1937-01-26 Ellsworth Resolution # 83 Introduced by Justice N83rtZa,' seconded by: Justice Lampson, - It was resolved that Justice Lampoon and Justlat 'Nobles be and he afe hereby appointed a committee of two to purchase 4 filing ° cabinets for the use of the Justices in the Town of QUeensbury- and an adding maohine for use in the Town Clerks Office. Duly adopted by the following vote. Aye J ' v �h err, , •����""� _ Noes. `,Atowzc -- Resolution # 84 Introduced by Jns3ice Nobles Seconded by JUstioe hampsoa, It was resolved that Justice Bentley and Justice Ellsworth be and hereby are appointed a committee of 2 to purchase, for former supervisor Jerry B. Mead a suitabler. present for his lo &I eprierts to Two ueensb f r the past 24 +'e Duly dope by he f olle�r 7o**t • - _ Ayes Mr, Ellsworth ,l Mr, Nobles ; 'Xr. Lampson, Mr, Bent eey and Mr. Fowler, Noes- None ° This Board audited- the following claims Amount Amount No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed < 347 AA.Brown Light Bulbs 3x48 A.a.Brown Poor relief order 5.00 510�X3.50 X500 ' ° Ori' motion Meeting. adjourm d + _ January 25th, 1937. Regular rdeeting At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of (izeensbury, � held- on the above date, at .7 P.M. at the 'Town Clerk' s Offices, the A` following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor 71oyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Charles Nobles 0# w „ Meredith Bentley 0 p t Curtis Lampson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, Town Supt -of Highways _ AWUUT'hw�eStane�alsa present, aaltj>�,. y5 5 Minutes of Meetings Held on December 22ndV�Ian'and December 28th '1936 read.-and approved., ` RESOLUTION No.- 'l Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Bentley. •IT WAS RESOLVZD that the Clerk be -and is hereby 'authorized to turn over to Mr. [iller, Supe r intendant of Union Free 3 Dist, No. 1 of the Town of Queensbury, minute book of School I)#it X20 as established 1823 temporarily and that Mr. Fowler be and hereby is appointed a committee of one to ascertain from the County Attorney the proper 'custodian of said Book. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes ­ Mr. 311swarth Mr. Noblee,. Mr*`, L a xr: Bent7.-sy aMC! fir, Fowler. ; Noes - None. RESOLUTIOW ,Xo. 2, Introduced b°y Mr. Nobles, seco ded by Mr. ' s. Lamps on, r. IT WAS RESOLVED that Mr. Saone be and is her y authorized to p of the Chevrolet Truck at what ever pr de or fifure hat hes can esell it for. - r Muly adopted by the following vote,` } '` Ayes Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, . Mr. Lam on, Mr. Ben tl and Mr. - Foiil. r. A ;fitter thankin# the ,vembtrw the Town Board for ifs of a r „ . 4',-4 { chair which was purchased by the members of the Town Board, from Jerry B. Mead. The Town Board Audited the following claims. No ' `Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amount Claimed Amt. Allowed 1 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Kill. Dogs $8._00 $8.00 2 A. J. VanWagner Constable Services 111.40 W„ .111.40 3 City of Glens Falls Rent of Lockup 2.00 2. 00 4 Fitzgerald Hotel Meals for Prisoners 3. 50 3. 50 5 Villtim H. Hogan Poor Relief Order 14.00 14.00 6 Leon Frasier Poor Relief Order 5.50 5. 50 7 J. . Sellahoph Poor Relief Order 2.25 -2.25 8 Adirondack Underwriters Ins.on 1932 Dodge ---- -- Really Corp. Truck 58,25 .58.25 V * Finch Pruyn & Co. Poor Relief Order 5.OQ, j.OQ. 10 V& "Weld Po•* Relief Order 6,00 6100 11 Mrs, Minnie Booth Poor Relief .Order 5.00 5.00 12 Deleng Fuel 'Co Poor Relief Order , .10.65 10.65 13 'Anna Hull M. D: Poor Relief Order 11.00 - 11.00 14 Delong Fuel Co. Poor Relief Order 7.15 7.15 15 Glens Falls Post Co.Pub. Supervisor' sReport 14.00 14.00 16 Glens Falls Post Co.Pub Tax Notices 7.84 7.84 17 Leon Frasier . Poor Relief Order 10.00 10.00 18 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Order 9.00 9.00 19 -Mary Newcomb Poor Relief Order 13. 50 13.50 20 Fowlers Inc.- Flags 9.00 9.00 21 Theodore R, Turner Rent Town Board Rooms 18.75 18. 75 22 Fred B.. Ricketts Constable Services 72.88 71.96 23 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 76.00 76.00 24 A. '. Ys ner stable Kill.Dogs 4.00 4.00 25 William. Lr Book Co.•Supgliee for Mr. Fowler 15.00 15.00 26 Curtis Lat,peon Services Justice 37.85 37,e85 27 Floyd K, 3111eworth Justice Services 38.05 38.05 28 A. G. Brown- Poo=r Relief Order 3,.75 3.75 29 Nick Bush 'Poor Relief Order 0.00 Not Audited 30 Aeta*- Casualty de Banda- Surely' .Co. 310,92 310.92 31 Jess$ with t $table Services 6.54 6.54 32 Chas 'Nobles Justice Serrloes 55.65 55.65 33 Curtis Lampoon Board ,Xeetinge 16.00 16.00 34 Mered-IAXSentley Board Meetings 12.00 12.00 35 ' Floyd 1►rth Heard NeetIngs 16.00 16.00 36 C. Bald*tn astab1* s'tsble Services 77.90 77.90 37 Bred R' V rd-son Relief Orders 47.02 47,02 38 F. J, Cell' r Relief Orders 16,11 6 r . :'. To tal $1143x48 $1136.5 on Motit ]tae i Adjourned, 9A 4 y . Y A c b r