1937-05-25 The Board examined the premises described in said petition
and Adjourned. .,
r y `
R�GULAR MEETING 3cUY 2 5 th,19 37.
ii a re;?�l�r ??leEtln� J 730"rl Or . 1;' '0'.'1x1 J ! ,UeE21S�JUry
"field on the above date . at 7O' clock at the Clerk' s office, the
following menbers were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor �t
Floyd Ellsworth, Yustice of Peace
Charles Nobles to n
Meredith Bentley it
Curtis Larpson
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
r),rthur TIT. Stone Town Superintendant of Highways also present.
Several residents and taxpayers of Assembly called on the
Board in reference to layin out a new road on assembly point
calling the boards attention to the unsafe condition of the
present road. A petition which 1• a.s filed several years ago
was referrdd to xx asking for the change in the road.
1hem�+ ��Yl of Mr. Nobles which was seconded by Mr. Ellsworth,
IT 7AS RESOLVED That the Board meet Saturday after-
noon on May 29th, at 1 P.M. on the Assembly Point Road to
inspect the proposed relocation of said Road.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
In the matter of the "Vest 'lens Falls Water District the following
Resolution was adopted.
RESOLUTION No. 33 Introduced by 11r. Bentley seconded
by Mr. No bees.
IT WAS RESOLVED, That the ';eater ,District known as zthe;
West Glens Falls TVater District as described in the petition hereto
for filed be and �i.ereby is established and that an order, gnd deter-
. . urination establishing said district be made. .
DULY Adopted by the ,following vote:
^ - Ellsworth, T-Rr. Nobles, Mr. Lanpson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Ayes l��r. _ .
FowlF:r. _
Noes - None.
The following determination was sign and filed in the. `ToWn Clerk? s
�._ O:ri ice.
The Town Clerk of the town of Jueensbury have given
notice of a Public Hearing upon . i,ne petition of no-Ps t4an cane-half
in valuation of the taxable real property tZere�.n, for the establish
ment of a 7a.ter District in the Town of !Jueensbury, known as -the
'vest Gl� ns "cells 1,later District, to be 'held by tJAe Town Board of
the Town of 2ueensbury at the Town Clerk' s Office, in said town,
on May 19th, 1937, at 7 o' clock P.M.
At t' e time and place specified in said notice# the
Town Board met for the_ purpose of holding such hearing with all
members ?resent.
The said Town Board has examined saki petition and
find and has determined that said petition is properly signed
and acknowledged, as required by the statute$ and in. all respects
complies with t�i.e provisions of the Town haw, it is
OP.DERED, That said petition is properly signed and
xledged and in all re
spedts complies with the Town Law, and
All a'tutes,.
I teti .� . 28thp 1937*
t.�� x'_� m: �=z"' � _ �"''' rat• ;� �"� � ..
17Y"Elmer '?owl��er,' Sucervisor Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk, Chas J. Nobles,
Cartis Lampson, 'Yeredith S. Bentley and Floyd K. Ellsworth, Justices of
the Peace.
The following order was sign and filed in the Town Clerk' s Office.
A,- petition have been duly presented and filed in t le Town
Clerk' s Office by more than one-half in valuation of the taxable pro-
perty described in said petition, praying for the establishment of a
',Water District in the Torn of jueensbury, and known as the `.51est Glens
j Falls Water District, and the Town Clerk, having given notice of a
public hearing, as provided by the - statute, and - such hearing have
been held on the 19th day of iTay, 1937, at 7 O' clock P.Y. , at tree
Town, Clerk' s Office in said Town, and the members of the Town Board
staving held a meeting at that..time-afid having rade an order that the
petition is properly signed , acknowledged and in all respects complies
with the Town Lahr, and t'.;e a.11"fidz nits of publication and noe,ting of
r said notae havin� been filed, and the Town Board , nursuant to they
provisions of the Town Law, have held nublie hearing and having
heard all persons appea,rintCr insupnort of said petition and all persons
o-nnosi_ng and, bein7 satisfied ti^_F;_t said ':rater District should be estab-
lis"q.ed., it is
0T*M7" £D, That a 71ater District, known as the Yest 'lens Falls
*rater District, as pr yed for in said petition, be and the same
hereby is established in the Town of jueensbury and hereby authorize
the construction of the proposed improvement.
Dated, Yay `'.5.th, 1937.
D. Elmer Fo 1er, Supervisor, Pert D. Turner Toim Clerlrc,lieredith S. Bentley]
Chas. J. No es, Curtis Lampson and. Floyd K. 'F.11sworth, Justices of the
Peace. 3
RFSOLUTIOrs No. 34, Introduced by Yr. Pentley, seconded by
111r. E�1 swo rth.
TQ MRF:AS t'-).e Ton Board- did in its agreement with the Town
Superintendent of Highways sft aside moneys for special improvements
on the Cleve.rdale Road Aviation field Road -nnd Dix avenue and
specified that said Roads be constructed of crushed stone and stone
dust and
,T,iERIr:AS the Town Superintendant is unable to purchase stone
dust for tl-e work on said Roads
THER_ ORE be it resolved t`-�at the Town Superintendant be and
is hereby authorized and directed to improve said roads with the use of
oil crushed: stone, gravel or any eonbinati.on thereof as in his judgment
is most suitable.
DULY aadonted bythe following vote-
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth# Mr. Nobles, Ylr., L,gr-p on, Yr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
Applieaton ;were received . from the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel,
Glens Falls Grange No. 1175 and the Mohican Grange No. 1300 applying
for authority' to; clean up certain Cemtertes in the Town of �jueensbury
the fallowing RSsolutions were introduced.
R {�L FTF ON Na. 35, Introduced by Yr. Larnpson seconded by Mr.
I : ' AS RFSOVED, That the. John J. Harris �1rei�orial Chapel be
and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds brush and care for and
conserve the John J. Harris Cemtery Ridge Road.
FfllT RESOLVED, That brush, weeds and grass be removed at
least three Iiines a year- by the said John J. Harris Memorial Chapel.
'Further resolved that the Sum of 350.be and hereby is
appropiiated for said cemetery;
Yutther resolved that the work be completed by October
1st 19V
Duly adopted by the followiz*; vote;
01i Z$00tsont
Noes- Mr, Ellsworth Who stated that he would vote yes if
the sum of 1100, was appropriated.
Mr.Bentley present but not voting.
Resolution # •36 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by 11r.
It was resolved that the Glens Falls Grange ; 1175 be and is
hereby authorized to remove grass,weeds, brush and care for
and conserve the Sunnyside Cemetery;
Further Resolved that the brush, weeds and grass be removed at
least three times a year by the said Glens Falls Grange4-1175:
Further resolved that the sum of '�?50.be and hereby is approp-
riated for said cemetery. —`
Further resolved that the work be completed by Oct. lst,1937
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles V Mr. Lampson and Mr.Fowler
Noes.- None.
Mr. Bentley present but not voting.
I RESOLUTION No. 379 Introduced by 177r. Ellsworth, sec;)nded by
IT ArAS RESOLVED that the 1"ohican Grange #1300 be and is
hereby authorized to remove, Gra.ss,weeds, brush and care for and xxxx
conserve the Jenkins Cemetery near Bradford-Thornton Farm,
FURTHI=R RESOLVED, That brushi, Weeds and Grass be removed at
least three time a year by the said 1'ohican Grange , 1300..
FURTHER, RESOLVED that the sum of ` 100. be• and hereby is
appropiated for said Cemetery.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sum of $100, be and hereby is
appropiated for said Cemetery.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the work be conplete(I by October
1st, 1937.
RESOLUTION fAiled for lack of seconding.
RESOLUTION No. ' 38, Introduced by Irr. Ellsworth, seconded
by Mr. Nobles.
IT WAS RESOLVED, That the Mohican Grange , 1300 be and is
herebyauthoried to removed, grass, weeds, brush and care for and
conserve the Jenkins Cemetery near Bradford-Thorntons Farm.
FURTHER RESOLVED that brush weeds and grass be removed at _
least three times a year by the said Mohican Grange X1300.
FUR711_10R RESOLVED, That the sum of S50. be and hereby is-
appropiated for said Cemetery.
F URTI;LR RESOLVED, That the work be completed by Oct. j
1st, 1937.
DULY':radopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - None.
Mr. Bentley present but not voting.
RESOLUTION No. 39 Introduced by Mr. Bentley seconded by
Mr. Ellsworth. k
IT ''SAS RESOLVED, That the sum of X10400 be and is hereby
appropiated for the purchase of Flags for the dec-oration of Veterans
Graves intered in the Cemeteries of,the Town of �jueensbury.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Austin,,,. Holden. Camp, of Sons
Of Civil War Veterans be and. hereby are authorized to p urchase flags
• ,
':_Z7 ,
ror such purpose.
• FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to furnish the proper officers of said socieres with a
copy of trzis resolution.
DULY aaopted by the following vote:
Ayes - 11r. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. beut.Le,y and Mr.
row , ee.
Noes - None.
Minutes of Meetings held on April 27th, May 6th, May 12th, May 22nd
read and approved.
Tje BoardAudited and allowed the Claims as follows.
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed Amt. Allowed.
127 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings '?." $24.00 $24.00
.128 Cool Ins. Agency Sup.BondSchoolMoneys 14.86 14.86
129 BurroughsAddingl,2aehCo.SuppliesRibbon&Paper 1.15 1.15
130 Meredith S. Bentley Board Meetings 24. 00 24.00
131 Fred Richardson Poor Relief Orders 11.00 13 .00
132 Chas W. Richardson Assessor 137.44 137.44
133 Ernest Hillis Assessor 137.44 137.44
134 Edward Sleight Assessor 137. 44 137.44
135 Barney Aronson Poor Relief Orders 4.12 4.12
136 F. J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 5. 00 5.00
137 Glens Falls Post Co. Publishing Notice Hearing 5. 10 Not Audit
138 Finch Pruyn Co. Poor Relief Order 4. 38 4.38
139 Theodore F. Turner Rent 25. 00 25.00
140 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Order 3. 00 3.00
141 Glens Falls Post Co.Publishincr Petition 4.06 4.06
142 Charles Baldwin Constable Services 14.68 14.68
143 A.J. Van'Wagner Constable Services 45.86 45.86
144 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk 80.00 80.00
145 Aetna Surety Co. , Bonds 134. 25 Not Audited,
146 Russell sc Wait Supplies 20.80 18.15
147 Charles Nobles Justice of Peace 62.40 62 ,
Total 89 5.98 $755.98
On Motion Meeting Adjourned.
k I
Special Meeting May 29th, 1937.
At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of jueensburys
held on the above date, at 1 o'clock at Assembly Point for the
purpose of inspecting the proposed change of Highway an Assembly
Point, the following r^ember were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
:Charles Nobles if
Curtis Lar^9son n a r+
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
The Board Iispected the premises as described in a map of the proposed
changerid adjourned.
Special Meeting June *9th, 1937.
At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date, at 7 P.M. ix tkWxffA3Mxx Rzxxxtt at the Town
Clerk' s Office, the following member were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley to to of
Charles Nobles it if +
Curtis Lampson "• it
Bert D. Turner Town Cl erk
County Attorney Beecher Clother also Present.
NoblesUESOLUTION No. 40, Introduced by Mr. Bentley second by Mr.
` n
TO TH, TO",PT HOARD OF T 'V' TO',, N O F ,j—&Zf,rSt�vtii's
'Ile, the undersigned, tieing owners of taxable
property in
proposed district knovm as t,,�e .lest -lens ��a11s i&tsr District, do
hereby petition the toEird to contract with the 'l-. ter commissioners
the :ity of lens .`Falls for tree f urnisiiin,,,7 or rr=.ter for the
propoae ,
ter iistrict and for tt a constructi, n t'rom :she 'm �
revenue to c;roAd Street to inst a am �1 � ind s,.tf�is
f ia �L sut�nly of �a
to the uroposed .iater :)istrict t ali times, cc;st to thei
District not Axc °� -
to eed 51i0.,'+;, j,l. t n t.'ze bast
terms and conditions for Vieb benefit ,
u "r')�ert.� V sir rs in I
Dated, this 16th dey of Jung, 1237. .�.
14ame of a c 118 f
px"operty owner,
�"�j' r" /�•` -'C.- ./ �,,fJ .4
r �f
4 ' i
_ f