1938-03-03 SP L, n NO Name of Claimant Nature o Ciaim Amt CNG Am A owed 33 Thomas C,,Hall For Office Supplies-$ 5.00 5100. 34 N.Y.P,&L.Corp. Street Light 34.36 34.36 35 Dr Anna M, Hull Poor Relief 3100 3,00 36 Burroughs Add,Mach,Co, Mech, Service 5.75 5 5 37 City of Glens Falls Rent of Lockup 19,50 i 38 Fitzgerald Hotel Meals to Prisoners 20.50 �*'F 39 Cool Tits Agys, Premium 3137 3137 40 Zenae Hewitt Poor Relief 4.75 4.75 41 Rieha►rd Davis " 0 , 2.10 2.10 42. A.G.—Brown u " 11,85 11.85 !43 Charles Nobles Justice Service 63.30 62.30 4 Bert 7),Tarner Town Clerk Serv, 80.00 80100 r. -1__ 5 Seward Lampoon,Renting&' S Polling - a 31.78 Disr, allowed 46 Charles Baldwin Killing of Dogs 4.00 4,00 47 Meredith Bentley Board Meeting 8100 8100 48 Curtis' Lampscn T,Board Meeting 8.00 8100 49 F.A. Richardson Poor Relief 20.00 20,00 50 Assoc,of Towns of Dues the State of N.Y. lfembership ,, nnual r : $z,00 25.00 51 Curtis Lampoon Justice Seri, 56.90 56.90 , 52 Charles Baldwin Cons, Service 130.10 129.10 53 Thomas C. galls Milage & Expence 22.09 22.09 54 R. T. Been T-Board Meeting 8100 8100 `7.40:- $522,62 _ 4n Mott Ling Adjourned Bert D. urner 41 Town Clerk ZaT1Hde-fiAgIrztrof,1tic erl March 3rd,1938 At a 13bee of the Town Board of t1he Town of Queensbury held -on the abo a date - 7 P.M.following members were present. a. 'n.211n®r' " Fowler Supervisor , kbfr.= Been Justice of Pease, Ch r.lea Nobles " Curtis Lampoon " a Merbd.ith Bentley � Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Art d ie •Siat$tt".:�f �hightw also present. 110W # 13- Introduced by Mr Nobles Seconded by Mr e Town Board9as commissioners of the West Glens Falls 0 ' Thwb o f' Quemsbury,d' d on the 28th#day of August 193 >u to of indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls National Bank ft, . of thety'�wf Glen* ealarq N.Y. for the $mn oft ($700. Dallars - which certificate -of indebtedness was payable soft*64 ftom the- date there of at the rate of iAterest �f four, per ctnt•4%.�d:,r : �j S Vie, + rt�fleate° of indebtedness was noe;�►t maturity, for the reason that Sonds were not issued by said district for payment of the construction of- the water system in said district. 4— RESOUND ,that the supervisor of the Town of Queensbury and the town Clerk of said- Town be and haby are authorised and dricted ` to i e renewal of said certificate of indebtedness of the Town of _Queensbury. for 4he suw Of 1700.00 payable at 'the Glens Falls National Bank;: and Trust W�pany six months from the date thereof with interest at the rote of 44' it is , further resolved that the supervisor be and is autherized to day interest era 0t ,; far which this renewal is_ irten Duly adopted by the following vote- Ayes- Mr Been,Mr Noble, Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr Fowler, Nones-#, F RESOLUTION #14 Intrudueed by Mr Nobles Secendid. 'by Mr Been, WHERAS the Town Board, as commissioners of the blest Glens Falls water district of the.Town of (Jueensbury of 08tU dary of October 1937 issue certificate of indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of the city of Glens Falls N.Y. for the sum of(11000,00 )One Thuusiand Dollars- which certificate of indebtedness was payable six months from the date thereof.with interest aV,,the rate . of four percent.4��. and . HE11 A.S the certificate of indebtedness was not ,paid ap maturity for the reason that Bonds were not issued by said district for payment of the iraoetragtten mf thid.water systen in said district. RESOLVED that the supervisor of the Town of Queensbury and the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorised and directed to issue renewal of said certificate of indebtedness of the Town of Queensbury for the sum of $1000.00- payable at the Glensa11s National Pank afid Trust Company.six months from the date thereof with interest at the rate of 4percent. 1t is further resolved that t'he supervisor be and hereby is authorized* to pay the interest on note for which this renewal is given. ,Ayes. , Mr Been-Mr Nobles - Tdr Lampson-Mr Bentley- Vr Fowler, . Noa®.Yone. on motion meeting Adjourned. Special Meeting March lOt'h#193 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Tow} of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 D.M. the following members were present. D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace Charles Noble Curtic Lampson Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk _Arthur Stone Supt,of highway also present. RESOLUTION #15 Introduced by Yr Bentley Secon#ed by fir Nobles. W FREA'), Pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1935,amend,ing tie ..r 1932 Act,the "Pest Glens Falls�ater District is, exemptfrom payment of 4:.;. gasoline taxi HESOLVED, THHat the Supervisor of theTovn of .Queensbury be and hereby is authorised to sign any and all certificates or other neesseary j papers to entitle the said. West Glens Falls Water District to such exemption. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes-Yr Been- Mr NoblespYr Lampsom, Yr Bentley,Mr Fowler. Noes-Nome. TINSMUTTON #16,41ntroduced by Yr- Bentley seconded- by Mr Nobles, it was resolved that Supervisor appoint 2 members of this Board'. to act with Supervisor as a. eommettee to investigate.. the possibilities purchasing a gravel bed for use of the Town, Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes, Mr Been, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampson, 1rlr Bentley, Mr Fowler, . Noes,None., Supervisor gAppointed Mr Been, Mr Nobles.. On Motion Meeting A3ourned, . Bert D. 'Turner Town Clerk, A