1937-11-23 A 9 4
was duly filed in the Warren County Clerk' s Office and application
duly made to the Water Power and Control Commission and order was
made approving the said application maps and plans of the West Glens
Falls Water District and
WHEREAS Application was duly made to the Work Progress
Administration for assistance in the construction of said Water,
System and
II WHERF,AS, The petition of the Taxpayetes presented to said
Town Board prayiftg for the establishing of said Water District
j consented that Bonds be issued against the property in said district
F to the amount of Twenty Thousand ($209000. ) and
VnffmS, for the purpose of temporarily financing said
project and haying for materials and other costs of construction J
and in anticipation of issuing bonds of the Town of Jueensbury for
the said Water District, it is
RESOLVI� That the Supervisor of the Town of ueensbury and
the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorized and directed v
to issue certificate of indebtedness of the Town of ?ueensbury for the
sum of Five Thousand Dollars an$5tS03.x0'months payable
fromtthe the
National Bank and Trust Comp y�
with interest not exceeding four percent.
DULY Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -.Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Yr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. �
.Noes - None.
Absent - Mr. Ellsworth.
Mr. Fowler appointed Mr. Lampson and Mr. Nobles a committee of 'two to
confer with the County Supt. of Highways in reference to the amount
which he would approve for the pureh ase of Trucks for the Town of
The Board Audited the Claims as Follows,
No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. . aimed Amt. Allowed
254 Ralph B. Turner Services Custodian $125.00 $125.00
On Motion Meeting Adjourned,
Regular Meeting ;ovember 23rd, 1937.
At a Regular Meeting of the `'own Board of the own of :Yueensbury held
, on the above date at 7 o 'clock at the Town �lerkfs Office,the following
members were present.
). Amer fowler Supervisor
Floyd 11sworth Justice of Peace
R Charles Nobles 11
I'urti s Lampson
Bieredith• Bentley
Bert Turner Town "lerk
Beecher 'S . ^lother, ^ount l�tto�i w r , yrt,�� n`
alab present . 1,
A Petition of the Taxpayers of Garner 3t. , was received petitioning the.
Town Board to fill and grade Garner St . in i-ts entirity,• the pabition 1
was placed on file .
RH.30LU`I'ION No, 77, Introduced by I41r. Lampson, seconded by
Mr. Ellsworth.
iH]� EA3, There has been legally established in the Town of ..
queensbury west Glens Falls Water District and contract has been awarded
for the purchase of pipe and fittings whi�h is to be laid and constructed
under INPA Project .
RE30LVED, That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorize.d to
levy and assess against the taxable property in said district in the
present tax levy ten mills upon the assessed valuation of said property.,. . .
for purpose of paying on account of expense of establishing said districts
on account of interest on temporary loans or on account of cost. of
construc tion.
Duly adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - Mr, Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fouler.
Noes - None,
RESOLUTION ffo, 78, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr.
The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to
purchase under Section 142 of the Highway Law from Yorke Modern Corp, with l
>° approval of the County Superintendent of Highways :
One York Super 1,1orkman - equiped with Pneumatic Tires., for a total price
of Seventeen Hundred, Sixty-five Dollars (.$1765,00 ), f.o .b. Glens
' N .Y.
The terms of payment are as follows -
The balance or net price in amount of $1765.00 to be paid by one Certificate of Indebtedness as listed below:
First $1765,00; payable March lst. 1939.
Certificates to bear interest at not to excess of 5%.
Certificates and interest payable at The National Bank and Trust
Co. of Glens Falls, 11 . Y. and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to issue the above ^ertificates of Ind-btedness in
accordance with Se^tion 266 of the Highway Law,
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Tear.. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - None,
RESOLUTION No, 79, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Tdr.
IT•WA3 RE30LVED that Cost and Expenses of the Property owners
for A three-fourth inch Service connection to tl_e West Glens Falls Water
in be and hereby is_ fixed at the sum of Eighteen Dollars ($18,;00) each
payable with application for the ^onnection provided if connection is
made, at the- time of, installation of the main in front of the property,
thereafter an additional cost of digging filling trench necessary for
such installation will be added to the above.on cost.
Duly .adopted by the following vote.
R Ayes - Mr, Ellsworth,Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Bentley and Mr, Fowler.
Noes - None,
RESOLUTION No, 80, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, se^onded by Mr,
Ellsworth, 4
IT WAS RESOLVED' That the Supervisor be authorized, execute
Public Liability Ins. for West Glens Falls l;Vater ')ist.
Duly adopted. b° the following vote.
Ayes - Mr,. Ellsworth, .Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler* m
Noes - None,
Mr, Allen Submitted an Estimate on a Marmon-Herrington All-Wheel-Drive
Ford V8 Track.. Delviered price on Tow of the Above Trucks Five Thousand
Dollars 05,000600).
County Supt. Mr, Murray would not approve Five Thousand dollar Truck and
The Board Audited the 'laims as Follows,
Nb . Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed Amt. Allowed
255 Floyd K. Ellsworth Board Meetings ;16.500 $16.00
-•.�, 256 Curtis Lampson Ju i the Pg�ce Sir. ` 25.75 21.10
257. pert D Turner n s 5 f 4"4 125.'00 125.00
258 . Louis Silverman Poor Relief Order 5.68 ' 5.60
259 D. Elmer Fowler Board. Meetings 1:6.00 16.00
. ' 260 Iferedith S. Bentley it It 20,00
}' •261 Anthfty Capone Dep. Sheriff 56.92 56. 92
*2 Charles Nobles Justice of Peace 116.•70 116,70
263 Charles Baldwin Constable Ser. 92.80 92,80
264 F. J. Cra.nnell Poor Relief Orders 8.00 7,lQ
265 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 22. 56 22.5 r.
266 G. A. Chapman Health Office Ser. 846.42 846.41111111g,'1_11,
E. - , 267 Gurtrude Cashion Inspector of Election 40.00 40
268 Fred Fisher Ins. ector of Election 50.00 A
269 Glen$ ?all PrIA, Ser, 55.34 • .f
s �
Post `n
270 Robert F. Stott Inspector of Election 117.00 317. 00 ,
271 Richard C. Davis if If 12. 00 12.00
272 Nettie Scoville " " 12. 00 12. 00 °
273 Charles E. Dickinson " " 30. 00 30.00
274 Catherine F. Kane " " 10.00 10.00
275 Zena Hewitt Poor Relief Order 5. 00 5. 00
• 276 Lyda M. Harris Inspector of Election 42.00 42. 00
277 New York Power&LightCorp. Street Lights Oct. 34.36 34. 36
278 Fannie Pearl Brayton Inspector of Election 11.00 11. 00
279 Fred' E'. Rickett' Constable Ser. 62.02 67. 02
280 Marion D. Martindale Inspector of Election 32. 00 32. 00
281 Cool Insuring Agency Justice of Peace Bond 5. 00 5 .?)O
282 Lena Y. Jenkins Inspector of Election 51.00 51. 00
283 American Employers Ins. ins. Dump Truck 118. (110 118. 00
284 Rates and Carmody Bulbs for Election 5.45 5.45
285 P. I'. `Toolworth Padlock for Election 1.20 1.20
286 Bessie Cronkhite Inspector of Election 10.00 10. 00
287 Rose E. Btbjiy 42. 00 42. 00
j 288 Cole Sullivan Corp. Rent of Polling Place 35. 00 35. 00
F 289 James J. Sullivan Inspector of Election 54. 50 54. 50
290 11. D. Sullivan to If 43.00 43. 00
291 Ruell E. Hopkins Co.stodian of Voting IUlach. 125. 00 125. 00
292 Mohican Grange Cleaning Cernnetery 50.03 50. 00
293 William J. Surprenant Inspector of Election 43. 50 42.00
294 Augustus I. . Storey, " " 43. 50 42. 00
295 Cole Sullivan Corp Rebuildin-Rail forPollingP. 4. 50 4. 50
296 A. J. Van Gagner Burying Dog 2. 00 2. 00
297 Minnie P. Bidwell Inspector of Election 31.00 31. 00
298 F. A. Richardson Poor Relief Order 36.20 36.20
299 Ethel Fisher Inspector of Election 40.00 40.00
300 ` Russell and Wait Office Sun-)lies 12.65 12. 65
301 1.1urray Crannell Inspector of Election 40. 00 40. 00
302 Bert D. Turner Vital Statistics 78. 68 78. 68
303 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Ser. 30..00 80. 00
304 Bert 7?. Turner Years Postage 30.00 30. 00
305 A. J. Van 7agner Constable Services 77.64 77.64
306 Harold E. Greeno Voting. Services 25. 00 25. 00 _
On Motion M_. eting Adjourned ,
Special Meeting December 7th, 1937,
At a Special Meeting of the `.Town hoard of the Town of . Queensbury held
on the above date at 7 o 'clock at the Town Clerk+s Office,, the follow-
ing members were present.
. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Charles Nobs es
Curtis Lampson
Meredith Bentley it
Bert ). Turner Town ,"lork.
R ;30LUTlON No, 81, Introduced by Mr . Nobles, s ^onded by Mr,
IT ATA3 R SOLVED That Resolution No. 79 adopted November 23rd,
1937 be and the same hereby is recinded.
;uly adopted b7 the following vote .
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, !,,Ir. Nobles, Mir. Lampson, Mr. 7entle.y and Mr,
Noes - None .
RESOLUTION No. 82, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded b71T Mr.
IT 11VA3 Rt,80.L 110 2hat Cos and expenses to the Property Owners
for a three-fourth inch Servi^e Connection to the West Flans Falls
Water Main. be and hereby is fixed at the sum of not to exceed Twelve
Dollars ($12.00) each such sum to be paid with appli^ation for connec-
tion, provided if the connection is made at the time o :' the installa-
tion of the main in front of the property effected. Thereafter an
additional cost will be added` to ^over the ^ost of digging and filling
r _ -