1937-07-12 SP ry �
Regular Meeting June 22nd, 1937.
At a regular meeting of the Town .Board of the Town of Queensbury
heldooAnthe above date at 7 O'clock at. the, Clerkts Office, the
following members were present. 1
D, Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of the Peace
Charles Nobles
Meredith Bentley 11
Curtis Lampson
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
Minutes of Meetings held on May 25th, June 9th, and June 15th, 1937
read and approved.
• i
The Board. Audited, and. Alloyed the Claims as followse
No. Name of a men Nature of a m Amt Claimed Am . A owed
148, Curtis Lampson Justice of Peace Ser, $34,45 $34,45 1
149 Jessey E. Smith Constable Services 14,28 15,28
150 Fred E. Ricketts Killing of Dogs 4,00 4.00
151 DeLong Fuel Co, Poor Relief Order 1,25 1;25
152 Edward Sleight Assessor 119.22 119.22
153 Charles Baldwin ConstableFees&Kill.Dogs 49900 49.00
154 Chas, J. Nobles Justice of Peace 52.00 52.00
155 Glens Falls Post Co., Pub.Notice for sealedBids 2,40 2.40
156 Anthony Capone Deputy sheriff 10.16 10,16
157 Floyd Ellsworth Beard Meetings 52.00 52.00
158 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings- 24,00 24,00
159 Fowlers Inc. Flags 10,20 10020
160 A, J, VanWagner Constable 44,84 44.84
161 Ernest .Hillis Assessor 124.82 124,82
162 Fred E, Ricketts Constable 33,44, 33.44
163 Charles Richards Assessor 124.82 124.82
164 Adirondack -Underwriters ------ ------
& Realty Corp.. Ins . Storehouse 65 ,10 65,10
-165 Meredith S. Bentley Board Meeting 28.00 28.00
166 Charles J. Nobles Justine of Peace 69,90 69.90
167 Flo d%Ellsworth " " " 45,40 45,40
168 Ber ;:D. Turner Town Clerk 84,00 84 .00
. Total 3' $ x.28
On Motion Meeting Adjourned.
Special July 12th, 1937.
At a special,meeting, of the Town Board. of the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date, at 7 P.M. at the Town Clerkls Office, the ",,
following members were present.
D, Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd 1. Ellsworth Justi^e of Peace
Charles Nobles
� u n n
Curtis Lampson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
County Attorney Beecher •�, Clother,aatd L, H Meyer Supt, of the Water
Dept of City of Gler4 Falls =tats mznxt and Arthur H. Stone
Supt. of sirs Also proo ant,
HoveyRft .Bowe►r palled On the Board in Peferanee to the con-
dition of .•the:Vorft Highway leading from the---end of Ridge Road to
Katskill,i•fBtain �tft the road.was,very I lrii dusty and in
a genet al : 461dition and requested the Board to oil and other-
wise imp" e-Road., The Board generally discussed the matter
with them and."act other action was taken.
RESOLUTION No, 46, Introduced by Mr, Lampson, seconded by
Mr, Nobles.
XT WAA RESOLVED That Supervisor be and is hereby authorized tp
eaecttte-o+pa tr a .Presented -with • the Water Commissioners off' the 01,
~ ems ,to the mo it Glens Falls Water iii s trict
'"'d .k°' „t' *v'i � �°y," 3r e�-,fit. :.,# .>.�•:.
174 r
DULY adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No, 47, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, se-onded by
Mr. Ellsworth,
IT WAS RESOLVED That Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
to sign any and all application and other necessary papers for the
work to be done in developing the West Glens Falls Water District
under a W. P. A. Project.
DULY adopted by the followin g, vote-
Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 48, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by
Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of
Glens Falls did by an agreement accepted by this Board by Res. on
March 10th, 1936 agree to restore the surface of the Di QQ��R�oad#
where they were premitted to excavate for and lay a 12"� aver`main
and then backfill over same, subject to the approval of the Torn Supt.
of Highways and
YVIERE'AS in agreement between the Torn Supt of Highways, The
Town Board and the Board of Water Commissioners it was determined
that the restoration of such surface should be made by the Torn
Supt. of Highways sid the cost thereof to be born by the Board of
Water Commissioners and,
WHEREAS it was determined that the fair cost of such
retoratio:p would be $even Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750. )
and the Board of Water Commissioners desired to pay said sum in
two equal, installments of 'Three Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars
($375,00) each, the first thereof to be paid at once and the
second ana final to be paid on July 1st, 1938.,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board accepts
the payment as above sai set forth in full settlement of the
obligatiop of the City of Glens Falls for the restoration of the
afore mentioned Road repair.
DULY adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - Mr.Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No, 49, Introduced by Mr.- Nobles, seconded by
Mr. Ellsworth; ,
WHERM The City of Glens Falls a Municipal Corporation
situated in the County of Warren, by its 'Mater Commissioners, did
on the 2nd, day of April 1937 file with the Town Board of the Town
of Queensbury, 'Narren County, New York, a duly executed petition for
the consent of such Town Board to install '"later main traversing
certain Highway of the Town of Queensbury in connection with the
project of said City of Glens Falls to add to i its presnet Water
System and, t
WHEREAS At. a meeting of said Town Board of the Town.of
Queensbury ,held at the Town Clerkis Office Town of Queensbury,
Warren County New York on said 27th day of April. 1937 a resolution
was duly adopted that a Public hearing be held on the 12th day of
May 1937 at Tj30 o'clock P.M.D.L.S.T. and that due notice begiven
by pu�l��i; they t 'e Glens Falls Times and the Post Star;
daily a�r�srr n the City of Glens Falls, New York and
6tilIERE'A3 Notice of said meeting was duly published and fiven
as required by said Vesolution and,
WHEREAS Said Public Hearing was duly held by the said Town
Board of the :Down of Queensbury on the 12th day of May 1937 at 7:30
o'clock P.M.D.L.S.T. at which meeting all persons s-o desiring were
heard and the said petition and the proceedings in relation there
to having been duly and regularly considered it is now therefore,
RESOLVED That the Town Board of the Torn of aueensbury, warren
County, New York, does hereby grant its consent, permission and
authority to the said City of Glens Falls by its Board of water
Commissioners, to installaliVater main* traversing the Highway known as
the Aviation Field Road as follows; To be laid within the Highway
known as the Miller Hill or Aviation Fie}d Road, qLnd�egi.nning t. a
point 200 feet westerly of t�^e Easterly ine o pan s of Cornelius ..
Brownell situated on the Southerly saide of said road and running
thence across, and in said road to a point 100 feet more or less
Easterly of the easterly line of the Aviation Tield a distance of
about 850 feet and such rain to consist of a ^i.x inch cast iron pipe
laid about 51 fret underground; the surface of the ground after such
installation to be properly restored subject to the approval of the
Town Sunerintendant of 'Ti nhz7.1yS of -the Town of QuFensbury and the said
Board of 7Ta,t( r Commissioners to keep and save harmless the Torn of
2ueensbury from all claims of injury to person or property during the
construction and laving of said main -,,nd during the repair or replace-
nent thereof.
Duly adopted by the following vote;
Ayes - T'r. Ellsworth, Yr. Nobles, !,,.Tr. Larpson, T'r. Bentley and 111r,
Noes - None.
On notion mee tin adjourned.
'regular l!'ec ting Jul�r 27th, 1937.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Toy n of yu eensbury
held on the above date at 7 o' clock at the Clrk' s Office, the
follol,^*ing nerbers were present.
D. Elmer Towler Supervisor
74loyd Ellsworth Ju.,3tice of thF Peace
Charles Nobles
Tieredith Bentley
Curtis Larrpson
Vert D. Turner To:gin Cle rk,
Art?-iur H. Stone, Town aunt. of- ?-Tig' iways Also -resent.
Yinutes of Meetings held on June 22nd !-V1 July 19.tYi, 1937 read and
signed by
A Petition,/twenty-two taxpa -ers requesting that the road which leads
from the Luzerne Rd. near the residence of Ceor-;e 'Lerald southerly to
the Corinth Rd. was presented to the Board. The natter was descused and
no c t'^e^ action taken.
The Trustees, of the T'ountai.n Side "free Library called. on the Board for
financeial assistance in maintaining and equip-ging the said. Library the
following Resolution was adopted.
_U4'SOLUTION No. 50, Introduced by Yr. _-Ellsworth, seconded by i r.
IT ' AS RFSOZ,7l `C:'AT the surf of One ",und red Dollars appropiated
for the use of the Trustees of the R'ountain Side Free Library in maintain*
i ing and equiping the said Yountain aide `'ree Library.
DULY adont+ed by th•e following vote.
Aye s - T-r. R11-sworth, Yx. nobles , T.'r.• Larnson, T'r. Bentley and Ir. Fowler,
Noes - None*
A Commitee oaf Residence called on the roard in reference to a Road
leading into- Glen Lake and requested the Board to lay o73,t and approve
said. Road, ' ',matter was taken into considerat4on. .
Arthur .1% attune, submitted a report on the 'progress of the 'W.P.A. pro-
RESOLLTTIOTT No. 51, Introduced by Mr. LarNpson, seconded by
T.'r. Yobles. .