1937-03-09 SP Regular. Meeting February 23rd, 1937.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury,
r held on the- above date, at 7 PM at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following members were present.
k- D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles a n
j Meredith Bentley
Curtis Lampoon
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk,
Minutes of Meeting held on January 25th, 1937 read and approved
1i Vey a�l�lsd on the Board in reference to
Mr. Souvergn -and Mr. se
Sherman Ave.Road. Mr. Souvergn spoke briefly and stated that the
II Road was badly in need of repair and requested the Board to make
f some improvements on the road. The Board generally discussed the
matter with Y�im.aihd advised him that in allplrebabilit#es ids xsxt
sK**= xftl k3a *ad= ails of the bead condition f general said Road
be alleviated from the money app p*a
Mr. Oscar Deucharme spoke briefly to the Board *.n reference to
, draining Bell Ave. The Supervisor advised him that he would take
the' matter up with Mr. Bizbee.
The Board Audited and allowed the Claims as Xmllows.
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amount Clamed. Amt.Allowed
39 Curtis Lampoon Justice Services $19.00 $19.00
- 40 'Wilmarth- & Son Inc. Letter Files 112.10 112.10
41 Seward Lampoon Rent for Polling 30,00 30.00
42 Harold F. Dean Repair Traffic Lights 21.10 21.10
43 Aetna Caeuaity&Surety Co. Surety Bond 00
44 F. A. Richardson Poor Relief Orders 26.00 26.00
45 City of Glens Fails Rent of Lockup . 5.50 5.50
46 Fi.tzgera-ld' s Hotel Meal for Prisoners 12.00 12.00
47 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Order 18.00 18. 00
48 Curtis Lampoon Board Meeting 4.00 4.00
49 C. Baldwin Constable Services 58.74 58.74
50 C. Baldwin Killing of Dogs 21.40 21.00
51 J. F. Crannell Poor Relief Order 7.00 7.00
52 Bert D. -Turner Town Cl rks Services 76.00 76.00
53 Louis Silverman Poor Relief Order 6.9e 6.96
54 Leon Frasier Poor Relief Order 5.00 56, 00
55 A. J. VanWagner Constable Service Kill.Dogs8.00 8100
56 A. J. VanWagner Cons Services 43.46 43.46
57 Mary R. Newcomb Poor Relief Orders 6.00 6.00
58 Arthur Stewart Poor Relief Orders 3.00 3.00
59 Floyd K. Ellsworth Board Meeting 4.00 4.00
60 Floyd K. Ellsworth Justice Services 14.95 14.95
61 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Services 81.64 81. 64
62 D Elmer Fowler Board Meetings 20.00 20.00
63 F.. Karl Surprenant Corona Adder 60.00 disallowed
64 Chas J. Nobles Justice Services 49205 4a► 05
Total 717,50 66- 5 0 _
On Motion Meeting Ad ourne ,}
Bert D rune
Town CJ. c,
March 9th, i9a7 Special Meeting
At a special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensburyr bc,ld
held on tine above date, at 7 PM at the Town Clerk's Off fee, the
toilowing members were present.
D. E3me-r Fowler Supervisor
FVyd IC11swcrth, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley
C4 rt s Lampoon
155 '
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace'`
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
Arthur H. Stone Town Supt. of Highways and Beecher Clother County {
Attorney also present.
RESOLUTION No. 3 Introducted by Mr. Nobles, seconded by j
Mr.R,�� I
. ampson -
WHEREAS, The Town Board, as Commissioners of the North
Glens Falls Water District of the Town of Queenebury, did, on the
28th day of August, 19369 issue certificate of indebtedness payable
to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, of the City of
Glens Falls, N. Y, for the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ($69000), .{
which certificate of indebtedness was payable six months from the
date thereof, with interest at the rat of Four per-cent, and
WHEREASt The Certificate of Indebtedness was not paid at
maturity for the reason that the bonds were not issued by said
District for payment of the construction of the water system .in said
RESOLVED, That the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury and
the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorized and
airected to issue a renewal of said certificate of indebtedness of
the Town of Queensbury, for the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6,000 )
payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company three
months from the date hereof, with interest not exceeding four per-
cent, it is rurtner
RESOLVED, That the Supervtsor be and hereby is authorized to
pay the interest oat notes°° `or which this renewal is given.
Duly adopted by q +ring votes
Ayes - Mr. Bentljq ebles, Mr. hampson, Mr. Ellsworth and Mr.
K Noes None.
In connection with Aft,, determination and agreement of the moneys
to be expend± t on tn+e Highways the following Resolutions fe Introduced.
RESOLUTION No. 4', Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by
Mr. Laanp s on.
IT WAS RESOLVED that there be expended for special im-
Drovementsr out of. the Moneys raised for Highway work upon, the follow-
ing described Roads, the amounts set opposite of each of the described ='
_ Dixon R d One Thousand Dollars 319000 )1,000 )
Dix Av a "*: One Thousand Dollars
Aviation ield Rd• Two Thousands Dollars ;02,000. ) and
Cleverdale Road - Two Thousand Dollars (U9000).
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ntobl s, Mr.. Jappson and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - Mr. :n orth sot Yr. Bentley.
f:. TI :Np -St ,Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by
Cdr. Lamgson �
x' " `, OLVTD that there by expended for special im-
provements i :tom" moneys raised for Highway work the sun of
One Thous Dix Ave. beginning at the Washington
County Line nui westerly along Dix Ave. as far as said
exp end i tuti-.°will go.
Duly adopte the ling vote.
Ayes ee, ,Mr. Lamgson: Mr. Bentley and fir«
Fowler. _:
No es
# No Der Introduce* b'y Mr. Ellsworth, seconded
'by Mr.
x. Lap that re be expended for special im-
pro :"the Aviation Field *&d commencing at the end of"
pTe s and c'ontinuiag westerly not to exceed one and
a half 1 sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000)
Res 01uti fly'' host by the fallowing vote.
Ayes - , .lsworth and Mr. Bentley.
Noes - `! Nobles, Mr. Lampson and MS. Fowles.
lLa,.Xot , Ir. Elam • seeded
" _
by Mr. Nobles.
IT WAS RESOLVED that there be expended for special im-
provement the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) on the Clever
r dale Road beginning at the state Road and continuing northerly
along said road until said sum is expended.
Duly adopted by the following vote. -
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - Mr. Bentley,
RESOLUTION No. 8, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by
Mr. Lampoon,
IT WAS RESOLVED that there shall be expended the sum of
One Thousand Dollars ($19000 ) on the Dixon Road beginning at the
City Line and continuing westerly as far as said expenditure will
Duly adopted bythe following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampsgnt Mr. Bently and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTON No. 9, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by
Mr. Ellsworth.,
IT WAS RESOLVED that Resolution No. 4 be and the same is
hereby recinded.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes = None.
RESOLUTION No, 10, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by
Mr. Nobles,
IT WAS RESOLVED that there stall be expended for special
improvement the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) upon' the
Aviation Field Road commencing at the end of the present stone
Road and continuing westerly along said road a distance not to
exceed one and a half Miles.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
The Town: Board signed the determination and agreement with the Town
Supt. of Highways".
RESOLUTION No, 119 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by
Mr. Lampoon,
IT WAS RESOLVED that the Town Supiertntendant of Highways
be and hereby is authorized to purchase from Earl Carswell one New
Internatdnal Truck Model 0-60 Four to Five Ton Truck Tires 9:75 X
20 Body - three and a half Yards Model, T-12 Damp Booty Wood 7-4-CA
Hoist, Wheel Base 156 inches lettered at a price of $3$74 F.O.B.
Queensbury Store House Town of -Queenebury, N. Y. Subject. to the
approval of the County Supreintendant of Highways.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendant of Higb rays be
and is hereby authorized to draw an order on the Superriooi for
said amount nor said Truck.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
On Motion Meeting AAdjourned..
W � -