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1937-05-12 SP
Special Meeting May 12th, 1937. At a Specal Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of lueensbury, held on the above date, at 7 P.11. at the Town Clerk' s Office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley o I) fo Charles Nobles Curtis Lampson to �+ Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Notice Affidavit of Publishing/Filed. in the matter of the of the Petition ofthe City of Glens Falls to lay a water main along; the Avitation Field Road and no one appearing in opposition thereto the following resolution was adopted, RESOLUTION No. 25, Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded m by Mr. Lampson. to 1 a s Ro f L RESOLVED That the petition of the Ci-ty of Glens Falls by its Board of dilater Commissioners to ,lay a main along the Aviation Field Road •,o., so called be and the sane is hereby granted this grant is subject how- ever to the same provissions and terms of a consnet given to the said petitioner to laymains as provided in Resolution 123 adopted March 10th, 1936 by the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury. ?July" adopted by the following vote- Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None; of Mr. Bentley and Mr. Lampson were appointers a committee/two, to " confer with tmm'ea Xa4xiii..ey, relctive 1,0 I.Lces un aLec.L iurms and inspect same. RESOLUTION No. 269 Introduced by bir. Nobles, seconded by hr. Lampson. 17 TAS RESOLVED That Claude T�onroe re and is hereby engaged as concrete finisher and form setter for the 'J. P. A. side walk project at a salary of tO.75 cents per hour. Duly ado�teti by the following vote. Ayes - 71r., rj, r : Yr. Nobles, Air. Rentley, fir. Lampson and Mr. Fowler. V Noes - None. . -On ' tiolt Meeting AdJourned. Op 4. I R- tl H N to to i ' .. 'T At a Speedl 1-Teeting of the Town Board of the Town of rueensbury, held at the Town Clerk' s Office in said Town on the 19th day of Yay, 1937, at 7 O'clock P.M. , pursuant to resolution passed by the town Board on the 6th day of 1jay 1937, and held for the purpose of considering petition filed by taxpayers of rest Glens establishing 'rater District known as 77, est Glens Falls ,`rater District. PRESENT: D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor, Floyd K. Ellsworth, Charles J. Nobles, Curtis Lar,,pson and Meredith Pentley, Justices of the peace, Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk. BEECIIER S. CLOTHT-2p appeared. as attorney for petitioners. Affidavit of mailing notice to the Public Service Corp. and affidavit of posting notices by the Town Clerk, verified the 19th day of .."ay, 1937 filed. Also affidavit of nublishint said notice of meeting in the Glens Falls Times, verified the 11th day of 1"ay9 1937, filed. Supervisor stated that the 'hoard would hear any one opposed E_ to establishing the District. No one opposed.. Those appearing in favor were then given an opportunity ~ and the following appeared in favor of the establishment of the District and gave in detail their reasons for the same: Eimer Riley, Arthur T?. Duell, Robert Lattimore, T"Lr. Warren Aiken, Stephen Duel1, . 1.Irs. Clayton Crannell; Mrs. 7illiam Aiken, 1rs. Winnie Crannell, 1Tr. 'Ernest L. H. 1!Teyer, Engineer and Superintendant of Vater of the City of Glens Falls made statements that he had prepared map which was annexed to the pettion and gave the details of the plan of laying pipes for furnishing water to the property owners in said District, water to be furnished by connecting with mains of the City of Glens Falls. Engineer also gave estimates of the cost of construc- tion and stated that he believed the District could receive aid from Y.P.A. and asked that he be permitted to make application for labor j and some Traterial to be furnished as `SPA. Project. Statements of all appearing before the Board were taken in shorthand but not transcribed. :. Mr. Nobles, Introduced the following resolution No. 27 which was seconded by Yr. Lampson WHEREAS, A majority of the taxpayers of proposed Water district in West Glens Falls presented to this Board petition. asking Lo:r for establishment of Water District, as shown on map perpared by Ernest L. H. Meyr, Engineer, and public hearing has been had upon said petition as nrovided by the statute, RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury are in favor of establishing Water District to include the proposed District. as described in the petition and map., Duly adopted May 19th, 1937, by the -following voter Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Yr. Nobles, Yr... Lamp s ong Mr. Bentley and 4 Mr. Fowler Noes - None, Mr. Larpson Introduced the following Resolution No. 28, which was seconded by Mr. Ellsworth: �`. RESOLVTD, That the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and hereby are authorized to execute any and all papers necessary for the carrying out of establishment of West Glens Falls Watef District -and for the installat(ln and constructing of the Water System. Dt:ly 1►dopted May 19th, 1937, by °the following voter ,.Ayes -:' Mr. Ellsworth, Mfr. Nobles, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. : s -,�Nene. I troduced the following Resolution :Aiof, . : v 4 .165 which was seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury meet with the Water Commissioners of the City of Glens Falls for the pur- pose of discussing the terms and conditions of ?proposed contract for supplying water to 'the' west Glens Falls Water Distriot, on a date to be fixed by the Supervisor .with the Mayor or Chairman of the Water Commissioners. Duly adopted May 19th, 1937 by the following vote: Ayes - Cdr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Tyr. Fowler. Noes - None. -� Mr. Bentley Introduced . the following Resolution #309 which was • seconded by Tyr. Ellsworth: RESOLVED, That the Town Board inspect the property described in the petition and examine the same as a Town Board, together with the map, for the purpose of locating upon the ground the actual lines and that the Town' Board check the last assessment rol of the property within the proposed. District to ascertain if there a majority of the -taxpayers executed the petition, and also determine the proportionate share of any- property within the district which is divided or cut in two by �th.e proposed lines of the District, and that the Town Board fix the proportionate amount of assessed valuation which will be liable for taxes within the District. Duly aapted May 19th, 1937, by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Ells `rth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Per. Bentley and Mr. Fowler, Noes - None. Mr, Nobles, Introduced the following resolution No 319 which was seconded by Mr Lampson: ► That 'fie Board adjourn to meet at one o' clock, Saturdays d, 1947 for the purpose of inspecting the territory cescrib- #n� the;petition and shown an the map and after inspecting the pr44 � ebr at the Town Clerk' s Office for the purpose of ; checkl roll, gs:. A Duly ad s. «M by the following vote: Ayes - . Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.. Noes Y `No, 32, Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. I�obl . That Arthur H. Stone be and .is hereby ' authors _, a or such part of Iron forma as in his jtt . went r McKinney at $1.00 pr-r running foot a ` wa.uc i,,` -uding Spreaders and pins not to exceed 250 f Duly . ��� b,.'>�`. +, a v©t e, Ayes es# Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowl eras lam` Noes' A, k �3en: Resting Adjourned. Sped .�* �� % May 22nd, 1931* At $ y Roard of the To= of- queenebury, helm et ', � pursuant to Resolution No 31 ado ""iiube orf examining the territ©ry deco €. t y` :u t x Est,:Glens Falls Water District, for �A. establir � � tflllowing members were present! . s " D. Elmer FowUt Supervisor ° n " ° 3#m tle , Justice of ?!+a P son'