1937-12-28 197
trench necessary for such installation.
July adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth , Mr. Nobles, X.1r. Lampson, cvr. Bentley and bir. Fowler.
Mr. Leon Nassaveria presented a bill df.,' damages for his car in the amount
of Thirty-three Dollars which he claimes he received when he struck a pole
iidn the center of thetroad in the JT pp f QWU 3 Wb J the matter was re�er?g-
y . �c T�
/�On ido io ��eeting Adjourned.
Regular Meeting 111[ December 28th, 1937.
At "a Regular Meeting of* the Town Board of the Town of 'IueensbUry held
on the above date at 1 P.M. o' clock at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following miabers were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles to
Curtis Lampson if '
Meredith Bentley "
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk,
In the- afternoon session the Board Audited the dockets of the Justices
of tbe Peace and examined and audited the accounts of the Supervisor
and adjourned - to 7:30 P.11%
The Board reconvened at 7: 30 P.IT, a full Board being ;resent
proceeded to conduct their regular meeting, and the following Resolu-
tions were adopted.
RESOLUTION No. 839 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr.
IT ',9ASRESOLVLD that the Glens Falls National Rank and Trust Co.
be and is Hereby designated a depository for moneys of the Town of
rur-ensbury and thF Supervisor and Collector are hereby authortzed and
directed to. deposit any ind all moneys of said Town in said Bank.
Duly ac opted by the followin- vote-
Ayes - 3,Tr. Ellsworth, ITr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Ur. Bentley and IuTr. Powler„
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 849 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by rur.
Larips on,
IT WAS RESOLW'D That John Lennoz be and is hereby appointed
note Enumerator ror the Town of 1ueensbury for t'n.e year of 1938,.
Duly adopted bythe following vote- =�
Ayes - Yr. Nobles, 7,11r. Lampson, Tt I�r. Rent.iey and rir. fowler
Noes - Irx. Ellsworth,
RESOLUTION No A5, Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by �
Mr. Nu b:l.es.
IT WAS RESOLVED That Vie f'ollo-vin7 nar^ed persons be and are
hereby ap:)ointed inspector of e ection for the, ^o�,,n .o f �ueensbury,
'district l �7arles J. Sullivan - Der.°ocratic Inspector
YO D. Sullivan
'u7illinTi Surprenant- ^epublican
Clara Tailor -
'?i c tri.ct #2 Clarence Chronkhite 'Democra.tic Insnector
.Luna Jenkins ,:'
Yinnie BiOwPll - Rpntlblican
1!Tarion Yart i ndale -
District �3 Robert Stott - ?Derlocra,tic Inspector
..ose Bibby ® - „
Nettie V. Scoville - Republican "
Lydia Harris
District #4 Gertrude Cashion - Democratic Inspector
1"I'Urray Crannell
Ijabel Clark Rn, y - Republican - "
Fred Fisher <..� - ,►
rs .s
Duly adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - ?Tr. T'lls�rrorth, 1�r. T'oble "r. Lar�nson, Mr. '?entletT and
1Tr. '_''owler.
;'Toes - Yone_ .
RE-SOLUTION No. 86, Tr.trorlucFd. by T"r. Bentley a: d
r-Pconded by !Tr. Lampson.
TT '.::%v RESOI:VE'O 7 hat Anna I1ull 11. D. Wand is hereby
appointed Town Physcian for tl.e ensuing t•-To years said term be-
ginning January 1st, 1938.
Duly adopted by the fo12o�T i ng vote- J
Ayes - TTr. Ellsworth, 1Tr . Nob1Es, '1`1r. La,mpson, 11'r* Bent ey and
Yr. Fowler.
TToes - None.
RESOLUTION Tiro. 87, Tntrodn?ce,� by Justice Ellsworth,
seconded bar Ju Lice ?,"obles ,
T_T '"L4S R�;�Oj`1V , Tha.t ,',ie Pro e rty Conveyed in a deed
,k date' November 04th, Fred J. Hovey, Inc. a.nd Tort _4r!1ex st Realty
Inc. , to rity of (Glens Falls and Town of �ueensrli.ry, be and here-
by is accepted.
Duly adopted by the following vote-
d Ayes - Yr. Ellsworth, 1 1"r. Nobles, yr. Larrpson, Mir. Bentley and
Yr. Fowler.
Noes - None.
R..�4,,SOLUTION, , No. 8R1, Introduced by 1.'r. Nobles, seconded by
1rr. Lampson,
IT "JAS R '30_L R'_,) That -3uperintendant of Highways be and ,
E hereby is authorized to purchase from E. T. Carswell 1-New Inter-
national Tractor 1.`odel I-12 Aryl erson with blade plow with 52" cut
at a prde of 1)'1600. f. o.b. Glens falls 2T. Y. Fully equiped with
Electric Lights and starter such purchase subject to the approval
of the County Superintendant of Highways.
Duly adolt ed by the following vote-
Ayes - Yr. Nobles, 11,r. Lampson,&1 r. Fowler.
Noes - Yr. Ellsworth and 1!r. 'Bentley.
RESOLUTION No. 899 Introd-I-ced by 1jrr. lllsworth, seconded
by T"r. Nobles.
IT "/AS RE SOLVED That Town Board hereby accepts Lafayette
Ave. as a public highway as requested in a petition of residence
Taxpayers along said. highway filed in the office of the Town Clerk
of the To,,-,,n of vueensbury on the 22nd, day July 1930.
IT IS FILRTM.,R Resolved that the Superintendant is authorized
to have a survey and .a map made of said Highway.
'Duly adopted by the following vote-
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, TTr, Nobles, Mr. Larnpson, Yr. Bentley and
1�tr. Fowler.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No 90, Introduced by Mr. Laxrpson, seconded'v,+►
by Mr. Nobles.
IT 77AS RI`SOLVED That Pert D. Turner be and is hereby
appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics for term of four years
sad term to begin January lst, 1938.
Duly adopted by the following vote;
Ayes - Yr. Ellsworth, 1.tr. Nobles, Yr. Lar,!pson, Yr. Bentley and
Air. Fowl er.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 91, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded
by 1Fr. Larpson.
;?QHErIMAS The Town Board did on the 28th day of September
1937 erron'buslay Audited and allow claim #33 and claim #-931 of the
Glens Falls Post Co. in the amounts of $11.20 and X60.00 respec-
T11RREFOR BE IT RESOLVED That the action of this Board in
allowing said claims be and the same is hereby recinded and the
Cherk .be'•,,ands, s hereby authorized to cancel the warrants directing
payment of the paid claims and file said cancel warrants with the
original claims.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Aycs - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, 1.1r. Lampson, Yr. Bentley and
12r. Foly1r.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 92, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by
Tyr. Ellsworth, `�i
WITT'REAS The .Town Board of the Town of 9,ueensbury duly
established the lest Glens Falls Water District in said Town ana
consent of the comptroller to establishing the district and consent
of the Comptroller was duly filed in the Warren County Clerk' s
Office an application duly made to the Water Power and control
commission an order was made approving said application, maps and
plans of the West Glens Falls Water District and:
14VHMEAS application was duly made to the Works Progress
Administration for the assistance in the construction of said Water
System and:
WHEREAS the petition of the Tax Payers presented to said
Town Roard praying for the establishing of said Water District,
consented. that Bonds be issued against the property in said District
to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars (120,000. ) and
W11IEREAS for the purpose of temporarly financing said Project
and paying for the materials and other costs of construction and in
anticipation of issuing Bonds of the Town of lueensbury for the said {
Water District, it is 1
RESOLVET, That the Supervisor of the Town of Zueensbury and
the Town 016rk of .said Town,be and hereby are authorized and . directed
to issue certificate of indebtedness of the Town of rJueensbury for the
sum of Five Thousand Dollars 059000, ) payable at the Glens Falls
National Bank' and Tri;st Co, six (6 ) months from the date thereof: with
interest at the rate of four (4 ) Percent.
F •
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, 11r. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No, 93, Introduced by Cdr. Nobles, seconded by Mr.
WHEYMS The . Town Board did on the 23rd day of November 1937
audit and allowed claim ; 288 of Cole and Sullivan Corp. in an amount
of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00 ) and
WH.REAS an item of Five Dollars (35.00 ) in said claim was
erroneously allowed and no warrant was issued directing payment of
the same.
RESOLVED That the amount allowed on said claim be 'aud .the
same :fn hereby amended to read Thirty Dollars (330.00) and the said
item of Five Dollars ($5. 00 )00 ) in said claim be and hereby dissalloio
and the Clrr is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant on
the supervisor for the payment of the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.40 )
representing the amount allowed.
Duly a . ted_ by the following vote:
.. Ayes - -gr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
ltwler. •
Noes )rQne.
SOLUT 101 No., 849 . Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by
Mr. Be»ticy,
WHEN 1Plpyd ,1sworth Justice of Peace is retiring from
the offde of d .stice of`the Peace of the Town of 9,ueenebury and
JJRWJKS he has always acted in good faith in his action while
a mem'b_er., 0`,, his board and has always acted with a spirit of an-
operation"wiit'h each member' of the Board in that the best interest fair
the Town a�r Ueenabury' XnW might prevail.
TH'EREPORE be it, tpeolved That this Board expresses its
apprecition , Mr. Ellsworiiu for his co-operation and good fellowship
while a member of this Board and regret, his departure from the Board
to take up private business.
Duly adopted by the following votes
Ayes - Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Noes - None
Mr. Ellsworth not voting.
The Bnard Audited the Claims as Follows,
0 Name of Claiment Nature of Cl�im l�mt�,��� ed Amt, owed
001 Ins,Agency Supervisors and 86.480.54
8 William Welsh Poor Relief 3100 3.00
309 Anna M. Hull " " 2.00 2.00
310 K.Locksmith &
Hardware Supty 'o Strap Hinges & Screws 35 355
311 Finoh:'Pavyii�e Oc ° ,w :Z,umber for Railing Booths 2.08 2.08
312 Ad dqk �ASndgr `.'`ruck Ins, 157.10 157.10
Writers& Realty Corp
'r 313 AdirondackUnderwriters
&Realty Corp, Truck Ins 157.10 157.10
314 Owen Kane Inspecting voting Mac 10.00 10.00
315 Delong Fuel Co, Poor Relief 20.35 20.35
316 Mrs A.E.Reath " " 5.00 5.00
317 Hartford Aced &
k Ind Co Offical Bond :Ellsworth 5.00 5.00
318 N.Y.P & L Corp St Lights 34.36 34.36
k 319 Wilmarth & Son Chrs for Poling Place 15.40 15.40
320 Anna M. Hull Poor Relief 4.00 4.00
321 Thomas Hall Witnessing Voting
r Machine . 10.00 10.00
322 Mary R. Newcomb Poor Relief 33.05 33.05
323 F.J.Crannell " " 32.20 32.20
324 Curtis Lampoon Boatt,geeting 12.00 12.00
325 Floyd K.Ellaworth " " 8100 8.00
326 Meredith S.Bentley " " 8.00 8.00
327 Chartres Nobles Justice Service 108, 90 108190
328 Floyd K.Ellsworth " " 75.88 75.85
329 thtis Lampoon " r- " 96,80 96.80
W-Charles Baldin KiniaglBoits 10100 10,00
34 Charles Baldin Constable Service 83.34 73.34 -'
3$2 A.J.VanWagner " " 7"7.66 ?5. 66
333 A.J.VanWagner Killing Dogs 4.00 4.00
334 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Service 62.98 62,98
335 Anthony Capone Depty Sherif 58.92 58,992
- 336 Mahican Grange Rental of Hall 30.00 30100
337 J.C.Chitty Printing Notices 15.85 15.85
338 D.E1mer Fowler Percentage 405.74 445.74
339 N.J.Loughlin Pipe 2.05 2.05
340 Bert D. Turner Town Clk Services 84.00 84.00
341 Clayton Woodbury Lumber Material 19.83 19183
342 F.A.Rchardson Poor Relief 61.45 61.45
On Motion eeting AdJourned.
Special Meeting Jan 3rd,1938
- At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on
the above date at 7 P.M. the following members were present.
D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor "
Charles Nobles` Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley
Curtis Lampson
Ralph Been n "
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Application of Fred Ricketts Charles Baldwin Arthur VanWagner- Lester
Brownell Russell Harris- Howard Gray for appointment as Constable were
read to the Board A Petitions signed by Republican County Comittee
recommendog the appointment Fred Ricketts and Russell Harris was also
read to the Board -A petitionSigned by 7esident and Taxpayers of llectio
District #2 recommending the appointment of Fred Ricketts was also !
read to the Board A general decussion by the Board as to number of
constable to be appointed was had and the following Resolution was /