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i Regular Meeting April 26th,1938 At A Regulat Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7.#:Clock-P.M.at the Town Clerk's Office. the followi ,members were present. D.Mlmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace Charles ` Nobles Curtis Lampson Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Town Superintendent of highway Arthur Stone also preseat,F,d Sleight Thomas Nall Balled on board in regard National Youth Ass,no action taken ' Geo S.Nnapp J.Pearsall,A. Clarke called on the board in regard to oiling Ft Akerst Rd, Uneas Garrison , RESALUTION # 25 Introduced by Yr,Yobles,seconded by Mr.Lampson. ` It was resolved that State Highway Department,be and is here by requested' to install at the intersection of Lafayette,. ayette •we, and the Glees Falls & Lake George highway kolUghfar-4#9 fil4v the sTvw of Queensbury, A stop and ` go traffic light. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes- Mr.Been- Mr.Nobles- Mr.Lampsos, Mr,Bentley, and Mr.Powler. IreimoNone. p y �. RESOLUTION 26 &Introduced by Mr.Noblee ,seconded by Mr.Bentl y k WENRELS along Route at the intersection of Lafayette Ave.in the Tows of V eensbury,a dangerous traffie condition exists by reason of Leavy traffic and Bus Terminal at said rute #9 in both driections from said intersectiow ` is `stright road resulting in operators drive at excessive rate* of speed and at or near said inter section an average of three accidents occur each week resulting in serious property damages t personal Injuries to botk pedestrian and passengers and. VKKMS a traffic control at said intersection would eliminate said and hasardous o"di tiobs WMWS a petdtion signed by residence & tax payers have petitioned tW.0 'board to install a traffic control to eliminate said � �E dangerouo -conditions.- .te*efore, be it resolved that .the State Highway deptrtment 1W and is hereby requested to install a traffic controlatt or near said interseetie f adopted by the following vote; l�rh * b1es,Mr�Lsamp�mn,ltr. ently,a�md aI�[r.Fowler. , f Noes-None m . pN,#27,Introduced. by'Mr. •seeoned by Yr.Nobles. It W&O =that Taws Clerk be and is hereby authorized and diBee't ` 4. to°cleat axd ..,cover voting machine Yn"I'.�'l.ec Lion Mi.str ct #2 at the a , a►dopted b the i©Blowing vote, • E r Ayes;►V**p*v# ahlee Vr.Lampcon,Yr.Bently and•Mr.B'owler. I Noe81*, jft' Introduced by Mr.Bentley seconded by Mr.Lampsoit a it ,„rte that the stun of Twelve Dollars(�12.A4) be and is herttbt A j a this p"haa+o of flags for the de ©ration SlrC3trd1 War Ya lute , in hs Cemeteries i$ the Town of ,x�eansbur. IFUrWir 1te solve that the Austin `T. Roldea Camp of sons of a s#� llPar voteriww be vast hereby-satiterite# to , hsno ' flags for *aid ti = purps sB x 4 ry 41 4iNthat tke ;B erle be and 3 i : by aMorised cad t -p v*r efiiwezu of said• socity with a copy of. this ztir „ Po i9►pted byrl .ariJ vote, l�,ye #ri, Beeer, Mac.Nobles, Gr. psoa*Yr.Bantlan and air.Fowier Mri= k`W -Impson were appointed a aomwettee of two, relative Buse as r e'sod road- fer N.P.A.Preject 1*1ttley with Mr, Stone .appoiated a ,eenmettee 0A A0 srd it ' SCmV%E WAUDITS OF :w TOWN 02 V." Sil Mq T i"No Y. APRIL 26th,1938. E6( Pa W kiL4S QF's IF CIA XATM OF CLArX CLA 99 William Wo oh Poor Relief $ 9,00 9,so 09 Gordon Washburn " " 3.00 3.08 ` 1.00 Richard 0. Dabs 0 20 .20 oe-s4 l®1 1,Y.P.&Light Corp Street Light 34.36 34.3y6 102 N.Y.?.& Light 'Corp, St-Lts,for-7-8-1937 68,73 68,7 V--a/103 Glencraft Printing Co,Printing 71.45 71.4 104 Adirondack Und-Writs Ins -on Int-Truck 111.45 111605 i v & Rlty, Corp, b.OB 105 Bert 3).Turner Town Clerk Services 80.00 106 Charles Richard Assor-SerTs 149,24 149.24/ ' 107 Edward Sleight " " 149.24 149,2 4' 300' Ernest -Hillis " 149.2+4 149.2 ' i Charles Nobles Justice Services 60.30 v 110 Charles Nobles IRcpence to HobebtCollege 54.20 54.20 Curtis Lampoon " " " " 54.20 54,20 113 OCurtis Lampoon ]board Mesting 12,88 12.00 tis Lampoon Justice Service 32.90 c.- 32.90 � 314 R 1ph. Been Justice a 71.80 7I180 115 Meredith Bentley Town Board Service 16.00 116 Th6mas Hall Welfare Offiew ergs, E F 118 ; 16.00 . 2.3411 D.Elmer Fowler Board Meeting 12.40 12.00 Coulter d Ashle y Engineer Service 1�GI $ Met A13 NOt ► 119 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 0 14.4C�(f 120 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 123.32 I23.32Pa�-� x121 Thurstin ,Ingrahan Poor Relief 5.10 5.000 122 M#ry Newcomb " " 4.00 40000 9 123 Glens Falls Post Co, Notices 97,50 ' $2435.57. $1433,57 pg i State Of New York County of Warren 851 Town of Queesbury We i*e under signed .a majority of the Town Board of the Town of queeffisblu uant to Town Law certify that having convened and organised at the time and d, p1jj�e and in the manner prescribed by said law proceeded to examine audit and a116w• the accounts so audited by us and allowed by us h ol3,y or in part. Supervisor - .._ Justice of Peg �v 1f M -.80401-bed. and Swornto '. Vef� me this 26th " w ri191938 r--«-r -at r-T S v,-,F r---jj, .. -LU ...w, .. _, .,.. , Cz At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the town of Queensbury, held at the Town Clerk' s Office, in said town, on th7e 26th day of April, 1938t All members being present. Mr. Bentley, Justice, offers the following resolution: , RESOLVED, That the rules and regulations of the West -Glens' Falls Water District of the Town of Queensbury be and h6reby are adopted and established as follows : k RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 11EST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT OF THE TO1%?N OF �UEENSBURY. In the following rules and regulations whenever the word ' "Board" is used it shall have reference to and mean the Board of 'Water Commissioners of the West Glens Falls Water District ; when- ever the word "Superinten&ent" is used it shall. have reference to and mean the Superintendent of said Water District, and whenever the word "District" is used it shall have reference to and mean { the Iffest Glens Falls ,later District of the Town of (,ueensbury. RULE I, No person other than the superintendent, or other employees ##' i of the District under his direction, will be permitted to tap or make any connection or attachment with any pipe through which any District water flows, or to make any repairs, additions or altera tions to any pipe, tap, cock or other fixture connected with any ' service line from the water main to the curb shut-off inclusive. RULE 2. Applications for service connections to any water main through which any water in said District flows,shall be made to the Clerk of said District upon the form provided. Said application shall be approved by the Supervisor of the town of queensbury; the Towa Clerk shall file said application in his office and serve upon the Superintendent of the Water Department of the City of Glens Falls a duplicate copy of said application. Payment for such connection shall be made to the Clerk of said District at the ti of filing of said application, as follows: For three-quarter new or renewal service tap $22.00. Costs for new or renewal service taps and connections of other sizes, which must be first approve by the Board, will be given upon application. Application for special taps must be accompanied by a deposit to be determined by the Board to insure payment thereof. p fi. +IM1 RULE 3. The rates for all consumers of Kest Glens Falls Water Dis- trict, for every six months period, to be as follows: each Family use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 43.00 Bath tub or shower . . . . . . . . . . . . at 3.00 Bath tub or shower (additional) . . . . . at 1.50 Bath tub or shower (additional user) . . . . . at 2.00 Toilet seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 3.00 Toilet seats (additional ) . . . . . . . . . . at 2.50 Toilet seats (additional user) . . . . . . . . at 2.00 Urinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 3.00 Hose use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 6.00 Rates for other uses to be fixed by the Board, upon the recommendation and approval of the Superintendent of the 'Hater Department of the City of Glens Falls . The minimum rate for any flat rate service shall be not less than Three Dollars for any six months period. RULE 4. No tap or connection of a size greater than three-quarter inch in diameter at the water main, and not more than one tap or connection for any one structure or use, will be permitted unless by special approval by the Board. RULE 5. The owners of all premises or usefthaving connection with any water main through which any District water flows must keep all the pipes and fixtures in connection therewith in good repair " and protected from frost at their own expense so as to prevent leakage and waste. Any work necessary to be done in compliance with this rule on the pipe and fixtures between the main and the curb shut-off inclusive, must be done in accordance with the conditions as laid down in Rules 1 and 2. RULE 6. The Water Commissioners, their agents, officers and assis- tants, may enter the premises of any water consumer at any reason :, l' f 217 F f able time, to examine the fixtures and pipes, to ascertain the �I quantity of water used and the manner of its use, and whether there is any waste of water. RULE 7. No consumer shall allow any person other than those residing or employed upon the premises to regularly take water therefrom. RULE 8. Flat rate water rents shall be due on the first day of May and November in each year, and payable in advance at the office of the Town Clerk. A penalty equal to ten per cent of the amount du will be added if the rents are not paid within thirty days from the first due date and the flow of water will be shut off . RULE 9, Rebates of rentals for non-use of water will not be allowed unless the Superintendent is notified at the time and on the date N. when the service is interrupted and resumed. No rebates will be allowed for a shorter period of time than for one month or when thet mount thereof is equal to or less than the minimum rate. An in any event the minimum rate will be deducted from the amount of the rebate which may have accrued. All RULE 10. All unpaid water rents of said District shall be a lien upo the real estate where the water is used and the Town Clerk shall submit to the Town Board a statement showing such unpaid water rents, pursuant to Subdivision 3 of Section 198 of the Town Law, or any amendment thereof. RULE 11. When the supply of water to any premises is turned off or on by order of the Board, or for the violation of any of the rule and regulations of the District, no person shall turn same on or off again without a written permit signed by the Superintendent, I _ • 218 +y which will be issued at the office of the District when proper so '! to do. RULE 12. No person except the buperintendent, or those acting with his permission or under his direction, shall open or close any valve, gate or shut off in any of the mains through which any .,I District water flows or in any service line between the water main and the curb shut-off inclusive, or molest or interfere woo any of the same except as provided for in Rule 11. RULE 13. No person shall, or shall attempt, to manipulate or control any fire plug or hydrant or draw water therefrom, except the Superintendent, or employees of the District, or the Chief of a Fire Department and those acting under his supervision and direct at the time of afire. And in no event shall any inexperienced or incompetent person be permitted to manipulate or control any hydrant or fire plug or other fixture or attempt so to do. RULE 14. No person shall bathe in the reservoirs which supply the 4x s District or cast any wood, dirt or any substance whatever, into io: any reservoir or any of the springs or streams running into the same, or jLn any manner interfere with the structure of such reset voir, pipes, hydrants, hose or any other property connected then: with, or take any ice therefrom or angle or fish therein; and no person shall in any manner wrongfully interfere with or tres- pass upon any of the property appertaining to said water works i not hereinabove specified. RULE 15. The Board of ',Hater Commissioners shall have full right at all times, whenever in their opinion the public good requires I it, to regulate, diminish or entirely cut off the supply of water from any and all parties taking water, and.to make all such 21 = r — regulations and rules for the use, or for diminishing the use - thereof as they shall think.,,proper. 1 RULE 16. It shall be the duty of the property owner to keep the curb box at the curb shut-off in such condition that the employees of ' the District may at all times have ready and convenient access I thereto for the purpose of turning on and off the water supply to PP y the premises using same. ti RULE 17. For any violation of any of the rules and regulations adopted by e Board, or the failure to pay water rents or charges within the times specified, the flow of water may be shut off without notice. The flow of water will not be turned on again until the violation have been abated or the water rents or charges paid and a fee of pour dollars paid to the Town Clerk and a receipt therefor issued and recorded in the office of the District. No claim for damage or rebate will be allowed by reason of the water being shut off . 1s The above rules are subject at all times to the rules and regulations of the Water Department of the City of Glens Falls, as provided by contract between the West Glens Falls Water District kN and the Mater Department of the City of Glens Falls, dated July 14, 1937. E . ii 220 01 •• .�.... ,....•••• •••• �esolution by„M y .,...... ' G ............. ... ..... . Seconded � ... ..... ............................... . ... ..•.. ....:..�, ... . . The 'Fctwn.5uperintendent of Hi is ereby authorized to purchase under Sec- Law fr y tion 14�- cif a`Hi way .�. ..! .. .,. 7 •• •O with approval of the County Superintendent of Hi* ways '` . .ra.. r•• ' . s � .... ... ..... . ..... .. • •.. ................ . .. rice.o#� . . ... lop for ��p . . . .. ...... .... • . .. .... � �..�.... .. Y5--�•• ' The terms of payment are as follows: .. Trade-in allowance on ....... ... ..'. ..... .'. (heck for .. .................. ......... .N 'The balance or net price in amount of j be Paid . . •,.......... ' 'Certificates of Indebtedness as listed below First: $ ro;Fx•;Payable .. ` .....� .. Second: .. ':;payabl .. .......... ........a9 9. 4. Third: ..•...,---.....•.. .,.•.,....;payabl ......... ... ....... ..... ...... . .... � Fourth $.....................•.......;Payable.--.-.-.-. 7. ....... ............... �........ Certificates to bear interest at • interest to be payable annually, semi- ' atmualy or quarterly. Certificates and interest payable at...... .. . . .•. •• the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue the above Certificates of Indebtedness in acc rd with Sec ' n 26 the Highway Law. Board ...... , . . .. . .... �-...... .Supervisor 'Mote of Town B ..� �• . ..... ....... ` .•Justice of Peace ..... ... ... ........., ..Justice of Peace r- Justice of,Peace . .. . ,. , ..... .....,.......,,Justice of Peace (atee above is a true copy of resoles b the Town d at a mel ,, f of the Town of. .. .. . .�. a Clerk • wTown :. .. .. . . . .:. Cohn o ,� . . .................. •. ., .. .. ,y ty z