1937-11-04 187
We the undersigned Board of Canvassers of the Town of Queensbury
Warren County N.Y. do hereby Certify that the following is the returns
and canvass of the votes polled at the Bienniel Town Election held
in and for said Town, November 2nd i937,
the whole # of votes cast for Supervisor was O_2r Of which
D Elmer Fowler Received
Praxton Pulver Received
OZ? 9— 66666666
The Whole # of Votes Cast for Town Clerk Was
Of 'Which Bert 3) Turner Received
George Hubbell Received MZ
The Whole # Of Votes Cast For assessor for 4 Years Was—/d Y/
" Of Which Edward Sleight Received
George Cronkhite Received e2 7 Q
The Whole # Votes Cast for Assessor for 2 Years was
of Which Ernest Hillis Received�Le�
Henry Williams .Received
The Whole # Votes Cast for Su t,of Highways- P g as►8 was
of Which Arthur H Stone Received 16 O
Leroy, Gifford Received �� '*
the whole No Votes Cast for Justice of Peace was
of Which Mereidth S Bentley Received
Frank Ricketts Received
the whole # Votes Cast for Justice of Peace Was 3c.3 d
Of Which Ralph T Been Received
William L Barber Received __p?- x/
The whole Vohs Cast for Town Tax Collector was
of Which Arthur J Hillis Received Z J
Clarence Cronkhite Received
the whole # Votes Cast for School Director was
Of Which Jamere L McCaghey Received
Walter LaPan Rec eiv ed____",f--, ?Aj
and the Said D Elmer Fowler was thereupon declared elected Supervisor
in and for said Town ofgl. Itueensbury for the ensuing two years
and the said Bert D Turner was declared elected Town Clerk for two
years and Xdward Sleight was declared Duly Elected assessor for Your
years and Ernest Hillis was Declared Elected assessor for &- term of
two years
Arthur H Stone was Declared Elected Town Super of Highways
for a term of two years
' mi1so Meredith S Bentley was Declared Elected justice of the peace
for a term of Your years
also Ralph T Been was declared elected for a term of four years
justice of the peace
also Arthur J Hillis was declared Elected Town Tax Collecter for
a term of two years
also James L Md Caghey was deckred elected School director for
f a term of four years
we the undersigned members of the Torun Board of Ca.nvassor, do
p hereby declare that the foregoing mentioned. `Officers '""rho receivd
the r ajority o-- ,rote duly elected officers for the ensuing termd
in testimoney whereof we have hereunto subscribed our
hands and seal this 3rd day of November I9379
Justice --
Jus tic e p
Town Clerk
Town Board of Canvassors
Annual Meeting November 4th, 1937.
At the Annual. T4eeting of t?ie Town Board of the Town of )ueensbury
held on the above date at 7 o' clock at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following members were present.
Elmer fowler Supervisor
QPs�I� x �t�tt 3ftz , I x ftXXX
Charles Nobles it it
Curtis Lampson '! "
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
RISOLUTION No. 739 _introduced by fir. Nobles, seconded by
111r. Lampson. ,
IT 'TIAS RESO XIM That the Rates ui salaries for the er;ployees
in the Highway department be fixed as follows.
Ir-echanic - fifty-fiveCents per hour.
Truck, Tractor Drivers Fifty Cents per hour - said rates of salaries
are to become effective January lst, 1938.
DULY Adopted birth e following vote."
Ayes - Yr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson^ T11r. Pentley, and Yr, Fowler.
Noes - None
1X I
RESOLUTION No. 74, ntroduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by
Mr. Nobles.
IT WAS RESOLVED That Pursuant to Section #110 of the
Highway law the Supervisor be allowed Six Hundred ($600. ) and the
Town Clerk Three Hundred (,)300. ) and that said sums be paid from the
74iscellanious fund of the Highway fund.
DULY adopted by the following vote-
Ayes 2.1r. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - None.
A w �
RESOLUTION No. 75, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by
1'_r. Lampson.
IT WAS- RESOLVED That the Following amounts be raised by
taxation for the Highway work- Item ,l Highway Fund Twenty-fire
Thousand ($25900. ) Item 2 Bridge Fund Three Thousand, Fivi Hundred
( X3500. ) Item 3 Machinery Fund Seven Thousand, Five Hundred ($7500, )
Item 4 Miscellanious fund Ten Thousand ($10;000. ).
DULY adopted by the following' vote:
Ayes Mr. Nobles, Yr. Lar.pson, Air. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - None.
On Motion keetiAg. Adjourned.
Special Meeting November ,12th', 1937.
At the Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of nueenebury r
held: tin .the above date at, 7 o'clock at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following members were present.
D. Elver, Fowler Supervisor
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Curtis Lampson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town C1 erk
RESOLUTION No, 76, Introduced by Mr. ,Nobles, seconded by
31r. Lampson.
AREAS, -The Town Board of the Town of nueensbjZry duly
established the West Glens Falls Water District in said Town and
consent of the Comptroller to establishing the same was duly obtafted
and said order establishing the district and consent of the Comptroller
was duly filed in the Warren County Clerk' s Office and application
duly made to the Water Power and Control Commission and order was
made approving the said application maps and plans of the West Glens r
Falls Water District and
j. WHEREAS Application was duly made to the Work Progress
Administration for assistance in the construction of said Water,
System and
WHEREAS, The petition of the Taxpayeres presented to said
Town Hoard praying for the establishing of said Water District
consented that Bonds be issued against the property in said district
' to the amount of Twenty Thousand ($20,000. ) and
C WIIREAS, for the purpose of temporarily financing said
project and haying for materials and other costs of construction
and in anticipation of issuing bonds of the Town of Jueensbury for
the said Water District, it is
RESOLVD That the Supervisor of the Town of !ueensbury and
the Town Clerk of sadd Town be and hereby are authorized and directed '
to issue certificate of indebtedness of the Town of ?ueensbury for the `
sum of Five Thousand Dollars (35,000. ) payable at the Glens Falls
National Bank and Trust Company, Six months from the date thereof,
with interest not exceeding four percent.
DULY Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -. Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. �
,Noes - None.
Absent - Mr. Ellsworth.
Mr. Fowler appointed Mr. Lampson and Mr. Nobles a committee of 'two to
confer with the County Supt. of Highways in reference to the amount
which he would approve for the purch ase of Trucks for the Town of
The Board Audited the Claims as Follows,
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Clain Amt. Claimed Amt. Allowed
254 Ralph B. Turner Services Custodian $125.00 $125.00
On Motion Meeting Adjourned,
Regular Meeting November 23rd, 1937.
At a Regular L eeting of the `.'otrn Board of the own of ,uaensbury heXd
on the above date at 7 o 'clock at . ,P torn "lerkls Uf'fice,the following
members were present.
'lmer oower supervisor
Floyd - llsworth Justice of Peace
Charles 1,Tobles
''urtis Lampson it it 11
Meredith- Bentley
Bert Turner Town 1.1erk
Beecher S . "lother ount . !�tto ey r �g `yM y rs� �Q �rn _ nety
a pre sent . r� -"e - �Gff``
A Petition of the Taxpayers of Garner 3t. , was received petitioning the.
Town Board to fill and grade Garner 3t , in i'ts entirity,• the petition
was placed on file .
R130LU`IION No, 77, Introduced by rIr. Lampson, seconder' by
Mr. Ellsworth.
VVH-t,, EAS, There has been legally established in the Town of
Queensbury 'Olest Glens Falls ?;�Tater istrict and contract has been a,,riarded
for the purchase of pipe and fittings whi",h is to be laid and Constructed*
under 101PA Project.
RE30LUED, That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to 4 ..
levy and assess against the taxable property in said district in the
present tax levy ten mills upon the assessed valuation of said property..
for purpose of paying on account of expense of establishing said district,
on account of interest on temporary loans or on account of cost. of