1937-08-10 SP 118
,)T ITT a(9 o T)td b7,r tl-,r- *'o 1 o w,i n,- vo t e
-ep -7'r. 7-11 17o r ti-1., '17r. T,pr,n,�nn, 77r. lcr`lev ��ntl '7'r. 7ol,�Tlrr.
ITO(S IT,o n e
`1b r. '."obles.
A sent
11-n. T�'otion Ypr-ting
o,�,r r "1 e rk jo
Soeci-al 71petyrg Aul-ust lotli, 1937.
At a, of V-ie 7o-,�-vn of' t',,e 'Ic�n of
1--el(I on t',�e rab07e fl-PtE' at .9 t_�.E, 'Clprkls (""fice, t,,-IE,)
folloi0.m7 rrerb.ers �rere nresent.
7,. --lTner -07.�Tll er Su-o e ry i s o r
7112tf-e 01 VIC PC Etc t,
'T�Iaxl, s Yo'�les it
rr f- t-l-, 7"C t 1 e
to to If to
lurtis Iarnson
7 e rt 7). �u r r e r Town '11(�rk
(71.ude 17%onroe, foreran of tli.e �,�lk rroject 0'311E�9 on tli.r: Poard
.n referance to reiiiest of pronprtv oi-mers -for rnT-rIs in front' of
business rlaces -lon7- sirle-,,rmlks. 7q e 7'loard instructeri 'J�r. "onroe
Viat 1-ork sl-mzid be Oone in accordnnnp- -,r4t1-1 t1le -lars an�, snecifi-
cati ons.
_,JCS -,)nded by 7,-r.
C)II T'T(T,.7 No. 55, Tntroi1,U(-e(;. by 7r. sec,
arn s on
T17-�kS a 7
F. A. project a.-oplication lic-,Ls been Trade for
the constructon of t*h.e 77est- �lens F- ;.ter 7)istrict and
t',,e said -oroject '�ias not bt� e:� annroved by the '7.P;A.
�,Jlj T
cla7r in sendinrr
au I ) .1 �D i
U -oritieg in `Vasliin -ton and thcre has been a (I
s�ld apn-roval.
st 7'
71EWLVED 71,i,-.t Erne JJ Yers be and 1 s hereby authorizcd
q "he "!. P. A. Authorities in 'Tis'hinrton for t�le
to confer witl
purpose o+ obtainin- tlie : -pproval of sa.1.0 Pro.iect and. it is
1 7 7 T�."I TZesol7Ed t11-- t 7ny leral expenses tnciired by the,
said, Ernest T-levors be an '1Freb-,., is a cl-large against saie.. 74est 11*1 ens
1 s Water ')istrict.
T)T7LY adonted b-t1qe followin- vote-
"ob"' eS 77r. 'r�arp,-on, 1.�r. Bentley and Y�r.
Ayes - Yr. Ellswort' 7�'r.
P r.
Noes None.
On Yotion Treeting Adjournedt
7ert T). Tu-.--ner,
'11 crk
S e c i a 1 7"e e tmg JLU ust 17
At a. Special 1�eeting of the To-wn Board of the Town of �ueensbury
hell on t'lie above date at 7 o' clock at the Town Clerk' s Office, Ve
followin-1 rienbers were present.
7). er 7 owl F r Sunervi sor
7'loyd _711sworth Just
ice , of t'�ie Peace
Charles Nobles
Yeredit'�i 'Bentley
C'urtis Laj,,)son,*
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk,
No. 569 Introduced by 1'.r. Nobles,. seconded by
Yr. Fllswort"-i,
IT '7AS '�j11F)0,LVFD That the 7ollowing places be and are hereby
appointed as official -nolling places t'or the Town of jueensbury.
T)ist ��l Cole R- Sullivan Inc. Store.