1937-06-09 SP 169
for such purpose.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to furnish the proper officers of said socielCes with a
copy of this resolution.
DULY aaopted by the fo.iiowi.ng vote:
Ayes - mr. Ellsworth, tAr. Nobles, Mr. Larnson, mr. neiiL.Ley and gar.
1+uR'r e t.
Noes - None.
Minutes of Ieetings held on April 27th, May 6th, May 12th, May 22nd
read and approved.
Tje Board *Audited and allowed the Claims as follows.
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed hmt. Allowed.
127 Curtis Lampson Roard Meetings ". `" $24.00 $24.00
.128 Cool Ins. Agency Sup.BondSchoolMoneys 14.86 14.86
129 BurroughsAddingluaehCo.SuppliesRibbon&Paper 1.15 1.15
130 Meredith S. Bentley Board Meetings 24.00 24.00
131 Fred Richardson Poor Relief Orders 11. 00 13.00
132 Chas T7. Richardson Assessor 137.44 137.44
133 Ernest Hillis Assessor 137.44 137.44
134 Edward Sleight Assessor 13 7. 44 137.44
135 Barney Aronson Poor Relief Orders 4. 12 4.12
136 F. J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 5. 00 5.00
137 Glens. Falls Post Co. Publishing Notice Hearing 5. 10 Not Audit '
138 Finch Pruyn Co. Poor Relief Order 4. 38 4.38
139 Theodore F. Turner Rent 25. 00 25.00
140 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Order 3. 00 3.00
141 Glens Falls Post Co.Publishinr, Petition 4.06 4.06
142 Charles Baldwin Constable Services 14. 68 14.68
143 'A.J. VanWagner Constable Services 45.86 45.86
144 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk 80.00 80.00
145 Aetna Surety Co. , Bonds 134. 25 Not Audited,
146 Russell & '{fait Supplies 20.80 18.15
147 Charles Nobles Justice of Peace 62.40 62.40 j
Total X895.98 3755.98 �1
' On Motion Meeting Adjourned. 9
Special Meeting May 29th, 1937.
At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date, at 1 o' clock at Assembly Point for the
purpose of inspecting the proposed change of Highway an Assembly
Point, the following member were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles If If "
Curtis Larsoson to u of
Meredith Bentley to of It
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
The Board 'Uspected the premises as described in a map of the proposed
change l,Abd adjourned.
Special ?"eeting June *9th, 1937.
At a Special Meeting of° the Town Hoard of the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date, at 7 P.M. ix iixxswm=x kmmxx } at the Town
Clerk' s Office, the following member were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley It It It
Charles Nobles to of "
Curtis Lampson "•
Bert D. Turner Town Cl erk
County Attorney Beecher Clother also Present.
NobleQESOLUTION No. 40, Introduced by Mr. Bentley second by Mr.
REAS, The Town Board , as Commissioners of the North
Glens Palls Water District, of the Town ce jueensbury, did, on the
28th day of August , 19369 issue certificate of indebtedness payable
to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, of the City of
Glens Falls, N.Y. for the sun of X6,000.00, which certificate of
indebtedness was payable six months from the date thereof, with
interest at the rat of four per-cent, and
INHEMEAS, Resolution was duly adopted by the `.ro?�T1 Board of
the mo7n of jueensbury on the 9th day of March, 1937, and said note
was renewed for a. period of three months, and
WHEMAS, Said certificate of indebtedness and the renewal
thereof -uas not paid at maturity for the reason that bonds were not
issued by said district for payment of the construction of the water
system in said District,f�m
RESOLVED, That the Supervisor of the Town of jueensbury
and the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorized and
directed to issue renewal of said certificate of indebtedness of
the town of Zueensbury for the sure of ",6,000.00 payable at the Glens
Falls National Bank and Trust Company two months .from date hereof,
with interest not exceeding four per-cent, it is further
RESO;=1 v That the `supervisor be and hereby is authorized
to pay interest on said note for ,vh.ich this renewal is given.
DUSKY ads>pted by th-e following vote:
Ayes - 11r. Ellsworth, Y7r. Nobles , 11r. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and IF.r.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 41 Introduced by Yr., Bentley, seconded by
11r. Larrpson.
I 7r�iEPREAS, The Town Board, as Cormissioners of the North
Glens 'Palls Water District of the Town of jueensbi)ryt did on the
6th day ,of April, 1937, issue certificate of indebtedness, payable
! to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Compare of the City of
Glens Palls, N. Y. for the sum of Twenty-three Hundred Dollars,
(` 23000 ) , which certificate of indebtedness was payable two months
from dare thereof, with i.nt� rest at the rate of four per-cent, and
�Ti`RJ?4S, Said certifice,tr cif Indebtedness -was not paid. at
maturity for the reason that the bonds were not issued by said
District of nayment of the construction of said ''dater System in
said Distrait.
RESOL D, That the Supervisor of the Town of jueensb zy
and the Town Clerk of said Town be !,.nd hereby are authorized and
directed to issue a renewal of said certificate of indebtedness
of the Town of 'JueFnsbury for the sum of T�`enty-three Hundred.
Dollars, ( 230!x. ) , payable at the dens Falls ?"?atonal Bank and
Trust Company two mont'as from date thereof, with interest not
exceeding four per-cent; it is further
R OLTfED, That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized
to pay the interest on note for w'cich t"As Terewal is fiven.
DULY adopted by t',ie follownn,vote,
Ayes, ITr. J llswoth, Yr. Nobles, Yr. , J"a.mpson, Yr. Bentley and 1Tr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION ?<o. 4?, Introduced by ?Tr. Lam?pson, seconded
by I4r. Nobles:
U TEAS, The Town 'Ro a rd of the Torun of ' u eensbury, did
heretofore pass a resolution anroving certain -projects for the
construction of sidewalks alon7 the highway known as t''le dens
Falls Lake reor e Highraay, a.lon- the Il ens ^alts Corinth iighway
along the -:lens ^a.11s Hudson ?Falls 'Highway on the Boulevard and
did agree to furnish certain material used in said construction
and also agreed to .furnish trucks and truck drivers,
p jSOLVI;J1, That t'qere be and hereby is appropriated for
the _Torun' s share of WFA Project, th.e sum of X1500.00 for the pur-
pose of na*ng th.e arounts to be furnished by said Town of
jueensbury for its share of the cost of construction of said side
77RIks , it is further
RES0L7ED, Tvrat tine Supervisor and Town Clerk be and hereby
a is a-Viorzed and directed to execute a certificate of indebtedness of
s, id Town for Vie s??r, C)f "i.fteen ?Tundred Dollars, payable 1'arc'n 1st,
1933 , a.t the xlens T'alls National Pn.nk and Trust ComT)any, with interest
not to exceed six per-cent, it is frt',er
Rl;:� LV1iT'?, 'b �.t said sum be raid and credited to ite* One of
tHel -rlo •,n �1. nprintendent of 7irr'1?�c''..; s '�q7' 011.t S ?ld 2! 0?1Pvr
a.n(l account xor same as other moreir nai.d. for salty Tter� one.
)TTTv a.dortted bar t�F follo�: - -, vote: y� r�
'.. "=1Tea T:�r• .ry-� lu��� • ��� �'.- . �Tr)t)ie9 , T�'n T.i—o7`Jn, TTr. 1,entle�r a:n� T.rr. ovl l-.r.
71 E` OLt""1017 TTo. 't6, Tntrod,;ced b�, 1"r. 'llsrrort'l., :ecorded by
ALT;-!7 rn ryt t'�E alp )PrJ'. 'Ci' �` e trR b-1 r $ 111 t?i, " , 3ea t0
f +1'1� r, rn? .>t.,.,,
n of±"'E 'o--n oara '1i _ ^CeiVE i
cerert `'or tile construction of ,z$.J1 side r1T-J.lks for =lens "ally-Lafe veor$e
oad, t'qe uler.s calls-Corinth '17oa4 Ir?d t'-e "alas- Hudson 21alls
Boulevard 'road.
DULY ar-'opted b-T- '"le follo?•iing vote:
Ayes 1``r. Ells ;north, 1.1r. " ob1_es, 17r. L arpson, 11r. Bentley and r. Fowler.
Noes - "Tone.
On T'otion 71eCtinp; ad, ourned.
Special 1reeting June 15th, 1937.
At a special mreti.ng of the .Town Board of the Town of Lueensbury,
'^Fld on t'f!e above date, it 5 P.1% in the CorT-on Council Room of the
Cit- Hall of Glens Palls 17. Y. tie follorin�-; mer^bers were present.
D, Elmer "owlrr, Slinervi_sor
L- Floyd {. Ell worth Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles a t u
'urt;.s Laps on
ered iti1. Bentley
Bert D. 1-u-ner To77n %lerk
County Attorney Beecher S. Clot'ner xtxx xxxxXxt, and several residents
of the ''rest Glens falls, 7rater District also present.
The Board. generally Discussed Frith Vie ' ater Board of the Pity of ulens
7F.11_c the -nrorose_d nl+er,-.t. .on in t'-,.e plans of connecting on the City
11ains to supply r{later to t e 77cc - Glens '?alls 7n.ter District. st.
On I ti on 1'eeting Adjourned.
a-?ec inl T,Teeting Tune 17th, 1937.
At n Snectal TtPetTm—, of -the Town Boa-d of the Tomm of Lueensbizry,
held on f'ie above date: nt 7 .1% nt t'^e To«in `%lerk' s Office, the
"ollowing Yerbers ?sere . _present.
D. Elrer 1''owler Su7)e,rvi sor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
�-- IfereO it'^ Bentley
Curtis La^,nsen
Charles Nobles
Bert 'D. Turner. Town Clerk.
County Attorney Beecher Clother and lirnest 1'=eyers Supt. of the Water
Yorks of the City of dens Falls,,
A petition of the taxpayers in ±he °'Fst Hers 'T?lls Water District was
presented to the Board requesting t'ne Board to connect the main of the
'"%est Glens Falls Water 'district at Sherman Ave and `+estern Ave. ' as welI
a.s at Broad St.
� r