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Regular Meeting March 22nd9193 { At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 0,ueensburyoN.Y. held on the above date the fallowing members ►ere present. 1 D. Elm or Fowler' Supervisor >' Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles Curtis Lampoon Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Vlerk Minutes of regular meet n ld on February 22nd,1938 and special -- xeeting held on Mexch 3rd.,19349 read and approved. oodore eyers 'ca led on the board in reference t.o the condition of the rcd„ A ' ype .Yfgt -The Board generally discussed the matter and no other action was taken. F Edward Sleight presented a petition signied by the assessors requesting a $1.00 a day increase is pay for the assessors no action taken by the Board. William Clough and Marry ' rye called ~' on the Board in reference to lack of water drainage along 3oularad Mr Bentley appointed a committee to look into the matter. RESOLUTION #17 Introduced by Mr Lampoon Seconded by Mr Nobles The Town, Board of the 'down of queensbury duly , establi nd Wes*. Glens Falls Water District in said town and consent .,of the Comptroller to establish the same was duly obtained and said order establishing the District and connect of the Comp- troller were duly filed in Warren. County ClerY• s Office and spplie+ ation v** duly made to the Water Power and Control Commia:ion and a heard on scion petltfen ryas held is West Glens Falls and an order-,, was duly made by said Commissi4s OR the 34th day Of August,1937, approving said application, maps and plans for the establishment of said Water Distriot, and 10 .Appl#aatioo was duly made to the-Vorks Progr ess - Administration that the said. system be°"eonatructed as a VT'A - projoat a said system is uow'being` corstruote � uncle r said pro► T. Jeots, 'ice $.,The petition of the taxpayers presented to the ►" priWiAg for establishment of said Waror District comet» seated ' t 'boards be issued for payment of cost of such scessctzusatt t : s ! to tb* -fit of $240000.00* and W f for bho p j*se 91 temporarily financing said project p% ,.fW the: **at of maat+eriml and other cost of construction- . aai�ttd ' . _ eeli+ °x of, isattina .bdpds of the town of queensbury for ,e `r said.e+oat, it is ,The►* the._Supo lsor of the- town of ueetnsbur and Town 01 of said town be Bred hereby ate authorized and directed to issittt # 'tf'tcate of indebt- dness of toe Town of queeasbury for the sum of Six Thousand Dollarm. ($8,000 ), psyable at the Glens Falls National Bi and trust Company sips months from the date c theresof� ; with imetereest trt four° par-sent. Duly VAopt by the following votes Ay�etrs l r, pis- ITobless,Mr.Lampsaa,Mr, sentley,� Mr.p'c sr ►er. Wx Coil s, RESOLUTION # 18 Introduced by Mr Nobles Seconded by Mr Lampoon i$ was resolved that the Tustice of Peace of the Town of Queensbury attend the J'uotiae of !ace School at Hobert College at Gineva N.Y. on the 28th to the 31st9day 4-.of March 1938 inclusive,It is further resolved that all necessary expenses in..' ;cjrud by each of the 'Tustices of Peace attending said school shall be a 'ern eharge.Duly ,adopted by the following Tote .!Ayes - Mr.Been, Mr.Noblesq W. Rempson,Mr. Bentley, Mr.Fowler, Noes None. RESOLUTION #19 Introduced by Mr.Been ,seconded by Mr.pentley, RESOLVTD,That the nap of the West Glens Falls Water District, Town. of Queousbury,dated April 27th,1937 and revised as of March 1091938#prepar6d by Ernest L.H.Meyer,E,L. gbe and hereby is approved accepted and adopted .as the map of said Water District, it is further RESOLV'ED,That each and every street shown on said map be and hereby is named the name as shown onsaid *ap,said street being named pursuant to authori# vested in the Town Board by Subdivision 9 of section 64 of the Town Lair, „s, y= adopted by the following vote . - fifes - Yr.Beea,' Mr Nobles,Mr.1ampson,Mr, Bentley, Mr, Fowler Nees-None, RESOLUTION X20 Introduced by Mr.Nobles, seconded by Mr,Lampson.it. was resolved that Bert D, Turner be and is hereby appointed collector for the West Glens Falls Water District at a fee of five per-cent on the amount collected, Said rent when collected to be paid to the Supervisor who is herby, disgniated .as treasurer of said district. f. ly°sdepted b the following vote -Ayes, Mr Been: Mr Nobles Mr - s y g y I.amison i )ft 3entleyr and Mr. Fowler, Nees-Nome, RESOLUTION 21 Introduced by Mr Been seconded by Mr Nobles VICEMS,The Town Board of the town of Queensbury is onsidering the eons- ti'n of ,sidewalks under WPa project along and parallelL with the state w scanty highways in said town and particularly along the highway from en's Bridge past Imperial 'Nall Paper Company to the Washington County Line, e the Ridge road northerly from the city line of the eity of Glens Falls northerly along Upper G1e9 Street and along the Glens Falls-Lake George "p-Mthway and said side walks are to be constructed within the right of wad " n sand rosda, RESOLV=9 That the Town of queensbury her .assumes any and all responai- bi lity for say and all accidents or damage by rease.n.of constructing said tide walk*, }° reby releases the state of Neer Yo3* and Stayer, Nitilvay Department f;#m any claims for damages' by any p+ersew or corporation by reason of constrgstion of said side walks. '1 "b Awyt+ed' lty t%e following vote i bras 3tr. Boon, qtr. Nobhes ,Yr. Lamps , Ilk Bentley ,sad W,*Yswler. F��. ►es-Nerve k � t t.a '• I 209 The Town Beard Audited the following Claims: No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amt Claim Amt Allfted 55 DrAnna l[. HullPcaor Relief 7 75 . 56 dens Hewitt N 18`.40 . •3© 51 Deleng Fuel Co, » 6. 30 58 Riehard C.D&vis 59 Louis Silverman » » 5•00 8. 60 Mary N. Newcomb " " 11.90 U.90 61 Nick Busk » » 1,85 1.8'3 62 N.Y.P,& Light Corp Street Light 34.36 34.36 63 Dtis g Co Justice Dooket 8.73 8.73 � Y64 Dennis do Co, " " 6.67 6.67 T 65 set# D. Tamer Services Town Clerk 80.00 80.00 r 66 Globes ]Falls Post Co, Printing Notice Not Auited-- s--------.. 67 418ns Falls Pv$t Co, " " » » •M•. 68 &Otwa Casualty k Surety Town Goads 260,50 260. ► 69 Theodore Turner Offi*e rent 43.73 43,7 5. 70 He 11 Telphame. & Mileage 46.14 46,14 91 Charles Naltlen Board Meeting 28.00 28.00 72 Charles itoh es �Tustiee Service ' 23.50 28,60 73 Thos Hall Upenees to Ailbany 17.55 1 7.55 74 �Pi lts�ss Law Pook 'Cot Town Law Supply 7.30 7,50 75 Wi lli.aae Za r Beek Cm, " " " 7.56 7.50 76 Edward gi Sle# st Ass©r,-Sergi acs 35.00 35.Q0 77 Charlea sl�ris 37.76 37.76 76 zMe6t Hill " " 32.16 32.16 rr 79 Wi 13ia�s hitw look Cot Town Law Su P13r 'x.54 7.!�d so Charles, -1- 1*kar4o Assor- Ser,►�oes. 115.14 115.10 dl Ernest U :ls, : _ " 1841 3s, 104.38 82 Ftward Sleight " " 108026 lai.2i 83 Charles Nah�gs Faces to Alban�r 17.'i~5 84 Bert D, nlcr " " 17.38 17,88 Board Meeting 16.00 16.40 �h � as 1isri tk ?l�eley g _.� 86 Mered ttk 1Ie*tls3'' Justice Servicen 16:075 � 87 Tlturst+atn' aa Poor Relief 26.00 26• 8s Cui"tia H�3r ]loving Ca'linet 2.80 2.009 69 DO er F#i ar Supervises Services 38455 38.56. - Justice Services 33.55. 33.55 91 Curtis'lie. 32.90 32.91P 92 Pre lit ,Ji . Poor Relief 10.90 is _ 93 G' rtfeh ervt.,Yeetfagigloo s,4�Q Upenc es to Albany 17,80 94 95 gem >s a Rent& eacpe�ns P011.ing 31.78 �s 96 Ckt 1. ring m Constable Services 119.44 X44. !©or Relief' 15.00 15.00 On Notion Meeting Adjour+o r " ► • riser To Clark April 12th,1938 At A **ti3ig of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on t ta_ leiu w? P.M-following members were present. 39. Rlmer Powder Supervisor Ralph Toaeen Justice of pease Charles Welbl es. » » Curtis Limpsox Meredith Bentley_ Bert V. ' Town Clerk ". w w