1938-05-24 22 -. l s i tidn NO. 33, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seoended by l[r. Ben l ley. . was °�Ire3ved that Ralpk B. Turner, Attorney at Law be and is. kereb� ter#sed to prepare the necessary papers to take an option upon 4 a res ' `or less of, loads of Floyd- Sarris for a Period of one year for th stmt z# *ne rundred Dollars` X100.00 with the priv#ledge -of purchasing said i pr®p,. q ty for the additional sum of Seven xundred Dollars $700.04. Duly adopted by the f`el Wing vote. Ayes- Mr. Fees, Yr, Na`blea, Mr. Lampoon, Mr.fentley, aid Y'r. Fowler. -Nees- None. Resolution, No, 34, Introduced by Mr. Yebles, and seconded by Mrs -' t It was resolved that Resolution 14, Uopted March 3rd, 1938 be and t e s same is hereby reeinded. Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles,, Mr, Lampeos, Yr. Bentley and Mr. p'awler. _ Nees- None. Resolution No.35v Introduced by Mr. Seen, . seeondedby Mr. Bentley, Ar It was resolved that Mr. F®wer brean4 to hereby authorised to make the necessary application to the rational Foutk Administration for a project to paint guard rails, make paint letters and erect road signs andAmproving and beautifying the roA sidii of the roans of the Town of queensbury. :Duly adopted by the following vote- Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, �Mr. Bentley, and ]ir. B'owler. Noes- None. On notion meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner To clerk Regular Meeting May 24 th,1938 � At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Tows of queesbury held .,..� on the above date at 7 O' Clock P-M, at the Town Clerk's Office.the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Sustlee of Peace Charles Nobles a �� Curtis Lampoon a p Meredith n a Bert D. Turner Town dlerk Town Superintendent of highway .Arthur Stone also present, i Minutes of Regula r Meeting held on March 22/ Special Meeting April 12tk• Regular Meeting April 26th, Special Meeting .Apri129th, and May 4th, read and a approved. 'Delegation of taxpayers called on the Town B® 7 ` relative to the location of proposed road at Glen Lake. Delegation f ow .Assembly Point called in reference to a proposed road along center of!, ! Assembly Point and a letter from Mrs. Jackson was read to the Board. Letter from Bertram Murray was read to the Board and map of Lafayette'! Ave and letter placed on Fife. ts Mr. Baer was appointed a Committee of one tca along Lafayette Avenue. Mr. Lampson and Mr. Nobles were appointed a committee of two to oo&. fer with the Water commissioners and adjust and obtain money for meted and pipe in connection with the construction of the West Glens Falls Water District. A letter from Ahira Murray Requesting position of inspector of Side- walks that W. P. A. expects to build_, was read to the Board-no action taken. RESOLUTION # 359 Introduced by Mr. Nobles,seeanded by -Mr. Lanpson, It was Resolved that Supervisor be and ,is hereby authorised and directed to pay the Water Department .of the City of Glens Walls the sum of 09.50 according to Jthe terms of contract between the Water commissioners of the City of Glentr l3.s and the Town Board as commissioners of the North Glens Falls Water District for the supply of water for the North Glens Falls i Water District. Duly' adopted by the following vote: f f' Ayes-XW. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley, and Mr. Fowler. I No ear- None. The Board Audited and allowed the Claims as follows. r NO Name of C1a mant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 1124 Nick Bush Poor Relief 2.00 2.-00 125 Dr. Hull « 8. 00 8.00 126 Crles Beers " " 11.00 11.00 127 ��vi Silverman " " 10.00 10.00 0 128 ,4.1rown a w 2.00 2 00 129 g... to " " �`, 5. 75 130 .- A4.f Rt-00 son 16.50 16.30 , 131 8fg rderp. Street Lights 34.46 34.36 = 132: Richards Assessor Service 136.56 136.56 133 e ::Nil,lis " " 136.56 136.56 134 Sleight " " 136. 56 138156 t. 135 b. Tamer Town Clerk Serviees 80.00 80,00 136 ith S. Bentley Board Meetings 32.00 00 50 137 ,' ;ia.. Printing Notices 15.05 i5 ,0a 138 ,► at " Briefs 87.50 87.30 139 Tblfare Officer 64.65 64*63 140 ±ea Baldwin Constable Service 51.56 51. 56 141 .dwin Kill Ang Dogs 4.00 4.00 142 Epson Board Meetings 20.00 20,00 143 .r:Fawler " " 16�Q0 16.00 144 ``: Nobles " " 36.00 56.GG 145 a h ::Bibles Just#eft,8*rtioe 62,20 6230 1146, s ! co* Assessment Rolls 2,5 3F.25 149 D. Vasco Sip. Poor Relief 10.10 - 11148 D. Pasco " " 10.410 10.00 149 ef►l.ph T.. Been Board Meetings 24.00 * Total *1092.62 � 1062.62 ' Can notion meeting adjourned. 4r 3