1937-02-23 Regular Meeting February 23rd, 1937.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury,
j held on the- above date, at 7 PM at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following me=nbers were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd. Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles x x If
Meredith Bentley " " If
Curtis am so x x x
L n
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk,
Minutes of Meeting held on January 26th, 1937 read and approved.
Mr. Souvergn -and Mr. Vezmy oill'hd on the Board in reference to
Sheaman Ave.Road. Mr. Souvergn spoke briefly and stated that the
Road was badly in need of repair and requested the Board to make
some impro*ements on the road. The Board generally discussed the
-matter with him.'and advised him that in allppeitabilitjres *I= smut
mcttsy sctU its gays of the bad condition on said Road will
be alleviated from the money appropfated for general road repair.
Mr. Oscar Deucharme spoke briefly to the Board in reference to
draining Bell Ave. The Supervisor advised him that he would take
the matter up with Mr. Bizbee.
The Board Audited and allowed the Claims as R0110wo,
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amount CleAmed: Amt.Allowed
39 Curtis Lampoon Justice Services $19.00 $19.00
40 Wilmarth & Son Inc. Letter Files 112.10 112.10
41 Seward Lampoon Rent tor Polling 30.00 30.00
42 Harold F. Dean Repair Traffic Lights 21.10 21.10
43 Aetna Casuaity&Surety Co. Surety Bond
44 F. A. Richardson Poor Relief Orders 26.00 26.00
4$ City of Glens Fails Rent of Lockup 5.50 5.50
46 Fitzgerald' s Hotel Meal for Prisoners 12.00 12.00
- 47 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Order 18.00 18. 00
48 Curtis Lampsun Board Meeting 4.00 j, 4.00
49 C. Baldwin Constable Services 58.74 58.74
50 C. Baldwin Killing of Dogs 21.00 21.00
51 J. F. Crannell Poor Relief Order 7.00 7.00
52 Bert D. Turner Town Cl rks Services 76.00 76.00
53 Louis Silverman Poor Relief Order 6.g8 6.96
54 Leon Frasier Poor Relief Order 5.00 5.00 r
55 A. J. VanWagner Constable Service Kill.Dogs8.00 8.00
56 A. J. VanWagner Constablk Services 43.46 43.46
57 Mary R. Newcomb Poor Relief Orders 6.00 6.00
` 58 Arthur Stewart Poor Relief Orders 3.00 3.00
' 59 Floyd K. Ellsworth Board Meeting 4.00 4.00
60 Floyd N. Ellsworth Justice Services 14.95 14.95
61 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Services 81.64 81. 64
62 D. Elmer Fowler Board Meetings 20.00 20.00
63 F. Karl Surprenant Corona Adder 60.00 _ disallowed
64 Chas J. Nobles Justice Services 49 0 4v 05
Total 17 65 .50
On Motion Meeting aB urneert D, m
Town Clerk,
March 9th, 1937 Special meeting t
At a special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of (,veerisbury, b(:ld
held on the above date, at 7 PM at the Town Clerk-to Office, the
rollowing members were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor J
F19yd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley x x x
Curtis Lampoon a x
.s t