vegetative layer,and surface debris and that were a part of the excavation process for the Project and legally dispose of the material in LEED certifiable manner. I Do not bury cuttings, stumps, roots,and other vegetative matter or burnt waste material on site. Existing excavated and cleaned topsoil as required in above may be used in areas for landscaping. 1 EXCAVATION & FILL This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Excavation Excavate down to a firm level for building footings under exterior bearing walls and under interior columns,as shown on foundation drawings.The excavation widths for bearing walls and columns shall be as wide as the footings shown on the foundation drawings and 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the building. • Bottom of excavations to receive footings shall be undisturbed soil or engineered fill. 2. Trenches • Grade bottom of trenches to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on undisturbed soil at every point along its length. All trenches greater than 4'-0"in depth must be sloped,shored or braced,or otherwise supported according to OSHA Construction and Safety Standards. Material excavated from the trench or spoil must be placed a minimum of 2'-0"from the edge of the excavation. • If unusual excavating conditions are encountered,stop work and notify Owner. ' Excavated areas shall be continuously maintained such that the surface shall be smooth and have sufficient slope to allow water to drain from the surface. 3. Site Material • Existing excavated site material on site, excluding topsoil materials, is suitable for use as engineered fill, fill and ' backfill in non-structural areas of the project to meet Project requirements. 4. Backfill for Utility and Service Lines. Before backfilling, show utility and service lines being covered on record set of Drawings. Do not backfill until utilities involved have been tested and approved by Owner and until instructed by Owner. 5. Fill under Footings, Slabs and Paving/Backfill Well graded material free from roots, grass, debris, organic material, clay lumps, frozen materials, brick, lime, concrete, rocks larger than 3 inches,and other material which would prevent adequate performance of backfill. Under Building Slabs - Fill may not contain stones over 6 inches diameter and 90 percent minimum of fill shall be smaller than 1-1/2 inch in any direction. Under Paving -Compact upper 12 inches of sub-grade soils to at least 98%of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM-D-1557. Under Landscaped Areas - ► Fill more than 36 inches below finish grade may not contain stones over 6 inches diameter and 90 percent minimum of fill shall be smaller than 1-112 inch in any direction. ► Fill less than 36 inches below finish grade may not contain stones larger than 1-112 inches in any direction and 90 percent minimum of fill shall be smaller than 3/8 inch in any direction. 5. Weather Limitations • Concrete fill and controlled fill shall not be constructed when the atmospheric temperature is below 35 degrees F. ' It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect all areas of completed surfaces against any detrimental effects approved by the Geo-technical Engineer. 6. Prepare sub-grade as follows • Under Building Slabs And Concrete Site Elements - Scarify sub-grade 8 inches deep,moisture condition to uniform ' moisture content,and tamp 6 inches deep to 98 percent minimum. Under Driveways And Parking Areas - Scarify sub-grade 12 inches deep, moisture condition to uniform moisture content, and tamp to 95 percent minimum. 7. Compacting Do not use puddling or jetting to consolidate fill areas. Under Building Slabs or Pads: ► Place in 8 inch maximum layers,dampen as necessary. Moisture content at the time of compaction shall be±3%of optimum moisture. ' Mechanically tamp fill to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry density. Under Site Equipment Pads,Walkways, Driveways and Parking Areas: ► Backfill material and any soil disturbed around the perimeter of the building foundation shall be moistened and mechanically compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density. • Moisture content at the time of compaction shall be±3%of optimum moisture. Utility Trenches - Same fill/backfill and base. • Other Backfills - Place other fills in 12 inch layers and compact to 90 percent minimum. ' ROUGH GRADING This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Identify benchmark to be used in establishing grades and review Contract Document requirements for grades, fill materials,and topsoil. 2. Positive site drainage must be provided during construction and maintained thereafter. ' Slope ground surface away from the building foundation wall at a minimum grade of 3%to points at least 12 feet away. Provide positive drainage away from the points 12 feet from the building to streets or natural water courses so drainage water will continuously move away from the building with no ponding. ' 3. Site Tolerances Maximum variation from required grades shall be 1/10 of one foot. If soft spots,water,orother unusual and unforeseen conditions affecting grading requirements are encountered,stop work and notify Owner. ' FINISH GRADING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Submit test on imported topsoil by licensed laboratory before use,using criteria on Architect's Form.Include report stating location of source of imported topsoil and account of recent use. 2. Imported Topsoil-Fertile, loose,friable soil meeting following criteria - • Chemical Characteristics - ► Acidity/alkalinity range - pH 5.5 to 7.7 ► Soluble Salts - less than 2.0 mmhos/cm ► Sodium Absorption Ratio(SAR) - less than 3.0 • Organic Matter - greater than one percent Physical Characteristics - ► Gradation as defined by USDA triangle of physical characteristics as measured by hydrometer. • Sand - 15 to 60 percent ' • Silt - 10 to 60 percent • Clay - 5 to 30 percent ► Clean and free from toxic minerals and chemicals,noxious weeds,rocks larger than 1-1/2 inch in any dimension, and other objectionable materials. • Soil shall not contain more than 2 percent of particles measuring over 1/16 inch in largest size. 3. Surface Preparation Before grading,dig out weeds from planting areas by their roots and remove from site. • Before placing topsoil in landscape areas, remove rocks larger than 1-1/2 inches in size and foreign matter such • as building rubble,wire,cans,sticks,concrete,etc. Redistribute approved existing topsoil stored on site. Remove organic material, rocks and clods greater than 1-1/2 inch in any dimension, and other objectionable materials. I Provide additional approved imported topsoil required to bring surface to specified elevation relative to concrete site element. Slope grade away from building for 12 feet minimum from walls at slope of 1/2 inch in one ft minimum. • High point of finish grade at building foundation shall be 6 inches minimum below finish floor level,or as shown on • drawings. 4. Total Topsoil Depth: Lawn And Groundcover Planting Areas - 5 inches minimum • Shrub Planting Areas - 12 inches minimum throughout entire shrub bed area. WATER SUPPLY This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install piping for potable water supply complete with meter,shut-off valve,and connections. 2. Pipe-Type K copper meeting requirements of ASTM B 88 with wrought copper, brazed fittings. 3. Water Meter-As required by local agency furnishing water. 4. Installation: Excavate trenches so outside pipe will be 12 inches minimum below frost line or 24 inches minimum below finish grade,whichever is deeper. • Install shut-off valve at meter. 5. Sterilization and Negative Bacteriological Test Sterilize system with solution containing 200 parts per million minimum of available chlorine and maintaining a pH of 7.5 minimum. Allow sterilization solution to remain for 24 hours and open and close valves and faucets several times during that time. { After sterilization,flush solution from system with clean water until residual chlorine content is less than 0.2 parts per I million. 6. Pressure Test: • Before covering pipes,test system at 100 psi hydrostatic pressure for two hours and show no leaks. SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEMS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Install clean-outs in accordance with local governing authority and State codes. B Components • ABS Schedule 40 solid wall plastic pipe and fittings meeting requirements of ASTM D 2661 joined with pipe cement or ' PVC Schedule 40 solid wall plastic pipe and fittings meeting requirements of ASTM D 2665 joined using cement primer and pipe cement. 2. Excavation: Excavate trenches so outside pipe will be 12 inches minimum below frost line or 18 inches minimum below finish grade,whichever is deeper. 3. Placing And Laying of Underground Pipe: • Deflections from straight line or grade shall not exceed 6/D inches per linear foot of pipe where D represents nominal diameter of pipe expressed in inches. • Bed pipe true to line and grade with continuous support from firm base. Bedding depth 4 to 6 inches. • Excavate bell holes into bedding material so pipe is uniformly supported along its entire length. ► Blocking to grade pipe is forbidden. • Minimum cover over top of pipe: ' 36 inches before allowing vehicular traffic over pipe ► 48 inches before use of compaction equipment other than hand or impact tampers. GAS DISTRIBUTION ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Provide,make necessary arrangements for,and pay necessary fees to local gas utility company for gas service lines and ' proper size gas meter. 2. Above-Ground Pipe And Fittings - Black carbon steel, butt welded, Schedule 40 pipe meeting requirements of ASTM A 53. Welded forged steel fittings meeting requirements of ASTM A 234. 3. Below-Ground Pipe And Fittings - Polyethylene pipe and fittings meeting requirements of ASTM D 2513 ' 4. Installation: Place 4 inches of sand around pipe before trench is backfilled. Bury outside pipe 12 inches minimum below frost line or 18 inches minimum below finish grade,whichever is deeper. • Backfill only after pipe lines have been tested and inspected. ' Steel pipe 2-1/2 inches and larger shall have welded fittings and joints. Provide 24 inch minimum steel pipe between vertical rise of riser and end of polyethylene line if anode-less riser is not used. • Use plastic-to-steel transition or compression fitting between end of service line and steel meter riser. ' Provide cathodic protection for steel riser or use anode-less riser. Place tracer wire along side of polyethylene pipe from meter to main. STORM DRAINAGE ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Bedding Material: 3/8 inch crushed gravel. ' 2. Catch Basins, Curb Inlets, Etc Concrete - Construct of 4000 psi minimum concrete. Include cover inlet with cast iron frame and grate as shown on Drawings. • PVC - Nyloplast-ADS,Buford,GA (866)888-8479 www.nyloplast-us.com or equal as approved by Owner before ' bidding. 3. Concrete Pipe • Non-Reinforced meeting requirements of ASTM C 14. • Reinforced meeting requirements of ASTM C 76, plain end. ' Determine class of pipe by depth of cover over pipe at rough-graded elevations as follows - Depth Of Cover Class Of Pipe Under 2 feet V 2 feet to 3 feet IV ' 3 feet to 6 feet III Over 6 feet II 4. PVC Pipe And Fittings: Meet requirements of ASTM D 3034,SDR 35 with slip joint type fittings with elastomeric seals. 5. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe And Fittings: ' Meet requirements of AASHTO M-252 or M-294,Type S. Corrugated, helical or annular, exterior with smooth interior and gasketed connectors or corrugated, annular,with silt and water tight joints for storm sewers. 6. Installation of Concrete Pipe ' Provide 3 inches of un-compacted bedding material below pipe. After installation of pipe, provide additional bedding material up to spring line of pipe. 7. Installation of PVC/Polyethylene Pipe: Minimum cover for corrugated polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be 12 inches for H-20 load. ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SITE ELEMENTS ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Granular Base: Road Base type gravel or crushed rock as specified in 02742. 2. Concrete: Meet requirements specified in DIVISION 3 for exterior concrete and Structural Notes on"S"Drawings. ' 3. Installation: Except under mow strips, place 4 inches minimum of granular base, level,and compact. Align joints of sidewalk and curb and gutter. • Expansion And Contraction Joints: ► Spacing-Sidewalks&Curbs =50 feet on center. ' • Spacing Mow Strips = 10 feet on center. ► Install so top of expansion joint material is 1/4 inch below finished surface of concrete. ► No expansion joint required between curbs and walks parallel to curb. ► Provide expansion joint at end of walks perpendicular to and terminating at curb. ' Scored Control Joints: ► Spacing—Curbs= 10 feet on center. 0 Spacing—Sidewalks=5 feet on center. 0 Spacing-Mow Strips=5 feet on center. ' 0 Depth of control joints shall be approximately one quarter of concrete slab thickness. Finish: ► Broom finish. ► Round edges including edges formed by expansion joints. ' Remove edger marks. Special Requirements ► Form vertical surfaces full depth. Do not allow any concrete to flow out from under forms. ► Slope sidewalks with cross slope of 1/8 to 1/4 inch per ft in direction of intended drainage. ' Slope sidewalks away from building one percent minimum. ► Granular base not necessary under mow strips. Set top of mow strip 1-1/2 inches above finish grade. ► Install bond breaker consisting of three layers of 30 lb roofing felt between light pole base and adjoining sidewalk. ► Install bond breaker consisting of three layers of 30 lb roofing felt between satellite dish pole base and adjoining ' slab. Fill pipe bollards with concrete. ' FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER DISTRIBUTION This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Perform excavation and backfill required for installation of work of this Section. 2. Furnish and install fire water system as described in Contract Documents. 3. Furnish and install connection to water main. 4. Quality Assurance Requirements: ' Install exterior fire water system according to NFPA 13,NFPA 24,and Cast Iron Pipe Research Institute Procedures unless specified otherwise below. • Install hydrant in accordance with AWWA C 502. • Install exterior fire water system up to and including pipe flange 12 inches above floor inside building. ' Participate in Owner's pre-installation conference. 5. Pipe - Ductile iron pipe in accordance with ANSI A21.51 /AWWA C 151 and ANSI A21.50/AWWA C 150. 6. Fittings: Ductile iron pipe fitting in accordance with ANSI A21.10/AWWA C 110 and rubber gaskets joints in accordance with ANSI A21.11 /AWWA C 111. ' 7. Hydrants-Dry-barrel fire hydrant(base valve type)complying with AWWA C 502,with 150 psi working pressure with two 2-1/2 inch hose connections and one 4-1/2 inch pumper connection with caps and chains. Nozzle cap nuts to match operating stem nuts. 8. Quality Standard Products -Hydrants accepted by authority having jurisdiction are approved: ' Gate Valves: ► Cast iron body with bolted bonnet, Indicator post pattern, Non-rising stem, 175 psi working pressure. ► Quality Standard Products: o Nibco -Model M-609 with mechanical connection, Model F-609 with flanged connection. ' o Mueller -Model A-2052-5 with mechanical connection, model A-2052-6 with flanged connection. tor IndicaPost Valve: UL/FM Approved,adjustable type,cast iron body. ► Quality Standard Products: Nibco - Model NIP1A Vertical Post or Mueller - Model A-20800. ' Tamper Switch: ► UL/FM Approved,weather and tamper resistant,Single Pole Double Throw Switch. ► Quality Standard Products: Potter Electric Signal - Model PCVS. • Anchorages-Provide anchorages for tees, plugs,caps, bends, and hydrants in accordance with NFPA 24. ' Miscellaneous Fittings: ► Clamps,Straps,And Washers - Steel, meeting requirements of ASTM A 506. ► Rods - Steel,meeting requirements of ASTM A 575. ► Rod Couplings - Malleable iron, meeting requirements of ASTM A 197. o Bolts - Steel, meeting requirements of ASTM A 307. ' o Cast Iron Washers - Meeting requirements of ASTM A 126, Class A. o Thrust Block - 2500 psi concrete. 9. Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers Information • Mueller Company, Decatur, IL (800)423-1323 www.muellerflo.com ' Nibco Inc, Elkhart, IN (800)234-0227 www.nibco.com Potter Electric Signal Company, St Louis, MO (800)325-3936 www.pottersignal.com 10. Examination: • Before installation, inspect pipe for defects and cracks. ' Do not use defective,damaged,or unsound pipe. 11. Preparation: • Excavate and backfill as specified in notes on the Site Plan drawings with the following additional Requirements: ► Runs shall be as close as possible to those shown on Drawings. ' Excavate to required depth. ► Grade to obtain fall required. ► Bottom of trenches shall be hard. Tamp as required. ► Remove debris from trench prior to laying of pipe. ' Do not cut trenches near footings without consulting Architect. ► Excavate trenches so outside pipe will be 12 inches minimum below frost line or 24 inches minimum below finish grade,whichever is deeper unless otherwise instructed by Owner's ► Project Manager Cover pipe only after testing is complete and accepted by Owner ' 12. Installation: General: ► When work is not in progress,close open ends of pipe and fittings so no trench water,soil,or other substances will enter pipes or fittings. ' Keep trenches free from water until pipe jointing material has set. ► Do not lay pipe when condition of trench or weather is unsuitable for such work. Placing&Laying of Underground Pipe: ► Deflections from straight line or grade, as required by vertical curves, horizontal curves, or offsets, shall not ' exceed 6/D inches per linear foot of pipe where D represents nominal diameter of 1 pipe expressed in inches. ► Deflections to be determined between center lines extended of two connecting pipes. ► If alignment requires deflection in excess of these limitations, provide special bends or sufficient number of shorter lengths of pipe to provide angular deflections within limits approved by Owner ' Laying: ► Shape trench bottom to give substantially uniform circumferential support to lower third of each pipe. ► Pipe laying shall proceed up-grade with spigot ends of bell-and-spigot pipe pointing in direction of flow. ► Lay each pipe true to line and grade and in such manner as to form close concentric joint with adjoining pipe ' and to prevent sudden offsets of flow line. ► Support fittings at bends in pipe line by concrete thrust blocks firmly wedged against vertical face of trench. ► Blocks shall be at least two cu ft in size. ► As work progresses,clear interior of pipe of dirt and superfluous materials. ' Where cleaning after laying is difficult because of small pipe,keep suitable swab or drag in pipe and pull forward past each joint immediately after jointing has been completed. Make joints between ductile iron and cast iron pipe and other types of pipe with standard manufactured cast-iron adapters and fittings. ' Provide cast iron valve box for fire protection valve. Encase valve box in concrete. Install ductile iron pipe to flange connection 12 inches above floor.Provide 2 inch minimum clearance around pipe at penetration through floor. Fill clearance with mastic. • Make joints between ductile iron and other types of pipe with standard manufactured adapters and fittings. • Make connections between new work and existing mains using specials fittings to suit actual conditions. ' Incidental Items of Work: ► Valve, plug,or cap, as directed by Owner,where pipe ends are left for future connections. ► Make key for unlocking valve handle identical to key used to open doors to building. 13. Field Quality Control-Test system according to'Contractor's Material&Test Certification for Underground Piping'NFPA ' 13,figure 1-1 ' TERMITE CONTROL This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install complete soils treatment under and adjacent to building to provide uniform toxic barrier in all routes of termite entry. 2. Submit"Product Data"&supporting information to Owner including following: • Chemical Manufacturer's printed literature regarding chemical composition,concentration,and rates and method of ' application. Statement indicating total amount of chemical required for Project to provide required amount of mix solution at specified concentration and application rates. • Take-off showing amounts of square foot and lineal foot application at specified application rate. Also indicate total ' amount of mix solution required for Project. Provide one sample of approximately one cup from each batch of mix solution. Label each sample with Project name,date of application,chemical composition,and mix concentration. 3. Quality Assurance: • Qualifications: Use of specified chemicals is restricted to certified applicators, or persons under their direct ' supervision,and only for those uses covered by certified applicator's certification. This specification covers more than one chemical and,therefore,is not specific in all aspects of handling and usage. • Requirements for application by certified applicator presumes that Manufacturer's requirements and those of federal, ' state,and local regulatory agencies shall be met. Nothing in Contract Documents shall be construed as allowing circumvention of above requirements. 4. Delivery,Storage,And Handling: • Keep containers closed when not in use. • Do not store near food or feed. Protect from freezing. In case of spill or leak on floor or paved surfaces,soak up with sand,earth,or synthetic absorbent. Remove residue to chemical waste area. • Dispose of empty containers in accordance with Manufacturer's and regulatory agency's requirements. ' 5. Warranty: Furnish written warranty that includes chemical concentration and application rates showing compliancewith Contract Documents, Chemical Manufacturer's recommendations,and applicable governmental regulations. • Warranty shall state concentrations and rates of application used. ' Warranty shall guarantee effectiveness of treatment against subterranean termite infestation for five years minimum from acceptance date of Project and be signed by applicator and Contractor as co-guarantors. 6. Quality Standard Products: • Type 1: Termidor by BASF Professional Pest Control, Research Triangle Park, NC (877) 837-6436. www.termidoronline.com• Type 2: Talstar termiticide/insecticide by FMC Corp, Philadelphia, PA (800)321-1362. www.fmc-apgspec.com 7. Mix chemicals and water at Manufacturer's full labeled rate per 100 gallons of finished emulsion. 8. Preparation: Do not apply emulsion until location of air ducts, vents, water, and sewer lines are known and identified. Take extreme caution to avoid contamination of these structural elements and airways. • Allow no disturbance of treated soil between application of solution and placing of concrete. • Protect neighboring property,water sources,and personnel on site from contamination. ► Use anti-backflow equipment or procedures. ► Do not treat soil beneath structures that contain wells or cisterns. ► Take extreme care to avoid runoff. Do not treat soil that is water-saturated or frozen. • Maintain, on job site, empirical name of chemical, Manufacturer's precautions, and phone numbers of proper authorities to notify in case of spillage or other accident. 9. Application-Interface With Other Work: • Coordinate work so laminated vapor retarder can be installed as soon as possible after application of termite protection and before any precipitation or soil disturbance. • Reapply solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation,other construction activities,or heavy rain following application. 10. Application: • Apply chemicals as water emulsion at concentrations and rates specified. • If impervious soils make reduction in volume of solution necessary, increase percentage of toxicant used in proportion to insure same amount of insecticide be used per linear or sq.ft. 11. Application-Pre-Construction Treatment: • Provide unbroken vertical and horizontal chemical barrier to termite entry. • For Slab-on-Grade Construction: ► Type 1 Termiticide:4 gals per 10 lin ft along outside of exterior foundation. ► Type 2 Termiticide: 0 One gal per 10 sq ft as overall treatment under slab and attached porches. 0 4 gals per 10 lin ft along inside of exterior foundation walls,both sides of interior partition foundation walls, and around utility services and other features that will penetrate slab. 12. Inspection: • Notify the Owner two working days prior to application of chemicals. • Deliver chemicals to site in Manufacturer's original,unopened containers and mix to specified concentration in the Owner's presence. 13. Site Tests: • Have applicable governmental agency test application for amount of chemical applied. Submit test results to Owner. • Samples provided under paragraph 1.2,C,3 above will be submitted to laboratory analysis by Owner if requested by Owner in accordance with General Conditions Paragraph 15.4. 14. Protection: • Allow 12 hours for drying after application before resuming construction activities. • Post signs in areas of application warning of poison application. • Remove signs when areas with application are covered by other construction. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install asphalt paving as shown of the"SD"drawings and in this specification. 2. Do not perform work during following conditions - • Ambient temperature or temperature of base below 50 deg F. Presence of free surface water. Over-saturated base and sub-grade materials. 3. Pre-emergent herbicide-Selective type pre-emergence control chemical containing 60 percent Trifluralin minimum and labeled for under-pavement use. 4. Base: • Aggregate base course material should meet the following gradation requirements when tested in accordance with ASTM-C-136 test method. ' Sieve Percent of Weight Passing Sieve 1 inch 100 3/4 inch 85-100 No.4 45-60 ' No. 10 30-50 No.200 4-12 The base course material shall have a plasticity index no greater than 3 when tested in accordance with ASTM-D-4318. The aggregate shall have a percent wear of no greater than 50 when tested in accordance with the ASTM-C-131 test method. All base course material shall be compacted to at least 95%of the ASTM-D-1557 maximum dry density. 5. Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt meeting requirements of either ASTM D 977, Grade SS-1 H, or ASTM D 2397, Grade CSS-1 H. 6. Pavement: Asphalt concrete materials quality and construction requirements shall conform to Section 401 of the current Alabama State Highway Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge ' Construction as follows: 0 Mineral aggregate shall comply with either Grading A or B,Type I. o AC20 in hot climatic conditions • Aggregates-Fine to coarse mineral aggregates and mineral filler suitable for pavement meeting following gradation ' requirements: Sieve Percent by Weight Passing Sieve 3/4 inch 100 1/2 inch 95—100 3/8 inch 80-95 ' No.4 54—71 No. 8 38—54 No. 30 17—32 No.200 3-8(non-plastic) ' • A job mix formula shall be established using Marshall method mix design. Stability - 1,600 pounds minimum as determined in accordance with ASTM-D-1559 Flow: 8 minimum, 18 maximum ► Air voids: 2 percent minimum,4 percent maximum ' Voids in mineral aggregate: 15 percent minimum ► Asphalt cement by weight of total: 5 percent minimum ► Dry Strength: 200 psi ► Index of Retained Strength: 75 percent ' 4. Preparation: Pre-emergent Herbicide: ► Apply to prepared subgrade dispersed in liquid. ► Application shall be no more than one day before installation of base and penetrate subgrade 2 inches minimum. ' 5. Site Tolerances On-site Flexible Paving: ► Base: 4 inches thick minimum after compaction. ► Paving: Single lift 1'/z inches thick minimum after compaction. ' " Surface texture of hand work areas shall match texture of machine-laid areas. g La nes on site ► Base: 7 inches thick minimum after compaction. ► Paving: Single lift 1'/z inches thick minimum after compaction. ' 0 Surface texture of hand work areas shall match texture of machine-laid areas. 6. Installation: Place at temperatures between 250 and 325 deg F with a self-propelled laydown machine. • Longitudinal bituminous joints shall be vertical and properly tack coated if cold. Transverse joints shall always be tack coated. Compact asphaltic concrete paving to 96 percent minimum. ► Begin breakdown rolling immediately after asphalt is placed when asphalt temperature is maximum. ► Complete breakdown rolling before mix temperature drops below 240 deg F. ► Complete handwork compaction concurrently with breakdown rolling. ► Complete intermediate rolling as soon as possible after breakdown rolling and before mix temperature drops below 185 deg F. ► Do not roll paving for compaction purposes after asphalt temperature falls below 185 deg F. • Surface shall be uniform with no'birdbaths'. ' Variations from specified grades shall not exceed 1/2 inch. ► When tested with 10 foot straight edge,surface of complete work shall not contain irregularities in excess of 1/4 inch. PAVEMENT MARKING This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Paint handicap spaces to conform to ADA Standards and local code requirements. Applyonly on dry surfaces,during favorable weather,and when damage by rain,fog,orcondensation not anticipated. 2. Paint: Non-reflectorized. • Types: Acrylic Latex for uncured paving and alkyd or chlorinated rubber for cured paving. ' Colors: ► Yellow - Parking stripes,crosswalk stripes,and safety markings. ► Blue And White - Handicapped markings. ► Red - Fire lanes and no parking zones. ' 3. Preparation: Do not apply acrylic latex systems until paving has cured 7 days minimum. Do not apply alkyd or chlorinated rubber until paving has cured 3 months minimum. 4. Site Tolerances ' Make lines parallel, evenly spaced,and with sharply defined edges. 4 inch line widths. 5. Installation: • Provide two coat application,each coat with coverage of 150 sq ft per gal. ' Do not apply second coat within three hours minimum or until first coat is thoroughly dried,whichever is longer. Remove drips,overspray,improper markings,and paint material tracked by traffic by sand blasting or wire brushing. UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Extra Materials-Furnish following items at completion - One heavy-duty key for stop and waste or main shut-off valve. Two valve box cover keys. • One quick coupler key with brass hose swivel. • 5 each of each different type of head used. ' One each of each size of automatic valve used. 2. Products • Rock-Free Soil: Backfill soil around pipe having rocks no larger than 1/2 inch in any dimension. • Pea Gravel: For use around drains,valves,quick couplers,and impact rotor heads. 1/2 inch maximum round,water ' worn,washed rock. Sand: Fine granular material naturally produced by rock disintegration and free from organic material,mica,loam, clay, and other deleterious substances. • Native Material:Soil native to project site free of wood and other deleterious materials and rocks over 1-1/2 inches. ' Topsoil: Existing in-place topsoil material. ► Remove rocks, roots, sticks, clods, debris, and other foreign matter over 1-1/2 inches longest dimension encountered during trenching. • Pipe, Pipe Fittings,And Connections: ' Pressure Lines- Schedule 40 PVC. ► Lateral Lines- Schedule 40 PVC. ► Backflow Assembly Piping - Red brass ► Quick Coupler Piping - Galvanized steel ' Fittings - Same material as pipe,except where detailed otherwise Sleeves: ► Under Parking Area&Driveway Paving: Schedule 40 PVC Pipe. ► All Other: Class 200 PVC Pipe. ' Sleeve diameter shall be two times larger than pipe installed in sleeve. Sprinkler Heads: Each type of head shall be product of single manufacturer. Sprinkler Risers: ► Pop-up rotor and impact sprinklers shall have adjustable riser assembly,three ell swing joint assembly. These ' swing joint fittings shall be of schedule 40 PVC plastic and nipples schedule 80 gray PVC. ► Horizontal nipple parallel to side of lateral line shall be 8 inches long minimum. ► Pop-up sprinkler heads, shrub spray heads, bubbler heads, and stationary spray sprinkler heads shall have risers made up one of the following ways: ' o Three schedule 40 street ells or Marlex street ells connected to lateral tee to form an adjustable riser or pop-up riser. 0 Risers for sprinkler heads 14 inches long minimum and 24 inches maximum. o Rainbird swing pipe with spiral barb fittings and street ell as detailed. ' Quality Standard: Funny Pipe by Toro Automatic Sprinkler Control Wiring: ► OF-UL listed,color coded PVC insulated copper conductor direct burial size 14,or PE Insulated 14 AWG color coded wire. ' Do not use green color coded wire. ► Make connections with waterproof wire connectors. Valves: ► Manual Drain Valves: Brass ball valve with'T'handle on main lines and in valve boxes on lateral lines. ► Gate Valves: Bronze construction,angle type,150 pound class,threaded connections,with cross-type operating • handle designed to receive operating key. ► Quick Coupling Valve - Brass two piece valve with locking top. Valve Boxes: Rectangular heavy duty with lock top or snap top lids,large enough for easy removal or maintenance of valves. Valve Box Supports: Standard size fired clay paving bricks without holes. 3. Site Verification Of Conditions Perform pressure test at stub-out on main water line provided for irrigation system,or at near-by fire hydrant. • Notify Owner if pressures over 70 psi or under 55 psi are found to determine if some re-design of system is • necessary before beginning work on system. 4. Installation: Cover pipe both top and sides with 2 inches of rock-free soil. ► Do not cover pressure main,sprinkler pipe,or fittings until system has been inspected and approved. Sleeve water lines and control wires under walks and paving. ► Extend sleeves 6 inches minimum beyond walk or pavement edge. Slope pipe to drain to control valve box where possible. ► Slope pipes under parking areas or driveways to drain outside these areas. • Provide and install quick-coupling valve or valves in location for easy blowout of entire system. Install main lines and lateral lines connecting pop-up rotor& impact sprinklers with minimum cover of 18 inches. ► Install remaining lateral lines with minimum of 12 inches of cover. ► Install pipe and wires under driveways or parking areas in sleeves 15 inches below finish grade. ' Locate no sprinkler head closer than 12 inches from building foundation. ► Install heads adjacent to mowstrips,walks,or curbs one inch below top of mowstrip,walk,or curb and one to 3 inches between head and mowstrip,walk,or curb. • Make solvent weld joints with one coat of primer and two coats of solvent. • Tape threaded connections with teflon tape. • Locate valve boxes within 12 inches of sidewalks and shrub bed edges with tops at finish grade. ► Do not install more than two valves in single box. ► Place 3 inches minimum of pea gravel below bricks supporting valve boxes. ► Set valve boxes over valve so all parts of valve can be reached for service. • Set cover of valve box even with finish grade. Install 3/4 inch brass ball drain valve in valve box on downstream side of automatic valves if lateral line slopes toward valve box. • Wiring: ► Tape control wire to side of main line every 10 feet. ► Where control wire leaves main or lateral line,enclose it in Class 200 PVC conduit. ► Locate all splices within valve boxes. ► Use white or gray color for common wire and other colors for all other wire. ' Each common wire may serve only one controller. ► Run one extra control wire from panel continuously from valve to valve throughout system similar to common wire for use if a wire fails. ► Wire shall be different color than all other wires,except use of green wire is not acceptable. • Mark extra control wire in control box as an extra wire. ► Extend extra control wires 24 inches and leave coiled in each valve box. Backflow Preventer; ► Install 24 inches minimum from structures or hardscaping. ' When installed adjacent to any structure, mount test cocks on side away from structure. ► After installation, remove handles and turn over to Owner together with extra maintenance materials. Perform pressure test at stub-out on main water line provided for irrigation system,or at near-by fire hydrant. Notify the Owner if pressures over 70 psi or under 55 psi are found to determine if some re-design of system is necessary ' before beginning work on system. Sprinkler Heads ► Before installation of sprinkler heads,open control valves and use full head of water to flush out system. ► Set sprinkler heads and quick-coupling valves perpendicular to finish grade. • Do not install sprinklers using side inlets. ► Install using base inlets only, unless approved otherwise in writing by Owner. Tag valves with waterproof labels showing final sequence station assignments. 5. Site Tests: Before backfilling system,test pressure lines at 100 psi minimum for 2 hours minimum and make certain there ' are no leaks. 6. Adjusting: Adjust heads to proper grade when turf is sufficiently established to allow walking on it without appreciable harm. Such lowering or raising of heads shall be part of original contract with no additional cost to the Owner. • Adjust sprinkler heads for proper distribution and trim so spray does not fall on building. • Adjust watering time of valves to provide proper amounts of water to all plants. GENERAL PLANTING REQUIREMENTS tThis section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Do not plant trees and shrubs until major construction operations are completed. • Do not commence landscaping work until grading and preparation work as described in the Site Plan notes has been completed and approved. 2. Installation: • Hand excavate as required. • Maintain grade stakes until removal is mutually agreed upon by parties concerned. ' 3. Replace damaged plantings at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Protect planted areas against traffic or other use immediately after planting is completed by placing adequate warning signs and barricades. 5. Trees and shrubs within 5'-0"of structures must be hand watered or watered using a controlled drip irrigation. ' If drip irrigation is used,emitters may discharge no more than one gallon of water per hour. If grass is planted within 5'-0"of structures,watering must be controlled to prevent over watering. • Grass areas adjacent to structures must be sloped so the excess irrigation water will run away from the structures. • Sprinkler lines and drip irrigation mains must be located a minimum of 5'-0"away from foundations. ' Mowing strips, planters, and sidewalks must no"dam"water adjacent to structures. ► If necessary, perforate mowing strips to allow water to flow away from structures. ' SOIL PREPARATION This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Acceptable Chemical Soil Amendments And Application Rates to be determined and provided by Owner. 2. Acceptable Fertilizers And Application Rates to be determined and provided by Owner. 3. Acceptable Soil Conditioners And Application Rates • Provide one of following at rate of 4 cu yds per 1000 sq ft: ' Sphagnum Peat Moss 0 'Soil Pep' 0 'Soil's Best Friend'Composted Manure,Elberta, LIT (801)667-3500 ► EPA Class 'A'co-compost or compost with SAR less than 3.0, EC less than 4.0, and CN ratio of 15 to 25:1 ' passing thru 1/2 inch mesh screen as approved by Owner before use. Surface Preparation-Seven days maximum prior before beginning seeding and planting: ► Loosen area 4 inches deep,dampen thoroughly,and cultivate to properly break up clods and lumps. ► Rake area to remove clods, rocks,weeds, roots, and debris. o Grade and shape landscape area to bring surface to true uniform planes free from irregularities and to ' provide drainage and proper slope to catch basins. 4. Site Tolerances: • Finish grade of planting areas before planting and after addition of soil additives shall be following distances below ' top of adjacent pavement of any kind: ► Sodded Areas - 2 inches below ► Seeded Areas - One inch below ► Shrub And Ground Cover Areas - 2 inches below 5. Installation: ' Add specified chemical soil amendments at specified rates. Roto-till or otherwise mix amendments evenly into top 4 inches of topsoil. • Apply fertilizers and soil conditioners over lawn and planting areas. • Roto-till fertilizer and soil conditioner into top 4 inches of top soil until homogeneous mixture results. After landscape areas have been prepared,take no heavy objects over them except lawn rollers. Immediately before planting lawn and with top soil in semi-dry condition,roll lawn planting areas in two directions at approximately right angles with water ballast roller weighing 100 to 300 lbs. • Rake or scarify and cut or fill irregularities that develop as required until area is true and uniform,free from lumps, Idepressions,and irregularities. LAWN SODDING IThis section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Do not commence lawn sodding until finish grading and soil preparation described in the Notes on the Site Plan has been f completed and approved. 2. Certified Sod: Superior sod grown from certified, high quality,seed of known origin or from plantings of certified grass seedlings or stolons. • Sod shall be composed of Bermuda Grass. 3. Cut sod in pieces approximately 3/4 to one inch thick. • Deliver, unload, and store sod on pallets within 24 hours of being lifted. 4. Site Tolerances: • Final grade of soil after sodding of lawn areas is complete shall be one inch below top of adjacent pavement of any kind. 5. Laying of Sod: • Lay sod during growing season and within 36 hours of being lifted. • Lay sod in rows with joints staggered. ' Butt sections closely without overlapping or leaving gaps between sections. Cut out irregular or thin sections with a sharp knife. • Do not sod slopes steeper than 3:1. 6. After Sodding Is Complete ' Roll horizontal surface areas in two directions perpendicular to each other. Repair and re-roll areas with depressions, lumps,or other irregularities. Heavy rolling to correct irregularities in grade will not be permitted. • Water sodded areas immediately after sod laying to obtain moisture penetration through sod into top 4 inches of ' topsoil. LAWN SEEDING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Do not commence lawn seeding until finish grading and soil preparation described in the Notes on the Site Plan has been ' completed and approved. 2. Certified Seed: Superior certified seed grown of known origin • Seed shall be composed of: ' • Detention Basin:Perennial Rye Grass;Tall Fescue; Redtop • Upland Seed Mix: Hard Fescue; Annual Ryegrass; Shirley Poppy; Lemon Mint; Red Mexican Hat; Showy Evening Primrose; Perennial Lupine; Black-eyed Susan. 3. Site Tolerances: ' 0 Final grade of soil after sodding of lawn areas is complete shall be one inch below top of adjacent pavement of any kind. 4. Seeding: o Spread seed during growing season and early enough for lawn to grow to mowing height before the end of the ' growing season. o Spread seed in two passes with the second pass at 90 degrees to the first pass. o Do not seed slopes steeper than 3:1. 6. After Seeding Is Complete o Rake horizontal surface areas. ' o Repair and re-roll areas with depressions, lumps,or other irregularities. 0 Heavy rolling to correct irregularities in grade will not be permitted. o Water seeded areas immediately after seeding to obtain moisture penetration into top 4 inches of topsoil. EXTERIOR PLANTS ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Plants: o Plants shall bear a tag showing genus,species,&variety of at least 10 percent of each species delivered to site. o Plants shall be sound,healthy,vigorous,free from plant disease,insect pests or their eggs,noxious weeds,and have ' healthy, normal root systems. o Container stock shall be well established and free of excessive root-bound conditions. o Do not prune plants or top trees prior to delivery. 2. Planting Mixture of three parts good topsoil and one part rotted composted manure. 3. Planting Tablets: 21 gram Agriform 20-10-5. 4. Tree Stakes: 2 inch diameter Lodgepole Pine or Steel T-posts 5. Tree Staking Ties: 32 inch Cynch-Tie tree ties-Quality Standard 6. Tree Guys: Duckbill Model 68DTS guying kit- Quality Standard ' 7. Pre-Emergent Herbicide: Elanco XL, Ronstar or Surflan 8. Weed Barrier: De-Whitt PRO-5 Weed Barrier-Quality Standard 9. Bark Or Wood Top Dressing Mulch: • `Walk-on-Bark'Fir bark. o Medium or large size Redwood bark. 0 Shredded pine bark. • Shredded Cedar 10. Delivery,Storage,And Handling ' • Do not prune before delivery. o Handle balled stock by root ball or container. Do not drop trees and shrubs during delivery. • Deliver trees, shrubs, ground covers, and plants after preparations for planting have been completed and install immediately. 11. Installation: o Fill holes to receive shrubs with tamped planting mix sufficient to bring plant to proper elevation after watering and settling. In holes to receive trees, provide mound of tamped planting mix of height sufficient to bring tree to proper elevation. ' o Do not plant trees or shrubs in holes that do not properly drain. o Remove boxes,wire basket, burlap, plastic, and twine binders from around root ball. ► Plant immediately after removing binding material and containers. ► Properly cut off broken or frayed roots. ' Center plant in hole and backfill with specified planting mix. ► Except in heavy clay soils, make ring of mounded soil around hole's perimeter to form watering basin. • Add planting tablets in plant pit as follows. Place tablets in relation to root ball as recommended by Manufacturer. ' One Gallon Shrub: 1 tablet ► 5 Gallon Shrub/Tree: 3 tablets ► 15 Gallon Tree: 4 tablets ► 24 inch Box Tree: 6 Tablets ' At base of each tree, leave 36 inch diameter circle free of any grass. Provide new supports for trees noted on Drawings to be staked. ► Provide guying kits to support 24 inch box and larger trees. • Vines: Remove from stakes, untie,and securely fasten to wall or fence next to plant. ' Ground Covers: Container-grown unless otherwise specified on Drawings. ► Space evenly to produce a uniform effect,staggered in rows and intervals shown. • Post Planting Weed Control: ' ► Apply specified pre-emergent herbicide to shrub and ground cover planting areas and grass-free areas at tree bases after completion of planting. ► Areas shall be free of existing weed growth before application of herbicide. • Weed Barrier Fabric: ' After planting and application or herbicide in shrub beds, apply covering of specified weed barrier fabric with fuzzy side down. ► Achieve 100 percent coverage over ground areas. ► Overlap seams 6 inches minimum. ' Mulching: ► After application of herbicide,mulch shrub and ground cover planting areas with 2 inch deep layer of specified top dressing mulch. ► Cover grass-free area at tree bases with weed barrier and 2 inches of top dressing mulch. ► Place top dressing mulch to uniform depth and rake to neat finished appearance. POST MOUNTED SITE SIGN ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Accessible Parking Signs-Install one per handicapped stall ' Sign graphics and lettering shall be minimum required by agency having jurisdiction. Sign shall have rounded corners. Sign shall meet current HEW and ANSI A117.1 accessibility codes. • Letters shall be Helvetica Medium with 1/4 inch stroke. ' 2. Posts Nominal 2 inch outside diameter by 7 feet high with wall thickness equivalent to Schedule 40 with satin brushed natural finish for aluminum or factory two-part epoxy paint for steel. • 2 inch square 14 ga Quik-Punch or Telespar 3. Mounting Sleeves: Nominal 2-1/4 inch outside diameter pipe,or 2-1/4 inch square 12 ga Quik-Punch,30 inches long. ' 4. Installation: Except atop retaining walls,mix concrete components thoroughly,place in postfoundation holes 8 inches in diameter by 36 inches deep,and set mounting sleeves. • For installation on retaining walls,cast sleeves into retaining wall. Sleeves shall extend 2 inches maximum above • top of finish concrete elevation. Install post in mounting sleeve so bottom of post is 6 inches from top of sleeve. Rivet post to mounting sleeve or bolt using tamper-proof bolts. I I I I DIVISION 03 CONCRETE ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMS ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install required form work ready for placing of concrete including the following: Design,construction,and safety of form work. Strip and dispose of form work. • Adhere to tolerances for placing normal weight structural concrete as described in these NOTES. 2. References: ASTM D 1751-99, 'Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction(Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). 3. Delete or add references based on editing of other parts of this Section. • Quality Assurance/Control: Manufacturer's application instructions for form release agent. 4. Components: Forms: ► Wood, metal,or plastic as arranged by Contractor. ► Forming material shall be compatible with specified form release agents and with finish requirements for concrete to be left exposed or to receive decorative finish. ' o The specifying of form release agents is only necessary if there is significant exposed,vertical formed concrete on the Project. If there is none,delete Article'B'entirely. • Form Release Agents: ► Unexposed Surfaces Only: Contractor's option: ' Vertical, Exposed Surfaces or Unexposed Surfaces: ► Chemically acting type. ► Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: o Crete-Lease 727 or 20-VOC by Cresset Chemical Co,Weston,OH (800)367-2020 www.cresset.com ' o Clean Strip(J-1 or J-3 VOC)by Dayton/Richmond Concrete Accessories, Miamisburg,OH(800)745-370 www.daytonrichmond.com o E-Z Strip or DEBOND Form Coating by L & M Construction Chemicals, Omaha, NE (800)362-3331 www.lmcc.com ' o U S Spec SlicKote by U S Mix Products Co (800)397-9903 www.usspec.com o Duogard or Duogard II by W R Meadows, Elgin, IL (800)342-5976 www.wrmeadows.com 5. Expansion/Contraction Joints • 1/2 inch thick. Manufactured commercial fiber type: Meet requirements of ASTM D 1751. Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: ► Conflex by Masonite Building&Industrial Products Group,Chicago, IL (800)257-7885 www.masonite.com • Sealtight by W R Meadows Inc, Hampshire, IL (800)342-5976 www.meadows.com Recycled Vinyl: Light gray color o Quality Standard Products&Manufacturer: Proflex by Oscoda Plastics Inc,Oscoda, MI (800)544-9538 ' www'oscodaplastics.com 6. Installation: Forms: Assemble forms so forms are sufficiently tight to prevent leakage. • Properly brace and tie forms. Provide temporary cleanouts at base of tall forms to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Make proper form adjustments before,during,and after concreting. Use new forms,or used forms that have been cleaned of loose concrete and other debris from previous concreting and repaired to proper condition. • Use metal cold joint forms when unable to place concrete for footings,foundations,&slabs in continuous pours. 7. Installation: Accessories: Provide for installation of inserts,templates,fastening devices,and other accessories to be set in concrete prior to placing. • Position anchor bolts for hold-down anchors and columns and securely tie in place prior to placing concrete. I 9. Installation: Expansion Joints: Install at joints between floor slab and foundation wall where shown on Drawings. 10. Installation: Form Removal: • Removal of forms can usually be accomplished in 12 to 24 hours. • If temperature is below 50 deg F or if concrete(stairs, beams, etc)depends on forms for structural support, leave forms intact for sufficient period for concrete to reach adequate strength. WATERSTOPS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Provide and install waterstops for footings and walls as described in the Structural Notes on the Structural Drawings and the Structural Notes on the Structural Shop Drawings. 2. Materials-preference.PVC-Extruded from elastomeric polyvinylchloride to meet requirements of LI S Corps of Engineers ' Spec C-572-63. 3. Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: Anti-Hydro Company, Newark,NJ (800)777-1773 or(908)284-9000 www.anti-hydro.com • Greenstreak Inc, St Louis, MO (800)325-9504 or(314)225-9400 www.greenstreak.com • Vinylex Corp, Knoxville,TN (800)251-9415 or(423)690-2211 www.vinylex.com • W R Meadows Inc, Elgin, IL (800)342-5976 or(846)683-4500 www.wrmeadows.com CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install concrete reinforcing steel as described in Contract Documents. 2. Submit the following information to the Owner's Project Manager: • Reinforcing placement shop drawings. • Mill certificates. ' 3. Delivery,Storage and Handling: Reinforcing steel shall be free of heavy rust scales and flakes,or other coating at time of delivery and placing. Properly protect rebar on site after delivery. • Deliver bars separated by size and tagged with manufacturer's heat or test identification number. 4. Material: Reinforcing Steel Rebars shall have grade identification marks and conform to ASTM A 615. ► Grade 60 minimum,except dowels which are to be field bent Grade 40 minimum. o Bars shall be deformed type. ' o Bars shall be free of heavy rust scales and flakes,or other bond-reducing coatings. r Spa cing Blocks: ► Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: o Single cover Frank bar chair with wire by Rebar Couplerbox Inc, Humble,TX. ' o The Tie Brick, Pensacola, FL (888)766-3326 www.innovativesolutions.net conc rete crete blocks. 5. Fabricate reinforcing steel according to'ACI Detailing Manual,' 1988 edition,and details on Drawings. 6. Installation: ' Site Tolerances: Provide following minimum concrete cover for reinforcement(ACI 318-89): ► Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: o Exterior Slabs on Grade(where shown) - 2 inches 50 mm o Interior Slabs on Grade - 2 inches 50 mm o Sections other than Slabs - 3 inches 75 mm ► Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather: o No.6 and Larger Bars - 2 inches 50 mm o No. 5 and Smaller Bars,W31 and D31 Wire -1-1/2 inches 38 mm • Bend bars cold. • Accurately place and support with chairs, bar supports, spacers, or hangers as recommended by'ACI Detailing Manual,' 1988 edition,except slab on grade work. • Support bars in slabs on grade and footings with specified rebar spacing blocks around the perimeter and 4-1/2 feet on center each way maximum to maintain specified concrete cover. Install spacer blocks at bar intersections. Dowel vertical reinforcement for formed concrete columns orwalls out of footing or structure belowwith rebarof same size and spacing required above. • Securely anchor and tie reinforcing bars and dowels prior to placing concrete. Avoid splices of reinforcing bars at points of maximum stress. Lap bars 40 bar diameters minimum unless dimensioned otherwise on the Drawings. • Run steel reinforcing bars continuous through cold joints. NORMAL WEIGHT STRUCTURAL CONCRETE This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of ' the Work. 1. Summary of the Work for poured concrete • The Owner reserves the right to require testing to re-affirm the suitability of completed work. See the General Structural Notes on"S"drawings in the Construction Documents See the requirement for Polished Acid Stained Floor Finish on the Finish Schedule Drawing. See the requirement for Floor Preparation: Area Carpets/Rugs on the Finish Schedule Drawings. 2. Fortesting purposes,following concrete strengths are required,except for concrete used for shotecrete applications.(For shotcrete applications see the General Structural Notes and the General Structural Notes on the Structural Shop ' Drawings): • At 7 days - 60 percent minimum of 28 day strengths • At 28 days - ► Mix Type 1: 3000 psi concrete shall be 5 Yz bag mix min. • Mix Type 2: 4000 psi concrete shall be 6 bag mix min. • Admixtures shall not contain calcium chloride. Concrete mix design&delivery tickets for each batch of concrete must be furnished by mix plant. 4. Hot Weather Concreting Procedures: Maximum concrete temperature allowed is 90 deg F in hot weather. Cool aggregate and sub-grades by sprinkling. Avoid cement over 140 deg F. • Use cold mixing water or ice. Use fog spray or evaporation retardant to lessen rapid evaporation from concrete surface. 5. Site Tolerances Slab must be within plus or minus 3/4 inch of the specified elevation. • Variation In Grade: ' Interior Floor Slabs: Concrete must have a minimum Floor Flatness rating of 35. ► Other Slabs: 1/4 inch in any 10 feet of slab and 3/4 inch over entire slab. Variation in thickness: 1/4 to 1/2 inch standard,5 percent for footings. • Variation in plan: • 0 to 20 feet: 112 inch ► 40 feet or more: 3/4 inch standard, plus 1/2 inch for footings. Variation in eccentricity: 2 percent for footings. • Variation in openings: ► Size: Plus 1/8 inch ' Location: 1/4 inch Variation from plumb: 1/4 inch maximum • Variation in stairs and landings: Consecutive steps: Treads: 1/8 inch; Risers: 1/16 inch Flight of stairs: Treads: 114 inch; Risers: 118 inch 6. Where possible, locate joints under partitions or where joints will cause least disruption to floor coverings. 7. Curing: • Do not use liquid solvent-based curing materials for curing structural slab. • Self-dissipating water based curing compounds may be used only upon approval of the stain flooring installer as compatible with his application. • Allow sufficient time before stain application to allow compounds to dissipate completely. All surfaces should be cured by the same method. 8. Saw-cuts for expansion joints shall be made with new diamond blades to minimize chipping and spalling. 9. Regular concrete must be kept moist for 7 days minimum. 10. High early strength concrete must be kept moist for 3 days minimum. 11. Finishing Requirements: Rubbed Finish: Exposed Vertical Surfaces. Steel Trowel Finishes: Interior Flatwork. Acid Stained Floor Finish: Interior Flatwork. • Broom Finishes: Exterior Flatwork. 12. Protection Requirements: Interior Concrete Floor Slabs No satisfactory chemical or cleaning procedure is available to remove petroleum stains from concrete surfaces. Protect concrete slabs according to the following: ► Provide covers and protections as approved by special concrete floor finish manufacturer required to protect I flooring from operations of other trades. ► All hydraulic powered equipment must be diapered to avoid staining of the concrete. ► No vehicles parked on interior slabs without drop clothes placed under vehicles at all times so that no fluids drip on the exposed slab. ► No pipe cutting machine will be used on interior floor slab. ► No rust on the slab surface is allowed.Do not place steel directly on the inside floor slab. 13. Interior Floor Slab Finish Requirements: • Disclose intent to use cure agent,sealer,bond breaker,admixture,accelerator or other chemical mixture to Owner's Project Manager prior to using. • Control moisture vapor emission and any related chemical transmission and/or change by the concrete design and placement process. • Allow concrete to cure a minimum of 45 days or as directed by"special concrete floor finish manufacturer"before applying Euco Diamond Hard liquid densifier in the special finish process. SHOTCRETE This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. • Furnish and install Shotcrete for stem walls and Monolithic Dome as described in the Structural Drawings and • Structural Shop Drawings. All Notes and Schedules as shown on the Structural Drawings and as shown or amended on the Structural Shop Drawings. • Shotcrete testing will be as outlined in the General Structural Notes and as outlined in the General Structural Notes • on the Structural Shop Drawings. All concrete intended for shotcrete applications,because of the quantity of fly ash used,shall be tested for 56 day strength, not 28 day. Shotcrete finish shall be as approved by the Architect and based upon a 16 square foot test panel that shall be inspected and approved by the Architect and the Owner prior to any application of the shotcrete. ' SECTION 03130 INSULATING CONCRETE FORMS (ICFs) PART 1 — GENERAL OVERVIEW ' 1.01 Compliance with Division 1 — General Requirement. Supply and installation of Quad-Lock Insulating Concrete forms for structural cast-in-place concrete walls, installation of reinforcing steel bars and placement of concrete within the insulating concrete forms. Adequate bracing and scaffolding shall be provided by the installing contractor and shall comply with all applicable codes. SCOPE OF WORK ' 3.01 Furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment to perform the installation of Quad-Lock insulating concrete forms as manufactured by Quad-Lock Building Systems Ltd. 7398 - 132nd Street Surrey, B.C.V3W 4M7—Canada; Tel.: (604)590-3111 Fax: (604)590-8412. Furnish all labor to install the steel reinforcing bars, placement of concrete into the insulating concrete forms and final cleanup. 5.01 ALTERNATES Unless otherwise approved by Owner and architect, alternate materials shall not be accepted. Alternate materials are materials not specified within this document. 1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Quad-Lock ICFs consist of two EPS foam plastic boards with slots for injection molded high density polyethylene or polypropylene ties. The ties are not fixed into foam and can be spaced at 12" [305mm] O.C. vertically and at any 2" [51 mm] increment horizontally. For the ease of siding attachment Quad-Lock also carries the FS Panel which has vertical plastic strips embedded into foam every 12" [305mm] O.C. The ties are sized to maintain concrete cavity thicknesses of 3.75" [96mm], 5.75" [146mm], 7.75" [197mm], 9.75" [248mm] or 11.75" [299mm]. Thicker concrete cavities are possible by using a 12" [300mm] Quad-Lock Tie Extender. The EPS panels are 12" [305mm] high by 48" [1220mm] long and either 2.25" [57mm] for Regular Panels or 4.25"[108mm]thick for Plus Panels.Three R-values are possible: R-22, R-32 and R-40 [U-0.28, U-0.20 and U-0.15]. Quad-Lock Panels are molded from EPS bead from BASF,NOVA,HUNTSMAN or STAREX SAMSUNG. The panel has a nominal density of 1.9 Ib/ft3 [30 g/1]± 7% for Regular Panels and 1.5 lb/ft3 [24 g/1] ± 7% for Plus Panels, maximum smoke deviation rating of 450 and maximum flame spread rating of 25 in accordance with ASTM E84. The rigid cellular EPS insulation complies with ASTM C 578-95 as follows: United Kingdom: BBA Certificate, Bahamas Approval or South Africa: SABS Report as ' required. Steel Reinforcement: Submit schedule of reinforcing. Concrete: Submit proposed concrete mix design. ' Engineering Calculations:Provide structural calculations sealed by a Professional Engineer. ' PART 2 — PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER 1.01 ' Quad-Lock Building Systems, Ltd 7398 - 132nd Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M7 ' Canada (888) 711-5625-Toll Free (604) 590-3111 ' (604) 590-8412 - Fax http://www.guadlock.com MATERIALS ' 1.02 Expanded Polystyrene (for Regular Panels Type III in Canada and Type IX in US; for Plus Panels Type II in Canada and US) Requirements as per ASTM C578-95 Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation, DIN 54836 and MIL-P- 19644. 0 Density (ASTM C 1622-98) I Compressive Strength (ASTM D 1621-94) Shear Strength (ASTM C-273) 0 I Tensile Strength (MIL-P-19644) Flexural Strength (ASTM C 203-99) 0 Water Vapor Permeance (ASTM E-96-94) IWater Absorption (96 hr) (ASTM C 272-91) 0 Dimensional Stability (ASTM D 2126-94) I Coefficient of Expansion (ASTM D-696) 0 Allowable Dimension Tolerances 0 STC Rating 6in (ASTM) Flammability(ASTM E-84) 0 ' Flash Ignition Temperature (DIN 54836, Styropor, BASF) 0 Self Ignition Temperature (ASTM D1929) I UL/ULC Fire Resistance Rating for Load Bearing Walls Fastener Withdrawal and Lateral Shear Resistance in accordance with ASTM D 1761-88 • (Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood)— For Fastening Strips (FS). I I I ' Fastener Withdrawal Test Results Fastener Failure Mode Maximum Load Ibs N Type W Drywall Screw Fasteners pulled through 194(866) Cement Board Fastener Typ.1 Fasteners pulled through 211 (943) ' Cement Board Fastener T .2 Fasteners pulled through 207 924 Lateral Shear Resistance Test Results Fastener I Failure Mode Maximum Load Ibs N ' Type W Drywall Screw Fasteners pulled through 198(883) Cement Board Fastener Typ.1 Fasteners pulled through 214(953) Cement Board Fastener TVD.2 Fasteners pulled through 203 906 • Fire Rating in accordance with UL/ULC Fire Resistance Rating Test for walls with 2.25" ' [57mm]of EPS foam on both sides under load bearing conditions and Sound Transmission Class Rating in accordance with ASTM E-90. 3.75" concrete wall [96mm] has a fire rating of 2 hour; I0 0 5.75" concrete wall [146mm] has a fire rating of 3 hours; STC of 50. 0 7.75" concrete wall [197mm] has a fire rating of 4 hours; STC of 50+. 9.75" concrete wall [248mm] has a fire rating of 4 hours; STC of 50+. 0 0 11.75" concrete wall [299mm] has a fire rating of 4 hours; STC of 50+. I Calculated R-Value of R-22 or R-32 or R-40 [U-0.28, U-0.20 or U-0.15] wall assembly including exterior+interior foam panels, concrete core, stucco exterior and drywall interior. ` MANUFACTURED COMPONENTS I 5.01 Regular Panel— 12" [305mm]x 2.25" [57mm] x 48" [1219mm] with interlocking knobs and slots for plastic ties on top and bottom. FS Panel— 12" [305mm] x 2.25" [57mm] x 48" [1219mm]with interlocking knobs and slots for plastic ties on top and bottom. Has vertical plastic strips embedded for ease of siding attachment. Plus Panel—12"[305mm]x 4.25"[108mm]x 48"[1219mm]with interlocking knobs and slots l for plastic ties on top and bottom. l FS Plus Panel — 12" [305mm] x 4.25" [57mm] x 48" [1219mm]with interlocking knobs and slots for plastic ties on top and bottom. Has vertical plastic strips embedded for ease of siding attachment. Plastic Ties — range in length from 4" to 12" [100mm to 300mm] to accommodate for different concrete cavity widths and are color coded. Panel Type and Actual Concrete Cavity Widths Re jular& Regular Re ular& Plus Plus & Plus 4 100mm] Black 3.75" [96mm] N/A N/A Tie 6" 150mm] Blue 5.75" [146mm] 3.75" [96mm] N/A Tie 8 200mm] 7.75" [197mm] 5.75" [146mm] 3.75" [96mm] Yellow Tie 10' [250mm] 9.75" [248mm] 7.75" [197mm] 5.75" [146mm] Green Tie 12' [300mm] Red 11.75" [298mm] 9.75" [248mm] 7.75" [197mm] i Tie I12' [300mm] Add 12" [305mm] to Add 12" [305mm] to Add 12" [305mm] to Orange actual cavity above actual cavity above actual cavity above Extender Tie I • Corner and Angle Brackets — Galvanized steel, sit on top of interlocking knobs. Corner Brackets hold together outside and inside 90°corners.Adjustable Angle Brackets can form angles of almost any degree. • Metal Tracks — Securely attached to footing or slab (with drilled-in or powder driven pins) and are used to secure panels in place to start off the first layer and on top to secure wire top ties. IWire Top Ties — Keep the top panels together and are to be spaced at maximum 24" [610mm] O.C. ACCESSORIES 13.01 Bracing, wall alignment and scaffolding I Anchor Bolts Door and Window Bucks Water proofing or Damp proofing for below grade walls Sleeves for penetrations Exterior and interior finishes. I PART 3 — EXECUTION / INSTALLATION IEXAMINATION ' Site Verification of Conditions: Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure dimension agree with drawings. SURFACE PREPARATION I 2.01 Clean top of footings and slabs prior to starting installation of ICF. Use methods and materials approved by ICF manufacturer. Cast anchor dowels into concrete footing as per design engineer requirements and in co- ordination with ICF manufacturer recommended spacing and location related to the form size. ' 4.01 INSTALLATION — GENERAL Install the system in accordance with Quad-Lock's installation methods. Protect forms from damage. Install formwork, shoring and bracing to achieve design requirements and in accordance ' with ACI 301. Provide bracing to ensure stability and alignment of formwork. Shore or strengthen formwork subject to over stressing by construction loads. ' Align joints and install forms in a running bond pattern. Assure alignment of furring strips to facilitate siding attachment. Install reinforcing, as indicated in engineered shop drawings, over opening to provided for ' integral lintels with the wall. 0 Achieve wall width transition by combining Plus Panels with Regular Panels. ' Achieve brick ledges with Quad-Lock Brick Ledge Tie or other methods recommended by the manufacturer. ' Ties and/or tie flanges placed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications at all horizontal and vertical joints. INSTALLATION - FORMS 13.01 Secure Metal Tracks into footing or slab with drilled-in or powder driven pins at approximately 2' O.C. Secure outside tracks first and align the inside ones to the outside tracks so that they are parallel. Door bucks should be installed before any panels are laid in place. Always start any project by assembling corners,angles,T-Walls and other special elements ' and then work to a common point at mid-wall. Stagger the panels from one course to the next with an offset of 24"[610mm]so that vertical joints are not aligned. This means that odd courses will replicate (i.e. V 3`d 5th .). Never leave more than 8" [203mm] between any two ties (12" [305mm] O.C.) in straight walls. Insert corner brackets on every row. ' Insert corner flanges into Outside Corner Brackets. Insert horizontal steel as specified. Install window bucks and secure them in place with window fasteners. ' Use cut panel pieces of minimum 12" [305mm] length on the second to last course and full panels on the top course to lock smaller pieces into place. ' Make sure all plastic ties are aligned vertically. Cut away interlock knobs from the last layer of panels all around the building and secure the top panels with Wire Top Ties. Where metal ties cannot be used, provide adequate means ' to space and secure top of wall. Finish off by placing Metal Tracks on top of the panels. ' Complete bracing; check for plumb, straight, square and level. Panels ripped in height and used to achieve fractional vertical dimensions can be installed at bottom or top row. ' 27.01 CONSTRUCTION Interface with Other Work ' o Provide formed openings where required for items to be embedded in or to pass through concrete work. ' o Locate and set items to be cast directly into concrete. o Coordinate with work of other trades in forming and placing openings, sleeves, bolts, anchors, other inserts. ' o Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, straight, level and plumb. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete placement. o Install floors and/or floor connections, such as Quad-Deck and Deck Forming System, ' precast panels, Open Web Steel Joist etc. Site Tolerances o Construct formwork to maintain tolerances as indicated per ACI 301 or CSA S269.3 i FIELD QUALITY CONTROL ' 29.02 Conformance to design drawings or pertinent Building Codes Plumbness of wall Rebar placement Inspect stability of erected formwork, shoring and bracing to ensure that work is in accordance with design and that elements are secure. Site Tests: To be specified as required. CLEANUP 34.01 Clean forms as installation proceeds, to remove foreign matter within forms. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean-out ports. Do not use water to clean out forms, unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter. I PROTECTION 38.01 Provide temporary cover for insulating forms to reduce exposure to UV light in case the final finish is delayed longer than 8 weeks. Prior to concrete placement, interlocking knobs along the top of the ICF wall shall be protected with steel track or tape or other means to ensure no concrete debris sets on and Ibetween the interlocking knobs. ` END OF SECTION - END OF SECTION- I DIVISION 04 MASONRY 04070 MASONRY GROUT This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Includes But Not Limited To masonry grout used on Project 2. Submittals: If pre-blended dry grout is to be used,provide certification from Manufacturer or Supplier verifying that mixes meet specification requirements. • If grout is to be mixed in field, provide written description of proposed procedure for measuring and mixing of materials. 3. Materials: • Portland Cement: Meet requirements of ASTM C 150. Use Type II Low Alkali in exterior walls or in walls subject to moisture, unless approved otherwise in writing by Architect. Hydrated Lime: Meet requirements of ASTM C 207,Type S. Aggregate: Meet requirements of ASTM C 404,Table 1: ► Fine Aggregate, Natural,Size 2: Sieve Size Weight Percent No.4 100 No.8 95 to 100 No. 16 60 to 100 No.30 35 to 70 No.50 15 to 35 No. 100 2 to 15 ► Coarse Aggregate, Size 8: 1/2 inch 100 318 inch 85 to 100 No.4 10 to 30 No.8 0 to 10 No. 16 0 to 5 I Water - Clean and free of acids,alkalies,and organic materials. Admixtures - No additives are allowed which will increase air entrainment. Other additives may be used as approved in writing by Architect prior to use. 4. Procedure: Use of pre-blended dry grout mix is allowed only with submission of certification that material specification requirements have been complied with. • Use method of measuring and mixing materials that will ensure consistently proportioned grout batches throughout installation of masonry work. No measuring of materials by'shovels full'is permitted for field mixed grout. • Batch, mix,and deliver transit-mixed grout in accordance with requirements of ASTM C 94. 5. Proportions by Volume: Grout Type Fine Coarse Portland Cement: cu ft 1 1 Hydrated Lime: cu ft(optional) 1/10 1110 Damp, Loose Sand: cu ft 2-1/4 to 3 2-1/4 to 3 Pea Gravel: cu ft . . . . 1 to 2 Water: Enough to give creamy pouring consistency,usually slump of between Band 10. 6. Installation: A. Use fine grout for cavities 2 inches and smaller in smallest dimension. Use coarse grout for cavities greater than 2 inches in smallest dimension. l CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (Block) This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install concrete masonry units as shown and noted on the"A"and'S"Drawings for this Project. 2. Quality Assurance / Control: Submit Manufacturer's certification that units meet compressive strength specified requirements. 3. Concrete Masonry Units: Meet requirements of ASTM C 90,Type I, moisture control units, lightweight classification. Lightweight aggregates conforming to ASTM C 331. • Do not use re-crushed masonry units as aggregate. I ' Outside Corners: Square-edged Use special shapes for lintels,corners,jambs,sash,headers,etc,as required. Uniform color and textures with unbroken edges. Split face and Smooth face as shown on Drawings. 4. Installation: ' Site Tolerances: Masonry work shall be reasonably true to vertical and horizontal planes. General: • Make cuts proper size to accommodate work of other trades. • Cut openings for electrical devices using cover plates no larger than can be covered by standard size plate. ' Replace unit masonry in which larger than necessary openings are cut. ► Do not patch openings with grout or other material. ► Step back unfinished work for joining with new work. ► Use toothing only with Architect's approval. ' Laying: ► Running bond except where indicated otherwise. ► Select masonry units so there is uniform distribution of hues. ► Lay hollow masonry units dry. ' Do not lay masonry on frozen material. ► Align cells or cavities to preserve an unobstructed cavity for grouting. Masonry Reinforcing Steel: ► Place steel as shown on Drawings. ' Hold vertical reinforcing in place every 32 inches. ► Splice 48 bar diameters minimum. ► Place reinforcing and dowels before pouring grout. o Dowel vertical reinforcing bars out of structure below with bars of same size and spacing. ' o Place horizontal bars in bond beam as shown on Drawings. o Continue bond beam units and reinforcement uninterrupted around corners and across wall intersections. o Place special vertical bars of same size as normal vertical reinforcement at corners and jambs of openings and recesses where bond beams are interrupted and at beam bearing locations not otherwise detailed. o Unless detailed otherwise, place special horizontal bars of same size as normal reinforcing above and below openings. o Extend bars beyond opening as shown on Drawings. • Grouting: CMU cells: I Fully grout all cells. o Place grout in 48 inch maximum lifts. o Consolidate grout twice by means of a mechanical vibrator. ► Do not use cell reinforcing to rod grout. ► Perform first consolidation immediately after placement of grout. I Mechanically reconsolidate grout 20 minutes after first consolidation,but before loss of plasticity. o Grout hollow metal door frames solid. • Provide grout-leveling bed for support of wall plates. 5. Cleaning: I After grout has hardened,wet masonry and clean with specified cleaning compound. • Use stiff fibered brush for application. • Rinse masonry surfaces with water immediately after cleaning. • Leave masonry clean,free of grout daubs,and with tight joints. I 6. Protection: • Protect masonry with cover during rainy weather. • Cover work at end of each workday with tarpaulins if temperature is 25 to 40 deg F. • If temperature is below 25 deg F, protect with heaters. o Maintain temperature around masonry to 40 deg F minimum for 48 hours. Brace masonry walls until walls attain adequate strength and are tied into building structure. Do not allow structural loading of masonry walls until walls attain adequate strength. - END OF DIVISION - ' DIVISION 05 METALS MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURAL STEEL AND FASTENING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. t 1. Metal Products: Lintels and Miscellaneous Structural Steel. • Products Supplied: Lintels, Pipe for bollards, Pipe for satellite dish base • Bolts And Threaded Fasteners: ' Anchor Bolts: 0 Bolt to be threaded 2 inches minimum. o Anchor hook to project 2 inches minimum including bolt diameter. • All Other Bolts: Grade A. ' 2. Fabrication: Lintels: After fabrication shop prime the steel. LOAD-BEARING METAL FRAMING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install load bearing metal framing system and blocking as described in Contract Documents.See Notes on Finish Schedule Drawings for non-load-bearing metal wall framing. 2. Submit Shop Drawings to the Owner for review and approval: ' Show special components. Show installations not fully dimensioned or detailed in Manufacturer's Product data. 3. Quality Assurance/Control: • Placing,fabrication, blocking,and erection drawings prior to commencing work. I Manufacturer's technical productdata,installation instructions,and recommendations for each componentof system. ICBO Evaluation Report. Schedule pre-installation conference meeting after submittals have been reviewed and returned by Owner,but before beginning metal framing work. I 4. Framing: Fabricate studs and tracks in accordance with ASTM C 955 from metal meeting requirements of ASTM A 653,SQ (Structural Quality)-Grade 50 Class 2 minimum or ASTM A 924 with G-60 coating. 16 ga minimum with 1-5/8 inch wide flange. I Bridging,blocking,strapping, and other accessories shall be as required by Manufacturer's system. 5. Fasteners: o Corrosion-resistant coated,self-drilling,self-threading steel drill screws. 6. Any member of Steel Stud Manufacturer's Association is an acceptable manufacturer. 7. Installation must interface with other work: • Coordinate with other trades to provide blocking necessary for their work. Coordinate with other trades for location of blocking required for installation of equipment and building specialties. • Install metal framing in accordance with ASTM C 1007. • Erection Tolerances: ► 1/4 inch in 20 feet, non-cumulative in length of wall. ► 118 inch in 10 feet with 1/4 inch maximum in height of wall. ► Distances between parallel walls shall be 114 inch maximum along length and height of wall. ► Space individual framing members plus or minus 1/8 inch maximum from required location. ► Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other finishing materials. 8. Wall Framing: • Securely anchor tracks to supporting structures. • Provide complete uniform and level bearing support for bottom track. • Securely anchor abutting pieces of track to common structural element or butt weld or splice. • Securely attach studs to flanges or webs of both upper and lower tracks,and plumb and align. • Install jack studs at door heads and elsewhere as required to furnish structural support and securely attach to supporting members. • Provide temporary bracing until erection is completed. • Install wall stud bridging in manner to provide resistance to both minor axis bending and rotation. • Space bridging rows equally not to exceed 48 inches. • Furnish and install insulation equal to that specified in Division 07 in doubled jamb studs and doubled header members which will not be accessible to insulation installer. • Wrap multiple,adjacent framing members with duct tape or otherwise secure to eliminate'chattering'. • Use grommets at framing penetrations where unsecured items pass through. 9. Joists: ' Align and securely anchor track to supporting structure. Install joists fastening to both flanges of joist track. Space joists 2 inches 50 mm maximum from abutting walls. • Frame openings with built-up joist headers consisting of joist and joist track, nesting joists, or other acceptable ' combination of connected joists. Installjoist reinforcement at interior supports with single length of joist section directly over interior support,with joists lapped an amount equal to joist reinforcement. • Install web stiffeners to transfer axial loads of walls above. • Install bridging at both ends of joists and at intervals required by Contract Documents. ' Secure joists to load bearing interior walls to prevent lateral movement of bottom flange. 10. Repairs to Galvanized Surfaces: Non-Structural, Non-Load-Bearing Items Not Exposed To Weather: • Repair Using Zinc-Rich Paints: Spray-or brush-apply zinc-rich paint to prepared area. • Apply paint in single application employing multiple spray passes to achieve dry film thickness of 2 mils. ' HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of ' the Work. 1 Furnish and install metal handrails at interior and exterior of building. ' 2. Exterior: Handrails And Balusters: 1-1/2 inch outside diameter galvanized steel pipe,or galvanized steel tubing. • Paint all components. • Pipe Sleeves: 2 inch diameter by 6 to 9 inch long galvanized steel pipe,or galvanized steel tubing. ' Interior: Handrails And Balusters: 1-1/2 inch outside diameter shop primed steel pipe,or shop primed steel tubing. Paint all components. • Pipe Sleeves: 2 inch diameter by 6 to 9 inch long shop primed steel pipe,or shop primed steel tubing. 3. Rail Setting Grout: Commercial nonshrink grout, Type B or Type C. 4. Accessories: Supply necessary wall brackets and mounting hardware compatible with railing material to provide secure installation. 5. Fabrication: Grind smooth welded joints and buff welds to same appearance as remainder of railing. 0. Repair galvanizing and cut pipe ends. Return pipe ends of wall mounted handrails into wall. • Cap pipe ends of floor/ground mounted handrails and exterior handrails. I • After fabrication,shop prime metal to be painted. METAL BRACKETS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Metal brackets necessary to support vanities in Rest Rooms. 2. Steel-paint to match walls. 3. Fabrication: • Fabricate as detailed. • Grind exposed welds smooth and polish to match non-welded metal finish. • After fabrication and drilling of mounting holes,shop prime. - END OF DIVISION - ' DIVISION 06 WOOD & PLASTICS WOOD FRAMING This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Fumish and install wood framing and blocking as described in Contract Documents including: Miscellaneous structural steel elements. • Wood trusses. • Glue-laminated structural units. Structural composite lumber. Wood'I'joists. 2. Schedule pre-installation conference immediately before beginning framing work. 3. Delivery, Storage and Handling: Protect lumber and plywood and keep under cover in transit and at job site. Do not deliver material unduly long before it is required. • Store lumber and plywood on level racks and keep free of ground to avoid warping. • Stack to insure proper ventilation and drainage. • Handle and store wood trusses in accordance with'HIB-91'except trusses may be unloaded by dumping if trusses are shipped horizontally,are rolled off low profile roller bed trailer,and no part of any truss is required to drop more than 18 inches. 4. Dimension Lumber: Meet requirements of PS 20 and National Grading Rules for softwood dimension lumber. Bear grade stamp of WWPA, SPIB, or other association recognized by American Lumber Standards Committee identifying species of lumber by grade mark or by Certificate of Inspection. • Lumber Grade: Dimension lumber shall conform to CAN/CSA-0141 Species Group CSA CAN/CSA-086.1 as • listed,and to National Lumber Grades Authority Standard Grading Rules, 1980 and Supplement 1 of 1984. Plywood Grade: Canadian softwood plywood shall conform to CAN/CSA 0151,standard grade,unless specified otherwise. • Identify lumber and plywood by grade mark or Certificate of Inspection issued by approved lumber grading or • inspection bureau or agency. Graded American lumber may be used,subject to CLSAB approval. Lumber 2 inches or less in nominal thickness shall not exceed 19 percent in moisture content at time of fabrication and installation and be stamped'S-DRY,'K-D',or'MC15.' • Lumber shall be S4S. • Preservative Treated Plates/Sills: ► 2x4: Standard and better Douglas Fir,Southern Pine,or HemFir,or StrandGuard by Trus Joist,Boise,ID (800) 338-0515. www.tim.com ► 2x6&Wider: No.2 or or MSR 1650f-1.5e Douglas Fir,Southern Pine,HemFir,or StrandGuard by Trus Joist, Boise, ID (800)338-0515 www.trusioist.com 5. Posts, Beams,And Timbers 5 Inches by 5 Inches And Larger: No. 1 or better Douglas Fir or Southern Pine. 6. Lumber Ledgers: No. 1 Douglas Fir, Larch,or Southern Pine. 7. Blocking: Sound lumber without splits,warps,wane, loose knots,or knots larger than 1/2 inch. I 8. Furring Strips: Utility or better. 9. Sill Sealer: Closed-cell polyethylene foam, 1/4 inch thick by width of plate. 10. Use preservative treated wood for wood members in contact with concrete or masonry, including wall, sill, and ledger plates,door and window sub frames and bucks,etc. 11. Coordinate with other Sections for location of blocking required for installation of equipment and building specialties.Do not allow installation of gypsum board until required blocking is in place. 12. Where manufactured items are to be installed in framing,provide rough openings of dimensions within tolerances required by manufacturers of such items. • Confirm dimensions where not shown on Drawings. 13. Floors: Place with crown side up. • Provide accurately fitted header and trimmer joists of same size as regular joists around floor openings, unless detailed otherwise,and support by steel joist hangers. ` Double joists under partitions that parallel run of joists. f! 14. Walls: Tolerances: ► 1/4 inch in 20 feet, non-cumulative in length of wall. • 1/8 inch in 10 feet with 1/4 inch maximum in height of wall. ► Distances between parallel walls shall be 1/4 inch maximum along length and height of wall. Openings: Single,bearing stud supporting header and one adjacent stud continuous between plates,unless shown otherwise. Corners And Partition Intersections: Triple studs. Top Plates In Bearing Partitions: Doubled or tripled and lapped. Stagger joints at least 48 inches. Ends of Stud Wall to Concrete-Use one of the following methods. ► Connect with 1/2 inch machine bolts 6 inches from top, 6 inches from bottom, and 48 inches maximum on center. ' Use three bolts minimum in height of 6 foot or higher wall. ► Secure wood to masonry using continuous 114 inch minimum bead of construction adhesive and powder actuated fasteners installed at 32 inches on center minimum. 15. Firestops: ' Horizontal or vertical concealed spaces in walls,light coves, soffits,drop ceilings, and other features over 10 feet in length or height, and at stairs, ceiling levels,floor levels,and other junctures of horizontal to vertical concealed spaces. • Within concealed spaces of exterior wall finishes and exterior architectural elements, such as trims, cornices or ' projections,at maximum intervals of 20 feet, length or height. 16. Sill Plates: Shear Walls And Bearing Walls: Provide anchor bolt 12 inches maximum and 4 inches minimum from each end of each plate. • Shear Walls: Fasten only with bolts embedded in foundation wall. ' Bearing Walls: Fasten either with bolts embedded in slab or with expansion bolts in drilled holes. 17. Non-Bearing Walls: Fasten with powder actuated fasteners": In addition to requirements of paragraphs'a'and'b'above, set sill plates of interior walls measuring less than 36 inches in length in solid bed of specified construction adhesive,except where sill sealer is used. ' Install specified seal sealer under sill plates of exterior walls of main building and of acoustically insulated interior walls. 18. Concrete Wall Plates: • Anchor 2x6 and 2x8 wall plates to top of block walls with 5/8 inch diameter anchor bolts at 32 inches on center unless • noted otherwise. Set plates on masonry bearing walls true and level to provide full bearing. 19. Posts And Columns: Unless shown otherwise, nail members of multiple member columns together with 16d on center from each side. ' 20. Beams And Girders:Built-Up Members: Stagger individual members of multiple span beams and girders so, over any one support, no more than half the members will have a joint. In all cases,however,joints shall occur over supports. • Nail two-ply built-up members with 10d nails 12 inches on center top and bottom, staggered on opposite sides. • Nail three-ply built-up members with 16d nails at 12 inches on center,top and bottom,staggered,on opposite sides. fSet with crown edge up with full bearing at ends and intermediate supports. 21. Beams And Girders: Pre-Fabricated Members: • Solid glu-lam,LVL or PSL members may be used in place of built-up 2x framing members. I Size shall be same as built-up member. Solid LVL or PSL members may be used in place of built-up LVL members. • Size shall be same as sum of built-up members. 22. Wood shims are not acceptable under ends. 23. Do not notch framing members unless specifically shown in Drawing detail. 24. Nailing Standards: Stud to plate: 2x4: End nail,two 16d or toe nail,four 8d. • 2x6: End nail,three 16d or toe nail,four 8d. IPRESERVATIVE TREATMENT OF WOOD This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of Ithe Work. 1. General: I Hardwood lumber and plywood used in Architectural Woodwork shall be preserved by 15 minute dip treatment in accordance with requirements of NWMA Industry Standard IS 470. Wood products that are saw cut or bored after treatment shall have raw edges treated with two brush coats of same preservative originally used for treatment. 2. Plywood, Pine,And Hemlock: AWPA C-2. 3. Douglas Fir: AWPA approved for Hawaii use only,0.25 Ib/cu ft retention with an assay zone of 0.2 inch. Incising not required. 4. Water soluble treated wood shall have moisture reduced to 12 to 15 percent before installation. 5. Tribucide treated wood shall have moisture reduced to 19 percent before installation. 6. Quality Standards: • Framing Lumber And Structural Plywood: Wolman CDCA or Osmose CCA. • For Treating Cut Ends, Notches, Etc,at Jobsite: ► Concealed Wood: Wolman Treat 00. ► Exposed Wood: Wolman Clear. • For One Inch Finish,All Doors, Cabinets, Paneling, Etc: Tribucide 2. 7. Acceptable Manufacturers: • Chemical Specialties Inc,Charlotte,NC (800)421-8661.www.treatedwood.com • Hoover Treated Wood Products,Thomson,GA (800)832-9663.www.frtw.com • Osmose Inc, Griffin,GA (800)241-0240. www.osmose.com 8. Application: • Treat lumber and plywood for new work in accordance with AWPA Standards and dried after treatment. ' Lumber grade and species shall be as specified for particular use. Identify treated lumber as to name of treater, preservative used,and retention in Ibs/cu ft. PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install plywood sheathing required for floors as described in Contract Documents. 2. Delivery,Storage and Handling: • Protect sheathing and keep under cover in transit and at job site. Do not deliver material unduly long before it is required. Store sheathing on level racks and keep free of ground. Stack to insure proper ventilation and drainage. 3. Sheathing: ' A/C grade plywood meeting requirements of PS 195/ANSI A199.1, PS 2-92, PRP-108,or PRP-133. Every sheet of sheathing shall be stamped as follows: ► Appropriate APA,TECO,or PFS grade stamp identifying thickness and span rating:Exposure 1 or Exterior. • Sheathing shall not exceed 18 percent moisture content when fabricated nor more than 19 percent when installed ' in Project. Sheathing used for same purpose shall be of same thickness. In all cases,thickness specified is minimum required regardless of span rating. 4. Installation: • Install plywood with'A'side exposed. • Edge Bearing&Blocking: Panel edges shall bear on framing members and butt along their centerlines. • Fastening: ► Place screws not less than 3/8 inch in from edge,12 inches on center along intermediate supports,and 6 inches on center along panel edge. ► Tops of fasteners shall be flush with sheathing surface WOOD 'I' JOIST This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install plywood web'I'joists,web stiffeners,and components where shown on the Drawings. 2. Design Requirements: • Custom design joists under supervision of registered professional engineer. • Designs shall be in accordance with allowable values assigned by building code approval. Io Only connections and webs currently approved by Research Committee of ICBO. 3. Shop Drawings must include following information: • Stamp and signature of Engineer responsible for preparation of shop drawings. • Show critical dimensions for determining fit and placement in building as well as loads joists are designed to support. • Name and trademark of Manufacturer. • Complete design calculation showing internal layout,member forces,and stress control points for each joist design. • Copies of ICBO reports showing approval of connections and webs. 4. Delivery, Storage and Handling: I Store joists in vertical position protected from weather. Handle with care to prevent damage. 5. Acceptable Manufacturers: • Boise Cascade Corp, Boise, ID (800)237-4013. www.bc.com Georgia-Pacific Corp,Atlanta,GA (800)284-5347. www.bc.com Louisiana Pacific Corp, Portland,OR (800)547-6331. www.lpcorp.com o Trus Joist Corp, Div Weyerhaeuser, Boise, ID (800)338-0515.www.tim.com 6. Fabrication of joists shall be as approved by ICBO except where requirements of Contract Documents exceed ICBO I requirements. SECTION 06171 LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER - LVL This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Fabricator shall design members to meet dimensions indicated on Drawings. Designs shall be under supervision of registered professional engineer. Designs shall be in accordance with standard engineering practice and meet requirements of National Research Board and The National Design Specification For Wood, 1997. • Adhesive: Meet requirements of ASTM D 2559. ' 2. Delivery,Storage,and Handling: Store members on job site in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. • Keep dry and provide supports to keep members off floor or ground. Split plastic wrappers of members stored encased in plastic on bottom side to allow for air circulation. ' 3. Approved Products and Manufacturers: Versa-Lam or Versa-Lam Plus by Boise Cascade Corp,Boise, ID (800)237-4013 or(208)384-6161. www.bc.com • G-P Lam by Georgia-Pacific Corp,Atlanta, GA (800)284-5347 or(404)652-4000. www.qp.com • Gang-Lam LVL by Louisiana Pacific Corp, Portland,OR (800)547-6331 or(503)221-0800. www.lpcorp.com ' RigidLam LVL by Roseburg Forest Products, Riddle,OR (800)347-7260.www.rfpco.com Micro=Lam or Parallam PSL by Trus Joist Corp, Div Weyerhaeuser, Boise, ID (800)338-0515 or(208)364-1200. www.tim.com StrucLam by Willamette Industries,Albany,OR(800 942-9927 (541)926-7771. www.wii.com ' 4. Fabrication: Cut members to accurate length,angle,and size to assure tight joints for finished installation. 5. Source Quality Control: Identify laminated veneer lumber by grade stamp or stamps noting name and plant number of Manufacturer,grade, National Research Board report number,and quality control agency. ' GLUE-LAMINATED STRUCTURAL UNITS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install glu-lam beams,hardware and steel shapes except those embedded in or bolted to concrete or welded to structural steel. ' 2. Submit a copy of licensing certificate from AITC,APA-EWS,or CITC. 3. Delivery,Storage and Handling: Wrap members separately with heavy water repellent covers. • Protect against damage in transit. 4. Wood: Douglas Fir or Southern Pine: Stress Grade: ► Fb: 2400 psi. ► Fc perpendicular: 600 psi. ► Fc parallel(columns): 1550 psi. ► Fv: 165 psi. ► E: 1,600,000 psi. • Glue-laminated beams for cantilevers,continuous spans,and columns shall have an Fb value for compression zone equal to Fb value specified for tension zone(balanced combination). ` W Moisture content: 12 percent maximum for straight Iw Appearance: Industrial. ► Seal beam faces with penetrating sealer. Treat beam ends with wood preservative. • Adhesives: Wet-use type. • Hardware And Steel Shapes: Meet requirements of ASTM A 36. 5. Fabricate beams in accordance with requirements of ANSI/AITC A 190.1. 6. Camber beams to radius of 2000 ft unless shown otherwise on Drawings. GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK REQUIREMENTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install architectural woodwork and casework according to these general standards for materials and fabrication of Architectural Woodwork and for hardware associated with Architectural Woodwork. 2. AWI Custom Grade is minimum acceptable standard, except where explicitly specified otherwise, for materials, construction, and installation of architectural woodwork. 3. Assemble architectural woodwork at Architectural Woodwork Fabricator's plant and deliver ready for erection insofar as possible. 4. Protect architectural woodwork from moisture and damage while in transit to job site. Unload&store in place where it will be protected from moisture and damage and convenient to use. 5. Lumber: Grade: • No defects in boards smaller than 600 sq in. • One defect per additional 150 sq inches in larger boards. • Select pieces for uniformity of grain and color on exposed faces and edges. • No mineral grains accepted. 6. Lumber: Allowable Defects: • Tight knots not exceeding 1/8 inch in diameter. No loose knots permitted. • Patches(dutchmen)not apparent after finishing when viewed beyond 18 inches. • Checks or splits not exceeding 1/32 inch by 3 inches and not visible after finishing when viewed beyond 18 inches. • Stains, pitch pockets,streaks,worm holes,and other defects not mentioned are not permitted. ' Normal grain variations,such as cats eye, bird's eye,burl,curl,and cross grain are not considered defects. Use maximum lengths possible, but not required to exceed 10 feet without joints. • No joints closer than 72 inches in straight run. • Moisture content shall be 6 percent maximum at fabrication. ' No opening of joints due to shrinkage is acceptable. 7. Fabrication Tolerances: • No planer marks(KCPI)allowed. Sand wood members and surfaces with 100 grit or finer. • Maximum Gap: None allowed. I Flushness Variation: 0.015 inch maximum. Sanding Cross Scratches: 1/4 inch maximum. Plug screw holes. Screw locations not to be visible beyond 18 inches • Fabricate work in accordance with measurements taken on job site. I 'Ease'sharp corners&edges of exposed members to protect users from slivers. Radius of'easing'shall be uniform throughout Project and between 1/32& 1/16th of an inch. Fabricate so veneer grain is vertical. • Joints: ► Use lumber pieces with similar grain pattern when joining end to end. ► Compatibility of grain and color from lumber to panel products is required. 8. Install hardware in accordance with Manufacturer's directions. Leave operating hardware operating smoothly and quietly. 9. Remove or repair damaged surface of or defects in exposed finished surfaces of I architectural woodwork to match adjacent similar undamaged surface. 10. General Architectural Woodwork Installation: Fabricate work in accordance with measurements taken on Project site. • Scribe, miter,and join accurately and neatly to conform to details. I Exposed surfaces shall be machine sanded, ready for finishing. Allow for free movement of panels. Countersink nails. Countersink screws and plug those exposed to view. r CASEWORK / Custom Grade I1. Furnish and install custom casework. 2. Submit manufacturer's literature or cut sheets for hardware. I 3. Shop Drawings:Confirm compliance with Contract Document requirements as to configuration and dimensions of custom casework. 4. Mock-Up: Before fabrication of complete casework package,submit section or sections of cabinetry containing typical drawer, shelving, cabinet door panel,and hardware. Mock-ups may be installed in Project after approval. I 5, Wood Materials: Exposed: Plain sawn Red Oak. Semi-exposed And Concealed: Species as acceptable for AWI custom grade. 6. Panel Product: I Cores: ► Cabinet Doors: Medium density fiberboard(MDF)with minimum weight of 48 Ibs per cu ft. ► All Other: Industrial grade particle board with minimum density of 45 Ibs per cu ft. • Facings: ► Hardwood veneer shall be plain sliced Red Oak AWI Grade A,or equal by NWWDA or APA. I Melamine or Kortron. Edgings: ► Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts Higher than 8 Inches: 0 3/4 inch by 1/4 inch edge-band of wood species matching hardwood face veneer. I Shelves And Exposed Panel Product Edges: o Hot-glued,2 mm thick minimum, PVC edge banding. o Wood-grained,except color matching Melamine or Kortron surface at shelf edges. ► Semi-Exposed Panel Product Edges: • o Hot-glued,0.018 inch thick minimum,wood grained PVC edge-banding. Glues used in manufacture and fabrication of panel products shall be Type I or II. • Moisture content shall be same as specified for lumber. 7. Cabinet and Drawer Hardware: Cabinet And Drawer Pulls: US26D steel-plated, brass/bronze core bow handles,4 inches long minimum;Quality Standard: 4484 by Stanley. Cabinet And Drawer Locks: ► Pin tumbler type suitable for location. I • Key individually by cabinet grouping shown on signage schedule. • Stamp keys with Room number and cabinet designation as shown on signage schedule. ► Key cabinets and drawers within an Office alike. • Quality Standard Manufacturers: Chicago Lock or National Cabinet Lock. ' 8. Cabinet Adjustable Shelf Supports: 32mm System: Casework Fabricator's standard. Quality Standard: 255 and 256 by Knape&Vogt. 9. Cabinet Hinges: • European style, self-closing, 170 degree opening minimum. ' Doors 48 inches High or Less: Two hinges Approved Products: ► 71.6500 by Julius Blum. ► 3903 by Grass America. ' 2661 by Knape&Vogt. ► 61 DS by Mepla-Alfit. 10. Cabinet Inactive Leaf Catches:Quality Standards: • Full-Height Doors: Two Surface Botts No 0432 inch by Ives. All Others: Elbow Catch No 2 by Ives. 11. Drawer Guides: Pencil Drawers:Steel ball bearings,45 lb load rating. ► Quality Standard Products: • o Series 2006 by Accuride. o Series KV8200 by Knape&Vogt. Standard Drawers: Full extension,steel ball bearings, 100 lb load rating; ► Quality Standard Products: • o Series 3832 by Accuride. o Series KV8400 by Knape&Vogt. Lateral Files: Full extension,steel ball bearings, 150 lb(68 kg)load rating; ► Quality Standard Products: o Series 4034 by Accuride. ' o Series KV8505 by Knape&Vogt. 12. Pass-trough Window Track: • Aluminum track with nylon or ball bearing steel rollers. • Quality Standard: Ezy-Roll Aluminum Track Number P1092 ANOD by Knape and Vogt,which includes: ' 1 each: 1093 upper channel and 1099 lower track. ► 4 each: 1097 rollers and 1085 vinyl glides. ► 2 each: 1095 shoe. • Sliding Window Lock-Provide with 4 keys: ► Quality Standard: Number 965 NP Rachet Lock by Knape&Vogt. 13. Quality Standard Manufacturers Contact Information: • Accuride,Santa Fe Springs, CA(888)459-8624. www.accuride.com • Chicago Lock Co,Pleasant Prairie,WI (800)445-3204. Grass America Inc,Kernerville, NC (800)334-3512. www.grassusa.com Julius Blum Inc, Stanley, NC (800)438-6788. www.blum.com • Knape&Vogt,Grand Rapids, MI (800)253-1561. www.kv.com • Mepla-Alfit Inc,Lexington,NC (800)858-4957. www.meplaalfit.com Rockford Process Control, Inc(RPC)Rockford, IL (815)966-2000. www.members.aol.com/rpcinc Ives,Wallingford,CT (203)294-4837. National Cabinet Lock,Mauldin,SC (864)297-6655. www.nclnet.com • Stanley,New Britain,CT (800)622-4393. www.stanleyworks.com I 14. Fabrication: • Cabinet Body: ► Use AWI Flush Overlay construction on cabinet bodies. ► Install Standard System adjustable shelf supports recessed. • Drawers: ► Fabricate with separate, screw-attached drawer front. ► Joints shall be dowel and pressure glued,or lock shoulder,glued,and pin nailed. ► Set bottoms into sides,backs,and sub front with 1/4 inch deep groove with 3/8 inch minimum standing shoulder. • Every drawer shall have specified drawer guides installed. Hinges:Install hinges using plastic insertion dowels for hinges and'Euroscrews'for baseplates. Cabinet Component Thickness&Material: ► Use hardwood veneerfacing on panel product except on the following surfaces,where Kortron or Melamine shall be used. ► Cabinet interiors and shelving faces behind cabinet doors in all rooms. ► Cabinet interiors and shelving faces exposed to view,except in Offices. ► Cabinet exteriors permanently not exposed to view. ► Drawer sides,backs, bottoms,and sub fronts. • Ends, Divisions,Bottoms,Tops: 3/4 inch panel product. • Rails: 3/4 inch 19 mm panel product. • Shelves:Thickness: ► Span 30 Inch and Less: 3/4 inch thick. ► Spans Over 30 Inches to 42 Inches: One inch thick. ► Spans Over 42 Inches: One inch thick and provide Hafele or equal center supports. • Backs: 1/4 inch nominal panel product. • Doors: 3/4 inch panel product. • Drawer Sides, Backs,&Subfronts: 1/2 inch minimum panel product. • Drawer Bottoms: 1/4 inch nominal panel product. • Separate Drawer Front: 314 inch solid hardwood • Hardboard Dividers: 1/4 inch thick,smooth both sides. ' Hardboard Shelves: 1/8 inch thick,smooth both sides. Install plastic grommets r DOOR, FRAME, & FINISH HARDWARE INSTALLATION ■ This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install frames,doors,sealants for caulking door frames insulation in doorframes including but not limited to the following: • Flush wood doors. Hollow metal doors. Hollow metal doorframes. Finish hardware. 2. Related specifications are in DIVISION 8 3. Quality Assurance/Control: Inspection report verifying correct operation and adjustment of installed hardware. Copy of'Installation Guide for Doors&Hardware'by Door&Hardware Institute 4. Regulatory Requirements: Fire door installations shall meet code requirements. I 5. Schedule pre-Installation conference after hardware has been delivered to site and organized into hardware groups by door, but prior to installation of hardware. Check for appropriate blocking and for correct hardware models and fasteners for substrates. • Review set of Manufacturer's installation,adjustment,and maintenance instructions submitted under DIVISION 8. 6. Delivery,Storage&Handling: Wood Doors: Do not have doors delivered to building site until after gypsum board installation is complete, dry and ready for painting. • If doors are to be stored at job-site for more than one week,seal top and bottom edges if not factory sealed. Store flat on a level surface in a dry,well ventilated building. Cover to keep clean but allow air circulation. Handle with clean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across other surfaces. • Do not subject doors to abnormal heat,dryness,or humidity or sudden changes therein. I Condition doors to average prevailing humidity of locality before hanging. 7. Delivery,Storage&Handling: Keys: Immediately prior to Final Acceptance Meeting,turn change keys over to Owner properly organized,tagged,and placed in new or existing key cabinet. • Include change key with Project removable cores. I Immediately before Final Acceptance Meeting,install Project removable cores and turn change key over to Owner. 8. Installation of Hollow Metal Frames: • Site Tolerances: ► Squareness: 1/16 inch from top edge to opposite top edge. ► Plumbness: 1/16 inch from top of jamb to bottom of jamb. ► Alignment: 1/16 inch from plane of left side face of jamb to right side face of jamb. ► Twist: 1/16 inch across throat of jamb plane measured across each face to plane of opposite jamb throat. ► Finished Clearance Between Door&Frame: I 0 1/16 inch at head and hinge jamb plus 1/16 inch maximum 0 1/8 inch at strike jamb plus or minus 1/16 inch maximum. 0 1/2 inch to top of finished floor surface or 1/4 inch to top of threshold plus or minus 1/16 inch maximum. • Set frame in location and level head. Equalize with adjustable floor anchor. Set spreaders and fasten jambs to floor and wall: ► Wood spreaders shall be square, fabricated from lumber one inch minimum thick, be same length as door opening at header,and same depth as frame. ► Cut notches for frame stops. ► Do not remove spreaders until frames are permanently anchored in wall. ► Use one spreader at base of frame and another at strike level. ► Do not use temporary spreaders welded to base of jambs during installation of frame. ' Fill gap between frame and framing with urethane foam or tightly-packed fiberglass insulation. ► If urethane foam is used,coat interior of frames with foam before installing frame. ► Trim excess before installation of frame. • Caulking: ' Caulk around both sides of frames of doors receiving acoustical seals with specified sealant. ► Caulk around both sides of frames installed in exposed concrete walls with specified sealant. 9. Installation of Doors: • When Project is completed,doors shall not bind, stick,or be mounted so as to cause future hardware difficulties. • Do not impair utility or structural strength of door in fitting of door, applying hardware,or cutting and altering door louvers, panels,or other special details. 10. Installation of Hardware: • General: DIVISION 07 THERMAL & MOISTURE P R O T FOAM-IN INSULATION ' This ction shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of th *ork. ' . Furnish and install thermal insulation on the inside surface of the roof sheathing as described in Contract Documents. 2. Related Drawings and Sections included in the Construction Documents General Structural notes on the Structural drawings in the Construction Documents and the General Structural ' Notes on the Structural Shop Drawings. 3. Thermal Insulation: Sealection 500 polyurethane foam: by Demilec Corporation Thickness: 5-6"average depth 4. Fire protection intumescent coating: Blazelok TB by Demilec Corporation ' Installation: Spray polyurethane foam insulation on to the inside surface of the roof sheathing as required to fully cover e sheathing and truss upper chord members to a minimum 5"thickness. Apply to the fully cured foam insulati the intumescent coating following specifically the manufacturers written instructions. ' ROOF CO TS This section shall be the response I tr Fact for this portion of ' the Work. 1. Furnish and install flashing and counter flashing as shown and noted on the Drawings for this Project. ' 2. Fascia Panels: Metal: Aluminum: 0.032 inch 0.81 mm thick minimum Finishes: Coating: Baked Enamel Color selected by the Owner ' 3. Pipe Flashing For Plumbing Vent Lines PVC pipe jacks JOINT SEALANTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnishing and install of sealants specific to the work to receive new sealants. 2. Related notes: Acoustical sealants. I 3. Delivery, Storage and Handling: Handle to prevent inclusion of foreign matter,damage by water,or breakage. Deliver and keep in original containers until ready for use. I Do not use damaged or deteriorated materials. Store in a cool place, but never under 40 deg F. 4. Exterior Building Elements: Sealants provided shall meet Manufacturer's shelf-life requirements. Use 1200 Primer and 791 Sealant by Dow Corning, SS4044 Primer and Silpruf SCS 2000 Sealant by General Electric for the following applications: Joints between building foundations and exterior site concrete. Expansion joints in retaining walls. Joints and cracks around windows. Aluminum entrance perimeters and thresholds. Door frames. Columns. Louvers. I Wall penetrations. Connections. 6. Exterior Sheet Metal And Miscellaneous: Use 790 or 791 Sealant by Dow Corning. 7. Expansion joints in Portland cement concrete driveways and parking lots: Use 1200 Primer and NS Sealant(SL may be used on non-sloping areas)by Dow Corning. 8. Interior: Use Tub,Tile,And Ceramic Silicone Sealant by Dow Corning for the following applications: Inside jambs and heads of exterior door frames. Inside perimeters of windows. ' — Miscellaneous gaps between substrates. Interior At Exposed Masonry Walls. 9. Interior Joints: Use Tub, Tile, And Ceramic Silicone Sealant by Dow Corning, Acrylseal by General Electric for the following applications: ' — Countertops and backsplash to wall. Sinks and lavatories to countertops Color: As selected by Owner from Manufacturer's standard colors. 10, Backing: Flexible closed cell, non-gassing polyurethane or polyolefin rod or bond breaker tape as recommended by ' Sealant Manufacturer for joints being sealed. 11. Contact Information for specified manufacturers products: Dow Corning Corp, Midland, MI (800)248-2481. www.dowcornina.com ' 12. Preparation requirement for applying primers and sealants: Surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of dust, oil,grease,dew, or frost. Apply primer according to manufacturer's instructions. Joint Backing: Rod for open joints shall be at least 1-1/2 times width of open joint and of thickness to give solid ' backing. Backing shall fill up joint so depth of sealant bite is no more than 3/8 inch deep. Apply bond-breaker tape in shallow joints as recommended by Sealant Manufacturer. 13. Application of sealants: Apply sealant with hand-caulking gun with nozzle of proper size to fit joints. ' — Use sufficient pressure to insure full contact to both sides of joint to full depth of joint. Apply sealants in vertical joints from bottom to top. Tool joints immediately after application of sealant if required to achieve full bedding to substrate or to achieve smooth sealant surface. ' — Tool joints in opposite direction from application direction, i.e. in vertical joints from the top down. Do not'wet tool'sealants. Depth of sealant bite shall be 1/4 inch minimum and 1/2 inch maximum, but never more than one half or less than one fourth joint width. ' — Do not apply caulking at temperatures below 40 deg❑F. Caulk gaps between painted or coated substrates and unfinished or pre-finished substrates. Caulk gaps larger than 3/16 inch between painted or coated substrates. ' 14. Clean adjacent materials, which have been soiled, immediately (before caulking has set) as recommended by Manufacturer. - END OF DIVISION- I DIVISION 07 THERMAL & MOISTURE ' PROTECTION FOAM-IN-PLACE INSULATION This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install thermal insulation on the inside surface of the air form roofing membrane as described in Contract Documents. ' 2. Related Drawings and Sections included in the Construction Documents General Structural notes on the Structural drawings in the Construction Documents and the General Structural Notes on the Structural Shop Drawings. • Shotcrete in DIVISION 3 • Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing in DIVISION 7 ' Pre-engineered Concrete Dome in DIVISION 13 3. Thermal Insulation: polyurethane foam: • Thickness: 34"average depth • Density: 2lbs./cu.ft. • K-factor: .12 • Permeability: 3.0 perms • Comprehensive strength: 30 psi,90%closed cells • Flame spread: less than 75 Smoke development: less than 450 Membrane primer: As required by the pre-engineered dome developer,Monolithic Dome Institute, Italy,TX.(972) -483-7423..www.monolithic.com 4. Installation: ' Prime inside surface of the thermoplastic air form/roofing member with primer as required by the pre-engineered dome developer. Spray polyurethane foam insulation on to the inside surface of the thermoplastic air form/roofing member as required by the pre-engineered dome developer, Allow polyurethane to fully cure as required by the pre-engineered dome developer before installing reinforcing bar ties and spraying shotcrete. IFACED BATT INSULATION This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of ` the Work. 1. Furnish and install thermal and acoustic batt insulation as described in Contract Documents. 2. Thermal And Acoustic Insulation: Kraft faced meeting requirements of ASTM C 665,Type Il,Class Foil faced meeting requirements of ASTM C 665,Type III,Class B. 3. Order insulation by'R'factor rather than'U'factor,rating,or thickness,either 16 or 24 inches wide according to framing spacing. 'R'Factor Required:. Acoustically Insulated Ceilings: 38. Thermally Insulated Ceilings/Roof:38 • Nominal Wood or Metal Wall Framing: ► 2x4: 11. ► 2x6: 19. 4. Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: • Certainteed Corp,Valley Forge, PA (800)233-8990 or(610)341-7739. www.certainteed.com • Guardian Fiberglass,Albion, MI (800)968-8258. www.guardianfiberglass.com • Knauf Fiber Glass,Shelbyville, IN (800)825-4434 or(317)398-4434. www.knauffiberglass.com • Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation,Toledo,OH (800)832-3585 or(419)248-8000. www.owens-corning.com • Johns Manville, Denver, CO (800)654-3103.www.jm.com • Thermafiber,Wabash, IL (888)834-2371. 5. Insulation shall be manufactured to be in compliance with IBC or other applicable building codes. 6. Installation: General: • Leave no gaps in insulation envelope. • Iftwo layers of insulation are used to attain required'R'factor,only layer towards interior of building shall have facing. • Do not cover recessed light fixtures with insulation. • Cut out insulation to provide 6 inch minimum clearance around recessed lighting fixtures. 7. Installation in Framing: • Install insulation behind plumbing and wiring,around duct and vent line penetrations,and in similar places. • Fit ends of batts snug against top and bottom plates. • Where insulation is not enclosed by structure or drywall,support in place with wire or other suitable material and use only foil-faced insulation. THERMOPLASTIC ROOFING / PVC ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install thermoplastic membrane as the air form roofing membrane and as the roofing membrane for the pre-engineered dome as described in Contract Documents. 2. Related specifications on the Elevation and Structural Drawings include the following: ' General Structural notes. Shotcrete. Foam-in-Place Insulation. • Pre-engineered Concrete Dome. ' 3. Membrane shall be polyvinyl chloride(PVC)impregnated into nylon or polyester scrim: Tongue tear: 275 psi minimum. Trapzoid tear: 85 psi minimum. • Grab tensil: 700 psi minimum. ' Strip tensile: 515 psi minimum. Hydrostatic resistance: 500 psi minimum. Fabric weight: 31 oz. minimum per sq.yd./minimum weight. • Finish color: Selected by the Architect. ' 4. Approved PVC Membrane Manufacturers: Mehler Haku, Huckelhoven,Germany:Phone+49(0)2433 459-0;Fax+49(0)2433 459-172. www.mehlerhaku.de ;email info(cDmehlerhaku.de • Approved equal by Monolithic Dome Institute, Italy, TX. (972) - 483-7423; (972) - 483-6662 FAX. ' www.monolithic.com 5. Product Data: Submit copies of the PVC Manufacturer's literature or cut sheet for each element of system to the Owner. 6. Shop Drawings: • Prepared by Monolithic Dome Institute and include outline of roof and roof size, location and type of penetrations ' perimeter and penetration details,special details,and bill of materials. Evidence that roof system has been tested and approved or listed as FM Class 1-90 and UL Class A assembly. 7. Delivery,Storage and Handling: • Deliver airform/roofing membrane to job site in original unopened containers or wrappings bearing all seals and ' approvals. Handle materials to prevent damage. Place materials on pallets and fully protect from moisture. Store airform/roofing membrane lying down on pallets fully protected from weather with tarpaulins. • Do not store or use flammable adhesives vicinity of open flames,sparks,and excessive heat. • Store flammable materials in cool, dry area away from sparks and open flames. Follow precautions outlined on ' containers or supplied by material manufacturer/supplier. Remove from job site materials that are determined to be damaged by the Owner and replace at no additional cost to Owner. 8. Installation: ' Rollout air-form membrane over the ground and stem wall for the dome location. Attach air-form membrane securely to ring beam at top of stem wall according to air-form manufacturer's requirements and instructions. • Inflate air-form to required tension according to air-form manufacturer's requirements and instructions. ' Maintain air pressure continuously until concrete is installed and cured according to air-form manufacturer's requirements and instructions. Attach PVC ribs fully adhered to PVC membrane surface. • If the membrane is required to be painted,then apply primer and topcoat over PVC membrane and over PVC ribs, t if ribs are required to be added,according to the coating manufactures instructions and requirements. 9. Cleaning airform/roofing membrane after installation: Remove demolished material from site daily to legal dumping area legally authorized to receive such materials. • Site cleanup, including both interior and exterior building areas that have been affected by construction. ' Repair landscaped areas damaged by construction activities at no additional cost to Owner. ROOF COMPONENTS ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install flashing and counter flashing as shown and noted on the Drawings for this Project. ' 2. Fascia Panels: Metal: Aluminum: 0.032 inch 0.81 mm thick minimum • Finishes: Coating: Baked Enamel • Color selected by the Owner ' 3. Pipe Flashing For Plumbing Vent Lines PVC pipe jacks as supplied by the Air Form Manufacturer. • Color to be matched to PVC roofing either integral or painted. FIRESTOPPING This section shall be the responsibilityof the Subcontractor the Work. actor under contract for this portion of 1. Furnish and install fire stopping not involving penetrations as described in Contract Documents. 2. Quality of fire stopping materials and systems used for penetrations on Project, including submittal requirements. 3. Definition of Penetration Fire stop System: An assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed,tested, ' and fire resistive in accordance with UBC Standard 7-5 to resist passage of fire through penetrations for prescribed period of time. 4. Shop Drawings: Show each type of Penetration Fire stop System with design approval reference number. 5. Regulatory Requirements: Each Penetration Fire stop System shall be UL listed for that type of penetration occurring on Project. Ratings shall be in accordance with ASTM E 814, UL 1479,or UBC Standard No 436 as acceptable to local code authority. • Sealant,packing material,or collar system required by Fire stop Manufacturer for Fire stop Penetration System to I comply with listed design. 6. Quality Standard Manufacturers contact information: Passive Fire Protection Partners, Delta, BC (800)810-1788. www.firestop.com • Flame Stop V by Flame Stop Inc, Keller,TX (817)431-3747. www.flamestop.com 1 High Performance Fire stop Systems by Hilti,Tulsa,OK (800)333-1150.www.hilti.com fl Nelson Fire stop Products,Tulsa, OK (800)331-7325. www.nelsonfirestop.com Metacaulk by Rectorseal,Houston,TX (800)231-3345. www.rectorseal.com • Specified Technologies Inc,Somerville, NJ (800)992-1180. www.stifirestop.com • 3M Fire Protection Products by 3M,St Paul,MN (800)328-1687.www.mmm.com • Tremco Fire stopping Systems by Tremco, Beachwood, OH(800)562-2728.www.tremeosealants.com • Vesuvius, Erwin,TN (800)849-3275. JOINT SEALANTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnishing and install of sealants specific to the work to receive new sealants. 2. Related notes: • Acoustical sealants. 3. Delivery,Storage and Handling: • Handle to prevent inclusion of foreign matter,damage by water,or breakage. • Deliver and keep in original containers until ready for use. • Do not use damaged or deteriorated materials. • Store in a cool place,but never under 40 deg F. 4. Exterior Building Elements: Sealants provided shall meet Manufacturer's shelf-life requirements. Use 1200 Primer and 791 Sealant by Dow Corning, SS4044 Primer and Silpruf SCS 2000 Sealant by General Electric for the following applications: • Joints between building foundations and exterior site concrete. • Expansion joints in retaining walls. • Joints and cracks around windows. • Aluminum entrance perimeters and thresholds. • Door frames. • Columns. • Louvers. • Wall penetrations. • Connections. 6. Exterior Sheet Metal And Miscellaneous: Use 790 or 791 Sealant by Dow Corning. 7. Expansion joints in Portland cement concrete driveways and parking lots: Use 1200 Primer and NS Sealant(SL may be used on non-sloping areas)by Dow Corning. 8. interior: Use Tub,Tile,And Ceramic Silicone Sealant by Dow Corning for the following applications: • Inside jambs and heads of exterior door frames. • Inside perimeters of windows. • Miscellaneous gaps between substrates. Interior At Exposed Masonry Walls. 9. Interior Joints: Use Tub, Tile, And Ceramic Silicone Sealant by Dow Corning, Acryiseal by General Electric for the following applications: • Countertops and backsplash to wall. • Sinks and lavatories to countertops Color: As selected by Owner from Manufacturer's standard colors. 10. Backing: Flexible closed cell, non-gassing polyurethane or polyolefin rod or bond breaker tape as recommended by Sealant Manufacturer for joints being sealed. 11. Contact Information for specified manufacturers products: Dow Corning Corp, Midland,MI (800)248-2481. www.dowcorning.com 12. Preparation requirement for applying primers and sealants: Surfaces shall be clean,dry, and free of dust,oil,grease,dew,or frost. • Apply primer according to manufacturer's instructions. Joint Backing: Rod for open joints shall be at least 1-1/2 times width of open joint and of thickness to give solid backing. Backing shall fill up joint so depth of sealant bite is no more than 3/8 inch deep. Apply bond-breaker tape in shallow joints as recommended by Sealant Manufacturer. 13. Application of sealants: Apply sealant with hand-caulking gun with nozzle of proper size to fit joints. Use sufficient pressure to insure full contact to both sides of joint to full depth of joint. Apply sealants in vertical joints from bottom to top. • Tool joints immediately after application of sealant if required to achieve full bedding to substrate or to achieve • smooth sealant surface. Tool joints in opposite direction from application direction, i.e. in vertical joints from the top down. Do not'wet tool'sealants. • Depth of sealant bite shall be 1/4 inch minimum and 1/2 inch maximum, but never more than one half or less than • one fourth joint width. Do not apply caulking at temperatures below 40 deg F. Caulk gaps between painted or coated substrates and unfinished or pre-finished substrates. Caulk gaps larger than 3/16 inch between painted or coated substrates. 14. Clean adjacent materials, which have been soiled, immediately (before caulking has set) as recommended by Manufacturer. - END OF DIVISION - DIVISION 08 DOORS & WINDOWS CUSTOM STEEL DOORS & FRAMES ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install hollow metal glazed doors,frames,and sidelights including glazing. 2. Related notes on the drawings: Door installation in DIVISION 6 • Standard glazing in DIVISION 8 3, Doors: Grade 1, Model 5 as specified in Steel Door Institute Bulletin SDI 10891. Type FG. • Narrow stile, 1-3/4 inch thick, 16 ga Top rail 5", bottom rail 10", hinge or lock stile 5"inches. • Quality Standard: Republic ' 4. Frames: 16 ga cold rolled furniture steel. Anchors: 14 US ga meeting UL requirements for door rating involved. 5. Finish: Before assembly,clean metal according to Fed Spec TTC490b,then prime surfaces with one shop coat. After ' assembly,apply one baked-on primary coat. 6. Any current member of Steel Door Institute is an approved manufacturer. 7. General fabrication: • Mortise and reinforce doors for hinges and locks. I Reinforce doors for closers and other surface applied hardware. Drill and tap on job. Seams along vertical edges of door need not be filled. • Do not extend hinge cut out full width of door unless fill strip is inserted,weld filled,and ground smooth so no seam I appears on back faceplate. 8. Fabrication of frames: Provide frame form as detailed. • Provide Manufacturer's gauge label for each item. I Make breaks, arises, and angles uniform,straight,and true. Accurately fit corners. Provide mortar guards at strikes and hinges. Provide six jamb anchors and two floor anchors minimum for frames installed before construction of walls. • Provide 8jamb anchors minimum forframes installed afterwalls are constructed,with each frame leg being anchored I near bottom of frame. Anchor type shall meet wall conditions. 9. Verification of Performance: Label each door as conforming to above required standards. 10. Substitutions will be considered if the proposed supplier provides samples of substitution Owner along with sample of specified product for comparison. Only those products specifically approved by addendum will be considered acceptable. ISTEEL DOOR & FRAME UNITS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish steel exterior door and frame assemblies as shown on the door schedule drawings. I 2. Related notes in DIVISION 9 3. Submit Product Data to the Owner including: • Manufacturer's literature or cut sheet. • Color and pattern selections. I 4. Submit Shop Drawings to the Owner including:: Indicate location and size of each door, • elevation of each kind of door, • details of construction, location and extent of hardware blocking, fire ratings and requirements for factory finishing and pattern required. 5. Installers shall have minimum of two years experience installing door assemblies similar to those specified here. 6. Regulatory Requirements: Door assemblies shall meet UL requirements for the fire rating and shall carry UL label according to the requirements on the door schedule for this Project. 7. Delivery: • Package doors on special pallets and protect with heavy gauge polyethylene cover and paperboard corner angles, securely banded together with maximum 15 doors for each pallet. • Mark each door for location to correspond with opening number on Drawings. 8. Handling: Protect door assemblies to prevent deterioration,damage,or soiling. 9. Coordinate finish hardware items with hardware supplier. • Hardware items listed below are furnished as part of assembly. ' Remaining hardware items shall be furnished according to the notes on these drawings. Coordinate fire alarm connections as shown in these drawings for this Project. 10. Warranty: • Furnish Door Assembly Manufacturer's limited warranty for two years against defects in materials and workmanship ' subject to proper storing, handling,installing,and maintaining. Provide replacement of doors not meeting guarantee at no additional cost to Owner. 11. Doors: • Fabricated from stretcher leveled prime quality,electro-galvanized and bonderized steel sheet. ' Stiles, Hinges,And Locking Channels: 16 ga minimum steel. Rails:5-1/2 inch wood;fire doors shall have 16 ga rails in addition to wood rails. Core Material: Polystyrene. • Door Surface Faces:shop primed metal surface ' 12. Frames: Manufacturer's standard fire rated metal frame meeting requirements of NFPA No 80. 13. Hardware: Latching side of door: ► Supply door complete with elements of control mechanisms necessary to secure latching side of door. ' Performance test value of shall exceed product standards of Grade 1 cylindrical locks as established by BHMA and as published by American National Standards Institute ANSI Al56.13. ► Factory installed including No.61 lever type latching device. • Hinges:three as supplied by door manufacturer ► Supply door with elements necessary to swing door as shown on plan. ' Performance test values of hinge shall meet or exceed product standards of Class 1:4 ball bearing butts as established by BHMA and published by American National Standards Institute ANSI A156.1. • Closers: Dorma TS-83-SZ6 quality standard. • Hardware Finishes: Selected by the Owner ' 14. Approved Manufacturer Quality Standard: Openings, Pontiac, MI (800)852-6660 or(313)335-7380. www.total-door.com 15. Furnish doors and framed primed for site painting. 16. Examine door frames to verify they are correct type and have been properly installed. ' Notify the Owner in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely installation of doors. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and approved by the Owner. 17. Install hardware in accordance with requirements noted on the drawings 18. For fire rated doors, provide clearances complying with limitations of authority having jurisdiction ' 19. Re-hang or replace doors that do not swing or operate freely,as directed by the Owner. FLUSH WOOD DOORS / Pre-Finished ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install flush wood doors and flush wood doors with openings for grilles as necessary. 2. Submit"Product Data"to the Owner including the following: • Manufacturer's product literature. • Maintenance and repair instructions. ' Shop Drawings: Schedule showing type of door at each location. Included shall be size, veneer, core type,fire rating, hardware prep,openings, blocking,etc. Copies of fire tests showing accessories and configurations necessary for rated doors to achieve ratings. 4. Delivery, Storage,And Handling ' Deliver in clean truck and, in wet weather, under cover. Deliver to building site after plaster, cement, and taping compound are dry. Store doors in a space with controlled temperature& humidity range between 25& 55 percent. • Store flat on level surface in dry,well ventilated space. ' Cover to keep clean but allow air circulation. Do not subject doors to direct sunlight,abnormal heat,dryness,or humidity. Handle with clean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across other surfaces. 5. Provide the manufacturer's standard full door warranty for lifetime of original installation ' Warranty shall include finishing,hanging,and installing hardware if manufacturing defect was discovered after door was finished and installed. Warranty to include defects in materials including following: ► Delaminating in any degree. ' Warp or twist of 1/4 inch or more in door panel at time of one-year warranty inspection. Telegraphing of core assembly:Variation of 1/100 inch or more in a 3 inch span. 6. Wood Doors: For Transparent Finish: • Type: AWI PC-5ME or FD-5ME. t Grade: AWI Custom,except face veneer. Face Veneer: ► Plain or rotary sliced Red Oak meeting requirements of AWI Grade A,1/50 inch thick minimum immediately prior to finishing. i ► Fully Type I: Adhere all glue lines with Type I adhesive, including veneer lay-up. ' 7. Door Core: NonRated And Fire-Rated,AWI FD 1/3 ► Fully bonded to stiles and rails and sanded as a unit prior to applying veneers. ► NonRated And Fire-Rated,AWI FD 1/3 ► 32 lb density meeting requirements of ANSI A 208.1 Mat Formed Wood Particle Board, Grade 1 L1 minimum. ' Stiles: 1-3/8 inches deep minimum before fitting and 1/4 inch minimum of stile face to be hardwood matching face veneer material. ► Rails: 1-1/8 inches or Manufacturer's option. 8. Door Cores: Fire-Rated,AWI FD-3/4, 1,and 1-1/2: I Mineral as standard with approved Manufacturer with inner blocking,5 inches wide minimum,for closers,flush bolts, and exit devices. ► Sizes of stiles and rails to be Manufacturer's standard meeting fire rating,and incorporating solid hardwood stile face. ► Stiles for pairs of mineral core doors shall be of material and configuration meeting required fire rating without use ' of metal astragal or edge 9. Quality Standard Manufacturers: ► Oshkosh Architectural Door Co,Oshkosh,WI. ► VT Industries, Holstein, IA. ► Marshfield Door Systems Inc, Marshfield,WI. 10. Doors shall be factory-machined. 11. Doors shall have Manufacturer's label permanently affixed on top of door. Label to describe door type,and size. I 12. Conform to National Fire Protection Standards, NFPA-80,for fire-rated doors. Required fire-rated doors shall bear approved labels of UL or Warnock Hersey International. Machining for hardware shall be complete prior to application of label. IALUMINUM-FRAMED STOREFRONTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. Furnish and install aluminum storefront entry system,including hardware,glazing,and caulking,as described in the Door Schedule. ' 2. This specification establishes quality of materials and installation for information of Subcontractor and Owner's Project Manager. 3. Submit"Product Data"to the Owner including the following: • Manufacturer's literature or cut sheets for storefront system and for each item of hardware. • Color and finish selections. Maintenance,adjustment, repair instructions and parts lists. Shop Drawings that show locations,sizes,etc,of hardware reinforcing,wind loads and engineering for the Project conditions. 4. Hold a"Pre-Installation Conference"with the Owner as directed. 5. Deliver all parts of door,together with hardware,to Project at same time. 6. Provide Closer Manufacturer's standard warranty, 10 years minimum,for the closers to the Owner. 7. Manually Operated Doors: • Aluminum: 6063 T5 aluminum alloy,or meeting requirements of ASTM B 221, alloy GS 10AT5 I Stiles And Top Rails: 3-1/2 inches by 1-3/4 inches by 0.125 inches thick nominal Bottom Rail: 10 inches minimum by 1-3/4 inches by 0.125 inches thick nominal • Construction: Manufacturer's standard. • Glazing Stops: Snap-in type with neoprene bulb-type glazing. Glazed units from exterior side. ' Weather-stripping: Kawneer Sealair or Vistawall D125. Finish: Polyvinyledene Fluoride(PVF2)Resin-base finish(Kynar or Hylar)containing 50 percent minimum PVF2 in resin portion of formula and providing a pencil hardness of 3H. • Thermo cured two coat system consisting of corrosion inhibiting epoxy or acrylic latex primer and top coat factory I applied over properly pre-treated metal. Color:Selected by the Owner. Quality Standards: ► 350 Medium Stile by Kawneer. ' Series 375 by Vistawall. 8. Frames: Aluminum: 6063T5 aluminum alloy or meeting requirements of ASTM B 221,alloy GS 10AT5) • Sills: Sidelight base to match height of door bottom rail. Sealer Tape: 3M. Fasteners: Aluminum or non-magnetic stainless steel. Concealed fastenings shall be cadmium or zinc-plated steel. Finish: Match doors. • Caulking: For threshold only,as required in Joint Sealant notes Frames shall be from same Manufacturer as doors. Quality Standard: ► Single Glazed:Trifab'450'by Kawneer or Series FG2000 1-3/4x4-1/2 by Vistawall. ► Double Glazed:Trifab'451'by Kawneer or Series FG3000 2x4-1/2 by Vistawall. I I 9. Glazing Characteristics: • Exterior Entry Doors: Clear exterior pane and Clear interior pane with Low E treatment on surface 2 or 3. 10. Hinging: Top and bottom offset, ball bearing pivots per door leaf. 11. Quality Standard Manufacturers: • Kawneer, Norcross, GA Paul Cannon (800)246-7177.paul.cannon@kawneer.com I Vistawall,Terrell,TX Kent Baumann (800)869-4567 ext 386. kbaumann@vistawall.com 12. Door Closers: Provide parallel arms on surface-mounted closers unless door position requires otherwise. • Closers shall allow for 180 degree opening and not be used as a stop. I Adjust closers to provide maximum opening force as required by governing code authority. Closers shall have following features:Adjustable sweep speed;adjustable back check; non-handed, non-sized. Quality Standard Products:Overhead, Surface mounted: ► 4041 Series parallel arm by LCN. • 7700 Series Parallel arm by Norton. 13. Exit Devices: Operation: ► Entry shall be by key. • Device shall be locked by cylinder from outside. ► Key shall be removable when cylinder is in locked or unlocked position. Dogging operation shall be by accessible key cylinder, but not by permanent knob or by removable allen wrench devices. Color:as selected by Owner. Exterior Trim: Lever Handle or Pull equal to Kawneer CS-9. Quality Standard Products: Paneline'by Kawneer or VIP I'by Vistawall. 14. Thresholds at vestibule with Thin-Set Paver Tile: Quality Standard-Pemko 253,254,or 255 Profile. I 15. Sweep Strips: Quality Standard-Pemko 18041 PWP. 16. Stops: Use wall stops except where required otherwise on Door Schedule. • Quality Standard Products:Wall Mounted WB35 by Glynn-Johnson or 1205 by Trimco/BBW 17. Push/Pulls:Quality Standard I Kawneer CPII and CO-9,clear anodized. Vistawall PB16 and PH-1 2,clear anodized. 18. Fabrication • Construction shall meet Manufacturer's recommendations. Joints shall be tightly closed. I Mortise in manner to give maximum hardware-door connection strength and neatness of appearance. Adequately reinforce with backplates or rivnuts to hold pivots and closers 19. Installation: • Interface with Other Work: When using overhead stops, coordinate installation with door closer and other door • hardware. Bed thresholds in silicone sealant at contact points with floor&make watertight. • Use sealer tape to prevent electrolytic action. • Set plumb,square,level in correct alignment,and securely anchor.Line up horizontal rail in sidelight with door rail. I Adjust doors for perfect operation after glazing entry. Caulk joints between frames and walls, both interior and exterior. 20 Owner will Inspect and test installation to be certain it is properly installed and aligned. 21. Protect surface from damage until Substantial Completion Inspection. Repair or replace damaged materials at no cost I to Owner. 22. Hardware Group Schedule-Single Doors—Group SF1. Single entry doors to be fitted with exterior locking cylinder • 1 set: Pivots. 1 each: Exit Device with trim,dogging capability, and locking cylinder. I 1 each: Closer. 1 each: Pull • 1 each: Threshold. 1 set: Weather-strip. 1 each: Stop. GENERAL HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. I 1. General requirements for finish hardware related to architectural wood doors. 2. Definitions: Hardware Functions. • F-1 Passage Latch: • Latch bolt operated by lever from either side at all times. F-2 Door Lock: Dead locking latch bolt operated by lever from either side,except when outside lever is locked by turn button in inside lever. When outside lever is locked,latch bolt is operated by key in outside lever or by rotating inside lever. Turn I button must be manually rotated to unlock outside lever. 2. Submit"Product Data"to the Owner including the following: Manufacturer's cut sheets Two copies of Manufacturer's installation,adjustment,and maintenance instructions for each piece of hardware. • Copy of hardware schedule Written copy of keying system explanation. Shop Drawings - Hardware schedule indicating hardware to be supplied, including proper type of strike plates, spindle lengths,hand,backset,and bevel of locks,hand and degree opening of closer,length of kick plates,length of rods and flush bolts,type of door stop,and other necessary information. Closeout - Keying plan and bitting schedule as record documents. 3. Delivery,Storage,And Handling Neatly and securely package hardware items by hardware group and identify for individual door with specified group number and set number used on Supplier's hardware schedule. • Include fasteners and accessories necessary for installation and operation of finish hardware in same package. Provide hardware templates within 14 days after hardware schedule is approved. Supply necessary hardware installation templates. 4. Finishes shall be selected by the Owner I 5. Fasteners: Fasteners shall be of suitable types,sizes and quantities to properly secure hardware. Fasteners shall be of same material and finish as hardware unless otherwise specified. • Fasteners exposed to weather shall be non-ferrous or corrosion resisting steel. 6. Before ordering materials,examine documents to be assured that material to be ordered is appropriate for substrate to which it is to be secured and will function as intended. HARDWARE GROUP SCHEDULE This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Single Doors-all single interior doors Single door with lock. • 3 each -Hinges ' 1 each -Lock Latch Function F-2 1 each -Stop 3 each -Silencers 2. Paired Doors-90 minute fire rated doors between connectors and dome pods Paired doors with Panic hardware. No lock. 3 each -Hinges per door 1 each -Panic hardware per door • 1 each -Latch function F-1 • 1 each -Flush Bolts per door 1 each -Stop per door 1 set -Silencers per door • 1 set -Magnetic hold open per door 3. Single Doors-all single exterior doors Single Door with lock and Self Closing. 3 each -Hinges 1 each -Lock Latch Function F-2 • 1 each -Closer I 1 each -Stop 1 set -Silencers 4. Single Doors-Exterior Aluminum Store Front Doors Single Door with lock and Self Closing. 3 each -Hinges 1 each -Lock Latch Function F-2(exterior lever) 1 each -Closer • 1 each -Stop ' 1 set -Silencers HANGING DEVICES This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. I 1. Hinges for hollow metal doors: Sizes - 4-1/2 inches by 4-1/2 inches. Use non-removable pins on all exterior doors. • Approved Products: i ► Interior: TA786 4.5x4.5 by McKinney as quality standard I Security and Exterior:TA786 4.5x4.5 NRP by McKinney as quality standard 2. Quality Standard Manufacturer Contact Information: McKinney Products Co.,Scranton, PA., (800)346-7707.www.mckinneyhinge.com ` SECURING DEVICES FOR DOORS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Securing devices for doors including the following: I Interior exit devices. Locksets and latchsets. Cylinders. • Flush bolts. 2. Delivery,Storage, and Handling of Standard Key Delivery: Include change keys with hardware. Prior to Final Acceptance Meeting,send master keys to the Owner. 3. General Hardware Requirements: I Backsets shall be 2-3/4 inches. Furnish lead shields where required. 4. Exit Devices: • Use operable lever trim. I Provide labeled hardware where required by local code. Quality Standard Products: ► 7170(F90)Series by Yale for pairs of doors ► 7100(F)Series by Yale for single doors 5. Locksets And Latchsets: Lever Operated Quality Standard Products: ► 8700 Series by Yale. 6. Standard Cylinders: I Provide cylinders only where indicated on Door Hardware Schedule. Quality Standard Products: Match Manufacturer of locksets. 7. Flush Bolts Quality Standard Products: • Manual Flush bolts: Rockwood 555-12". 8. Quality Standard Manufacturer Contact Information: • Rockwood Manufacturing Co, Rockwood, PA (800)458-2424.www.rockwoodmfg.com • Yale Commercial Locks and Hardware, Lenoir City,TN ` (800)438-1951. www.yalecommercial.com f INTERIOR PUSH / PULLS FOR DOORS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Push/Pulls for Doors: Size: 15 by 3-1/2 inches. Quality Standard Products: ► 91 by Rockwood. 2. Contact Information for Quality Standard Products: • Rockwood Manufacturing Co, Rockwood, PA (800)458-2424.www.rockwoodmfg.com DOOR CLOSERS I1. Furnish closers for hollow metal doors. 2. Provide Manufacturer's standard warranty,5 years minimum. 3. Surface-Mounted Overhead Door Closers: Closers provided for this Project shall be from same Manufacturer. Provide covers. • Closers shall allow for 180 degree opening and not be used as a stop. • Closers shall have following features: ► Adjustable sweep speed. ► Hold open arms. ► Adjustable back check. ► Non-handed, non-sized. 4. Quality Standard Products: 3000 Series by Yale. 5. Contact Information for Quality Standard Manufacturers: • Yale Commercial Locks and Hardware, Lenoir City,TN • (800)438-1951. www.yalecommercial.com 6. Installation: Mount closers on stop side of door wherever conditions permit. • Through-bolt hardware-to-door connections. • Adjust closers to provide maximum opening force as required by governing code authority and proper back check and sweep speed. ACCESSORIES FOR DOORS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. f 1. Furnish the following accessories for the doors in this Project: i Metal thresholds where required for exterior steel doors. • Weather-stripping for exterior steel doors. Door stops and holders. Smoke gaskets. Silencers. 2. Weather-stripping-Quality Standard Products:306AV by Pemko. 3. Stops: Use wall type stops unless adjacent wall not available. Provide model appropriate for substrate. Wall stops may be either cast or wrought. Quality Standard Products: Rockwood Interior Wall:409 Series, Floor:441 Series 4. Gaskets: Color as selected by the Owner. Quality Standard Products: S88 Series by Pemko. 5. Door Silencers-Quality Standard Products: 609 by Rockwood. 6. Quality Standard Manufacturers: Rockwood Manufacturing Co, Rockwood, PA (800)458-2424.www.rockwoodmfg.com Pemko Mfg. Co., Memphis,TN 38141, 800-824-3018 or 901-365-2160,www.pemko.com. 11. Installation: Interface With Other Work. Install gaskets in manner to give continuous air-tight fit. • Install gaskets in'wipe seal'configuration. KEY STORAGE & CONTROL 1. Furnish one Key Cabinet for Project. 2. Key Cabinet: Cabinet with 60 hooks minimum. • 20 ga.steel with prime coat and provided with lock. 3. Subcontractor will turn key cabinet over to Owner's Project Manager at Substantial Completion with all keys required for every locking device on Project identified by tags and on hooks. 4. Owner will designate installation location. - END OF SECTION- ! I i DIVISION 09 FINISHES INON-LOAD-BEARING WALL FRAMING I This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. I 1 Furnish and install metal framing system and blocking as described in the drawings for this Project. 2. Submit information to the Owner's Project Manager including the following: • Shop Drawings: Show special components and installations not fully dimensioned or detailed in Manufacturer's Product data. Manufacturer's technical productdata,installation instructions,and recommendations for each componentof system. I ICBO Evaluation Report 3. Schedule pre-installation conference with the Owner's Project Manager after submittals have been reviewed but before beginning metal framing work. Identify location of required blocking. I 4. Framing: • 20 ga minimum meeting requirements of ASTM C 645. • Tracks, bridging, blocking, strapping, and other accessories shall be as described in Contract Documents or as required by Manufacturer's system. I Quality Standard Products:Any member of Steel Stud Manufacturer's Association(SSMA): For 3 5/8"framing members: ► 3-5/8 IC 20 ga by American Studco. ► 362DS20P by CEMCO. ► 362S125-20 Drywall Metal by Clark Western. I 362 USTE by Dietrich Industries. ► 358 SS Series by Stealer Inc. For 6"framing members: 6 IC 20 ga by American Studco. ► 60ODS20P by CEMCO. ► 600S152-20 Drywall Metal by Clark Western. ► 600 USTE by Dietrich Industries. ► 600 SS Series by Steeler Inc. I Sill Sealer: Closed-cell polyethylene foam, 1/4 inch thick by width of plate. 5. Quality Standard Manufacturers: • American Studco Inc, Phoenix,AZ (800)877-8823. • CEMCO, City of Industry, CA (800)775-2362.www.cemcosteel.com • Clark Western,Cincinnati,OH (800)543-7140. www.clarksteel.com • Dietrich Industries Inc, Pittsburgh, PA (800)873-2443.www.dietrichindustries.com • Steeler Inc, Seattle,WA (800)275-2500. www.steeler.com 6. Installation: General: specifications of Stud Wall Manufacturer shall govern this work unless more stringent I requirements are required by Contract Documents. 7. Installation: Interface With Other Work: • Coordinate with other trades to provide blocking necessary for their work. • Coordinate with other trades for location of blocking required for installation of equipment and building specialties. 8. Installation: Wall Tolerances: • 1/4 inch in 20 feet, non-cumulative in length of wall. • 1/8 inch in 10 feet with 1/4 inch maximum in height of wall. • Distances between parallel walls shall be 1/4 inch maximum along length and height of wall. I 9. Installation: Framing: • Install specified sill sealer under sill plates of exterior walls and of acoustically insulated interior walls. • Stiffen3 5/8 inch metal framed walls with 3/4 inch cold-rolled channels placed horizontally approximately 48 inches from floor and securely attach to each stud. I Stiffen 6 inch or larger metal framed walls same as above,except install one set of channels on each side of framing members. Similarly reinforce doorand windowopenings at headers with reinforcing channel extending 18 inches minimum each side of opening. I Apply double framing members at openings. Wrap multiple,adjacent framing members with duct tape or otherwise secure to eliminate'chattering'. • Use grommets at framing penetrations where unsecured items pass through. ICEILING SUSPENSION / Gypsum Board This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. I1. Furnish and install ceiling suspension system as described in Contract Documents to receive gypsum board and to support items penetrating ceiling. I i 2. Meet seismic bracing requirements of 1994 UBC Standard 25-2 or equivalent governing standard for location. 3. Quality Standard Products: Drywall Grid by Armstrong. • Drywall Furring Suspended Ceiling System by Chicago Metallic. • Drywall Suspension System by USG. 4. Miscellaneous Materials: Hanger Wire: 12 ga minimum galvanized carbon steel, soft tempered, pre-stretched unless thicker required by ceiling loading in accordance with Suspension System Manufacturer's Literature. • Joints: 16 ga galvanized for joints. 5. Quality Standard Products I Armstrong World Industries, Lancaster, PA (800)448-1405 www.ceilings.com • Chicago Metallic Corporation, Chicago, IL (800)323-7164.www.chicago-metallic.com • USG Interiors Inc,Chicago, IL (800)950-3839. www.usg.com 6. Installation:Follow Manufacturer's instructions with modifications listed below except where Manufacturer's instructions are more stringent. Space carrying channels 48 inches on center maximum. • Space hanger wires 48 inches on center maximum. I Maintain flatness of assembly to within 1/8 inch in 12 feet. Do not kink,twist,or bend hanger wires as a means of leveling assembly. GYPSUM WALLBOARD IThis section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. t1. Furnish and Install Gypsum Board: t For single layer fire rated assemblies, use'Improved Type X products. • For all other applications: Product with tapered edges and face paper suitable for painting. I 2. Gypsum Wallboard Mounting Accessories As required by Manufacturer's fire tests to provide necessary fire ratings. • Corner And Edge Trim: ► Metal: 24 ga minimum steel, electrolytic galvanized zinc-coated, treated for maximum cement and paint adhesion. ► Paper-Faced Metal. I Paper-Faced Plastic. http://www.no-coat.com ► Solid Vinyl: May be used on curved portions of arches and similar decorative features. • Joint Compound: Best grade or type recommended by Wallboard Manufacturer. • Do not use fiber-glass mesh reinforcing tape or no-tape reinforcing systems. Joint Reinforcing: Paper reinforcing tape acceptable to Wallboard Manufacturer. Fastener Types: ► Type W: For fastening gypsum board. ► Fastener Length into substrate: ► Wood Framing: 5/8 inch minimum. ► Steel Framing:3/8 inch minimum. 3. Interface With Other Work: Coordinate with Division 06 for location of back blocking for edges and ends of gypsum board and for blocking required for installation of equipment and building specialties. Do not install gypsum board until required I blocking is in place. 4. Install so trim and reinforcing tape are fully backed by gypsum wallboard. No hollow spaces between pieces of gypsum board over 1/8 inch wide before taping are acceptable. 5. Rout out backside of gypsum board to accommodate items which extend beyond face of framing, but do not penetrate I face of gypsum board,such as metal door frame mounting brackets,etc. 6. Single Layer Application: • Use board length to give minimum number of joints. • Stagger end joints. End and edge joints of board applied on ceilings shall occur over framing members or be back blocked with 2x4 blocking. End joints of board horizontally applied on walls shall occur over framing members. Edge joints of board vertically applied on walls shall occur over framing members.On walls over 108 inches high and on ceilings,apply board perpendicular to support. • Scribe work closely. Keep joints as far from openings as possible. if joints occur near an opening,apply wallboard e so vertical joints are centered over openings. No vertical joints shall occur within 8 inches of external corners or I openings. • Install board tight against support with joints even and true. Tighten loose screws. • Caulk around edges of door casings and gypsum board. I Caulk perimeter joints in sound insulated rooms with specified acoustical sealant. 7. Double Layer Application: Apply base layer as specified for single layer. • Apply face layer with joints staggered in relationship to base and occurring over supports. • Apply screws attaching face layer through base layer into support for specified penetration. I 8. Fastening: • Apply screws 3/8 inch minimum from ends and edges. • Spacing: Set screw heads indented into paper 1/32 inch below plane of board,but shall not break face paper. If face I i is accidentally brokern,apply additional screw 2 inches away. Ends:Screws not over 7"on center where blocking or framing occurs. Wood Framing: Screws 7 inches on center in panel field. • Metal Framing:Screws 12 inches on center in panel field. 9. Trim: r Corner Beads: Attach outside metal corner bead with staples spaced 4 inches on center maximum and flat taped Iover edges of corner bead. Set paper-faced trim in solid bed of taping compound.Edit paragraph '2'to fit Project circumstances. • Edge Trim: Apply where gypsum board abuts dissimilar material in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. r Hold channel and'L'trim back from exterior metal window and door frames 1/8 inch to allow for caulking. I 10. Finishing: General: • Tape and finish joints and corners as specified below to correspond with final finish material to be applied to gypsum board. • When sanding,do not raise nap of gypsum board face paper or paper-faced trim. • First Coat: Apply tape over center of joint in complete, uniform bed of taping compound. Completely fill gouges, dents, and fastener dimples. Allow to dry and sand lightly if necessary to eliminate high spots or excessive compound. • Second Coat: Apply coat of joint compound over embedded tape extending 3-1/2 inches on both sides of joint center. Re-coat gouges, dents, and fastener dimples. Allow to dry and sand lightly to eliminate high spots or excessive compound. • Finishing Levels: Prime gypsum board surfaces which are to receive texturing. • Unfinished Gypsum Board Surfaces And Under Acoustical Tile: GA-214-90 Level Two - 'All joints and interior I angles shall have tape embedded in joint compound and one separate coat of joint compound applied over all joints, angles,fastener heads,and accessories. Surface shall be free of excess joint compound. Tool marks and ridges are acceptable,'except under acoustic tile. • Gypsum Board Surfaces to Receive Paint: GA-214-90 Level Three - 'All joints and interior angles shall have tape f embedded in joint compound and two separate coats of joint compound applied over all joints, angles, fastener f heads,and accessories. All joint compound shall be smooth and free of tool marks and ridges.' f TEXTURED WALLS IThis section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Submit samples to the Owner's Project Manager: 24 inch square control samples on primed gypsum wallboard,three samples of each texture described showing possible variations. 2. Texturing:Quality Standard Products: I Wall Spray-Orange Peel(non-aggregate)by National Gypsum. Sheetrock Wall&Ceiling Texture by U S Gypsum. 3. Contact Information for Quality Standard Manufacturers: • National Gypsum, Charlotte, NC(800)628-4625. www.national-gypsum.com • United States Gypsum Co,Chicago, IL(800)964-4874. www.usg.com 4. After gypsum board is taped,sanded,and primed:apply texture. Closely match samples accepted by Owner's Project Manager. TILE SETTING MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of Ithe Work. 1. The following notes describe the quality of tile setting materials and accessories furnished and installed for this Project. 2. Submit tile samples for texture and color approval to the Architect. 3. Setting Bed: Portland Cement: Meet requirements of ASTM C 150,Type 1,designation shall appear on bag. • Hydrated Lime: Type S designation shall appear on bag. • Sand: Clean, washed, well-graded, with gradation of 100 percent passing No. 8 sieve with not over 5 percent • passing No. 100 sieve. Metal Reinforcing: 2.5 lb minimum expanded metal lath made from galvanized copper bearing steel. 4. Glass Mat Gypsum Tile Backer: • Tile Backer: ► 5/8 inch thick Type X water-resistant tile backer. ► Quality Standard Manufacturer-Dens-Shield Fireguard by G-P Gypsum Corp,Atlanta, GA (800)225-6119. • Fasteners: ► Steel Framing: 1-7/8 inch long Type W or Type S Hi-Lo screws spaced 6"on center. ► Joint Tape: 2 inch wide glass fiber mesh tape. 5. Crack Isolation Membrane For Thinset Paver Tile: Quality Standard Products: • DalSeal CIS by Dal-Tile. i • Iso Mat by Laticrete. • Mapelastic SM by Mapei. • ECB Membrane by NAC. • NobleSeal CIS by The Noble Company. • S-9000 by Summitville Labs. I 6. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: • Ceramic Floor Tile Setting Mortar: two part system. ► Quality Standard System & Manufacturer: Permabond Dry-Set Mortar with C-Crylic 200 Acrylic Admix by C-Cure. t Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar: ► Glazed White Body Wall Tile Setting Mortar. ► Quality Standard System and Manufacturer: Permabond by C-Cure 7. Commercial Portland Cement Non-Sanded Grout: r Color as approved by Owner's Project Manager. II Quality Standard System and Manufacturer: Unsanded Dry Set Wall Grout with 1776 Grout Admix Plus additive by Laticrete. 8. Commercial Epoxy Grout: • Sanded. • Color as selected by Owner's Project Manager. • Color Quality Standard: Laticrete No.42, Platinum. • Quality Standard Products: ► Easy-Clean Grout by ColorFast. ► Latapoxy SP-100 by Laticrete. ► Kerapoxy by Mapei. ► Mer-Poxy 420 by Mer-Krete Systems. ► S-400 Epoxy-Set Grout by Summitville Labs. ► TA-470 Epoxy Mortar&Grout by TEC. 9. Penetrating Sealer: Quality Standard Product And Manufacturer: • Sealer's Choice by Aqua Mix. 10. Joint Sealants: li Standard color to closely match grout joints as approved by Owner's Project Manager. • Quality Standard Manufacturer: Dow Corning Trademate Tile&Ceramic Sealant. http://www.mapei.com 11. Metal Trim: Quality Standard Products as selected by Owner's Project Manager. • Tile/Carpet Junction: Schluter-RENO-AETK. • Floor/Wall Junction: Schluter-DILEX-EK, color G, PG,or HB. • Wall/Wall Junction: Schluter-DILEX-EKE color G, PG,or HB. • Over Expansion Joints In Slabs: Schluter DILEX-BWS,color G, PG,or HB 12. Setting Beds: Portland Cement Dry Sand/Damp Sand Hydrated Lime* Floor Mix 1 Part 5 Parts 6 Parts 1/10 Part Wall Mix 1 Part 5-1/2 to7 Parts 1/2 Part 13. Contact Information for Quality Standard Products: • Aqua Mix Inc, Santa Fe Springs,CA (800)366-6877. • Bonsal American,Charlotte, NC (800)334-0784. www.bonsal.com • Bostik Construction Products, Middleton, MA (800)726-7845. www.bostik.com • C-Cure Chemical Co Inc, Houston,TX (800)895-2874. www.c-cure.com • ColorFast Industries Inc, Colton, CA (909)514-1458. www.colorfastind.com • Custom Building Products,Seal Beach, CA (800)272-8786. • DalTile-Dallas Ceramics, Dallas,TX (800)933-8453. www.daltile.com • Dow Corning Corp, Midland, MI (800)248-2481. www.dowcorning.com • GE Silicone Products,Waterford, NY (800)255-8886. www.ge.com/silicones/sealants • Georgia Pacific Gypsum Corp,Atlanta, GA (800)225-6119. www.gp.com • Laticrete International Inc, Bethany, CT (800)243-4788. www.laticrete.com CERAMIC TILE This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Submit color samples to the Architect for approval. 2. Tile: • Tile shall be standard quality,dust-pressed, machine-made,white or off-white body, square or cushion edge. • Field tile shall have two lugs on each edge to assure uniform joint,approximately 0.040 inch. • External corners shall be standard round. • Internal corners shall be square. • Rest Rooms: ► Unglazed or matte glazed porcelain mosaic. ► Base: Coved off white body wall tile composition. ► Floors:color to be selected by Owner i • Wall and Ceiling Tile: Glazed tile,cushion edge,white body, lug type. I 3. Allow concrete to cure for 28 days minimum before application of setting bed. 4. Site Tolerances: • Sub-floor Surfaces: 1/8 inch in 10 feet from required plane. • Plane of Vertical Surfaces: 1/8 inch in 8 feet from required plane. 5. Installation: Install in accordance with TCA installation methods. A setting bed installed in a recess in the slab is required for floors with floor drains. • Floor tile may be thin set directly on slabs where floor drains are not installed. At walls,ceramic tile may be installed on a setting bed on framing,or thin set on cement board or Dens-Shield,at installer's option. A setting bed should always be used on CMU walls. • Ceramic tile should never be installed directly on gypsum wallboard of any type, except the specified glass mat r gypsum tile backer board. On framed walls,water-resistant gypsum board and cleavage membrane are to be installed between the cement board tile backer and the framing for thin-set tile or the metal lath and the framing for bed-set wall tile. • Hold cuts to a minimum with no cut pieces smaller than 1/2 the size unless absolutely necessary. Make cuts on outer edges of field. Smooth cut edges. Install tile without jagged or flaked edges. Thoroughly back-up with thin-set bonding material thin-set trim units,molded,or shaped pieces,and secure firmly in place. • Finished tile work shall be clean and free of pitted,chipped, cracked,or scratched tiles. 6. Application to Walls: • On Glass Mat Gypsum Tile Backer Over Framing: ► Setting beds should not be installed over cement board. If desired,the cement board sheathing method may be deleted. ► Apply glass mat gypsum tile backer to framing. ► At joints,embed fiberglass reinforcing tape with mastic or mortar used to adhere tile. • Dampen dry backings according to Manufacturer's recommendations to achieve cure. • Float mortar with pressure over an area no greater than can be covered with tile while mortar remains plastic. • Comb mortar with notched trowel of type recommended by Manufacturer. • Finished mortar bed thickness,3/32 to 1/8 inch thick after beating-in. • Determine joint width by spacers. 7. Penetrating Sealers:Apply according to manufacturers recommendations. 8. Application of Joint Sealants&Grout: • Grout Types: ► Use epoxy grout with floor tile. ► Use Portland cement grout with wall and base tile and in font. • Apply sealant before grout and a minimum of 48 hours after tile is set. • Apply bead of sealant at junction of base and floor tile. • Force grout into joints using hard rubber grouting trowel. • Fill joints full and flush with surface. • Remove excess grout from surface of tile before it begins to set. • Follow Grout Manufacturer's recommendations for final clean-up. • Finished grout shall be uniform in color,smooth,and without voids,pin holes,or low spots,and tile shall be clean. 9. Newly tiled floors shall not be walked nor worked on without using some form of protection for the tiled surfaces. ACOUSTICAL SUSPENSION This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install acoustical suspension system as described in the drawing to receive acoustical ceiling panels and support items penetrating ceiling. 2. Regulatory Requirements: Meet seismic bracing requirements of 1994 UBC Standard 25-2 or equivalent governing standard for Project site. 3. System Components: • Systems shall meet requirements of ASTM C 635, Intermediate Duty • Exposed surfaces shall be finished with factory-applied white baked enamel. • Main runners and cross Ts shall have one inch exposed face. • Hanger Wire: 12 gauge cold-rolled electro-galvanized steel. • Edge Molding: Channel section of cold-rolled electro-galvanized steel. • Hold-down Clips: As required by UL to prevent lifting of panels under unusual draft conditions. • Quality Standards: DX or DXL Systems by USG Interiors. 4. Contact Information for Quality Standard Manufacturers: • Armstrong World Industries, Lancaster, PA (800)448-1405.www.ceilings.com • Chicago Metallic Corporation,Chicago, IL (800)323-7164..www.chicago-metallic.com • USG Interiors Inc, Chicago, IL (800)950-3839.www.usg.com 5. Installation: • Work shall be in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations and in compliance with Contract Documents. i • Installation shall meet requirements of ASTM C 636. • Lay out suspension system symmetrically about center lines of room unless shown otherwise by Drawings. • Lay out system so use of tiles less than 1/2 size is minimized. • Maintain suspension system in true plane with straight,even joints. • Suspension system joints shall be straight and in alignment,and exposed surface flush and level. i Wherever system abuts walls,columns,and other vertical surfaces,furnish and install appropriate molding. • Locate lightfixtures,speakers,and mechanical diffusers and grilles symmetrically in room insofar as possible(unless shown otherwise). • Locate fixtures, speakers,diffusers,and grilles within suspension grid spaces and centered at least one direction within grid. • Pay particular attention to required hanger wire placement and fixture protection. • Individual component deflection not to exceed 1/360 of span. ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install Acoustic Tile into suspended ceiling system: • Size: 3/4 inch thick minimum by 24 inches square. • Cast tile with beveled edge,core color same as surface color. • NRC 0.65 minimum with Mounting Type B. • Quality Standard Patterns And Manufacturers: ► Natural Fissured by Celotex. ► 'F'Fissured by USG Interiors. 2. Adhesive: Non-staining type recommended by tile manufacturer. 3. Edge Molding: Steel'U'molding with baked enamel finish,specifically designed by manufacturer. 4. Installation shall be in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations: • Use only tile with same lot number in individual rooms to assure color match.. • Install tile running same direction with direction of pattern running parallel to long dimension of each room. • 'Touch-up'minor abraded surfaces. 5. Remove and replace damaged or out-of-level tile. EXTERIOR PAINTED IRON AND STEEL 1. Primer Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Kern Kromik Metal Primer. 2. Finish Coats: • For flat finishes: Sherwin-Williams: Two coats A-100 Acrylic Latex Flat Exterior Finish. • For gloss finishes: Sherwin-Williams: Two Coats DTM Gloss. 3. Application on New Surfaces: • Clean metal to be painted of rust, mill scale,grease,oil,and welding spatters,burrs,flux,slag,and fume. • If all traces of rust cannot be removed, apply rust blocker recommended by Paint Manufacturer before applying primer coat. 4. Application on Existing Primed Surfaces: • Remove deteriorated and chalked existing paint and rust down to sound substrate by scraping or power tools. • Clean existing sound painted surfaces as well as scraped and sanded existing painted surfaces as recommended by Paint Manufacturer. • If all traces of rust cannot be removed, apply rust blocker recommended by Paint Manufacturer before applying primer coat. • Spot prime bare metal surfaces followed by a prime coat over entire surface to be painted. • Lightly sand entire surface. • Clean surface as recommended by Paint Manufacturer. • Apply specified finish coats. EXTERIOR PAINTED GALVANIZED METAL Application on New Surfaces: • Clean'passivated'or'stabilized'galvanized steel as specified in SSPC-SP1. • After removal of'passivated'or'stabilized'coating or for surfaces without coating,clean surfaces to be painted with mineral spirits or product recommended by Paint Manufacturer. Change to clean rags or wiping cloths regularly to reduce possibility of recontamination of surfaces. Apply prime coat then apply finish coats. 2. Primer Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Galvite Primer, B50W3. 3. Finish Coats: • For flat finishes: Sherwin-Williams: Two Coats A-100 Latex Flat Exterior,A6 Series. • For gloss finishes: Sherwin-Williams: Two Coats A-100 Gloss Latex,A8 Series. i PAINTED INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD, PLASTER f1. Primers: • Product specifically designed to make drywall strippable under any adhesive&be self-sizing. • Quality Standard Products and Manufacturers: ` Shieldz Universal Pre-Wallcovering Primer by Wm Zinsser Co PrepRite PreWallcovering Primer, B28W980 by Sherwin-Williams • New Painted Surfaces - Sherwin-Williams - ProMar 200 Latex Primer B28 W200. 2, Finish Coats-Sherwin-Williams: • Toilet Rooms: ► First Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Primer, B28 W200 ► Second Coat:Water Based Catalyzed Epoxy B70 Series/B60V25 Hardener. • Ceiling: Flat paint in same paint series as semi-gloss paint systems specified below. f Remaining Painted Surfaces: Sherwin-Williams: Two Coats ProMar 200 Semi-Gloss. 3. New Surfaces: • Primer-Apply primer to be covered with other paint coats with roller only,or with spray gun and back-rolled. • Apply finish coats. INTERIOR PAINTED METAL 1. First Coat: Sherwin-Williams - Kern Kromik Metal Primer, B50W1. 2. Finish Coats: Sherwin-Williams - Two Coats Industrial Semi-Gloss Enamel, B54 Series. 3. Application: • Products 1&2 above are in addition to prime coats furnished under specifications. • Remove rust spots by sanding and immediately spot prime. • If all traces of rust cannot be removed,apply rust blocker recommended by Paint Manufacturer before applying full primer coat. • Paint basketball standard. INTERIOR PAINTED WOOD 1. Woodwork: • Primer Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Wall&Wood Primer, B49 W 1. • Finish Coats: Sherwin-Williams: Two Coats Industrial Enamel. 2. Application: • Handrails in stairs, if any, shall be gloss finish. Wood crown moldings at wall to ceiling transitions-Finished to match gypsum board finish. Other wood trim shall be semi-gloss finish. Where back-priming is required,apply one coat of first coat material. • Spot prime nail holes,cracks,and blemishes before and after puttying. • Apply stain blocker or other product recommended by Paint Manufacturer to knots before applying primer coat. INTERIOR CLEAR FINISHED HARDWOOD 1. Stain: Sherwin-Williams Color selected by Owner. cto� 2 hl�l �Is�i 2. Clear Finish Coats: Field Finish Coats - Sherwin-Williams: • First Coat: T67F3 Vinyl Sealer. • Second And Third Coats: T77F38 Sherwood Pre-Catalyzed Lacquer DRE. 3. Clear Finish Coats: Mill Finished: Architectural Woodwork finished in the mill may use one coat of Vinyl Sealer and two coats of Conversion Varnish or three coats of Conversion Varnish from one of the approved Finish Manufacturers,as recommended by Finish Manufacturer. 4. Application: • Sand entire surface of item to be finished lightly with 120 to 150 non-stearated sandpaper and clean before applying dye or stain. • Apply stain in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations and as necessary to attain correct color. • Scuff sand with 220 stearated sandpaper between application of application stain and first finish coat. { Where back priming is required,apply one coat of finish material. • Architectural Woodwork Door Surfaces: Finish tops,bottoms,and edges before faces. • Finish architectural woodwork doors with no hardware applied to doors. i - END OF DIVISION - 1 DIVISION 10 SPECIALITIES METAL TOILET COMPARTMENTS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Toilet And Miscellaneous Partitions: 1. Floor-mounted,overhead-braced. 2. Panels: Core type, galvanized bonderized steel sheets (minimum 0.00015 inch zinc coating), edges bound interlocked with drawn molding welded on corners. 3. Panels, Pilasters,And Screens: 20 ga minimum. 4. Doors: 22 ga minimum. 5. Anchors: Non-corrosive. 6. Posts And Headrails: 20 ga minimum of same construction and finish as panels. One per stall. 7. Plinths: Stainless Steel. 8. Hardware: Each Door: ► Gravity type hinges with double handed,nylon bottom cam,adjustable for partial door closing position,bottom hinge finished flush with door bottom. ► Sliding door bolt. ► Door strike and keeper with rubber bumper. ► Coat hook/door bumper. ► Finish: Selected by the Owner. ► Meet requirements of ASTM B 86,Alloy AG 40A. • Urinal Partition: ► Basic construction same as panels above,floor mounted. Minimum width shall be 16 inches. • Powder-coated paint finish color as selected by Owner.. 2. Installation: • Verify that necessary blocking has been installed in framed walls for partition installation and for place where coat hook/door bumper will strike wall. I Install pilasters rigid,plumb,and level. Anchor pilaster to floor with 3/8 inch minimum threaded studs in expansion shields embedded 2 inches into concrete slab below setting bed. • Secure panels to walls with two stirrup brackets minimum attached neartop and bottom of each panel. Use fasteners of length to provide one inch embedment into blocking or masonry. • Secure overhead brace to face sheets with two fasteners minimum per face. Set door tops parallel with brace. Set door bottom 12 inches above floor. • Plinth to be level with and snug to floor. • Lubricate hardware as recommended by Manufacturer. Set hinges on out-swinging doors to return to nearly closed position. Perform final adjustments to pilaster leveling devices,door hardware,and other operating parts of partition assembly just before Substantial Completion. • Remove protective masking. Clean exposed surfaces of partitions, hardware,fittings,and accessories. Touch-up minor scratches and other finish imperfections using materials and methods recommended by Manufacturer. • Replace damaged or severely scratched materials with new materials. TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Owner's paper supplier will furnish and Subcontractor will install the following: Toilet Tissue Dispensers. Sanitary Napkin Disposal Container. • Paper Towel Dispensers. 2. Furnish and install the accessories specified hereafter. 3. Subcontractor will coordinate locations for these products with Owner. 4. Quality Standard Products&Manufacturers: Mirrors: Glass with stainless steel channel frame. Size as shown on Drawings. • Grab Bars: Concealed mount, 18 ga,type 304 stainless steel, 1-1/2 inch diameter,and non-slip finish. • Quality Standard Manufacturer: Bobrick Washroom Equipment Inc, North Hollywood, CA (800) 553-1600 www.bobrick.com 5. Installation: • Install items in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. • Provide mounting devices proper for base structure. • Where possible, mount like items in adjoining compartments back-to-back on same partition. • Locate as follows: ► Toilet Tissue Dispenser: One at each water closet. ► Sanitary Napkin Disposal Containers : One at each water closet in Women's Rest Rooms. ► Paper towel dispensers: Two in each restroom as directed by Owner. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS & CABINETS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install cabinets and fire extinguishers. 2. Fire Extinguisher Properties: • Ten pound dry chemical ABC stored pressurized type equipped with pressure gauge. • Does not need recharging except after use. • Instructions for repairs, maintenance,and recharging shall be attached. • Unit shall be tested and approved by UL and have minimum 4A:60-B:C UL rating. UL rating shall appear on extinguisher labels and be attached to and a part of fire extinguisher units. • Quality Standard Manufacturer: General Fire Extinguisher Corp, Northbrook, IL (800)323-6452 or(847)272-7500 www.genfire.com 3. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Properties: • Two-piece,semi-recessed orflush type depending on wall thickness,and have white baked enameled steel tubs with white baked enamel return trim and doors, DSA full break-glass, and cylinder locks. • Supply each cabinet with one fire extinguisher specified above. • Quality Standard Product&Manufacturer: Ambassador 1017 by J L Industries,Bloomington,MN (800)554-6077. www.jlindustries.com 4. Installation: • Securely mount cabinets and hangers plumb with wall surfaces. • Trim for cabinets shall be neat in appearance. INTERIOR SIGNS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Signs: • Interior signs will be provided by the Owner and installed by Subcontractor. • This specification establishes quality of materials and installation. • Room Signs: Molded clear acrylic sub-surface graphics sign with set screw to attach to included mounting bracket. • Cabinet Door Signs: Flat clear acrylic sub-surface graphics sign with mounting adhesive in position. • Color: Background color and Lettering color-Selected by Owner 2. Quality Standard Manufacturer: Local supplier selected by the Owner 3. Installation: • Install signs square and plumb. • Room Signs: ► Install bracket using two screws. ► Use proper anchor for substrate. ► Attach sign to bracket using set-screw. • Cabinet Signs: ► Remove adhesive protective layer. ► Position sign correctly and apply to door. ► Roll sign to secure to door,taking care not to damage sign. - END OF SECTION - DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT SECTION 11453 SERVING AREA EQUIPMENT This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Products are provided by Owner and installed by Subcontractor as shown in contract documents: Including Range(s), Refrigerator(s), Freezer(s),and other items as shown on drawings. 2. Provide all Outlets, range cord sets,and electrical service not specified in Division 16. - END OF DIVISION - I DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS PLASTIC LAMINATE-FACED CASEWORK S WORK This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. I 1. Furnish and install cabinetry as shown in drawings. 2. Cabinets: • Construct cabinetry from 45 Ib/sq ft density pre-finished fiberboard and 1/4 inch thick pre finished wood fiber I hardboard. ► Finish exposed exterior surfaces with high pressure laminate. ► Finish exposed interior surfaces with high pressure laminate or polyester balancing sheet, matte finish. • Edge Finish: Finish edges on ends,standards,shelves,doors,drawers,and drawer box with extruded barbed'Tee' shape polyethylene edging matching laminate color. Hardware: Casework Manufacturer's best standard in all cases where there is an option. Plastic Laminates: ► Counter tops shall have rolled front edge and backsplash with plastic laminate meeting requirements of NEMA LD 3: PF 42. ► Other laminates shall meet requirements of NEMA LD 3: Vertical Applications: GP 28 and Horizontal (not countertops): GP 38. ► Balancing Material: BK 20.AWI Quality Grade: Premium. • Assemblies: ► Counter tops shall meet requirements of ANSI A161.2. ► Adhesives for other than post-formed types shall be spray grade, high heat resistant, neoprene contact adhesive. 3. Acceptable Manufacturers are any prefabricated cabinetry or product of millwork shop meeting requirements of AWI custom grade and this Section are approved upon approval of the Owner before bidding. See DIVISION 1. - END OF DIVISION - 1 i 1 1 I DIVISION 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ' FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEMS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install the following as described in Contract Documents: ' 1. Alarm and detection system 2. Concealed raceway, cable and conductors, boxes,and miscellaneous items necessary for complete system. 3. Water flow switches, post indicating valves,valve tamper switches,and low air pressure switch. 4. Quality of and installation standards for wiring,raceway, conduit,and boxes as described in Division 16. ' 2. System Description: 5. Automatic fire alarm system consisting of control panel, power supplies, alarm initiating devices, notification appliances,and off-site communicating devices. 6. System shall be non-coded,zoned,and monitored for integrity of conductors. 7. Class A(Style D)loop type initiating device circuits and Class A(Style Z)loop type notification appliance circuits. I 3. System Performance Requirements are the following: 8. Operation of manual station or automatic activation of any smoke detector, heat detector, or sprinkler flow device shall: ► Cause system notification appliances to operate. ► Indicate zone in alarm on control panel. o Indicate zone in alarm on remote annunciator. 0 Initiate off-site alarm notification system. • System shall return to normal when operated device is returned to normal and control panel is manually reset,except • alarms may be silenced as specified below. Alarm may be silenced by switch in control panel. • Ring Back Feature- When silenced,this shall not prevent the resounding of subsequent alarms if another zone should alarm. I When alarms are silenced, zone indicating red LEDs on control panel and remote annunciator remain on until operated device is returned to normal and control panel is manually reset. Green pilot LED shall normally be on indicating that system is receiving normal power. Failure of normal power shall cause this LED to extinguish. I Amber trouble LED and trouble alarm,operating together,shall signal trouble condition. Following conditions shall signal trouble condition: ► Failure of normal power. ► Opens or short circuits on indicating circuits. ' Disarrangements in system wiring. ► Control panel circuit board removal. ► Ground faults. • Trouble silencing switch shall silence trouble alarm which shall be arranged so trouble LED shall remain lit until ' system is restored to normal. As ring-back feature,trouble alarm shall resound as reminder to return silencing switch to normal position. Supervisory LED, separate from trouble LED, and alarm,operating together,shall signal operation of supervisory device, such as control valve tamper, low air pressure, and low temperature switches. Alarm silence switch shall ' operate in same manner as trouble alarm. 4. Submit the following information to the Owner: Shop Drawings prepared by authorized factory representative and including: ► Single line diagram of actual system. ► Typical riser diagrams are not acceptable. ► Complete wiring diagrams. ► Manufacturer's original catalog data and descriptive information on each piece of equipment to be used. • Quality Assurance/Control - Certificate of completion,from Manufacturer's Representative, in accordance with NFPA 72 requirements. ' Closeout: Operations And Maintenance Manual Data: Modify and add to requirements of Division 1 as follows: ► Provide operating and maintenance instructions for each item of equipment submitted under Product Data. ► Provide instruction manual from Manufacturer which explains what is to be done in event of various indications. ► Include copy of approved shop drawings. ' 5. Regulatory Requirements: System shall meet approval of authority having jurisdiction(AHJ). • NEC and local ordinances and regulations shall govern unless more stringent requirements are specified. • Equipment,devices,and cable shall be LIL or Factory Mutual listed for use in fire alarm systems. ' Instruct Owner's representative in proper operation and maintenance procedures. 6. Equipment and accessories furnished underterms of this Specification shall be standard products of single manufacturer, or include written statement by Control Panel Manufacturer confirming compatibility of components and inclusion of these components under system warranty. ' 7. Control Panel: • Listed under UL Standard 864. Solid state modular design with flush or semi-flush mounting. • Control functions shall be behind locked door with annunciating devices visible through door. ' Single key shall operate all keyed functions in system. Provide three keys. Each zone shall be electrically supervised in accordance with wiring style specified. • Provide integral surge protection. • Make provisions for remote annunciator. • Make provisions for connection to off-site alarm notification system. • Provide separate dry contacts for alarm and supervisory/trouble alarms. • Power Supply: ► Provide green LED indication of normal power supply. ' Loss of normal power shall activate trouble alarm. ► Meet requirements of and size in accordance with UL Standard 1481 and NFPA 72. ► Include standby batteries,charger,and automatic transfer equipment. • Visual Annunciation: ► Separate indication on each zone for alarm,trouble,or supervisory conditions. ► Visual indication shall be by LED lights or other easily identifiable method. ► Zones shall be permanently custom labeled by zone name,not number. ► Fault or trouble condition on any zone shall not affect any other zone. • Audible Horn Alarm Annunciation: ' Provide separate and distinct alarm signals for alarm and trouble conditions. Alarm signal shall also operate strobe lights,if specified. ► Provide alarm silence switches at control panel. ► Trouble alarm shall be horn integral to control panel. ► Supervisory alarm may be same audible alarm as trouble alarm,but with separate visual annunciation. 8. Off-Site Alarm Notification System: • Provide telephone line connection from telephone terminal board to fire alarm control panel. • Owner will arrange for dialer system equipment and monitoring connection contract. 9. Alarm Initiating Devices: Smoke Detectors: ► Photoelectric type. ► Listed under UL Standard 268. • Provide visual indication of alarm on unit when normally pulsed supervisory LED glows continuously. Heat Detectors: ► Non-settable 200 deg F fixed temperature. ► Provide visible indication that device has operated. • Listed under UL Standard 521. Low Temperature Switch: Set for contact closure at 35 deg F 2 deg C. Manual Fire Alarm Boxes: ► Non-coded and double-action requiring two actions to initiate alarm. Breakable glass type are not approved. L • ► Box shall mechanically latch when actuated and require key to reset. Key shall match control panel door lock. 10. Notification Appliances:Combination Horn/Strobe: Wall mounted flush or semi-flush. • Non-coded audible output of 90 dB minimum at 10 feet 3 meters. • Integrally mounted flashing light unit with block letters'FIRE'. Minimum light intensity of 75 candela and flash rate I between one and three Hertz. Listed under UL Standards 464 and 1971. 11. Acceptable Manufacturers: Bosch Security Systems, Fairport, NY (800)538-5807 www.radionicsinc.com Edwards Systems Technology,Sarasota,FL (800)226-2333 www.est.net Mirtone,Sarasota, FL (800)232-6593 www.mirtone.com 12. Installation: • Install fire alarm and detection systems as indicated, in accordance with Equipment Manufacturer's written l instructions,and complying with applicable portions of NEC,NFPA,and ECA's'Standard of Installation'. f Mounting Heights: Unless otherwise indicated,mount center of outlets or boxes at following heights above finish floor: • Manual Fire Alarm Boxes(Pull Stations) - 48 inches. • Fire Alarm Horns/Strobes: 90 inches. • Identification: ► Label zone indicators on control unit indicating location and type of initiating device. ► Labels shall be engraved plastic laminate, or other permanent labeling system as supplied by Control Unit Manufacturer. ► Post copy of wire identification list inside fire alarm panel door or other area accessible to fire alarm service personnel. ► Print location of circuit disconnecting means inside panel. • Conductors: ► Install conductors in conduit. ► Fire alarm system conductors from different zones may be combined in common conduit. Make certain that raceway size and wire quantity,size,and type is suitable for equipment supplied and is within NEC standards. ' Label pull and junction boxes'FIRE ALARM'. ► Install conductors and make connections to water flow switches, valve tamper switches, low air pressure switches, and duct smoke detectors. ► Loop wires through each device on zone for proper supervision. Tee-taps not permitted. • Minimum conductor size shall be 14 AWG unless otherwise specified. Do not install ceiling mounted detectors within 36 inches 900 mm of air discharge grilles. Do not install manual fire alarm boxes close to light switches. • Coordinate with other trades as required. ' 13. Manufacturer's Field Service: Provide factory trained representative to perform complete system testing in presence of Owner's Project Manager and local fire department personnel upon completion of installation. • Test each initiating and annunciating device for proper operation,except fixed temperature heat detectors. ' Test operation of trouble annunciation on each circuit. Perform complete testing of control panel functions. 14. Provide dust protection for installed smoke detectors until finish work is completed and building is ready for occupancy. Protect conductors from cuts,abrasion and other damage during construction. - END OF DIVISION- ' ESO* . _. )_t..ecmc LOAD RjEQUIRENEEA TS �- pddress Telegrone 4_._.....-_7 Contractor CoMww Name ._. contact Porwn Address TeJephone Requested Delivery Voltage: U Up to 2,2 KV Cl 2.2 to 15 KV U V to sv KV C] Over 80 KV ' Servke 3bw-.0 100 AAW VoPGe t7 12W40 t V 0 Ovod*od Q 450 Amp (3 420 M t A xwderwum n 70nAmp X tMOO wye 30 0 400 ArAp 0 277/480 wys 39 800 Amp 0 240 delta 3 kf r ��A Othef Equipment ntUs � Estimated R@MM d MVA heating Equi Cooft Equiprnelri 19.2 kw kvi kw _kw Total Motor load kw Miscellarto kw kw kw Subtotal ._. TOTAL KVV _kw motors-a� _._..._. C**UftK FuN toad Mars +krne p— VORape ptmo s slits pet Wet*, - -- fth Per '""- --�— %3t POP Nam f ersort a "" --•... --� �_ -_-��{:¢/--... -- _ -- or k4lirtaligr on .l'lrls fiorm -N�ce, 1 l f DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL PLUMBING PIPING ' This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. ' 1. General piping material requirements and installation procedures applicable to all piping systems. Delivery,Storage and Handling: ► Accept valves on site in shipping containers with labeling in place. • Provide temporary protective coating on cast iron and steel valves. ► Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. Use domestic made pipe and pipe fittings on Project. Weld-O-Let and Screw-0-Let fittings are acceptable. • Sleeves in Framing: Standard weight galvanized iron pipe,Schedule 40 PVC,or 14 ga galvanized sheet metal two ' sizes larger than bare pipe or insulation on insulated pipe. Sleeves in Concrete And Masonry: Sleeves through outside walls, interior shear walls, and footings shall be schedule 80 black steel pipe with welded plate. • Valves: Valves of same type shall be of same manufacturer. • Hangers, Rods,And Inserts ' Galvanized and UL approved for service intended. ► Hangers and accessories shall be Grinnell numbers specified or equals by B-Line. ► Support horizontal piping from clevis hangers or on roller assemblies with channel supports, except where trapeze type hangers are explicitly shown on Drawings. ' Hangers shall have double nuts. ► Support insulated pipes with clevis hanger equal to Grinnell Fig 260 or roller assembly equal to Grinnell Fig 171 with an insulation protection shield equal to Grinnell Fig 167. Gauge and length of shield shall be according to Grinnell design data. ► Except uninsulated copper pipes,support uninsulated pipes from clevis hanger equal to Grinnell Fig 260. ► Support uninsulated copper pipe from Grinnell Fig CT65 copper plated hangers and otherwise fully suitable for use with copper tubing. • Size trapeze angles so bending stress is less than 10,000 psi. ' Riser Clamps For Vertical Piping: Grinnell Figure 261. Concrete Inserts: ► Grinnell Figure 282. • Suitable for special nuts size 3/8 inch through 7/8 inch with yoke to receive concrete reinforcing rods,and with malleable iron lugs for attaching to forms. • Continuous inserts shall be Unistrut P-3200 series. ► Steel Deck Bracket: Unistrut P1000 with clamp nut, minimum 6 inch length. 2. Furnish and install the piping for the following systems: Potable water pipe and insulation Sanitary waste and vent pipe Condensate drain piping 3. Potable water pipe ' Above-Grade - Copper,Type L. Below-Grade - Copper,Type K. 3/4 inch 19 mm minimum under slabs. Fittings - Wrought copper • Ball Valves; ► Use ball valves exclusively unless otherwise specified. ' Ball valves shall be by single manufacturer from approved list below. ► Valves shall be two piece,full port for 150 PSI SWP. Quality Standard - Nibco T585 or S585,S595 Approved Products • Stop And Waste Valves: ► Screw type curb box complete with lid and enlarged base. Quality Standard-Mueller - Mark II Oriseal stop and waste valve H10288 • Combination Pressure Reducing Valve/Strainer: Integral stainless steel strainer,or separate'Y'strainer installed upstream of pressure reducing valve. ► Built-in thermal expansion bypass check valve. Quality Standard - Watts U56 • Installation: ► Below Grade: o Install piping under slabs without joints where possible. 0 Insulate water piping buried within building perimeter. 0 Bury water piping 6 inches minimum below bottom of slab and encase in 2 inches minimum of sand. o Locate cold water lines a minimum of 6 inches from hot water line. 4. Potable water pipe insulation-Above Grade insulation For Piping: ''Y2"thick,snap-on glass fiber or melamine foam pipe insulation,or heavy density pipe insulation with factory vapor jacket. 5. Sanitary waste and vent pipe: • Buried Piping: • Minimum size of waste piping installed under floor slab on grade shall be 2 inches 50 mm. ► Approved type-PVC Schedule 40 cellular core plastic pipe. Above Grade Piping And Vent Lines: Approved Type-PVC Schedule 40 cellular wall plastic pipe. Fittings-PVC Schedule 40 cellular core plastic pipe fittings. 6. Quality Standard Manufacturers Contact Information: B-Line Systems, Highland, IL (800)280-7994. www.bline.com • EPCO Products Inc, Fort Wayne, IN (800)879-3726. www.epcoproducts.com Globe Pipe Hanger Products Inc,Cleveland,OH (800)338-3555. Grinnell Corp, Exeter, NH (603)778-9200 www.grinnell.com Michigan Hanger Company, Niles,OH (800)333-0852. • Superstrut by Thomas&Betts, Memphis,TN (800)888-0211. www.tnb.com Victaulic Company of America, Easton, PA (610)559-3300 www.victualic.com o Watts Regulator Co, North Andover, MA (978)688-1811. www.wattsreg.com 7. General installation requirements: • Interface With Other Work: ► Furnish sleeves, inserts, supports, and equipment that are to be installed by others in sufficient time to be incorporated into construction as work proceeds. Locate these items and see they are properly installed. ► Furnish inserts for attaching hangers that are to be cast in concrete floor construction to Division 03 at time floors are poured. ► Furnish and install complete system of piping,valved as indicated or as necessary to completely control entire apparatus. ► Piping may have to be offset, lowered,or raised as required or directed at site. ► Arrange piping to not interfere with removal of other equipment, ducts, or devices, or block access to doors, windows,or access openings. ► Arrange so as to facilitate removal of tube bundles. ► Provide accessible flanges or ground joint unions,as applicable for type of piping specified,at connections to equipment and on by passes. ► Make connections of dissimilar metals with di-electric unions. ► Install valves and unions ahead of traps and strainers. ► Provide unions on both sides of traps. ► Install piping systems so they may be easily drained. Provide drain valves at low points and manual air vents at high points in hot water heating and cooling water piping. ► Install piping to insure noiseless circulation. ► Place valves and specialties to permit easy operation and access. ► Valves shall be regulated, packed,and glands adjusted at completion of work before final acceptance. ► Properly support piping and make adequate provisions for expansion, contraction,slope,and anchorage. ► Provide sleeves around pipes passing through concrete or masonry floors, walls, partitions, or structural members. ► Do not place sleeves around soil,waste,vent,or roof drain lines passing through concrete floors on grade. ► Seal sleeves with specified sealants. ► Sleeves through floors shall extend 1/4 inch above floor finish in mechanical equipment rooms.In other rooms, sleeves shall be flush with floor. ► Sleeves through floors and foundation walls shall be watertight. • Provide spring clamp plates (escutcheons)where pipes run through walls,floors, or ceilings and are exposed in finished locations of building. Plates shall be chrome plated heavy brass of plain pattern and shall be set tight on pipe and to building surface. 8. Site Tests: • Perform tests on mechanical piping systems. Furnish devices required for testing purposes. Replace material or workmanship proven defective with sound material at no additional cost to Owner. Repeat tests on new material,if requested. 9. Cleaning: Remove dirt,grease,and other foreign matter from each length of piping before installation. After each section of piping used for movement of water or steam is installed,flush with clean water,except where specified otherwise. • Arrange temporary flushing connections for each section of piping and arrange for flushing total piping system. • Provide temporary cross connections and water supply for flushing and drainage and remove after completion of work. 10. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers,completing sections of the work,and isolating parts of completed system. Cap or plug open ends of pipes and equipment to keep dirt and other foreign materials out of system. Do not use plugs of rags,wool,cotton waste,or similar materials. PLUMBING FIXTURES This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. i I 1. Furnish and install the plumbing fixtures specified in this Section for the Project. 2. Submit fixture package to the Owner for approval. 3. Water Closets: • Maximum water usage of 1.6 gallons 6 liters per flush. ' Standard Fixture -Two piece tank type, elongated bowl,siphon jet action,2 3/8"trapway. Handicap Accessible Fixture:Same as standard fixture except 18 inch 450 mm maximum rim height. Seats: Provide split front type with check hinge and lid. • Supply Pipe&Stop: Provide stuffing box and chrome plating. ' Quality Standard-American Standard 2733.016. 4. Urinals: Standard Fixture -Wall mount,china, • Carrier/Support -from floor, not wall hung I Flush Valve:Low flow, 1.6 gallons 6 liters per flush maximum Quality Standard-American Standard Washbrook 6501.010. 5. Standard Lavatory-Counter Top Fixtures: • Size: 20 by 18 inches I Quality Standard Lavatory-American Standard Ellisse Petite-0410.021. Fittings:Faucet&Drain-Acrylic handles,no pop up,4"center,washerless design,brass and stainless steel valve construction. ► Provide blade handles on designated handicap lavatory. ► Provide flow control fitting on each spout in place of aerator. ' Quality Standard-Manufacturers -Delta ► Supply pipes with stops-Provide stuffing box and chrome plating: o Trap - 17 gage tube"P"trap chrome plated • Safety Covers- Provide on all traps. o Provide manufactured protection on water supply pipes and on trap. 6. Wheelchair Lavatory-Self Supporting Fixtures: • Size: 20 by 27 inches • Quality Standard Lavatory-American Standard Wheelchair 9141.011. ' Quality Standard Carrier Support—Josam,J.R. Smith,Wade or Zurn. Fittings:Similar to Standard Lavatory 7. Mop Sinks: • Fixture -Heavy duty plastic mop sink. Zurn Z-1996-24 ' Fittings -Supply is Heavy duty and mounting height of 42 inches ► Provide 48 inch threaded connector hose and hanger. ► Provide Mop Hanger ► Drain and Strainer -Stainless Steel • Faucet Quality standard: American Standard-8344.112.004 Service Sink Faucet. 8. Service Sinks: Fixture-Enameled cast iron sink. American Standard 7695.000 • Fittings-Supply is Heavy duty and mounting height of 42 inches ' • Provide 48 inch threaded connector hose and hanger. • Provide Mop Hanger ► Drain and Strainer -Stainless Steel ► Faucet Quality standard: American Stan dard-8344.112.004 Service Sink Faucet. ' Trap-enameled iron pipe-American Standard-7798.030 9. Hydrants: Provide non freeze type with integral anti-siphon device. • Quality Standard: Zurn,Z-1310 ' 10. Floor Drains: Provide with deep seal trap and chrome plated strainer. 11. Floor Sinks: Provide PVC type with cover • Quality Standard: Oatey 42720 series 12. Cleanouts: Furnish wall cleanouts with chrome wall cover and screw. 13. Installation requirements: Install fixtures including traps and accessories with accessible stop or control valve in each hot and cold water branch supply line. • Mounting Urinals: I Standard height-20"from the floor to front of the lip. ► ADA mounting height- 15"from the floor to the front of the lip. ► Install urinals using carriers. • Make fixture floor connections with approved brand of cast iron floor flange,soldered or calked securely to waste • pipe. Make joints between fixtures and floor flanges tight with approved fixture setting compound or gaskets. • Caulk between fixtures and wall and floor with white butyl rubber non-absorbent sealant. • Point edges. 14. Standard Bi-Level Drinking Fountain: Include accessory fountain. 8 GPH of 50 deg F water with 90 deg F., room temperature,fraction horsepower motor,4 amp,115 V,60 Hz,single phase. Flexi-guard or chrome plated brass bubbler. Top surface to be 40 inches above floor. Quality Standard&finish: Elkay - Model EWTLA-14 15. Wheelchair Accessible Single Fountain: Vandal proof operating bar on front and both sides. 8 GPH minimum of 50 deg F water with 90 deg F room temperature, 1/5 horsepower compressor motor, 120 V,60 Hz,single phase. • One-piece stainless steel back splash and basin. ' Flexi-guard or chrome plated brass bubbler. Quality Standard&finish-Elkay: EZS8 WATER HEATERS This section shall be the responsibility of the Subcontractor under contract for this portion of the Work. 1. Furnish and install standard instantaneous electric water heaters as shown on drawings. 2. See the following related Sections for piping information: ' General Piping Requirements in DIVISION 15 Potable Water Piping in DIVISION 15 SPLIT SYSTEM HEAT PUMP UNITS ' 1. Furnish and install heat pumps as described in Contract Documents. 2. See related information on the"M"drawings and in the other Sections in DIVISION 15 3. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies - Each unit shall be UL or ETL labeled. 4. Warranty: ► Provide five year warranty on compressors beginning from date of start-up. ► Record start-up date on warranty certificate for each unit. 5. Heat Pumps-Indoor Units: ► Compact wall mounted units on the main floor. ► Ceiling mounted cassette units on the Second floor ► Cabinet finish as selected by Owner's Project Manager ► Isolate moving parts from cabinets to reduce noise. 6. Heat Pump Outdoor Units: ► Compressor shall be of rotary or scroll design. ► Fans shall be direct driven and discharge horizontally. ► Casing shall be fully weatherproof for outdoor installations. ► Microprocessor Controls shall be factory wired with field installed remote pendant station. ► Isolate moving parts from cabinets to reduce noise. ► Use dry-charged tubing for connection of unit's refrigerant system. ► Cover any exposed exterior condensing unit lines with line covers of the size recommended by the manufacturer. 7. Filters: ► One inch thick throw-away type as recommended by Mitsubishi Distributor ► Provide two extra replacement filters for each unit. ► Provide ample access for filter removal. ► Change out filters at Substantial Completion. 8. Controls: Provide the control system included as part of the Mitsubishi Mr.Slim and City Multi systems ► Hardware controls.Not remote control units. CO2 monitoring system integrated with controls.See"M"drawings. 9. Approved Products: Mr. Slim Model PKH-18EK and City Multi by Mitsubishi Electronics America Inc, HVAC Div, Norcross, GA (800) 421-1140 Contact: Rick Giolas(801)288-1000 ► Line-Hide, Lineset Cover System, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, (678)376-2900 www.line-hide.com ' 10. Install according to manufacturer's written instructions and as shown on the"M"drawings. 11. Manufacturer's Field Service by Unit Manufacturer's authorized factory trained service mechanic. ► Units shall be started up,checked out,and adjusted ► Use equipment check-out sheet provided by Manufacturer. ► Complete and sign all items on sheet. - END OF DIVISION - w_ June 8, 2009 Dear Dave, Item#12 Active listening system: NBCC will provide the following active listening system eight receivers and two hearing aid compatible receivers for a total of ten receivers, and signage stating that hearing impaired devices are available prior to your issuance of CO. Sincerely, /"' ¢ ,c Pastor Randy&Debbie Mailing Address: 487 Dix Ave.Queensbury,NY 12804 Church Phone 518-307-6574 Current Meeting Location: Tent Meetings 487 Dix Ave,Queensbury,NY 12804 A Randy D Gross,Pustor 04/11/2009 13:31 5186347299 ROBERT PAGE 01 East Durham NY 12423 (518)37$-9340 June 8,2009 Hear Is a quick sketch of the hood any questions you may tali me at the following number (US)378-9340 Sincerely, Nobert Retell �' f Mez 04/11/2009 13:31 5186347299 ROBERT PAGE 02 cap 7rvsSQs a 4/"0 c. mef -Pre © � _ r 04/11/2009 13/31 5186347299 ROBERT PAGE 03 en Groa5c Drain le Pce,'�( 15 04/11/2009 13:31 5186347299 ROBERT PAGE 03 VApr' I-I)o xoY2 13 ATk_ -typc Greaia Drotin oy the Pc6�( 15 � /� Job:B091455 Mark: R3 Quantity: 12 Type: PB Span: 60000 P1-H1: 6 Left OH: 0 P Right OH: 0 P Page *111, ALL PLATES CENTERED CSI SIZE LUMBER Brace truss as follows: MAXIMUM REACTIONS: Common Truss NOTES: ON JOINTS EXCEPT: TOP 0.07 2x 4 SPFS-k2 O.C. From To JT REACT ACT WID REQ WID Auto Snow Loading Trusses Manufactured by: ]] JT PLATE SIZE X Y BTM 0.07 2x 4 SPFS-42 TC Cont. -0- 6- 1 4- 6-15 LBS IN-SX IN-SX Total Design Loads SARATOGA, LUMBER TRADERS r' A BC Cont. -0- 6- 1 4- 6-15 A 66 5- 8 1- 8 plf - Live Dead From To Analysis Conforms To: B 4.00x 4.00 CNTR -1.04 hz = -25 TC V 101 20 -1.0 2.0 IBC/IRC2006 C * 626 N/A N/A TC V 101 20 2.0 5.0 This truss has been designed *CONTINUOUS BETWEEN F -E BC V 0 4 0.0 4.1 for 20.0 psf LL on the B.C. C 10 5- 8 1- 8 + 6 Wind Load Case(s) in areas where a rectangle hz = 25 + 2 Unbal. Load Case(s) 3- 6- 0 tall by + 1 UBC Load Case 2- 0- 0 wide UPLIFT FOUND AT BEARINGS + 1 Dead Load Case will fit between the B.C. BRG UPLIFT BRG UPLIFT and any other member. LBS LBS Design checked for 10 psf non- A 21 F-E 139 concurrent LL on BC. C 21G Refer to Gen Det 3 series for G=DUE TO GRAV. LOAD web bracing and plating. Wind Loads - ANSI / ASCE 7-05 Truss is designed as a Main Wind-Force Resistance System. Wind Speed: 90 mph Mean Roof Height: 25-0 Exposure Category: C Occupancy Factor : 1.00 3-4-4 Building Type: Enclosed SL HH 3-4-4 Zone location: Exterior TC Dead Load 6.0 psf 4x4= BC Dead Load 6.0 psf 6 B SL 3-4-4 Roof Snow Load per ASCE 7-05 HH -3-15 Ground Snow Load = 60.0 psf —F7 Rain Load = 0.0 psf Importance Factor 1.00 1-6-0 2x4=TC TC 2x4- Thermal Factor 1.20 Exposure Factor 1.00 1-4-6 F E Balanced Load Factor 0.84 Unbal snow loads checked A C Par-to-ridge not req'd Max comp. force 218 Lbs Max tens. force 193 Lbs Quality Control Factor 1.00 W:508 W:508 R: 66 R: 9 U: 20 U: 20 TC1 11-9 1 3-0-0 5-0-7 6-0-0 BC 11-9 2-0-7 4-0-14 5-0-7 ALL PLATES ARE MT2020 REFER TO ROBBINS ENG. GENERAL NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. Robbins Engineering, Inc./Online Plus" APPROX. TRUSS WEIGHT: 20.4 LBS Scale: 1/2"=l' Connector plates shall he applied on both faces of truss at each joint Center the Robbins Eng.Co.bean no responsibility for the erection of tmssa,field bracing or plates,unless indicated otherwise.No loose knots or inane in plate contact area. permanent truss bracing.Refer to SCSI 1-03 as published by the Truss Plate Auto Snow Loading Designer: Splice only where shown.Overall spans assume 4"hearings at each end,uness Institute,218 North Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314.Persons erecting TC Live 50.4 psf Checker: indicated otherwise.Cutting and fabrication shall be performed on equipment which trusses are cautioned to seek professional advice concerning proper erection bracing -, produces snug-fining joints and plain.Unless otherwise noted,moisture content of to prevent toppling and"dominoing".Care should be taken to prevent damage TC Dead 10 psf Reviewer lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of fabrication and this design is not applicable during fabrication,storage,shipping and erection.Top and bottom chords shall be BC Live 0 psf Designed: for use with fire retardant lumber and some preservative treatments.This design w as adequately braced in the absence of sheathing or rigid ceiling,respectively.It is the BC Dead 10 psf Rev No: prepared in accordance with"National Design Specifications for Wood Construction" responsibility of others to ascertain that the design loads utilized on this drawing meet Total 70.4 9f Rev Date {-_'t lL _L Q w_j��� IAFPA),"National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss or exceed Me actual dead bads imposed by the structure and the live loads imposed P C Q�-- Construction"ANSVTPI1,and HUD DesignCriteria for Trussed Rafters. b the local building code or historical climatic records. Lumber SI 1.15 Run Date: 06/10/09 Plate SI 1.15 Version: 23.0.052 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DE SIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTORS acin 24.0 i . Di R6THE RESPONSBIII.ITYOF THE BUILDING DESIGNER TO REVIEW THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING&.VERIFY P g n rawn g' THAT DATA INCLUDING DEN.AND LOADS CONFORM TO ARCH.PLAN/SPECS AND FAB.TRUSS PLACEMENT DIAGRAM Robbins Engineering,Inc./Online Plus-®1996-2009 Version 23.0.052 Engineering Review Drawing 6✓10/2009 8:40:47 AM Page 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Job:B091455 Mark: R2 Quantity: it Type: SP Span: 500408 Pl-HI: 6 Left OH: 0 P Right OH: 0 P Page 4! ALL PLATES CENTERED CSI SIZE LUMBER Brace truss as follows: MAXIMUM REACTIONS: Common Truss NOTES: ON JOINTS EXCEPT: TOP 0.86 2x 6 SP-SS O.C. From To JT REACT ACT WID REQ WID Total Design Loads (plf) Trusses Manufactured by: �- JT PLATE SIZE X Y BTM 0.93 2x 6 SP-SS TC Cont. 0- 0- 0 50- 4- 8 LBS IN-SX IN-SX TC V 101 20 0.0 22.2 SARATOGA LUMBER TRADERS A 6.00x10.00 CNTR 0.14 WBS 0.94 2x 4 SP-#2 BC Cont. 0- 0- 0 50- 4- 8 A 3546 5- 8 4- 3 TC V 101 20 22.2 28.2 Analysis Conforms To: D 6.00x10.00 CNTR 0.14 EXCEPTIONS: One Continuous Lateral Brace hz = -250 TC V 101 20 28.2 50.4 IBC/IRC2006 E 7.00x 8.00 1.02 4.33 T2 2x 6 SP-#2 O -K J -P D 3546 5- 8 4- 3 BC V 0 20 0.0 7.5 This design requires a truss F 12.00x12.00 CNTR 0.50 B1 2x 6 SP-#2 Attach CLB with (2)-10d nails hz = 250 BC V 0 20 7.5 19.5 to bearing plate connection K 7.00x 9.00 -0.50 CNTR B5 SAME AS B1 at ® on each web BC V 0 20 19.5 30.9 which allows 1.5 In horiz G 12.00x12.00 CNTR 0.50 W1 2x 4 SPFS-#2 UPLIFT FOUND AT BEARINGS BC V 0 20 30.9 42.9 movement at joint D . H 7.00x 8.00 -1.02 4.33 W15 W3 W13 Same As W1 BRG UPLIFT BRG UPLIFT BC V 0 20 42.9 50.4 This truss has been designed W4 W6 W8 Same As W1 LES LBS + 6 Wind Load Case(s) for 20.0 psf LL on the B.C. W10 W12 SAME AS W1 A 473 D 473 + 2 Unbal. Load Case(s) in areas where a rectangle + 1 UBC Load Case 3- 6- 0 tall by TC Fb=1.15 Fc=1.10 Ft=1.10 TL Defl -2.03" in L -G L/293 + 1 Dead Load Case 2- 0- 0 wide BC Fb=1.10 Fc=1.10 Ft=1.10 LL Defl -1.45" in L -G L/409 will fit between the B.C. Hz Disp LL DL TL and any other member. Jt D 1.06" 0.42" 1.49" Design checked for 10 psf non- Shear // Grain in 0 -B 0.44 concurrent LL on BC. Wind Loads - ANSI / ASCE 7-05 Truss is designed as a Main Wind-Force Resistance System. Wind Speed: 90 mph SL 24-9-11 7x10- 7x8- SL 24-9-11 Mean Roof Height: 25-0 HO 6-6 HO 6-6 Exposure Category: C HH 4 1Ox10l B _T2 C 1Ox10, 4 Occupancy Factor : 1.00 4x12� 0 P 4xl2� Building Type: Enclosed S1 S2 Zone location: Exterior T3U T3U TC Dead Load 6.0 psf 4x6- W7 1,v W6 4x6, BC Dead Load 6.0 psf N W5 6 W4 Q Roof Snow Load per ASCE 7-05 11-7-8 6 Ground Snow Load = 60.0 psf Rain Load 0.0 psf _ _ 5x8� W4 83 5x8� Importance Factor 1.00 6-0-OF M OG W j G K F W3 R The Factor 1.20 T31, 12x12= 7x� i J 12x12= T3L Exposure Factor 1.00 1Ox10= Balanced Load Factor 0.84 6x10- W1 W2/ L O I 511 6x10- Unbal snow loads checked A 5x8� Q 5x8, D Par-to-ridge not req'd c`�h Piggyback Cap: Peak B4 1 6 84 Max comp. force 12423 Lbs B5 H E B5 Max tens. force 10934 Lbs W:508 7x8: 7x8- W:508 Quality Control Factor 1.00 R:3546 R:3546 U: 473 U: 473 -7- 5- 8- 12- 0- 0 --11- 5- 8 12- 0- 5- 8--r { O O N O Tic 7-3-12 1 13-6-9 19-7-4 N 1 28-2-4 1 M 1 36-9-15 1 43-0-12 1 50-4-8 BCJ -7-5-8 -T-33- � - - o 1 36-9-15 1 42-11-0 I 50-4-8 0 0 a o N 0 N M 50-4-8 ALL PLATES ARE MT2020 REFER TO ROBBINS ENG. GENERAL NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. Robbins Engineering, Inc./Online Plus" APPROX. TRUSS WEIGHT: 440.7 LBS Scale: 1/8"=1' Connector plates shall be applied on both faces of truss at each joint.Center the Robbins Eng.Co.bean no responsibility for the erection of trusses,field bracing or plates,unless indicated otherwise.No loose knots or wane in plate contact area. permanent buss bracing.Refer to BCSI 1-03 as published by the Truss Plate Auto Snow Loading Designer: Splice only where shown.Overall spans assume 4"hearings at each end,unless Institute,218 North Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314.Person erecting TC Live 50.4 psf Checker: indicated otherwise.Cutting and fabrication shall be performed on equipment which trusses are cautioned to seek professional advice concerning proper erection bracing TC Dead 10 psf Reviewer: produces snug-fitting joints and plates.Unless otherwise noted,mo re istu content Of to prevent toppling and"dominoing".Care should be taken to prevent damage "�=^* lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of fabrication and this design is not applicable during fabrication,storage,shipping and erection.Top and bottom chords shall be BC Live 0 psf Designed: for use with fire retardant lumber and some preservative treatments.This design was adequately braced in the absence of sheathing or rigid ceiling,respectively.It u the BC Dead 10 psf Rev No: prepared in accordance with"National Design Specifications for Wood Construction" responsibility of others to ascertain that the design loads utilized on this drawing mend � (AFPA),"National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss or exceed the actual dead bads imposed by the structure and the live loads imposed Total 70.4 psf Rev Date: tNz4aUJ-ter I Construction"(ANSI/TPI 1),and BUD Design Criteria for Trussed Rafters. by the local building code or historical climatic records. Lumber SI 1.15 Run Date: 06/10/09 Plate SI 1.15 Version: 23.0.052 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTOR Spacing 24.0 in. Drawing: rFISIHERESPONSIBR,rrYOF THE BUILDING DESIGNER TO REVIEWTHIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING&VERIFY p g g: THAT DATA INCLUDING DIM AND LOADS CONFORM TO ARCH.PLAN/SPECS AND FAB.TRUSS PLACEMENT DIAGRAM Robbins Engineering,Inc./Online Plusm©19W2009 Version 23.0.052 Engineering Review Drawing 6/10/2009 8:40:46 AM Page 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorv.com 1 � 4504' I I LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE f r / _ � r �/IJ It1' 1 11 1 11 I 1 1 I I I Ii tl t� I J I — 1 1 1 1 f - 1 J ......................... . ............................ .. ............................. i AINT AWN 0 CLEAR PERIMETER R TER EVISE D 1 AROUN TENTS I DI Y D FIRE CODE R1�4 1 ( ) r ........... ........................... ............................ ...................... .......................................... .............................. ...... ................................................ ... 4 PVC HOUSE SEW ER, MAINTAIN AI N 1 4 PER FT MIN. SLOPE / 1 1 1 1 ZI i► t P �� o ROPOSED 1250 G � �AL PRECAST 3 l o CONCRETE TIC TAN 0 1 0 h SEP 23 K i 0 X 80 I 1 0 1 X TENT 48 X 75 f PROPOSED I 4 EFFL UENT GRAVITY SEWER, } I I 4 TEN T I _ 1 MAINTAIN - ANTAN 1 1 8 PER E MIN . SLOPE 0 ��_ o ............ ..... ............................................................. .................. PROPOSED PRECAST CONCRETE •� 1 r �' DISTRIBUTION BOX SIDEWAL . 1 1 PROPOSED ABSORP77ON FIELD; / 1 / (4) PIPE-IN-STONE TRENCHES AT 50' ' `.. / LONG EACH / ! I 507. RESERVE AREA APPROXIMATE POLYETHYLENE EXTENSION TO I \ I APPROVED Sll/// FENCE/DISTURBANCE LIMIT FINISH GRADE GRADE WITH TAMPER 1 RESISTANT ACCESS COVER ADJUSTED SILT FENCE/DISTURBANCE LIMIT PROPOSED LIMIT OF CLEARING ' I I I I �-� ` f 1 4" PVC MOUSE SEWER; SUGGESTED: INSTALL POLYLOK PL-625 I I MAINTAIN 1/4" PER FT. MIN. SLOPE 12"f GREASE TRAP EFFLUENT FILTER SUCH a a I I W } / / / ! THAT IT IS READILY REMOVABLE I a a I I a / f PROPOSED 2000 GAL. PRECAST Q ° ° THROUGH TANK ACCESS COVER I Z Z z0 _ - - _.- _ _._ _._ � � r ` CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 4" SDR-35 PVC 4° 2,. ' --� INLET FROM KITCHEN - < I I ¢ / g + ~ \ // / r - I 100d GAL. PRECAST 4" PVC SDR-35 \i t f I / CONCRETE GREASE TRAP MIN. SLOPE LIQUID LEVEL OUTLET TO SEPTIC TANK I \ / I PR6POSED 4" EFFLUEN GRAVITY SEWER; 1/4" PER FOOT a MIN. SLOPE 1/8 PER FOOT -50 / /off MAWTAIN 1/8" PER FT. MIN. SLOPE MINIMUM 2X WIDTH / MAXIMUM 4X WIDTH KITCH WATERTIGHT GREASE' TRAP SIZING f / I I/ SEWER SLEEVE AND SEAL = TYP/ l +' FROM NYSDEC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR 1 / ( ) o WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS 1988: ' .. T ` PROPOSED 1000 GAL o ; •'::i:;F::i:i,^:'.;:: •Teri.;; : r r: c taw / �Q PRECAST CONCRETE - too HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES, ETC.: ' r 9P § 1� Q S PIPED (FOR SIMILAR CRITERIA) ............... SEPTIC TANK, : ? `:::::::.::, ( '�Q�' AS GREASE 6,. ¢I� :¢ .:..... .....: :.'......... SIZE OF GREASE TRAP GALLONS PF :.......': .... 4 (M) (GL) (ST) (2.5) (LF) ::..........................�::.......... ' QQ� / M = MEALS PER DAY :::.::................................... R •• .,.► GL = GALLONS OF W/W PER MEAL (4.5 GAL) ° ST = STORAGE CAPACITY FACTOR $ :: ::':::: :.: .: .:::.''::t;` (2.5 ONSI TE DISPOSAL) Y W ::•:::.:�:::•::::•::::::.':::.::.':::::•::::::::::•:::•:::.. ..... :.... :: > ". SEPTIC TANK NOTES LF = LOADING FACTOR .................:.... Qa •••••••••••••• ••••• ALL UNITS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK STATE ( ) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH o ;:.:.. ..::..;•.:.,.. :.:::: ! 1.0 WITHOUT GARBAGE DISPOSAL MANUFACTURED BY UTOPIA ENTERPRISES SES OR SHALL E OF PRECAST CONCRETE AS ASSUMPTIONS: EQUIVALENT. 1 MEAL PER WEEK ® 350 MEALS EACH :. .......... ..... 50 MEALS PER DAY AVERAGE I / ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE PLACED ON FIRM, COMPACT SAND OR GRAVEL ( ) BASE. WHERE EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UNSUITABLE, CRUShED STONE AS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE A STABLE BASE. GREASE TRAP SIZE PROPD 0� l .;;:;:' I / / SHALL BE PLACED _ (50)*(4.5)*(2.5)*(1.0) LOCA77D HYDRANT- CONNECT = 563 GALLONS / ' TO 6" MAN SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE OF EXTRA HEAVY INSTALL 1000 GAL GREASE TRAP (4) 4" SAFETY I 1 I PROPOSE LIMIT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNED FOR H-20 WHEEL LOADING. {.:..:: OF CLE ING BOLLARDS I I , ALL JOINTS MUST BE SEALED WITH BUTYL SEALANT. JOINTS BELOW THE I I :..:....;...;:. LIQUID LEVEL MUST BE TESTED BEFORE BACKFILLING. �` � ?� . t / I r PROPOSED f440.' DRIVE SE i " FOR FIRE TRUCK ACCESS, GREA TRAP DETAIL I r, 12" MIN. GRAVEL SURFACE / / ! NTS NYSDOT SECTION 304 TYPE TEMPORARY DRIVE TO BE USED FOR TENT - 2 OR 4l COMPACTED TO / 2 2 ACCESS DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE; / 95%\STD. PROCk1 1 _ / C [E E STANDARD SAFETY PRACTICES TO BE EMPLOYED I 1/ 6ry.. D ...: :_: ::`:: : `:.:::::.... N 18 2099 t: ::: ..:............ ::" e� JU TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION :.; .:;•.;;.. ENTRANCE RANCE TO BE PLACED FOR o ' ''' / s/ :F" DURA77ON OF HOUSE REMOVE ,L of ]own '''` 5 / l/ / TUWN OF QUEENSBURY t8�9. -���'�•��•���'.� aaI / � 1/ / BUILDING & CODES r I 14 1 / garage / ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL I �:•;:•" concrete asphaltENGINEER IS A VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. con re drive J ! • •� t � a fCh / 3 GREASE TRAP DETAIL 06/18/09 :' ... s st p 2 CUL-DE-SAC 06110109 '•"' \ retainin w a, IPF 500-----__ �► `- - - 1 FIRE ACCESS DRIVE / HYDRANT LOCATION / GREASE TRAP 06108109 0 ISSUED 06102109 REVISED SITE PLAN No. Revisions Date 1" = 60' REVISED SITE PLAN prepared for: MAP REFEREACE New Beginnings Church BASE MAPPING INFORMATION FROM "NEW 489 Dix Ave., Town ofQueensbury, Warren County, NY BEGINNINGS CHURCH" BY HARLAN-MCGEE OF NORTH AMERICA, 4000 SILVER BEACH ROAD, Drawn: CCW Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 05/28/09 MALTA, NY 12020. 169 Haviland Road DA TED:02-06-08 Queensbury, NY 12804 29379_01 LAST REVISED:08/14/08 Hutchins Engineering (( 8)518) 7745o030845-0307 PFaxe 1 yt\ : C ihl y..rF 4 � 1 ri � � 1 k �i • ' / o UJ I � f +, ) ' )»"�;� ) i 1 k; I}' t t 14•: �.'.• � �!t',{%� r.` I t r a `E�. � 1 r t ,'ti h 'L I 1 r t 1 'i ty �../ � C�1 M..: ,r ,� ''+� ..:�+ �f 1` / � ,�:'- ",',�J : L ,� y ,+� � '� l�+r sf•` '+'. \\�\ O f II-. s ::r=.� + :� �f 3ih::.. ) I ��`�! t .•-- rr :, v ir' s t �. -' ....'r�' ) �, 1 'JJJ �: f 4 ♦ ,,,f`>.'.� ..K - a" •f >i S ri Wt. 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