1938-02-21 Regular Meeti*g February.'21nd,1938
At a regular meeting of, the Town Board of the Town of queenebury,N,Y,
held on the above date the following members were present,
D.YTJM Fowler - Supervisor
Charles Nobles - Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley - " to "
Curtis Lampson - " it "
Ralph, Been
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
1 3,00-
Minutes of sptcial Meeting held on F*A%-- d,1938,and Regular
meeting held on January 25th,read and approved.
I Arthur Stone Supt, of highway also presant.Mr Davis also presant.
RESALUTION # 9 Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Mr Nobles
it was resolved that salary of the Public Welfare Offiser of the
Town of Queensbury, be and is hereby fixed at X30.00 pet month
to gather with the actual and necessary expenses incurred by the
said Welfare Officer in t1he performances of his duties-the same
to be paid upon the presentation of, properly verfied bills for same i*
presented at the Town Board for audit-.
duly adopted by the following vote -
Ayes - Mr Been, Mr Nobles , Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley. and Ur Fowler.
RES&LUTION #10 Introduced by Mr Nobles -seconded. by Mr
Lampson`,f t was resolved t-ba,t the supervisor- be and is hereby
authorized and dericted to make and execute an application tothe work,
progress administrative for the construction of Sidewalks along the
following described Highways. -1- Along. River Street from the
Washington County sine to Montys Bridge,- 2- Ridge Road from the
City Line to Jenkins Farmx 3- along Bay Road from Mahe City Line
r.. to Homer Avenue: Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes-All- Mr.Been Mr Nobles.- Mr.Lampson.-Mr.Bentley- and Mr.Fowlker. -
a Mr Noble. and Mr Been- appointed a committee to confer with
Mr. Davis.
RFSALUTION X11- Introduced by Mr.Bentley-seconded by
Mr Nobles. it was resolved that the Supervisor be and hereby authorised ,.
to appoint a committee of two to confer with Mr Davis-and Stone.
relative to the advisability of working up a project fob the repair
or improvment of any bridge ft roa <removai of brush along the
Town Highways.Duly adopted by. the followving vote.
Ayes-all-Mr Mr.Been- Mr.Larrnson.-;.fir Nobles-Mr Bentley and M�c.Fowier
3_ Mr Bentley- and Mr Lampson- appointed l
IOLUTION #12- Introduced. by Mr `ambles-seaon*" by Mr•
Y_}A it
Lampson -it was resolved that the Town Officer# ed are hereby
to attend the meetings of the Associatiow of of ` e State.New
York in Albany on the 23- 24- and 25th9 day of Fab y+T9
All necessary expenses necessarily .incured by any , Officer
in attending any or all of the Meetings of said - ou shall
be a Sown charge. Ayes Mr Been -MrJWUT, ' ; Mr,Bentley
Mr.Fowler.Noes -None.
The Town Board Audited The g
I NO Name of Claimant ature o Claim Amt C
33 Thomas C,Hall For Office Supplies- 51ppm Amt A owed
34 N.Y.P,&y.Corp. Street bight 64,36 5,00;
35 Dr Anna M, Hull Pour Relief 34.36
36 Burroughs Ad.dgMa,ch,Co, Meeh, Service 3.00 5 75
37 City of Glens Falls Rent of ,Lookup 19.50 � 75
38 Fitzgerald Hotel Meals to Prisoners 20,50 0
39 Cool Tres Agys, Premium 3.37 3,37
' 40 3enas Hewitt Poor Relief 4.75
41 Riehard Davis � 4,7S
2.10 2.10
42 A.G. are3rrr� a " 11.85 11,85
43 Charles Nobles Justice Service 65.30 62, 30
4 Bert 1) Turner Town Clerk
Serv, 80,00 Seward lAm son Renting& S
Polling -PUfte 31.78 Disc allowed
46 Charles Baldwin Killing of Dogar 4.00 4.00
47 Meredith Bentley Board Meeting 8100 8100
48 Curtis' lempson 'T,Board Meeting 8.00 8,00
49 F.A. Richardson Poor Relief 20,00 20,00
50 Assoc p of Towns of Dues
the State of N.Y. Membership ;. nnual 7D:,,-Ag,0O 25,00
51 Curtis Lampoon Justice Sera, 56190 56.90
52 Charles Baldwin Cons, Service 130.10 129.10
53 Thomas C. Halls Milage & Expence 22.09 22.09
54 R. T. Been T-Board Meeting 8100 8100
'57"4- X52 .62
4n Mot .ting Adjourned
Bert D1 meC'a�
Town Clerk e
larle3i�Ixocwxe . _ Yr March 3rd91938
At a sp , ".,k 'ett . of the Torn Board of tae Town of Ijueensbury held
-on the above date - 7 P.M.following members were present.
'der Fowler Supervisor
Pe Peen Justice of Pease
Charles Nobles �t
Curtis Lampoon p
M`*r*dith Bentley
` Pert D. Turner Town Clerk
Art ►he Z"Pt" ief' hihtt►sy also present.
, IC3N # 13• Introduced by Mr Nobles Seconded by
Mr sn,�
e 'fawn Boardfas commissioners of the West Glenna
Pall a 0 '` 'Tower o f 0,ueeensbury,d t un the 28 tha day of August
193 c " �' to of indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls "NationaY
Bank . of -the City"of Gleno Fhlla.N.Y, for the sum of'
ed Dears which certific*te" of indebtedness was
payable me'n f the, ate there of at the rate of lAtesrest f
four" per cent-4 d. t .1_
VI -S e= to*kIf oatet of indebtedness was nor. aft maturity,
for the reason that Bonds, were not issued by said district for
payment of the construction of the water syston in said district,
PM<)LVBD !that the supervisor of the Town of Queenabury and
the 'Town Clerk of said- Town be and 'kurhby are authorised and dricted
to issue renewalyof acid certificate of indebtedness of the Town of
-Queenebury. for Ahe. sum of 4700.00 payable at the Glens Falls National
Bank and Trust Q�impany six months from the date thereof with inte st
at the rate of 44 it is " further resolved that the supervisor be and hero
is authetized to ,pay interest ahl_ .,"for which this renewal to Div"
w .