1937-09-20 _,�\�
Special 11eeting September. 20th, 1937.
�t Special Yeetin? of the Town Roard of the Tows of �ueensbury, held
: on t'ce above date at 7 o' clock at t'1e Town ';lerk' s Office, the' following
rer+bers were -resent.
'). T,lr.ET "owler Sun ervisor
'P41oyd Tllsworth Justice of the Peace
�1.1p.r1_es T,Tobles
1'predith ?Rentley " to
'1.I rti s T.arrnson to 10 to
j T'ert D. Turner Town Clerk
RFeche.r clother and 'i. PTeyers also present.
T�FSOLI,TIOYT No. SN, Tntroduced by 1'r. Yobles, seconded by 1:rr.
7=kr the Southern Oil ^orrany has ride a.�plica.tion to the
7'onm Board of the Town of �ueensbury renuestinr* said 7oard to or!it the
laxn7 of 71-P.A. Sidewalk in .front of a Tas Station known n-s the 7'ptary
along the 7611levard for a di.st-.nce of approxmately `?76 feet and
7'T -1'PAS he said Southern Oil company have agreed to construct
a blac'r ton along said nro~p ?sed sidei*ralk and ?ma.int and 7a.intain white
lines re-oresenting the widt'c of said side walk alon;r* said course where
said walk has not been constructed and
17T'TtTrjk1 there will be a, substantial reduction in t'-e cost of the
said 71.P.A. -Project by tb.e said oriss _on
R�SOL117M That the 7.P.R. authorities be and hereby are authorized T=
to omit to�►e construction of said concrete T,wn,lk in the front of the
';o terry sasol i.ne sta.t n Lover Marren for a distance of apnroximately
?7� feet.
Dulyadobted by the following vote-
.,, eyes Tyr. 1lsrvort h, 1 r. Nobles , 7Tr. Lamps on, Yr. Rentletir and 1:!r.
TTo e s - 'No nt:. i
mr aon,-Jus.tice, Introduced .the foil.owing Resolution No.
3 which was 'se orrded by 1"r. l obles .
ESO DIED, ' Th3.t Ernest L. 'T. 'Feyers be and hereby is a-onointed
en-;i_neer aV1 sunervisor of -construction of the `:lest hens '!all.s "rater s
district, . . �s fi tter
rt OLITE '?'1 �t said en,-ineer *a.nd supervisor of be Town he a.nd
Tierebyxfd to ari? int an assistant or deputy or 3. foreman for
the said � ; ti'k :ii, it j_s further
That tli6 Town Clerk be a.no hereby is aut11.orized ariA
directed r rtts-e that t'i.e mown 7oard will receive hid°s in accoxd.anae
�wit,h sn. » epax'ed by. eng nE er for the fi1rnis1h .ng of nine-'and
fitting 1- f or -tie construction of said vm,ter syster, it is
fu.rt'h err, .
t' t1--1 p 'Supervisor the a.nd'hereb`r is authorized to
eXPcute th.e "Tarren County ??e artTlen.t of TTi�� n:�rs for per-
TnissIt01 �_ `� 1pes,'along and under the highrmy and any and all
'pa,ners tre.c� for s�?ch consent, it is fvrther
°'La T ooC�ler Bother, ,�.ttornev for said �Tater
i tr e s atxt'� ized to r-akf apnlica.tion to the rrex
ounty:`< >e. ` ? ighw�ys far �ex7^ission to 1.Tr .the ti ties along d
uncte � •flrcla ? to tie ?plan. and ?pecifica:t�ons n sfr< rep' bar
a .
duly €, t `fie follow voted
: ._r, ??entley and Trr.
�.yas 1Tr �srrorth, 'X. TTobles, T r. Lor�lpson, T „
Yo es
??FSOZTJTTON No. 63, fntrodueed by Per. Bentley, sec ondee by
.,,r. 7'1lsworth. .
ti'JTTr REAS, The Town Poard of the To7m of jueensbury passed
resolution apnrovi-ng certain 7.P.k. Projects is for the constri ±i,n of
side �*Kl cs a,lonri the Highways known. a,s the glens 7alls-bake reur e
T?i.?;hwa.y, The glens "alls—Hudson T'alls Hig4mgy on the Porzlevard and
along tb dens ±'ails- ^o `ninth. Tii.AI way and did nirree to furnish certain
ma,teri l used in construction and also agree to furnish truck
drivers and have hereto .fore appropriated various suns of r-ones .-for
said T)urnose and
11-11,7211S said sVr!s sd m-nronria.ted fpr suc li niirnose have -been
dx!^Lr`Iu. —te `?,nJ it becoreq nFccssary to furl leg sur to
continrze and co* olete sa i,' pro, ect.
T? Pj0T4,VL.) That there be a,nd._hereby is ` anpro.?q-ri lb.ted the fur t'lerY
cur^ of seven 7"unfired Dollars for t'-.e nurnose of pm.rin� for T-ater I ill.
"$ used in said construct?.on i.nd for payment; of wages and sa.lari E of
Track drivers n_ - ►^�.c?qfne onnra,tors to contim),e t�,e .a7r? ;`„'.si. Prolect.
Ti T T'T .-_if ?esdlved t'ri,n t t1le S?j_ne" -,rI sor and "Tovrn ilPr'
be and hereby nre aut'lorized and direoted to exrmoke a certificate of
indebtedness of Said "'ot�n for the sum of Seven T7?zn�?red Dollars (. 76�, )
payable ?rarch 1st, 1935 at the *lens Falls National Pank and 'Crust Co.
rit"I interest not to exceed six percent.
TT rr further resolved r,n-a.t sa td. stem tie nai.d and 6redlt`ed to
Item of One of t Ple 'Ti<:,gay Fund and the Town Sunertnttndant of th.e
.mor-n na,y out sa.td money and account --r-or t"e sar?P as other r^flneys paid
from sari o Item One.
73111y adopted hythe followtn7 vote- .
r yPS -
17r. 711;s north, 117r. Trobles, Mr. Lampson, 1Tr. Bentley a.,nd ,L,ir
Toes - 70ne. .z
On' TTotion T!eeting adl urned to :Oct. 4th, 1 37 to receive .
(Regular Meeting September 283th91:937�..
Ata Regular TTeetinp; of the Torn Board of the Toim t�f, '��tee�sbury .held
.> on the above date at 7 o' clock at the Town, Gerk' :+ ffice > the, ol;lowing .
, .
menbers were present,
. " er ?oer Super
Flo d Ellsworth'*, its ce. off` t : Feat '.:
Charles Nobles �► „
1.1 r ed i t`h. Ben i s e' :' x r,
m' Un N g
apvroved�f 3�.TE g
e tin s 'held on Au 24th: .. retc €
r. I�ampson andTr. ?3entley . � pz'opo.�ed
Ai cc�xt &_ ` efiiiate
for three lights along Roul.e i t PllpS, ? eve. ,
The estfmate prepared by the 'Ends 'total
cost of One Hundred Forty_:-
� �' �� e ��lie � '�` '��t � �• 39 )
per year. Matter was ,refe�ec �ihe � oUnt' ion.
!rm*i3mjm9X_TRjmt M3 Y,
. ,
i {5
^s w a ✓ �srt ° e
' n -oard At<ditef? the Claims �.0 Tol1o�*r
N60 Yawr'e of C1aArent ''ature of Claim. Arl t,.. Claimed !�t. Al-lo«red.
205 : . T. Van `,7a?ner Constable; Services 4Q.86 X40.36
2O;r, "has. S. ??ogles Boars? Yeetings 35. 00 36. 00
-07 Fred 7icketts Constable Ser. 40458 40. 58
203 Cool Tns. Agency Agriculturr,.l•Ins.Storehouse 22*00 Not Audited.
`(C 9 Cool Ins. A,-envy ITr. Pentley' s ?fonds 10.00 10.00
210 Cool Ins. Agemy TMr. •"owlerI a Bonds 1`'1. 68 121.63
`'.11 'IM-Lurstnn Tn-rahar Poor 'relief 3, 5`3 3. 52-
21? '.'illiarl ?. Jones Ins. Voting..I'ac'gines 79.20 "9.20
'33 Edward Sleir;l-it assessor Ser. '_10. 35 : 10.35
214 Char-Les 7. Richards Assessor Ser. 143-.46 143. 46
215 Ernest ITillis Assessor Ser. 143.46 143.4^
216 Edward Sleir;ht Assesso r S.er. 133.12 133.12
Anthony ryanon Deputy 32. 96 32 .96
21&- Curtis Lar-pson Justice Services 35. lic 35. 40
:?19 ' Curtis 'I?.rnson Board 'Meetings 12..00
`'?0 Tred TN :3rannel"1. Poor T?elte-r Order, 9.8'l 9.88
`??1 Chnries ','obles Justice ;services 109. 15 109.15
22 Yer�edit'n. S, Rent-Ley Board ?Meeti°ngs 1%'-. 0'x' 12. 0!
°'.23 Theodore T?zrner` Rent 25.00 25. 0'?
�4 71.oy4 T o ?'llswnr,t�, Ro�rd Yeeti:n:?s �3. 0�? P. QO
?25 TMa.rion rMart�ndatle• Insp. of Tlection 10.0^ 1''.09
�2r 'gyred. Richardson Poor ?belief Orders
21..00 21.00
2?,7 lobert T. Stott Insp. of 7aection 15. '!^ 15.00
`99 Bert T], '"urner To7Tn ''1 Frk :3er. 3 3. QO �8. Q0
2 'f?
29 Charles nlriroin Constable 31er . 32. 52 3,2
'jich. C. Davis Insp. of 2 lectio,n 10. 0^ 10.00
31 glens rails Post Co. La7,ii Priefs 50. 00 60t00
. X265 14 1243
To .,a 1 � 14•
On Yotion 'Meeting Ad.iourned. �Q -
pecia.l TMeeting �.Z �� ctober 4th, 1937.
�t a Sped l eting of the Town Bga.rd of the Town of jueensbury held
on the abolie' date at 7 o'clock at, the To��n Clerk' s Off?ce, the following
members were ?resent
T). Elrer Towler Supervisor .
Floyd Ellsworth. Justice of the Peace
:;harles 2Iobles to
It to
Meredith Bentley
Curtis Larpson
Cert D. Turner Town Clerk
- i
Rh'e .'S.' teT,; Cotty Attorney and Ernest S. IMeyers Engineer also
p ros e
ft� lov ng 1 : were receive for the 'rest Glens galls, Jat
�." nn Pipe �'� � r
Dstr� t "
f as lj( Be, d Spigot Sand Spun entr.ifugal pipe
• to Type II Federal °Specification 'yF1-2-421y
. x btiinal, laying Iengths:
fto� 411
. . . . . . . . , Q. 52 per ft.
h ft.. 6" �. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 75a
�d... to
-730 `ft 8,1' lon72
14 ft, 110"
. . . . . . . .56
Standard BEGS Fittings, Class D.
' 1000lbs. 411 O.06 per Lb.
32000 lbs. 5" to 12 It . . . . . . . . . . . .0. 055 " "
The above prices are f.o.b. cars Glens Falls, N. Y.
Net'Rsh d y f { m +F c�fMsII x�t, or for -)-iyTrent in ten days a`Prix
12 04 13 '?t, lengths, PER.:FFD1 P`AL SPEC'I?ICr",.T IONS
'1 90 er i`t